This list is an exhaustive collection of all work published at LUMCON since its founding. It includes peer-reviewed research papers, agency and contract reports, books and book chapters, published correspondence, and book reviews. Authors include current and former Executive Directors, faculty, scientists, postdoctoral employees, and staff members. Citations are arranged alphabetically by year, and include Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) when possible.

Copies of specific papers can be requested by contacting

1981-1990 · 1991-2000 · 2001-2010 · 2011-2020  · 2021-Present



Boesch DF, Rosenberg R. 1981. Response to stress in marine benthic communities. In: Barrett GM, Rosenberg R, editors. Stress effects on natural ecosystems. New York: John Wiley. p. 179-200.

Christmas JY, Hall CR, Hoese HD, Landry AM, Lyon JM, Patten BC. Life history. In: Sheridan PF, Ray SM, editors. 1981. Report of the Workshop on the Ecological Interactions Between Shrimp and Bottomfishes, April 1980. Washington, DC: US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service. p. 47-49.

Dagg MJ, Marine LU, Box LSR. 1981. The impact of zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton in continental shelf regions of the northeast United States, and in the southeast Bering Sea. Report submitted to the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Statutory Meeting, ICES CM 1981, L:31, Biological Oceanography Committee. 12 p.

Hoese HD. 1981. Some effects of fresh water on the Atchafalaya Bay system. In: Cross RD, Williams DL, editors. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Freshwater Inflow to Estuaries, volume II. Washington, DC: US Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. p. 110-124.


Boesch DF. 1982. Causes and consequences of coastal erosion and wetlands modification in Louisiana. In: Proceedings: third annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, August 23-26, 1982. OCS Study MMS 1982-42. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Office. p. 120-122.

Boesch DF. 1982. Causes and effects of shelf oxygen depletion: lessons from the 1976 New York Bight episode. In: Proceedings: third annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, August 23-26, 1982. OCS Study MMS 1982-42. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Office. p. 190-190.

Boesch DF. 1982. Ecosystem consequences of alterations of benthic community structure and function in the New York Bight region. In: Mayer GF, editor. Ecological stress in the New York Bight: science and management. Columbia (SC): Estuarine Research Federation. p. 543-568.

Boesch DF. 1982. MMS Scientific Advisory Committee. In: Proceedings: third annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, August 23-26, 1982. OCS Study MMS 1982-42. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Office. p. 19-21.

Boesch DF, editor. 1982. Proceedings of the Conference on Coastal Erosion and Wetland Modification in Louisiana: causes, consequences and options: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, October 5-7, 1981. Washington, DC: US Fish and Wildlife Service. 256 p.

Boesch DF. 1982. A radiographic examination of physical and biogenic sedimentary structures in the Chesapeake Bay. Maryland Geological Survey, Report of Investigations no. 36. Gloucester Point (VA): Virginia Institute of Marine Science. 58 p.

Dagg MJ, Cowles TJ. 1982. Letter to the editor—A response: Grazing by copepods in the Peru upwelling. Deep Sea Research. Part A, Oceanographic Research Papers. 29(1):147. doi:10.1016/0198-0149(82)90067-X

Dagg MJ, Turner JT. 1982. The impact of copepod grazing on the phytoplankton of Georges Bank and the New York Bight. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 39(7):979-990. doi:10.1139/f82-133

Dagg MJ, Vidal J, Whitledge TE, Iverson RL, Goering JJ. 1982. The feeding, respiration, and excretion of zooplankton in the Bering Sea during a spring bloom. Deep Sea Research. Part A, Oceanographic Research Papers. 29(1):45-63. doi:10.1016/0198-0149(82)90060-7

Nilsen KJ, Diaz RJ, Boesch DF, Bertelsen R, Kravitz M. 1982. The biogenic structure of lower Chesapeake Bay sediments. Gloucester Point (VA): Virginia Institute of Marine Science. 168 p.

Reinharz E, Nilsen KJ, Boesch DF, Bertelsen R, O’Connell AE. 1982. A radiographic examination of physical and biogenic sedimentary structures in the Chesapeake Bay. Report of Investigations no. 36. Baltimore (MD): Department of Natural Resources, Maryland Geological Survey. 58 p.

Schaffner LC, Boesch DF. 1982. Spatial and temporal resource use by dominant benthic Amphipoda (Ampeliscidae and Corophiidae) on the Middle Atlantic Bight outer continental shelf. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 9:231-243. doi:10.3354/meps009231

Wolfe DA, Boesch DF, Calabrese A, Lee JJ, Litchfield CD, Livingston RJ, Michael AD, O’Connor JM, Pilson M, and Sick LV. 1982. Effects of toxic substances on communities and ecosystems. In: Mayer GF, editor. Ecological stress in the New York Bight: science and management. Columbia (SC): Estuarine Research Federation. p. 67-86.


Alongi DM, Boesch DF, Diaz R. 1983. Colonization of meiobenthos in oil contaminated subtidal sands in the Chesapeake Bay. Marine Biology. 72(3):325-335. doi:10.1007/BF00396839

Boesch DF. 1983. Implications of oxygen depletion on the continental shelf of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Coastal Ocean Pollution Assessment News. 2(3):25-28.

Boesch DF, Levin D, Nummedal D, and Bowles K. 1983. Subsidence in coastal Louisiana: causes, rates and effects on wetlands. Washington, DC: US Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Services Program. 30 p.

Boesch DF, Roberts MH. 1983. Biological effects. In: Myers EP, editor. Ocean disposal of municipal wastewater: impacts on the coastal environment. Cambridge (MA): Massachusetts Institute of Technology. p. 423-517.

Boesch DF, Zhican T, Fengshan X, Nilsen KJ. 1983. Macrobenthos and biogenic structures in sediments of the East China Sea continental shelf. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Sedimentation on the Continental Shelf, with special reference to the East China Sea: April 12-16, 1983, Hangzhou, China. Beijing: China Ocean Press. p. 819-828.

Dagg MJ. 1983. A method for the determination of copepod feeding rates during short time intervals. Marine Biology. 75(1):63-67. doi:10.1007/BF00392631

Dagg MJ. 1983. Zooplankton feeding and egg production in the southeast Bering Sea. In: PROBES: processes and resources of the Bering Sea shelf, final progress report, volume 1. (publishing information not available). p.419-452.

Dagg MJ, Wyman KD. 1983. Natural ingestion rates of the copepods Neocalanus plumchrus and N. cristatus calculated from gut contents. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 13:37-46. doi:10.3354/meps013037

National Research Council (US). Panel on Assessment of Fates and Effects of Drilling Fluids and Cuttings in the Marine Environment (including Boesch DF). 1983. Drilling discharges in the marine environment. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. 180 p.

Rabalais NN, Cameron JN. 1983. Abbreviated development of Uca subcylindrica (Stimpson, 1859)(Crustacea, Decapoda, Ocypodidae) reared in the laboratory. Journal of Crustacean Biology. 3(4):519-541. doi:10.1163/193724083X00193

Turner JT, Dagg MJ. 1983. Vertical distributions of continental shelf zooplankton in stratified and isothermal waters. Biological Oceanography. 3(1):1-40. doi:10.1080/01965581.1983.10749470


Boesch DF. 1984. Introduction: Field assessment of marine pollution effects: the agony and the ecstasy. In: White HH, editor. Concepts in marine pollution measurements. College Park (MD): Maryland Sea Grant College, University of Maryland. p. 643-646.

Boesch DF. 1984. A critique of the design of rig monitoring studies. In: Proceedings: fourth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, November 1983. OCS Study MMS 84-0026. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico Regional Office. p. 253-255.

Boesch DF. 1984. National Research Council’s study of drilling fluids and cuttings in the marine environment. In: Proceedings: fourth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, November 1983. OCS Study MMS 84-0026. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico Regional Office. p. 269-272.

Boesch DF. 1984. Status of the OCS Long-Term Effects Program. In: Proceedings: fourth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, November 1983. OCS Study MMS 84-0026. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico Regional Office. p. 194-195.

Boesch DF, Day JW Jr, Turner RE. 1984. Deterioration of coastal environments in the Mississippi deltaic plain: options for management. In: Kennedy V, editor. The estuary as a filter. New York: Academic Press. p. 447-466. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-405070-9.50027-X

Boesch DF, Turner RE. 1984. Dependence of fishery species on salt marshes: the role of food and refuge. Estuaries. 7(4):460-468. doi:10.2307/1351627

Dagg MJ. 1984. Temperature, salinity, chlorophyll and nutrient concentrations in Terrebonne Bay, Louisiana from October 1982 to October 1983. LUMCON Data Report No. 1. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.

Dagg MJ, Clarke ME, Nishiyama T, Smith SL. 1984. Production and standing stock of copepod nauplii, food items for larvae of the walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in the southeastern Bering Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 19:7-16. doi:10.3354/meps019007

Soniat TM, Boesch DF. 1984. The effects of variations of freshwater input on estuarine condition and productivity. In: Boesch DF, editor. An assessment and diagnostic model of major factors affecting estuarine condition and productivity: quality and quantity of freshwater inflows. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.


Boesch DF. 1985. Environmental study needs related to offshore oil and gas development in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico: a perspective. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 14 p.

Dagg MJ. 1985. The effects of food limitation on diel migratory behavior in marine zooplankton. Archiv für Hydrobiologie. Beihefte. Ergebnisse der Limnologie. 21:247-255.

Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium; Nicholls State University. 1985. Assessment of sources of sewage contamination of Terrebonne Parish oyster growing waters: executive summary. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 11 p.

Politz MK. 1985. Implementing microcomputer software for marine science libraries. In: Grundy RL, Ford RT, editors. Year of the oceans: science of information handling, 10th Annual Conference of the International Association of Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMLSIC), Woods Hole, MA, October 2-5, 1984. Port Aransas (TX): University of Texas at Austin, Marine Science Institute. p. 221-232.

Rabalais NN, Cameron JN. 1985. The effects of factors important in semiarid environments on the early development of Uca subcylindrica. Biological Bulletin. 168(1):147-160. doi:10.2307/1541180

Rabalais NN, Cameron JN. 1985. Physiological and morphological adaptations of adult Uca subcylindrica to semi-arid environments. Biological Bulletin. 168(1):135-146. doi:10.2307/1541179

Rabalais NN, Dagg MJ, Boesch DF. 1985. Nationwide review of oxygen depletion and eutrophication in estuarine and coastal waters: Gulf of Mexico (Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas). Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 59 p.

Rabalais NN, Gore RH. 1985. Abbreviated development in decapods. In: Wenner AM, editor. Crustacean issues 2: larval growth. Rotterdam (NL): A.A. Balkema. p. 67-126

Rhoads DC, Boesch DF, Zhican T, Fengshan X, Liqiang H, Nilsen KJ. 1985. Macrobenthos and sedimentary facies on the Changjiang delta platform and adjacent continental shelf, East China Sea. Continental Shelf Research. 4(1-2):189-213. doi:10.1016/0278-4343(85)90029-9


Dagg MJ, Walser WE Jr. 1986. The effect of food concentration on fecal pellet size in marine copepods. Limnology and Oceanography. 31(5):1066-1071. doi:10.4319/lo.1986.31.5.1066

Felder DL, Rabalais NN. 1986. The genera Chasmocarcinus Rathbun and Speocarcinus Stimpson on the continental shelf of the Gulf of Mexico, with descriptions of two new species (Decapoda: Brachyura: Goneplacidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology. 6(3):547-575. doi:10.1163/193724086X00398

Green HM, Stoddard DR, Reed DJ, Bayliss-Smith TP. 1986. Saltmarsh tidal creek dynamics, Scolt Head Island, Norfolk, England. In: Sigbjarnarson G, editor. Iceland coastal and River Symposium, proceedings: papers presented at Symposium on Coastal Geomorphology, Sedimentary Budgets, Coastal and River Hydraulics, 2-4 September 1985. Reykjavik (IS): Organizing Committee of the Symposium. p. 93-103.

Pulich W Jr, Rabalais S. 1986. Primary production potential of blue-green algal mats on southern Texas tidal flats. The Southwestern Naturalist. 31(1):39-47. doi:10.2307/3670958

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Wiseman WJ Jr, Boesch DF. 1986. Hydrographic, biological, and nutrient characteristics of the water column in the Mississippi River Delta Bight, June, 1985 to December, 1985. LUMCON Data Report No. 2. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Wiseman WJ Jr, Boesch DF. 1986. Hydrographic, biological, and nutrient characteristics of the water column on the Louisiana shelf, July and September, 1985. LUMCON Data Report No. 3. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.


Boesch DF. 1987. Impact of sea level rise on Louisiana wetlands: benefits of curtailing wetland loss in Terrebonne Parish: draft report. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 31 p.

Boesch DF. 1987. Louisiana estuaries: issues, resources, status, and management. In: Coastal zone ’87: proceedings of the fifth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management, the Westin Hotel, Seattle, Washington, May 26-29, 1987. New York: American Society of Civil Engineers. p. 3119-3128.

Boesch DF, Butler JN, Cacchione DA, Geraci JR, Neff JM, Ray JP, Teal JM. 1987. An assessment of the long-term environmental effects of U.S. offshore oil and gas development activities: future research needs. In: Boesch DF, Rabalais NN, editors. Long-term environmental effects of offshore oil and gas development. New York: Elsevier Applied Science.
p. 1-53.

Boesch DF, Rabalais NN, editors. 1987. Long-term environmental effects of offshore oil and gas development. New York: Elsevier Applied Science. 696 p. doi:10.4324/9780203497777

Boesch DF, Robilliard GA. 1987. Physical alteration of marine and coastal habitats resulting from offshore oil and gas development activities. In: Boesch DF, Rabalais NN, editors. Long-term environmental effects of offshore oil and gas development. New York: Elsevier Applied Science. p. 619-650.

Dagg MJ, Ortner PB, Al-Yamani F. 1987. Winter-time distribution and abundance of copepod nauplii in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Fishery Bulletin. 86(2):319-330.

Dagg MJ, Walser WE Jr. 1987. Ingestion, gut passage, and egestion by the copepod Neocalanus plumchrus in the laboratory and in the subarctic Pacific Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography. 32(1):178-188. doi:10.4319/lo.1987.32.1.0178

Diaz RI, Erséus C, Boesch DF. 1987. Distribution and ecology of Middle Atlantic Bight Oligochaeta. Hydrobiologia. 155:215-225. doi:10.1007/978-94-009-3091-9_29

Dortch Q. 1987. The biochemical composition of plankton in a subsurface chlorophyll maximum. Deep Sea Research. Part A, Oceanographic Research Papers. 34(5-6):705-712. doi:10.1016/0198-0149(87)90031-8

Houde ED, Chesney EJ, Newberger TA. 1987. Bay anchovy ecology in mid-Chesapeake Bay. In: Mackiernan GB, editor. Dissolved oxygen in the Chesapeake Bay: processes and effects: proceedings of a Seminar on Hypoxic and Related Processes in Chesapeake Bay. College Park (MD): University of Maryland Sea Grant. p. 147-148.

McKee BA, DeMaster DJ, Nittrouer CA. 1987. Uranium geochemistry on the Amazon shelf: evidence for uranium release from bottom sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 51(10):2779-2786. doi:10.1016/0016-7037(87)90157-8

Murrell MC, Dagg MJ. 1987. LaSER oceanography: data report number 1, R/V Pelican cruise, July 21 – August 1, 1987, CTD and Hydrographic Data. LUMCON Data Report No. 4. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.

Neff JM, Rabalais NN, Boesch DF. 1987. Offshore oil and gas activities potentially causing long-term environmental effects. In: Boesch DF, Rabalais NN, editors. Long-term environmental effects of offshore oil and gas development. New York: Elsevier Applied Science. p. 149-173.

Pethick JS, Reed DJ. 1987. Coastal protection in an area of salt marsh erosion. In: Kraus NC, editor. Coastal sediments ’87: proceedings of a Specialty Conference on Advances in Understanding of Coastal Sediment Processes, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 12-14, 1987. New York: American Society of Civil Engineers. p. 1094-1104.

Rabalais NN. 1987. Oxygen depleted waters on the Louisiana continental shelf. In: Proceedings, seventh annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, November 1986. OCS Report MMS 87-0058. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office. p. 314-316, 319-320.

Rabalais NN, Boesch DF. 1987. Dominant features and processes of continental shelf environments of the United States. In: Boesch DF, Rabalais NN, editors. Long-term environmental effects of offshore oil and gas development. New York: Elsevier Applied Science. p. 71-147.

Rabalais NN, Boesch DF. 1987. Extensive depletion of oxygen in bottom waters of the Louisiana shelf during 1985. Coastal Ocean Pollution Assessment News. 3(4):1-3

Rabalais SC. 1987. The biology of sea turtles in the northern and western Gulf of Mexico with reference to dredging activities. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 25 p.

Reed DJ. 1987. Temporal sampling and discharge asymmetry in salt marsh creeks. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 25(4):459-466. doi:10.1016/0272-7714(87)90037-0

Reed DJ. 1987. Short-term variability in salt marsh sedimentation, Terrebonne Bay, Louisiana. In: Brodtmann NV Jr, editor. Proceedings of the fourth Water Quality & Wetland Management Conference: New Orleans, Louisiana, September 24-25, 1987. (publishing information not known) p. 221-234.

Turner RE, Kaswadji R, Rabalais NN, Boesch DF. 1987. Long-term changes in the Mississippi River water quality and its relationship to hypoxic continental shelf waters. In: Lynch MP, editor. Estuarine and coastal management – tools of the trade. Proceedings of the tenth National Conference of the Coastal Society. Bethesda (MD): Coastal Society. p. 261-266.


Chesney EJ, Alonso-Noval M. 1988. The role of physical oceanographic processes in the early life history of sardines, Sardina pilchardus, along the Galician coast of Spain. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Early Life History Symposium Paper No. 25. (publishing information not known). 17 p.

Clayton JR Jr, Dortch Q, Thoresen SS, Ahmed SI. 1988. Evaluation of methods for the separation and analysis of proteins and free amino acids in phytoplankton samples. Journal of Plankton Research. 10:341-358. doi:10.1093/plankt/10.3.341

Dagg MJ. 1988. Physical and biological responses to the passage of a winter storm in the coastal and inner shelf waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Continental Shelf Research. 8(2):167-178. doi:10.1016/0278-4343(88)90052-0

Dortch Q, Townsend DW, Spinrad RW, Mayer LM. 1988. The role of nepheloid layers in benthic-pelagic coupling. In: Babb I, De Luca M, editors. Benthic productivity and marine resources of the Gulf of Maine. National Undersea Research Program Research Report 88-3. Rockville (MD): US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, Office of Undersea Research. p. 181-203.

Gifford DJ. 1988. Impact of grazing by microzooplankton in the northwest arm of Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 47:249-258. doi:10.3354/meps047249

Gifford DJ, Dagg MJ. 1988. Feeding of the estuarine copepod Acartia tonsa Dana: carnivory vs. herbivory in natural microplankton assemblages. Bulletin of Marine Science. 43(3):458-468.

Houde ED, Nyman RM, Rutherford ES, Chesney EJ. 1988. Mortality, growth and growth rate variability of striped bass larvae in Chesapeake subestuaries. Reference Number [UMCES]CBL 88-147. Solomons (MD): University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory. 131 p.

Miller CB and SUPER Group (including Dagg MJ). 1988. Lower trophic level production dynamics in the oceanic subarctic Pacific Ocean. Bulletin of the Ocean Research Institute. 26(1):1-26.

Murrell MC, Dagg MJ. 1988. LaSER Oceanography: Data report number 2, R/V Pelican cruise, April 16-24, 1988, CTD, hydrographic, and light data. LUMCON Data Report No. 5. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.

Packard TT, Minas HJ, Coste B, Bonin MC, Gostan J, Garfield P, Christensen J, Dortch Q, Minas M, et al. 1988. Formation of the Alboran oxygen minimum zone. Deep Sea Research. Part A, Oceanographic Research Papers. 35(7):1111-1118. doi:10.1016/0198-0149(88)90003-9

Rabalais NN. 1988. Hypoxia on the continental shelf of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. In: Physical oceanography of the Louisiana-Texas continental shelf: proceedings of a symposium held in Galveston, Texas, May 24-26, 1988. OCS Study MMS 88-0065. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office. p. 81-87.

Reed DJ. 1988. Sediment dynamics and deposition in a retreating coastal salt marsh. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 26(1):67-79. doi:10.1016/0272-7714(88)90012-1

Reed DJ. 1988. Tidal currents and glacial discharge, Laguna San Rafael, southern Chile. Journal of Coastal Research. 4(1):93-102.

Reed, DJ, Wood RM, Best J. 1988. Earthquakes, rivers and ice: scientific research at Laguna San Rafael, southern Chile. Geographical Journal 154(3):392-405. doi:10.2307/634611

Turner RE, Boesch DF. 1988. Aquatic animal production and wetland relationships: insights gleaned following wetland loss or gain. In: The ecology and management of wetlands. Volume 1: ecology of wetlands. New York: Springer. p. 25-39. doi:10.1007/978-1-4684-8378-9_3

Wicker KM, Boesch DF. 1988. Studies of impacts of OCS activities on sensitive coastal habitats (barrier beaches and non-Louisiana wetlands). In: Proceedings: eighth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, December 1987. OCS Study MMS 88-0035. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office. p. 198-201.


Boesch DF, Day JW Jr, Conner W. 1989. Barataria-Terrebonne estuarine complex: Governor’s nomination and request for a management conference under the National Estuary Program. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 109 p.

Boesch DF, Rabalais NN. 1989. Environmental impact of produced water discharges in coastal Louisiana: report to the Louisiana division of the Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 287 p.

Boesch DF, Rabalais NN, editors. 1989. Produced waters in sensitive coastal habitats, central coastal Gulf of Mexico. OCS Report MMS 89-0031. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office. 157 p.

Chesney EJ. 1989. Estimating the food requirements of striped bass larvae Morone saxatilis: effects of light, turbidity and turbulence. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 53:191-200. doi:10.3354/meps053191

Chesney EJ, Alonso-Noval M. 1989. Coastal upwelling and the early life history of sardines (Sardina pilchardus) along the Galician coast of Spain. Rapports et Procès-Verbaux des Réunions / Conseil Permanent International pour l’Exploration de la Mer. 191:63-69.

Christensen JP, Packard TT, Dortch Q, Minas HJ, Gascard JC, Richez C, Garfield PC. 1989. Carbon oxidation in the deep Mediterranean Sea: evidence for dissolved organic carbon source. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 3(4):315-335. doi:10.1029/GB003i004p00315

Dagg MJ, Dortch Q, McKee BA, Rabalais NN, Adams C, Fleeger JW, Rouse LJ, Shaw RF, Turner RE, Twilley RR, et al. 1989. Oceanographic processes on continental shelves influenced by large rivers. In: Proceedings: ninth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, October 1988. OCS Study MMS 89-0060. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office. p. 126-127.

Dagg MJ, Frost BW, Walser WE Jr. 1989. Copepod diel migration, feeding, and the vertical flux of pheopigments. Limnology and Oceanography. 34(6):1062-1071. doi:10.4319/lo.1989.34.6.1062

Dagg MJ, Walser WE Jr. 1989. Patterns of egg production in the copepod Acartia tonsa in a shallow Louisiana estuary. In: Day JW Jr, Conner WH, editors. Physical processes, ecological dynamics, and management implications: results of research in the Atchafalaya Bay delta. Baton Rouge (LA): Louisiana State University, Center for Wetland Resources, Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. p. 150-156.

Dortch Q. 1989. Biomass, trophic structure, and nitrogen limitation across salinity fronts in the plume of the Mississippi River. In: Proceedings: ninth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, October 1988. OCS Study MMS 89-0060. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office. p. 128-130.

Dortch, Q Packard TT. 1989. Differences in biomass structure between oligotrophic and eutrophic marine ecosystems. Deep Sea Research. Part A, Oceanographic Research Papers. 36(2):223-240. doi:10.1016/0198-0149(89)90135-0

Dortch Q, Postel JR. 1989. Phytoplankton-nitrogen interactions. In: Landry MR, Hickey BM, editors. Coastal oceanography of Washington and Oregon. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers. p. 139-173.

Dortch Q, Postel JR. 1989. Biochemical indicators of N utilization by phytoplankton during upwelling off the Washington coast. Limnology and Oceanography. 34(4):758-773. doi:10.4319/lo.1989.34.4.0758

Houde ED, Chesney EJ, Newberger TA, Vazquez AV, Zastrow CE, Morin LG, Harvey HR, Gooch JW. 1989. Population biology of bay anchovy in Mid-Chesapeake Bay. Reference Number [UMCEES]CBL 89-141. Solomons (MD): University of Maryland System Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory. 211 p.

Lynch JC, Meriwether JR, McKee BA, Vera-Herrera F, Twilley RR. 1989. Recent accretion in mangrove ecosystems based on 137 Cs and 210 Pb. Estuaries. 12(4):284-299. doi:10.2307/1351907

McIvor CC, Rozas LP, Odum WE. 1989. Use of the marsh surface by fishes in tidal freshwater wetlands. In: Sharitz RR, Gibbons J, editors. Freshwater wetlands and wildlife: proceedings of a symposium held at Charleston, South Carolina, March 24-27, 1986. Washington, DC: US Department of Energy. p. 541-552.

Rabalais NN, Boesch DF, Milan CS, Henry CB, Means JC, Gambrell RP, Overton EB. 1989. Impacts of OCS-related activities on coastal habitats: produced waters. In: Proceedings: ninth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, October 1988. OCS Study MMS 89-0060. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office. p. 27-33.

Rabalais NN, Smith LE, Boesch DF. 1989. The effects of hypoxic water on the benthic fauna of the continental shelf off southeastern Louisiana. In: Proceedings: ninth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, October 1988. OCS Study MMS 89-0060. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office. p. 147-152.

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Wiseman WJ Jr, Boesch DF. 1989. Hydrographic, biological, and nutrient characteristics of the water column on the southeastern Louisiana Coast, January, 1986 to November, 1986. LUMCON Data Report No. 6. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Wiseman WJ Jr, Boesch DF. 1989. Hydrographic, biological, and nutrient characteristics of the water column on the Louisiana shelf, July, 1986. LUMCON Data Report No. 7. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Wiseman WJ Jr, Boesch DF. 1989. Hydrographic, biological, and nutrient characteristics of the water column on the Louisiana shelf, July, 1987. LUMCON Data Report No. 8. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Wiseman WJ Jr, Boesch DF. 1989. Hydrographic, biological, and nutrient characteristics of the water column on the Louisiana shelf during 1988. LUMCON Data Report No. 9. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.

Rabalais SC, Pulich WM Jr, Rabalais NN, Felder DL, Tinnin RK, Kalke RD. 1989. A biological and physiological characterization of the Rio Carrizal Estuary, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Contributions in Marine Science. 31:25-37.

Reed DJ. 1989. Environments of tidal marsh deposition in Laguna San Rafael area, southern Chile. Journal of Coastal Research. 5(4):845-856.

Reed DJ. 1989. Modeling sediment delivery to Louisiana coastal salt marshes: natural processes and options for management. In: Duffy WG, Clark D, editors. Marsh management in coastal Louisiana: effects and issues: proceedings of a symposium. Washington, DC: US Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Research and Development. p. 67-74.

Reed DJ. 1989. Patterns of sediment deposition in subsiding coastal salt marshes, Terrebonne Bay, Louisiana: the role of winter storms. Estuaries. 12(4):222-227. doi:10.2307/1351901

Reed DJ. 1989. The role of salt marsh erosion in barrier island evolution and deterioration in coastal Louisiana. Transactions / Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies. 39:501-510.

Spinrad RW, Yentsch CM, Brown J, Dortch Q, Haugen E, Revelante N, Shapiro L. 1989. The response of beam attenuation to heterotrophic growth in a natural population of plankton. Limnology and Oceanography. 34(8):1601-1605. doi:10.4319/lo.1989.34.8.1601

Stoddart DR, Reed DJ, French JR. 1989. Understanding salt-marsh accretion, Scolt Head Island, Norfolk, England. Estuaries. 12(4):228-236. doi:10.2307/1351902

Toon R, Dagg MJ. 1989. LaSER Oceanography: Data report Number 3, R/V Pelican cruise, April 10-22, 1989, CTD and hydrographic data. LUMCON Data Report No. 10. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.

White JR, Dagg MJ. 1989. Effects of suspended sediments on egg production of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa. Marine Biology. 102(3):315-319. doi:10.1007/BF00428483


Boesch DF. 1990. National Research Council assessment of marine environmental monitoring: implications for oil and gas development in the Gulf of Mexico. In: Carney RS, editor. Northern Gulf of Mexico Environmental Studies Planning Workshop: proceedings of a workshop held in New Orleans, August 15-17, 1989. OCS Study MMS 90-0018. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office. p. 39-42.

Chesney EJ. 1990. A model of survival and growth of striped bass larvae, Morone saxatilis in the Potomac River, 1987. International Council Exploration of the Sea, C.M. 1990/M:16.

Dortch Q. 1990. The interaction between nitrate and ammonium uptake in phytoplankton. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 61:183-201. doi:10.3354/meps061183

Dortch Q. 1990. Possible effects of oil and gas production on plankton processes in the plume of the Mississippi River. In: Carney RS, editor. Northern Gulf of Mexico Environmental Studies Planning Workshop: proceedings of a workshop held in New Orleans, August 15-17, 1989. OCS Study MMS 90-0018. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office. p. 97-99.

Houde ED, Rutherford ES, Nyman RM, Chesney EL, Newberger TA, Monteleone DM, Morin LG. 1990. Egg production and larval dynamics of striped bass and white perch in the Potomac River and upper Chesapeake Bay. Interim Report to Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Reference Number [UMCEES]CBL 90-114. Solomons (MD): University of Maryland System, Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory.

Lohrenz SE, Dagg MJ, Whitledge TE. 1990. Enhanced primary production at the plume/oceanic interface of the Mississippi River. Continental Shelf Research. 10(7):639-664. doi:10.1016/0278-4343(90)90043-L

National Research Council (US). Committee on a Systems Assessment of Marine Environmental Monitoring (including Boesch DF). 1990. Managing troubled waters: the role of marine environmental monitoring. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. 136 p. doi:10.17226/1439

Rabalais NN. 1990. Biological communities of the south Texas continental shelf. American Zoologist. 30(1):77-87. doi:10.1093/icb/30.1.77

Rabalais, NN. 1990. The dead zone. Gulfwatch. 2(2):1, 4, 7.

Rabalais NN. 1990. Ecosystems of the Texas-Louisiana OCS Region. In: Carney RS, editor. Northern Gulf of Mexico Environmental Studies Planning Workshop: proceedings of a workshop held in New Orleans, August 15-17, 1989. OCS Study MMS 90-0018. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office. p. 89-94.

Rabalais NN. 1990. Effects of nutrients on the Gulf system. In: The environmental and economic status of the Gulf of Mexico. Stennis (MS): Gulf of Mexico Program Office. p. 45-46.

Rabalais NN. 1990. Fate and effects of produced water discharges in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In: Proceedings: tenth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, December 1989. OCS Study MMS 90-0027. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office. p. 32-35.

Rabalais NN, Means JC, Boesch DF. 1990. Fate and effects of produced water discharges in coastal environments. In: Proceedings of the first International Symposium on Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Waste Management Practices: September 10-13, 1990, New Orleans, Louisiana. Washington, DC: US Environmental Protection Agency. p. 503-514.

Reed DJ. 1990. IGU commission on the coastal environment. GeoJournal. 20(2):158. doi:10.1007/BF00196745

Reed DJ. 1990. The impact of sea-level rise on coastal salt marshes. Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment. 14(4):465-481. doi:10.1177/030913339001400403

Rozas LP, LaSalle MW. 1990. A comparison of the diets of Gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis entering and leaving a Mississippi brackish marsh. Estuaries. 13(3):332-336. doi:10.2307/1351924

Stoddart DR, Reed DJ. 1990. Sea-level rise as a global geomorphic issue. Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment. 14(4): 441-445. doi:10.1177/030913339001400401

Toon R, Dagg MJ. 1990. LaSER oceanography: data report number 4, R/V Pelican cruise, September 20-27, 1989, CTD and hydrographic data. LUMCON Data Report No. 11. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.

Toon R, Dagg MJ. 1990. LaSER oceanography: data report number 5, R/V Pelican cruise, April 23-29, 1990, CTD and hydrographic data. LUMCON Data Report No. 12. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.

Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 1990. Sources of long-term variability in the northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf ecosystem. In: Carney RS, editor. Northern Gulf of Mexico Environmental Studies Planning Workshop: proceedings of a workshop held in New Orleans, August 15-17, 1989. OCS Study MMS 90-0018. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office. p. 79.

Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 1990. Sources of long-term variability in the northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf ecosystem. In: Proceedings: tenth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, December 1989. OCS Study MMS 90-0027. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office. p. 85-86.

Turner RE, Rabalais NN, Zhang Z-N. 1990. Phytoplankton biomass, production and growth limitations on the Huanghe (Yellow River) continental shelf. Continental Shelf Research. 10(6):545-571. doi:10.1016/0278-4343(90)90081-V

Walser WE Jr, Hughes RG, Rabalais SC. 1990. A new multiple interface data acquisition system (MIDAS) for use in shipboard data acquisition systems. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, C.M. 1990/C:28 Ref. L.



Berdalet E, Dortch Q. 1991. New double-staining technique for RNA and DNA measurement in marine phytoplankton. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 73:295-305. doi:10.3354/meps073295

Boesch DF, Rabalais NN. 1991. Effects of hypoxia on continental shelf benthos: comparisons between the New York Bight and the northern Gulf of Mexico. In: Tyson RV, Pearson TH, editors. Modern and ancient continental shelf anoxia. Geological Society Special Publication No. 58. London: Geological Society. p. 27-34. doi:10.1144/GSL.SP.1991.058.01.02

Dagg MJ. 1991. Neocalanus plumchrus (Marukawa): life in the nutritionally-dilute subarctic Pacific Ocean and the phytoplankton-rich Bering Sea. Bulletin of the Plankton Society of Japan. (Special Volume):217-225.

Dagg MJ, Grimes CB, Lohrenz SE, McKee BA, Twilley RR, Wiseman WJ Jr. 1991. Continental shelf food chains of the northern Gulf of Mexico. In: Sherman K, Alexander LM, Gold BD, editors. Food chains, yields, models and management of large marine ecosystems. Boulder (CO): Westview Press. p. 67-106.

Dagg MJ, Whitledge TE. 1991. Concentrations of copepod nauplii associated with the nutrient-rich plume of the Mississippi River. Continental Shelf Research. 11(11):1409-1423. doi:10.1016/0278-4343(91)90043-6

DeMaster DJ, Brewster DC, McKee BA, Nittrouer CA. 1991. Rates of particle scavenging, sediment reworking, and longitudinal ripple formation at the HEBBLE site based on measurements of 234Th and 210Pb. Marine Geology. 99(3-4):423-444. doi:10.1016/0025-3227(91)90054-8

DeMaster DJ, McKee BA, Moore WS, Nelson DM, Showers WJ, Smith WO. 1991. Geochemical processes occurring in the waters at the Amazon River/ocean boundary. Oceanography. 4(1):15-21. doi:10.5670/oceanog.1991.16

Dortch Q, Thompson PA, Harrison PJ. 1991. Short-term interaction between nitrate and ammonium uptake in Thalassiosira pseudonana: effect of preconditioning nitrogen source and growth rate. Marine Biology. 110(2):183-193. doi:10.1007/BF01313703

Dortch Q, Thompson PA, Harrison PJ. 1991. Variability in nitrate uptake kinetics in Thalassiosira pseudonana (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of Phycology. 27(1):35-39. doi:10.1111/j.0022-3646.1991.00035.x

Gifford DJ, Dagg MJ. 1991. The microzooplankton-mesozooplankton link: consumption of planktonic protozoa by the calanoid copepods Acartia tonsa Dana and Neocalanus plumchrus Marukawa. Marine Microbial Food Webs. 5(1):161-177.

LaSalle MW, Rozas LP. 1991. Comparing benthic macrofaunal assemblages of creekbank beds of the spikerush Eleocharis parvula (R&S) link and adjacent unvegetated areas in a Mississippi brackish marsh. Wetlands: the Journal of the Society of the Wetlands Scientists. 11(2):229-244. doi:10.1007/BF03160851

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Orlando SP Jr, Klein CJ, Rozas LP, Ward GH. 1991. Salinity characterization of Galveston Bay. In: Shipley FS, Kiesling RW, editors. Proceedings, Galveston Bay Characterization Workshop, February 21-23, 1991. GBNEP Publication No. 6. Webster (TX): Galveston Bay National Estuary Program. p. 179-185.

Orlando SP Jr, Klein CJ 3rd, Holliday SE, Shirzad FF, Bontempo DA, Rozas LP, Boesch DF, Brantley CG, Pollock BT, Longman S, et al. 1991. Analysis of salinity structure and stability for Texas estuaries. Rockville (MD): US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Strategic Assessment Branch. 92 p.

Rabalais NN. 1991. Egg production in crabs with abbreviated development. In: Wenner A, Kuris A, editors. Crustacean issues 7. Crustacean egg production. Rotterdam (NL): A.A. Balkema. p. 217-234.

Rabalais NN. 1991. Findings of the Minerals Management Service-funded study on produced waters: biological assessment. In: Proceedings: eleventh annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, November 1990. OCS Study MMS 91-0040. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 170-171.

Rabalais NN. 1991. Findings of the Minerals Management Service-funded study on produced waters: chemical contaminants. In: Proceedings: eleventh annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, November 1990. OCS Study MMS 91-0040. New Orleans (LA): US. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 165-170.

Rabalais NN. 1991. Introduction to the Minerals Management Service-funded study on produced waters and study site descriptions. In: Proceedings: eleventh annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, November 1990. OCS Study MMS 91-0040. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 161-165.

Rabalais NN, McKee BA, Reed DJ, Means JC. 1991. Fate and effects of nearshore discharges of OCS produced water. Volume I: executive summary. OCS Study MMS 91-0004. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. 48 p.

Rabalais NN, McKee BA, Reed DJ, Means JC. 1991. Fate and effects of nearshore discharges of OCS produced water. Volume II: technical report. OCS Study MMS 91-0005. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. 337 pp.

Rabalais NN, McKee BA, Reed DJ, Means JC. 1991. Fate and effects of nearshore discharges of OCS produced water. Volume III: appendices. OCS Study MMS 91-0006. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. 225 pp.

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Wiseman WJ Jr, Boesch DF. 1991. A brief summary of hypoxia on the northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf: 1985-1988. In: Tyson RY Pearson TH, editors. Modern and ancient continental shelf anoxia. London: The Geological Society. p. 35-47. doi:10.1144/GSL.SP.1991.058.01.03

Reed DJ. 1991. Ponds and bays: natural processes of coastal marsh erosion in the Mississippi deltaic plain, Louisiana, USA. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie Supplementband. 81:41-51.

Reed DJ. 1991. Sediment deposition in Louisiana coastal marshes. In: Coastal depositional systems in the Gulf of Mexico: quaternary framework and environmental issues: program with extended and illustrated abstracts; twelfth annual research conference, Gulf Coast section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Foundation, Adam’s Mark Hotel, Houston, Texas, December 8-11, 1991. Austin (TX): Earth Enterprises. p. 211-214. doi:10.5724/gcs.91.12.0211

Risk MJ, Sammarco PW. 1991. Cross-shelf trends in skeletal density of the massive coral Porites lobata from the Great Barrier Reef. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 69:195-200. doi:10.3354/meps069195

Sammarco PW. 1991. Geographically specific recruitment and postsettlement mortality as influences on coral communities: the cross-continental shelf transplant experiment. Limnology and Oceanography. 36(3):496-514. doi:10.4319/lo.1991.36.3.0496

Sammarco PW, Andrews JC, Risk MJ. 1991. Coral reef geomorphology as a function of seasonal prevailing currents and larval dispersal. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 88(1-2):1-12. doi:10.1016/0031-0182(91)90011-F

Sammarco PW, Scarlett C. 1991. Environmental impact assessment in Australia: some major issues. Canberra (AU): Resource Assessment Commission. 30 p.

Sammarco PW, Scarlett C. 1991. Environmental impact assessment in Australia: a compendium of procedures at three levels of government. Canberra (AU): Resource Assessment Commission. 127 p.

Toon R, Dagg MJ. 1991. LaSER oceanography: data report number 6, R/V Pelican cruise, October 23-29, 1990, CTD and hydrographic data. LUMCON Data Report No. 13. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.

Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 1991. Changes in Mississippi River water quality this century: implications for coastal food webs. BioScience. 41(3):140-147. doi:10.2307/1311453

Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 1991. Eutrophication and its effects on coastal habitats. In: Bolton HS, editor. Coastal wetlands. New York: American Society of Civil Engineers. p. 61-74.


Aliño PM, Sammarco PW, Coll JC. 1992. Competitive strategies in soft corals (Coelenterata, Octocorallia). IV. Environmentally induced reversals in competitive superiority. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 81:129-145. doi:10.3354/meps081129

Aliño PM, Coll JC, Sammarco PW. 1992. Toxic prey discrimination in a highly specialized predator Chaetodon melannotus (Block et Schneider): visual vs. chemical cues. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 164(2):209-220. doi:10.1016/0022-0981(92)90175-A

Antonelli PL, Sammarco PW. 1992. Allelochemic interactions on pandora reef. Open Systems and Information Dynamics. 1(2):207-215. doi:10.1007/BF02228944

Bierman VJ Jr, Hinz SC, Wiseman WJ Jr, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 1992. Mass balance modeling of water quality constituents in the Mississippi River plume/inner Gulf shelf region. In: Nutrient enhanced coastal ocean productivity: proceedings of workshop, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, October 1991. Publication TAMU-SG 92-109. Galveston (TX): Texas A&M University, Sea Grant Program. p. 27-36.

Bierman VJ Jr, Hinz SC, Wiseman WJ Jr, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 1992. Mass balance modeling of hypoxia and associated water quality parameters in the Mississippi River plume/inner Gulf shelf region. In: Water Environment Federation 65th Annual Conference & Exposition: proceedings, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 20-24, 1992. Alexandria (VA): Water Environment Federation. p. 237-248.

Checkley DM Jr, Dagg MJ, Uye S. 1992. Feeding, excretion, and egg production by individuals and populations of the marine, planktonic copepods, Acartia spp. and Centropages furcatus. Journal of Plankton Research. 14(1):71-96. doi:10.1093/plankt/14.1.71

Checkley DM Jr, Uye S, Dagg MJ, Mullin MM, Ōmori M, Onbe T, Zhu M-Y. 1992. Diel variation of the zooplankton and its environment at neritic stations in the Inland Sea of Japan and the north-west Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Plankton Research. 14(1):1-40. doi:10.1093/plankt/14.1.1

Coll JC, Aceret TL, Maida M, Sammarco PW. 1992. Marine chemical ecology: chemicals speak softly in all languages. In: Philippe A, Dominique L, editors. Troisième symposium sur les substances naturelles d’intérêt biologique de la région Pacifique-Asie = Third Pacific-Asia symposium on biologically active natural products. Nouméa (NC): Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. p. 227-236.

Dagg MJ, Ortner PB. 1992. Mesozooplankton grazing and the fate of carbon in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In: Nutrient enhanced coastal ocean productivity: proceedings of workshop, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, October 1991. Publication TAMU-SG 92-109. Galveston (TX): Texas A&M University, Sea Grant Program. p. 117-121.

Dortch Q, Bode A, Twilley RR. 1992. Nitrogen uptake and regeneration in surface waters of the Louisiana continental shelf influenced by the Mississippi River. In: Nutrient enhanced coastal ocean productivity: proceedings of workshop, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, October 1991. Publication TAMU-SG 92-109. Galveston (TX): Texas A&M University, Sea Grant Program. p. 52-56.

Dortch Q, Milsted D, Rabalais NN, Lohrenz SE, Redalje DG, Dagg MJ, Turner RE, Whitledge TE. 1992. Role of silicate availability in phytoplankton species composition and the fate of carbon. In: Nutrient enhanced coastal ocean productivity: proceedings of workshop, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, October 1991. Publication TAMU-SG 92-109. Galveston (TX): Texas A&M University, Sea Grant Program. p. 76-83.

Dortch Q, Pham C, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 1992. Respiration rates in bottom waters of the Louisiana shelf. In: Nutrient enhanced coastal ocean productivity: proceedings of workshop, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, October 1991. Publication TAMU-SG 92-109. Galveston (TX): Texas A&M University, Sea Grant Program. p. 140-144.

Dortch Q, Whitledge TE. 1992. Does nitrogen or silicon limit phytoplankton production in the Mississippi River plume and nearby regions? Continental Shelf Research. 12(11):1293-1309. doi:10.1016/0278-4343(92)90065-R

Eadie BJ, Robbins JA, Blackwelder P, Metz S, Trefry JH, McKee BA, Nelson TA. 1992. A Retrospective analysis of nutrient enhanced coastal ocean productivity in sediments. In: Nutrient enhanced coastal ocean productivity: proceedings of workshop, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, October 1991. Publication TAMU-SG 92-109. Galveston (TX): Texas A&M University, Sea Grant Program. p. 7-14.

Fahnenstiel GL, Marcovitz MH, McCormick MJ, Redalje DG, Lohrenz SE, Carrick HJ, Dagg MJ. 1992. High growth and microzooplankton-grazing loss rates for phytoplankton populations from the Mississippi River plume region. In: Nutrient enhanced coastal ocean productivity: proceedings of workshop, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, October 1991. Publication TAMU-SG 92-109. Galveston (TX): Texas A&M University, Sea Grant Program. p. 111-116.

Green EP, Harris RP, Duncan A. 1992. The production and ingestion of faecal pellets by nauplii of marine calanoid copepods. Journal of Plankton Research. 14(12):1631-1643. doi:10.1093/plankt/14.12.1631

Qureshi NA, Rabalais NN, Dortch Q. 1992. Seasonal differences in the sedimentation of zooplankton fecal pellets in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In: Nutrient enhanced coastal ocean productivity: proceedings of workshop, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, October 1991. Publication TAMU-SG 92-109. Galveston (TX): Texas A&M University, Sea Grant Program. p. 122-125.

Rabalais NN. 1992. An updated summary of status and trends in indicators of nutrient enrichment in the Gulf of Mexico. Report to Gulf of Mexico Program, Nutrient Enrichment Subcommittee. Publication No. EPA/800-R-92-004. Stennis Space Center (MS): US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Gulf of Mexico Program. 421 p.

Rabalais NN. 1992. Hypoxia component: Mississippi River plume hydrography LATEX physical oceanography program. In: Proceedings: twelfth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, November 1991. OCS Study MMS 92-0027. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. p. 479-482.

Rabalais NN. 1992. Influence of hypoxia on the interpretation of effects of petroleum production activities. In: Proceedings: twelfth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, November 1991. OCS Study MMS 92-0027. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. p. 255-259.

Rabalais NN, Harper DE Jr. 1992. Studies of benthic biota in areas affected by moderate and severe hypoxia. In: Nutrient enhanced coastal ocean productivity: proceedings of workshop, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, October 1991. Publication TAMU-SG 92-109. Galveston (TX): Texas A&M University, Sea Grant Program. p. 150-153.

Rabalais NN, Harper DE Jr. 1992. Studies of the benthic oxygen depletion phenomenon off Louisiana. In: Krock H-J, Harper DE Jr, editors. International pacifica scientific diving, 1991: proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences eleventh annual scientific diving symposium, 25-30 September, 1991, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii. Costa Mesa (CA): American Academy of Underwater Sciences. p. 57-63.

Rabalais NN, McKee BA, Reed DJ, Means JC. 1992. Fate and effects of produced water discharges in coastal Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico, USA. In: Ray JP, Engelhart FR, editors. Produced water: technological/environmental issues and solutions, New York: Plenum Press. p. 355-369. doi:10.1007/978-1-4615-2902-6_29

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Dortch Q. 1992. Louisiana continental shelf sediments: indicators of riverine influence. In: Nutrient enhanced coastal ocean productivity: proceedings of workshop, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, October 1991. Publication TAMU-SG 92-109. Galveston (TX): Texas A&M University, Sea Grant Program. p. 131-135.

Rabalais NN, Turner ER, Wiseman WJ Jr. 1992. Distribution and characteristics of hypoxia on the Louisiana shelf in 1990 and 1991. In: Nutrient enhanced coastal ocean productivity: proceedings of workshop, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, October 1991. Publication TAMU-SG 92-109. Galveston (TX): Texas A&M University, Sea Grant Program. p. 15-20.

Reed DJ, Cahoon DR. 1992. The relationship between marsh surface topography, hydroperiod, and growth of Spartina alterniflora in a deteriorating Louisiana salt marsh. Journal of Coastal Research. 8(1):77-87.

Reed DJ. 1992. The effect of weirs on sediment deposition in Louisiana coastal marshes. Environmental Management. 16(1):55-65. doi:10.1007/BF02393908

Reed DJ. 1992. Monitoring protocol for examination of the impacts of CWPPRA projects on soil development, subsidence, and marsh accretion. In: Steyer GD, Stewart RE Jr, editors. Monitoring program for Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act projects. Open-File Report 93-01. Lafayette (LA): National Wetlands Research Center. p. 45-54.

Rozas LP. 1992. Bottomless lift net for quantitatively sampling nekton on intertidal marshes. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 89(2-3):287-292. doi:10.3354/meps089287

Rozas LP. 1992. A comparison of shallow-water and marsh-surface habitats associated with pipeline canals and natural channels in Louisiana salt marshes. OCS Study MMS 92-0066. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. 25 p.

Rozas LP. 1992. Comparison of nekton habitats associated with pipeline canals and natural channels. In: Proceedings: twelfth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, November 1991. OCS Study MMS 92-0027. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. p. 241-255.

Rozas LP. 1992. Comparison of nekton habitats associated with pipeline canals and natural channels in Louisiana salt marshes. Wetlands: the Journal of the Society of the Wetlands Scientists. 12(2):136-146. doi:10.1007/BF03160594

Sammarco PW, Coll JC. 1992. Chemical adaptations in the Octocorallia: evolutionary considerations. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 88:93-104. doi:10.3354/meps088093

Toon R, Dagg MJ. 1992. Nutrient Enhanced Coastal Ocean Productivity (NECOP) data report: CTD and hydrographic data, R/V Pelican cruise, September 12-18, 1991. LUMCON Data Report No. 14. Chauvin, LA: Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.

Toon R, Dagg MJ. 1992. Nutrient Enhanced Coastal Ocean Productivity (NECOP) data report: CTD and hydrographic data, R/V Pelican cruise, May 5-17, 1992. LUMCON Data Report No. 16. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.

Toon R, Dagg MJ. 1992. DOE coastal ocean program: “Assimilation and transfer of carbon in oligotrophic and eutrophic coastal water columns” data report: CTD and hydrographic data, R/V Pelican cruise no. 92-10, October 19-27, 1992. LUMCON Data Report No. 17. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.

Toon R, Konikoff M, McNabb B. 1992. Young scholars cruise report: data report: CTD and hydrographic data, R/V Pelican cruise, July 2-5, 1992. LUMCON Data Report No. 15. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.

Townsend DW, Mayer LM, Dortch Q, Spinrad RW. 1992. Vertical structure and biological activity in the bottom nepheloid layer of the Gulf of Maine. Continental Shelf Research. 12(2-3):367-387. doi:10.1016/0278-4343(92)90037-K

Turner RE, Dortch Q. 1992. Biological sampling in the Mississippi River plume hydrography, Task B of LATEX study. In: Proceedings: twelfth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, November 1991. OCS Study MMS 92-0027. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. p. 470-472.

Walser WE Jr, Hughes RG, Rabalais SC. 1992. Multiple interface data acquisition speeds at-sea research: shipboard modular hardware, software allows for sampling, visualizing the environment in real time. Sea Technology. 33(8):29-30, 32-34.

Wiseman WJ Jr, Bierman VJ Jr, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 1992. Physical structure of the Louisiana shelf hypoxic region. In: Nutrient enhanced coastal ocean productivity: proceedings of workshop, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, October 1991. Publication TAMU-SG 92-109. Galveston (TX): Texas A&M University, Sea Grant Program. p. 21-26.


Antonelli PL, Sammarco PW, Coll JC. 1993. A model of allelochemical interactions between soft and scleractinian corals on the Great Barrier Reef. Journal of Biological Systems. 1(1):1-17. doi:10.1142/S0218339093000021

Chesney EJ. 1993. A model of survival and growth of striped bass larvae Morone saxatilis in the Potomac River, 1987. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 92:15-25. doi:10.3354/meps092015

Dagg MJ. 1993. Sinking particles as a possible source of nutrition for the large calanoid copepod Neocalanus cristatus in the subarctic Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research. Part I, Oceanographic Research Papers. 40(7):1431-1445. doi:10.1016/0967-0637(93)90121-I

Dagg MJ. 1993. Grazing by the copepod community does not control phytoplankton production in the subarctic Pacific Ocean. Progress in Oceanography. 32(1):163-183. doi:10.1016/0079-6611(93)90012-3

Green EP, Harris RP, Duncan A. 1993. The seasonal abundance of the copepodite stages of Calanus helgolandicus and Pseudocalanus elongatus off Plymouth. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 73(1):109-122. doi:10.1017/S0025315400032677

Justić D, Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Wiseman WJ Jr. 1993. Seasonal coupling between riverborne nutrients, net productivity and hypoxia. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 26(4):184-189. doi:10.1016/0025-326X(93)90620-Y

Lewandowski SA. 1993. Letters: Elimination of scholarships. Science. 262(5142):1954. doi:10.1126/science.262.5142.1954-a

Maida M, Coll JC, Sammarco PW. 1993. A simple current direction meter and its applicability to marine ecological studies. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 174(1):115-119. doi:10.1016/0022-0981(93)90254-L

McKee BA, Dagg MJ. 1993. Biogeochemical investigations of Framvaren Fjord: June 4-9, 1993. Preliminary data report. Chauvin (LA): Lousiana Universities Marine Consortium. 47 p.

McKee BA, Todd JF. 1993. Uranium behavior in a permanently anoxic fjord: microbial control? Limnology and Oceanography. 38(2):408-414. doi:10.4319/lo.1993.38.2.0408

Orlando SP Jr, Rozas LP, Ward GH, Klein CJ. 1993. Salinity characteristics of Gulf of Mexico estuaries. Silver Spring (MD): National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and Assessment. 209 p.

Rabalais NN. 1993. LSU scientists describe 1993 hypoxia. LATEX Fortnightly: News From the Physical Oceanography Program. 2(19):1.

Rabalais NN. 1993. LUMCON scientists describe 1993 hypoxia. LATEX Fortnightly: News From the Physical Oceanography Program. 2(20):1.

Rabalais NN, Smith LE, Overton EB, Zoeller AL. 1993. Influence of hypoxia on the interpretation of effects of petroleum production activities. OCS Study MMS 93-0022. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. 158 p.

Reed DJ. 1993. Hydrology of temperate wetlands. Progress in Physical Geography. 17(1):20-31. doi:10.1177/030913339301700102

Reed DJ, Cahoon DR. 1993. Marsh submergence vs. marsh accretion: interpreting accretion deficit data in coastal Louisiana. In: Coastal zone ’93: proceedings of the eighth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management, July 19-23, 1993, New Orleans, Louisiana. New York: American Society of Civil Engineers. p. 243-257.

Rozas LP, Reed DJ. 1993. Nekton use of marsh surface habitats in Louisiana (USA) deltaic salt marshes undergoing submergence. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 96:147-157. doi:10.3354/meps096147

Swarzenski PW, McKee BA, Booth JG. 1993. CTD observations in Framvaren Fjord, Norway. June 4-9, 1993. Preliminary technical report. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 117 p.

Toon R, Dagg MJ. 1993. DOE coastal ocean program: cruise in support of proposal titled “Assimilation and transfer of carbon in oligotrophic and eutrophic coastal water columns”, data report: CTD and hydrographic data, R/V Pelican cruise No. PE930504, May 5 – May 13, 1993. LUMCON Data Report No. 21. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.

Toon R, Dagg MJ. 1993. Nutrient enhanced coastal ocean productivity (NECOP): data report: CTD and hydrographic data, R/V Pelican cruise, April 3-11, 1993. LUMCON Data Report No. 20. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.

Toon R, Dagg MJ, D’Agrosa C, Solet D. 1993. Zooplankton community characterization: oceanic and shelf transect (ZCCOAST) data report: CTD and hydrographic data, zooplankton counts, R/V Pelican cruise, June 25-27, 1991. LUMCON Data Report No. 18. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.

Toon R, Shah S, Toler E. 1993. Young scholars cruise report: data report: CTD and hydrographic data, R/V Pelican cruise, July 1-4, 1993. LUMCON Data Report No. 19. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.


Bierman VJ Jr, Hinz SC, Zhu D-W, Wiseman WJ Jr, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 1994. Mass balance modeling of the impacts of nutrient load reductions in the Mississippi River on water quality in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In: Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 67th Annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A., October 15-19, 1994. Volume IV: surface water quality and ecology. Alexandria (VA): Water Environment Federation. p. 413-424.

Bierman VJ Jr, Hinz SC, Zhu D-W, Wiseman WJ jr, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 1994. A preliminary mass balance model of primary productivity and dissolved oxygen in the Mississippi River plume/inner Gulf shelf region. Estuaries. 17(4):886-899. doi:10.2307/1352756

Chesney EJ, San Filippo RA. 1994. Size-dependent spawning and egg quality of red snapper. Final report to U. S. Department of Commerce, National Marine Fisheries Service, Marine Fisheries Initiative (MARFIN) cooperative agreement NA37FF0048-01. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 27 p.

Day JW Jr, Madden C, Twilley RR, Shaw RF, McKee BA, Dagg MJ, Childers DL, Raynie RC, Rouse LJ. 1994. The influence of Atchafalaya River discharge on Fourleague Bay, Louisiana (USA). In: Dyer KR, Orth RJ, editors. Changes in fluxes in estuaries: implications from science to management. Fredensborg (DK): Olsen & Olsen. p. 151-160.

Dortch Q. 1994. Changes in phytoplankton numbers and species composition. In: Dowgiallo MJ, editor. Coastal oceanographic effects of summer 1993 Mississippi River flooding. Special NOAA Report. Silver Spring (MD): National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Coastal Ocean Office. p. 46-49.

Dortch Q. 1994. III. Biological characteristics survey. C. Phytoplankton survey. In: Murray SP, Donley J, editors. Mississippi River plume hydrography: annual report. OCS Study MMS 94-0028. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 124-142.

Dortch Q, Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Rowe GT. 1994. Respiration rates and hypoxia on the Louisiana shelf. Estuaries. 17(4):862-872. doi:10.2307/1352754

Eadie BJ, McKee BA, Lansing MB, Robbins JA, Metz S, Trefry JH. 1994. Records of nutrient-enhanced coastal ocean productivity in sediments from the Louisiana continental shelf. Estuaries. 17(4):754-765. doi:10.2307/1352745

Justić D, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 1994. Riverborne nutrients, hypoxia and coastal ecosystem evolution: biological responses to long-term changes in nutrient loads carried by the Po and the Mississippi Rivers. In: Dyer KR, Orth RJ, editors. Changes in fluxes in estuaries: implications from science to management. Fredensborg (DK): Olsen & Olsen. p. 161-167.

Lewandowski SA. 1994. Effects of offshore oil and gas development: a current awareness bibliography. OCS Study MMS 94-0062. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. 153 p.

Maida M, Coll JC, Sammarco PW. 1994. Shedding new light on scleractinian coral settlement. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 180(2):189-202. doi:10.1016/0022-0981(94)90066-3

McKee BA, Wiseman WJ Jr, Inoue M. 1994. Salt water intrusion and sediment dynamics in a bar-built estuary: Terrebonne Bay, LA. In: Dyer KR, Orth RJ, editors. Changes in fluxes in estuaries: implications from science to management. Fredensborg (DK): Olsen & Olsen. p. 13-16.

National Research Council (US). Committee to Identify High-Priority Science to Meet National Coastal Needs (including Dagg MJ). 1994. Priorities for coastal ecosystem science. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. 118 p. doi:10.17226/4932

Nelsen TA, Blackwelder P, Hood T, McKee BA, Romer N, Alvarez-Zarikian C, Metz S. 1994. Time-based correlation of biogenic, lithogenic and authigenic sediment components with anthropogenic inputs in the Gulf of Mexico NECOP study area. Estuaries. 17(4):873-885. doi:10.2307/1352755

Rabalais NN. 1994. III. Biological characteristics survey. B. Phytoplankton pigments. In: Murray SP, Donley J, editors. Mississippi River plume hydrography: annual report. OCS Study MMS 94-0028. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 113-124.

Rabalais NN. 1994. V. Hypoxia. In: Murray SP, Donley J, editors. Mississippi River plume hydrography: annual report. OCS Study MMS 94-0028. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 165-173.

Rabalais NN. 1994. Hypoxia studies in the Mississippi River plume area, 1993. In: Proceedings: thirteenth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, December 1993. OCS Study MMS 94-0061. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. p. 312-314.

Rabalais NN. 1994. Hypoxia vs. production activities: which influences the benthic community? In: Proceedings: thirteenth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, December 1993. OCS Study MMS 94-0061. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. p. 157-162.

Rabalais NN, Shaw RF. 1994. VIII. MIDAS survey of the Calcasieu River plume. E. Calcasieu plume biological survey. In: Murray SP, Donley J, editors. Mississippi River plume hydrography: annual report. OCS Study MMS 94-0028. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 218-219.

Rabalais NN, Shaw RF. 1994. IX. Frontal survey. E. Atchafalaya front biological survey. In: Murray SP, Donley J, editors. Mississippi River plume hydrography: annual report. OCS Study MMS 94-0028. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 224-226.

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Wiseman WJ Jr. 1994. Hypoxic conditions in bottom waters on the Louisiana-Texas shelf. In: Dowgiallo MJ, editor. Coastal oceanographic effects of summer 1993 Mississippi River flooding. Special NOAA Report. Silver Spring (MD): National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Coastal Ocean Office. p. 50-54.

Rabalais NN, Wiseman WJ Jr, Turner RE. 1994. Comparison of continuous records of near-bottom dissolved oxygen from the hypoxia zone along the Louisiana coast. Estuaries. 17(4):850-861. doi:10.2307/1352753

Reed DJ. 1994. Book Reviews: Bird, E.C.F. 1993: Submerging coasts: the effects of a rising sea level on coastal environments. Progress in Physical Geography. 18(2):309-310. doi:10.1177/030913339401800213

Reed DJ, Donovan J. 1994 The character and composition of the Columbia River estuarine turbidity maximum. In: Dyer KR, Orth RJ, editors. Changes in fluxes in estuaries: implications from science to management. Fredensborg (DK): Olsen & Olsen. p. 445-450.

Reed DJ, Rozas LP. 1994. Potential for enhancement of fisheries habitat by infilling OCS pipeline canals. OCS Study MMS 93-0061. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. 48 p.

Reed DJ, Rozas LP. 1994. Restoring Louisiana coastal habitats by infilling existing pipeline canals. In: Proceedings: thirteenth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, December 1993. OCS Study MMS 94-0061. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. p. 250-256.

Risk MJ, Sammarco PW, Schwarcz HP. 1994. Cross-continental shelf trends in δ13C in coral on the Great Barrier Reef. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 106:121-130. doi:10.3354/meps106121

Rozas LP, Reed DJ. 1994. Comparing nekton assemblages of subtidal habitats in pipeline canals traversing brackish and saline marshes in coastal Louisiana. Wetlands: the Journal of the Society of the Wetlands Scientists. 14(4):262-275. doi:10.1007/BF03160632

Sammarco PW, Heron ML, editors. 1994) The bio-physics of marine larval dispersal. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union. 352 p.

Sammarco PW. 1994. Larval dispersal and recruitment processes in Great Barrier Reef corals: analysis and synthesis. In: Sammarco PW, Heron ML, editors. The bio-physics of marine larval dispersal. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union. p. 35-72.

Sammarco PW. 1994. The multiple-team approach to scientific problem solving: an effective paradigm. In: Sammarco PW, Heron ML, editors. The bio-physics of marine larval dispersal. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union. p. 1-4.

Simenstad CA, Reed DJ, Jay DA, Baross JA, Prahl FG, Small LF. 1994. Land-margin ecosystem research in the Columbia River estuary: an interdisciplinary approach to investigating couplings between hydrological, geochemical and ecological processes within estuarine turbidity maxima. In: Dyer KR, Orth RJ, editors. Changes in fluxes in estuaries: implications from science to management. Fredensborg (DK): Olsen & Olsen. p. 437-444.

Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 1994. Coastal eutrophication near the Mississippi River delta. Nature. 368(6472):619-621. doi:10.1038/368619a0

Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 1994. Changes in the Mississippi River nutrient supply and offshore silicate-based phytoplankton community responses. In: Dyer KR, Orth RJ, editors. Changes in fluxes in estuaries: implications from science to management. Fredensborg (DK): Olsen & Olsen. p. 147-150.

Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 1994. Light conditions in the coastal boundary layer of the northern Gulf of Mexico. In: Proceedings: thirteenth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, December 1993. OCS Study MMS 94-0061. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. p. 314-318.


Aceret TL, Sammarco PW, Coll JC. 1995. Toxic effects of alcyonacean diterpenes on scleractinian corals. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 188(1):63-78. doi:10.1016/0022-0981(94)00186-H

Aceret TL, Sammarco PW, Coll JC. 1995. Effects of diterpenes derived from the soft coral Sinularia flexibilis on the eggs, sperm and embryos of the scleractinian corals Montipora digitata and Acropora tenuis. Marine Biology. 122(2):317-323. doi:10.1007/BF00348945

Bierman VJ Jr, Hinz SC, Zhu D-W, Wiseman WJ Jr, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 1995. Primary production and dissolved oxygen in the Mississippi River plume/inner Gulf shelf region: components analysis and sensitivity to changes in physical transport. In: Nutrient-enhanced coastal ocean productivity: proceedings of 1994 Synthesis Workshop, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Baton Rouge (LA): Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. p. 9-19.

Cahoon DR, Reed DJ. 1995. Relationships among marsh surface topography, hydroperiod, and soil accretion in a deteriorating Louisiana salt marsh. Journal of Coastal Research. 11(2):357-369.

Cahoon DR, Reed DJ, Day JW Jr. 1995. Estimating shallow subsidence in microtidal salt marshes of the southeastern United States: Kaye and Barghoorn revisited. Marine Geology. 128(1-2):1-9. doi:10.1016/0025-3227(95)00087-F

Cahoon DR, Reed DJ, Day JW Jr, Boumans RM, Lynch JC, McNally D, Latif N. 1995. The influence of Hurricane Andrew on sediment distribution in Louisiana coastal marshes. Journal of Coastal Research. Special Issue 21: 280-294.

Coats RN, Willaims PB, Cuffe CK, Zedler JB, Reed DJ. 1995. Design guidelines for tidal channels in coastal wetlands. Prepared for the US Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, by Philip Williams & Associates, Ltd, San Francisco (publishing information not known). 107 p.

Dagg MJ. 1995. Ingestion of phytoplankton by the micro- and mesozooplankton communities in a productive subtropical estuary. Journal of Plankton Research. 17(4):845-857. doi:10.1093/plankt/17.4.845

Dagg MJ. 1995. Copepod grazing and the fate of phytoplankton in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Continental Shelf Research. 15(11-12):1303-1317. doi:10.1016/0278-4343(94)00086-3

Dagg MJ. 1995. Letter to the Editor: A comment on “Variability due to feeding activity of individual copepods” (Paffenhofer 1994). Journal of Plankton Research. 17(4):903-905. doi:10.1093/plankt/17.4.903

Dagg MJ, Ortner PB. 1995. Zooplankton grazing and the fate of phytoplankton in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In: Nutrient-enhanced coastal ocean productivity: proceedings of 1994 Synthesis Workshop, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Baton Rouge (LA): Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. p. 21-27.

Dortch Q, Nelson DM, Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 1995. Silicate limitation on the Louisiana continental shelf. In: Nutrient-enhanced coastal ocean productivity: proceedings of 1994 Synthesis Workshop, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Baton Rouge (LA): Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. p. 34-39.

French JR, Spencer T, Reed DJ. 1995. Geomorphic response to sea‐level rise: existing evidence and future impacts. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 20(1):1-6. doi:10.1002/esp.3290200102

Justić D, Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Dortch Q. 1995. Changes in nutrient structure of river-dominated coastal waters: stoichiometric nutrient balance and its consequences. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 40(3):339-356. doi:10.1016/S0272-7714(05)80014-9

Justić D, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 1995. Stoichiometric nutrient balance and origin of coastal eutrophication. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 30(1):41-46. doi:10.1016/0025-326X(94)00105-I

Maida M, Sammarco PW, Coll JC. 1995. Effects of soft corals on scleractinian coral recruitment. I: directional allelopathy and inhibition of settlement. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 121:191-202. doi:10.3354/meps121191

Maida M, Sammarco PW, Coll JC. 1995. Preliminary evidence for directional allelopathic effects of the soft coral Sinularia flexibilis (Alcyonacea: Octocorallia) on scleractinian coral recruitment. Bulletin of Marine Science. 56(1):303-311.

Mendelssohn IA, Lin Q, Debusschere K, Penland S, Henry CB Jr, Overton EB, Portier RJ, Walsh MM, Rabalais NN. 1995. The development of bioremediation for oil spill cleanup in coastal wetlands: product impacts and bioremediation potential. International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings. 1995;(1):97-100. doi:10.7901/2169-3358-1995-1-97

Nelsen T, Blackwelder P, Hood T, Zarikina C, Trefry JH, Metz S, Eadie B, McKee BA. 1995. Retrospective analysis of NECOP area sediments: biogenic, inorganic, and organic indicators of anthropogenic influences since the turn of the century. In: Nutrient-enhanced coastal ocean productivity: proceedings of 1994 Synthesis Workshop, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Baton Rouge (LA): Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. p. 90-101.

Ortner PB, Dagg MJ. 1995. Nutrient-enhanced coastal ocean productivity explored in the Gulf of Mexico. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. 76(10):97, 109. doi:10.1029/95EO00046

Powers SP, Harper DE Jr, Rabalais NN. 1995. Underwater research methods for studying larval recruitment of benthic invertebrate larvae. In: Harper DE Jr, editor. Diving for science … 1995: proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences fifteenth Annual Scientific Diving Symposium, 4-8 October 1995, La Jolla, California. Nahant (MA): American Academy of Underwater Sciences. p. 83-94.

Rabalais NN. 1995. Mississippi River-Gulf of Mexico interactions, for inclusion in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers river diversion feasibility study. Submitted to Lee Wilson & Associates, Inc., Santa Fe, New Mexico. (publishing information not known). 30 p.

Rabalais NN, Burditt RF Jr, Coen LD, Cole BE, Eleuterius C, Heck KL Jr, McTigue TA, Morgan SG, Perry HM, Truesdale FM, et al. 1995. Settlement of Callinectes sapidus megalopae on artificial collectors in four Gulf of Mexico estuaries. Bulletin of Marine Science. 57(3):855-876.

Rabalais NN, Dortch Q, Justić D, Kilgen MB, Klerks PL, Templet PH, Turner RE, Beacham M, Cole B, Duet D, et al. 1995. Status and trends of eutrophication, pathogen contamination, and toxic substances in the Barataria-Terrebonne Estuarine System. BTNEP Publication No. 22. Thibodaux (LA): Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program. 265 p.

Rabalais NN, Atilla N. 1995. Bioremediation for oil spill cleanup in coastal wetlands: effects on benthic communities in laboratory mesocosms. Final report to Exxon Corporation and Minerals Management Service/Louisiana State University Coastal Marine Institute. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 35 p.

Rabalais NN, Smith LE, Harper DE Jr, Justić D. 1995. Effects of bottom water hypoxia on the benthic communities of the southeastern Louisiana continental shelf. OCS Study MMS 94-0054. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. 105 p.

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Wiseman WJ Jr, Justić D, Dortch Q, Sen Gupta BK. 1995. Hypoxia on the Louisiana shelf and system responses to nutrient changes in the Mississippi River: a brief synopsis. In: Nutrient-enhanced coastal ocean productivity: proceedings of 1994 Synthesis Workshop, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Baton Rouge (LA): Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. p. 106-113.

Reed DJ. 1995. The response of coastal marshes to sea-level rise: survival or submergence? Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 20(1):39-48. doi:10.1002/esp.3290200105

Reed DJ. 1995. Sediment dynamics, deposition and erosion in temperate salt marshes. Journal of Coastal Research. 11(2):295.

Reed DJ, editor. 1995. Status and trends of hydrologic modification, reduction in sediment availability, and habitat loss/modification in the Barataria-Terrebonne Estuarine System. BTNEP Publication No. 20. Thibodaux (LA): Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program. 338 p.

Reed DJ, Rozas LP. 1995. An evaluation of the potential for infilling existing pipeline canals in Louisiana coastal marshes. Wetlands: the Journal of the Society of the Wetlands Scientists. 15(2):149-158. doi:10.1007/BF03160668

Risk MJ, Sammarco PW, Edinger E. 1995. Bioerosion in Acropora across the continental shelf of the Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs. 14(2):79-86. doi:10.1007/BF00303427

Smith LE, Trabanino S, Baerwald RJ. 1995. Scanning electron microscopical observations of the proboscideal papillae of Glycinde armigera (Annelida: Polychaeta). Invertebrate Biology. 114(1):46-50. doi:10.2307/3226952

Swarzenski PW, McKee BA, Booth JG. 1995. Uranium geochemistry on the Amazon shelf: chemical phase partitioning and cycling across a salinity gradient. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 59(1):7-18. doi:10.1016/0016-7037(94)00371-R

Tenore KR, Alonso‐Noval M, Alvarez‐Ossorio M, Atkinson LP, Cabanas JM, Cal RM, Campos HJ, Castillejo F, Chesney EJ, Gonzalez N, et al. 1995. Fisheries and oceanography off Galicia, NW Spain: mesoscale spatial and temporal changes in physical processes and resultant patterns of biological productivity. Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans. 100(6):10943-10966. doi:10.1029/95JC00529

Twilley RR, Miller-Wray T, McKee BA. 1995. Synoptic investigations of benthic-pelagic coupling within the Louisiana shelf ecosystem. In: Nutrient-enhanced coastal ocean productivity: proceedings of 1994 Synthesis Workshop, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Baton Rouge (LA): Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. p. 114-119.


Aceret TL, Brown J, Miller J, Coll JC, Sammarco PW. 1996. Cardiac and vascular responses of isolated rat tissues treated with diterpenes from Sinularia flexibilis (Coelenterata: Octocorallia). Toxicon. 34(10):1165-1171. doi:10.1016/0041-0101(96)00044-X

Baltz D, Chesney EJ. 1996. Spatial and temporal patterns in the distribution and abundance of fishes and macroinvertebrates in coastal Louisiana: shrimp bycatch species in fishery-independent trawl samples. Final report submitted to the U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Regional Center, Marine Fisheries Initiative (MARFIN) project NA37FF044-01 (publishing information not known). 63 p.

Blackwelder PL, Hood TA, Alvarez-Zarikian CA, Nelsen TA, McKee BA. 1996. Benthic foraminifera from the NECOP study area impacted by the Mississippi River plume and seasonal hypoxia. Quaternary International. 31:19-36. doi:10.1016/1040-6182(95)00018-E

Bode A, Dortch Q. 1996. Uptake and regeneration of inorganic nitrogen in coastal waters influenced by the Mississippi River: spatial and seasonal variations. Journal of Plankton Research. 18(12):2251-2268. doi:10.1093/plankt/18.12.2251

Bontempi PS, Wiesenburg DA, Lyons CAN, Parsons ML, Dortch Q. 1996. Phytoplankton distributions on the Louisiana continental shelf: a comparison of results from microscopic identification and phytoplankton pigment measurements. In: Proceedings: fifteenth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, December 1995. OCS Study MMS 96-0056. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 361-365.

Dagg MJ, Green E, McKee BA, Ortner PB. 1996. Biological removal of fine-grained lithogenic particles from a large river plume. Journal of Marine Research. 54(1):149-160.

Dagg MJ, Govoni JJ. 1996. Is ichthyoplankton predation an important source of copepod mortality in subtropical coastal waters? Marine & Freshwater Research. 47(2):137-144. doi:10.1071/MF9960137

Dortch Q. 1996. III. Biological characteristics survey. B. Phytoplankton survey. In: Murray SP, Donley J, editors. Mississippi River plume hydrography: second annual report. OCS Study MMS 96-0022. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 74-90.

Dortch Q, Chesney EJ, San Filippo RA, Gibson D, Burger M. 1996. Electron transport system (ETS) activities as a biochemical measure of respiration rate in individual fish larvae. Report submitted to the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science Conference, ICES CM 1996, L:10 Ref. H, Biological Oceanography Committee, 10 p.

Justić D, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 1996. Effects of climate change on hypoxia in coastal waters: a doubled CO2 scenario for the northern Gulf of Mexico. Limnology and Oceanography. 41(5):992-1003. doi:10.4319/lo.1996.41.5.0992

McKee BA, Swarzenski PW, Booth GJ. 1996. The flux of uranium isotopes from river-dominated shelf sediments. In: Bottrell SH, editor. Proceedings of the fourth International Symposium on the Geochemistry of the Earth’s Surface: short papers, 22-28 July 1996, Ilkley, Yorkshire, England. Leeds (UK): University of Leeds, Department of Earth Sciences. p. 85-91.

Mendelssohn IA, Atilla N, Debusschere K, Henry CB Jr, Lin Q, Overton EB, Portier RJ, Rabalais NN, Roberts P, Walsh MM. 1996. Development of bioremediation for oil spill cleanup in coastal wetlands. In: Proceedings: fourteenth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, November 1994. OCS Study MMS 96-0024. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 219-221.

Mendelssohn IA, Lin Q, Debusschere K, Henry CB Jr, Overton EB, Penland S, Portier RJ, Rabalais NN, Walsh MM. 1996. The development of bioremediation for oil spill cleanup in coastal wetlands: product impacts and bioremediation potential. In: Proceedings: fifteenth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, December 1995. OCS Study MMS 96-0056. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 214-223.

Moore WS, DeMaster DJ, Smoak JM, McKee BA, Swarzenski PW. 1996. Radionuclide tracers of sediment-water interactions on the Amazon Shelf. Continental Shelf Research. 16(5-6):645-666. doi:10.1016/0278-4343(95)00049-6

Nelson DM, Dortch Q. 1996. Silicic acid depletion and silicon limitation in the plume of the Mississippi River: evidence from kinetic studies in spring and summer. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 136:163-178. doi:10.3354/meps136163

Quigley DTG, Flannery K, Caruso JH. 1996. First record of the toadfish Chaunax suttkusi (Caruso, 1989)(Pisces: Lophiiformes, Chaunacidae) from Irish waters, together with a review of north eastern Atlantic records of C. suttkusi and C. pictus (Lowe, 1846). The Irish Naturalists’ Journal. 25(6):221-224.

Rabalais NN. 1996. Benthos. In: Cumulative/secondary impact identification and evaluation in the Louisiana coastal zone, phase II, a biological characterization of a representative fastland marsh and an adjacent non-fastland estuarine marsh. Baton Rouge (LA): Louisiana Geological Survey. p. 91-110.

Rabalais NN. 1996. III. Biological characteristics survey. A. Phytoplankton pigments. In: Murray SP, Donley J, editors. Mississippi River plume hydrography: second annual report. OCS Study MMS 96-0022. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 63-74.

Rabalais NN. 1996. Environmental impacts of oil production. In: Improving interactions between coastal science and policy: proceedings of the Gulf of Mexico Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 25-27, 1995. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. p. 143-150.

Rabalais NN. 1996. V. Hypoxia. In: Murray SP, Donley J, editors. Mississippi River plume hydrography: second annual report. OCS Study MMS 96-0022. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 117-126.

Rabalais NN. 1996. Mississippi River water quality: status, trends, and implications. In: Durant L, editor. Conference proceedings from the Environmental State of the State, 1996, June 7-8. New Orleans (LA): Environmental Research Consortium of Louisiana. 13 p.

Rabalais NN, Atilla N. 1996. Bioremediation studies – effects on the marsh infaunal community. In: Proffitt CE, Roscigno PF, editors. Symposium proceedings: Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean oil spills in coastal ecosystems: assessing effects, natural recovery, and progress in remediation research, New Orleans, July 14-15, 1994. OCS Study MMS 95-0063. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 188-190.

Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 1996. The latest knowledge on hypoxia in the Gulf, including EPA’s Gulf Initiative. In: Proceedings: fifteenth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, December 1995. OCS Study MMS 96-0056. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 513-518.

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Justić D, Dortch Q, Wiseman WJ Jr, Sen Gupta BK. 1996. Nutrient changes in the Mississippi River and system responses on the adjacent continental shelf. Estuaries. 19(2):386-407. doi:10.2307/1352458

Radziejewska, T, Fleeger JW, Rabalais NN, Carman KR. 1996. Meiofauna and sediment chloroplastic pigments on the continental shelf off Louisiana, U.S.A. Continental Shelf Research. 16(13):1699-1723. doi:10.1016/0278-4343(96)00002-7

Reed DJ. 1996. Coastal land loss and habitat change: an assessment of contributing processes. In: Durant L, editor. Conference proceedings from the Environmental State of the State, 1996, June 7-8. New Orleans (LA): Environmental Research Consortium of Louisiana. 17 p.

Reed DJ. 1996. Sea level. Progress in Physical Geography. 20(4):482-486. doi:10.1177/030913339602000408

Sammarco PW. 1996. Comments on coral reef regeneration, bioerosion, biogeography, and chemical ecology: future directions. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 200(1-2):135-168. doi:10.1016/S0022-0981(96)02678-0

Sen Gupta BK, Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 1996. Seasonal oxygen depletion in continental-shelf waters of Louisiana: historical record of benthic foraminifers. Geology. 24(3):227-230. doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1996)024<0227:SODICS>2.3.CO;2

Smoak JM, DeMaster DJ, Kuehl SA, Pope RH, McKee BA. 1996. The behavior of particle-reactive tracers in a high turbidity environment: 234Th and 210Pb on the Amazon continental shelf. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 60(12):2123-2137. doi:10.1016/0016-7037(96)00092-0

Twilley RR, McKee BA. 1996. Benthic-pelagic coupling in the Gulf of Mexico: implications for the fate of organic matter on the continental shelf. In: Proceedings: fourteenth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, November 1994. OCS Study MMS 96-0024. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 335-342.

Twilley RR, McKee BA. 1996. Ecosystem analysis of the Louisiana Bight and adjacent shelf environments, volume 1: the fate of organic matter and nutrients in the sediments of the Louisiana Bight. OCS Study MMS 96-0055. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. 129 p.


Ackerman DC, Wiseman WJ Jr, Bierman VJ Jr, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 1997. An optimization method for determining flow fields in multi-dimensional water quality models applied to the Louisiana shelf. In: Proceedings WEFTEC ’97: Water Environment Federation 70th Annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago, Illinois. Alexandria (VA): Water Environment Federation. p. 527-536.

Dagg MJ, Frost BW, Newton JA. 1997. Vertical migration and feeding behavior of Calanus pacificus females during a phytoplankton bloom in Dabob Bay, U.S. Limnology and Oceanography. 42(5):974-980. doi:10.4319/lo.1997.42.5.0974

Dortch Q, Robichaux R, Pool S, Milsted D, Mire G, Rabalais NN, Soniat TM, Fryxell GA, Turner RE, Parsons ML. 1997. Abundance and vertical flux of Pseudo-nitzschia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 146:249-264. doi:10.3354/meps146249

Green EP, Dagg MJ. 1997. Mesozooplankton associations with medium to large marine snow aggregates in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Plankton Research. 19(4):435-447. doi:10.1093/plankt/19.4.435

Harper DE Jr, Rabalais NN. 1997. Responses of benthonic and nektonic organisms, and communities, to severe hypoxia on the inner continental shelf of Louisiana and Texas. In: Proceedings of the first Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Management Conference: December 5-6, 1995, Radisson Hotel, Kenner, Louisiana. Stennis Space Center (MS): Gulf of Mexico Program Office. p. 41-56.

Hooper-Lane C, Bonvillain S, Rice D, Carter GC. 1997. Effects of oil and gas development: a current awareness bibliography. OCS Study MMS 97-0045. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. 120 p.

Hoper-Lane C, Atkins DP. 1997. Is ASFA sufficient? The role of inexpensive multidisciplinary databases in the marine science. In: Markham JW Duda AL, editors. Tradition & innovation: planning our future: proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC). Fort Pierce (FL): IAMSLIC. p 31-38.

Justić D, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 1997. Impacts of climate change on net productivity of coastal waters: implications for carbon budgets and hypoxia. Climate Research. 8(3):225-237. doi:10.3354/cr008225

Lohrenz SE, Fahnenstiel GL, Redalje DG, Lang GA, Chen X, Dagg MJ. 1997. Variations in primary production of northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf waters linked to nutrient inputs from the Mississippi River. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 155:45-54. doi:10.3354/meps155045

Rabalais NN. 1997. Book Review: Produced water 2: environmental issues and mitigation technologies. Estuaries. 20(3):655. doi:10.2307/1352623

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Wiseman WJ Jr. 1997. Hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico: causes and consequences. In: Hergert GW, editor. Proceedings of the twenty-seventh North Central Extension-Industry Soil Fertility Conference: November 19-20, 1997, St. Louis Westport Holiday Inn, St. Louis, Missouri. Brookings (SD): Potash & Phosphate Institute. p. 73-84.

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Wiseman WJ Jr. 1997. Hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico: past, present, and future. In: Proceedings of the first Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Management Conference: December 5-6, 1995, Radisson Hotel, Kenner, Louisiana. Stennis Space Center (MS): Gulf of Mexico Program Office. p. 25-40.

Rabalais S. 1997. Book Review: Ships and shipwrecks of the Americas. Marine Technology Society Journal. 31(2):72-73.

Reed DJ, De Luca N, Foote AL. 1997. Effect of hydrologic management on marsh surface sediment deposition in coastal Louisiana. Estuaries. 20(2):301-311. doi:10.2307/1352345

Rovansek RJ, Booth JG, Cruise, JF, McKee BA Miller RL. 1997. Hydrology and sediment flux at a salt marsh site: Barataria Basin, LA. In: Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments: Technology and Applications, 17-19 March 1997, Orlando, Florida, USA. Ann Arbor (MI): Environmental Research Institute of Michigan. p. 416-425.

Sammarco PW. 1997. Effects of a natural gas pipeline condensate spill: review. A report to El Paso Energy, Inc. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 111 p.

Sammarco PW, Coll JC. 1997. Secondary metabolites – or primary? Re-examination of a concept through a marine example. In: Lessios HA, Macintyre IG, editors. Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Congress, Panama, June 24-29, 1996. Balboa (PA): Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. p. 1245-1250.

Sawyer TK, Nerad TA, Rabalais NN, Mclaughlin SP. 1997. Protozoans isolated from Louisiana shelf sediments subject to hypoxia/anoxia with emphasis on freshwater amoebae and marine flagellates. Bulletin of Marine Science. 61(3):859-867.

Strom SL, Benner R, Zeigler S, Dagg MJ. 1997. Planktonic grazers are a potentially important source of marine dissolved organic carbon. Limnology and Oceanography. 42(6):1364-1374. doi:10.4319/lo.1997.42.6.1364

Turner RE, Henry C, Overton EB, Platon E, Roberts P, Sen Gupta BK, Rabalais NN. 1997. Historical reconstruction of the contaminant loading and responses in the central Gulf of Mexico shelf sediments. In: Proceedings: sixteenth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, December 1996. OCS Study MMS 97-0038. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 231-237.

Turner RE, Rabalais NN, Dortch Q, Justić D, Sen Gupta BK. 1997. Evidence for nutrient limitation and sources causing hypoxia on the Louisiana shelf. In: Proceedings of the first Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Management Conference: December 5-6, 1995, Radisson Hotel, Kenner, Louisiana. Stennis Space Center (MS): Gulf of Mexico Program Office. p. 106-113.

Wiseman WJ Jr, Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Dinnel SP, MacNaughton A. 1997. Seasonal and interannual variability within the Louisiana coastal current: stratification and hypoxia. Journal of Marine Systems. 12(1-4):237-248. doi:10.1016/S0924-7963(96)00100-5

Wiseman WJ Jr, Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Hitchcock G, Walker ND. 1997. Physical variability in the Louisiana inner shelf hypoxia region. In: Proceedings of the first Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Management Conference: December 5-6, 1995, Radisson Hotel, Kenner, Louisiana. Stennis Space Center (MS): Gulf of Mexico Program Office. p. 57-63.

The Working Group on Sea Level Rise and Wetland Systems (including Reed DJ). 1997. Conserving coastal wetlands despite sea level rise. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. 78(25):257, 260-261. doi:10.1029/97EO00169


Aceret TL, Coll JC, Uchio Y, Sammarco PW. 1998. Antimicrobial activity of the diterpenes flexibilide and sinulariolide derived from Sinularia flexibilis Quoy and Gaimard 1833 (Coelenterata: Alcyonacea, Octocorallia). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Pharmacology, Toxicology and Endocrinology. 120(1):121-126. doi:10.1016/S0742-8413(98)00032-2

Cahoon DR, Day JW Jr, Reed DJ, Young RS. 1998. Global climate change and sea-level rise: estimating the potential for submergence of coastal wetlands. In: Guntenspergen GR, Vairin BA, editors. Vulnerability of coastal wetlands in the southeastern United States: climate change research results, 1992-97. Biological Science Report 1998-0002. Lafayette (LA): US Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, National Wetlands Research Center. p. 19-32.

Chesney EJ, McKee BA, Blanchard T, Chan LH. 1998. Chemistry of otoliths from juvenile menhaden Brevoortia patronus: evaluating strontium, strontium: calcium and strontium isotope ratios as environmental indicators. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 171:261-273. doi:10.3354/meps171261

Dagg MJ, Frost BW, Newton J. 1998. Diel vertical migration and feeding in adult female Calanus pacificus, Metridia lucens and Pseudocalanus newmani during a spring bloom in Dabob Bay, a fjord in Washington USA. Journal of Marine Systems. 15(1-4):503-509. doi:10.1016/S0924-7963(97)00093-6

Dortch Q. 1998. Harmful algal blooms in Louisiana coastal waters. In: Malek-Wiley RR, editor. Clean enough? A conference on Mississippi River water quality (19-20 September 1997). Metairie (LA): Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation. p. 40-43.

Dortch Q. 1998. VII. Phytoplankton characteristics. In: Murray SP, editor. An observational study of the Mississippi-Atchafalaya coastal plume. Final report. OCS Study MMS 98-0040. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 239-268.

Dortch Q, Achée S. 1998. Lake Pontchartrain 1997 algal bloom: identification, toxicity, and similar occurrences elsewhere in Louisiana coastal waters. In: Malek-Wiley RR, editor. Clean enough? A conference on Mississippi River water quality (19-20 September 1997). Metairie (LA): Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation. p. 19-21.

Dortch Q, Moncreiff CA, Mendenhall W, Parsons ML, Franks JS, Hemphill KW. 1998. Spread of Gymnodinium breve into low salinity waters in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In: Reguera B, Blanco J, Fernandez ML, Wyatt T, editors. Harmful algae = Algas nocivas: proceedings of the VIII International Conference on Harmful Algae, 25–28 June 1997. Vigo (ES): Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of Unesco. p. 143-144.

Justić D, Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Dortch Q. Stoichiometric nutrient balance and eutrophication in the coastal waters influenced by the Mississippi River. In: Malek-Wiley RR, editor. Clean enough? A conference on Mississippi River water quality (19-20 September 1997). Metairie (LA): Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation. p. 44-46.

Menon, MG, Gibbs RJ, Phillips A. 1998. Accumulation of muds and metals in the Hudson River estuary turbidity maximum. Environmental Geology. 34(2):214-222. doi:10.1007/s002540050273

Ortner PB, Dagg MJ, Kleppel GS, Brenner R, Thomas C. 1998. Trophic pathways in the pelagic environment of Florida Bay. In: 1998 Florida Bay Science Conference, May 12-14, 1998: Proceedings. Miami (FL): University of Miami, James L. Knight International Center. 3 p.

Parsons ML. 1998. Salt marsh sedimentary record of the landfall of Hurricane Andrew on the Louisiana coast: diatoms and other paleoindicators. Journal of Coastal Research. 14(3):939-950.

Parsons ML, Dortch Q, Fryxell GA. 1998. A multi-year study of the presence of potential domoic acid-producing Pseudo-nitzschia species in the coastal and estuarine waters of Louisiana, USA. In: Reguera B, Blanco J, Fernandez ML, Wyatt T, editors. Harmful algae = Algas nocivas: proceedings of the VIII International Conference on Harmful Algae, 25–28 June 1997. Vigo (ES): Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of Unesco. p. 184-187.

Rabalais NN. 1998. IX. Hypoxia. A. Hypoxia distribution. In: Murray SP, editor. An observational study of the Mississippi-Atchafalaya coastal plume. Final report. OCS Study MMS 98-0040. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 325-354.

Rabalais, N.N. 1998. Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. In: ESOS, the third Environmental State of the State Conference: 19 November 1998: conference proceedings, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Baton Rouge (LA): Environmental Research Consortium of Louisiana. p. 26-29.

Rabalais NN. 1998. Oxygen depletion in coastal waters. Silver Spring (MD): National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 54 p.

Rabalais NN, Smith LE, Henry CB Jr, Roberts PO, Overton EB. 1998. Long-term effects of contaminants from OCS produced-water discharges at Pelican Island Facility, Louisiana. OCS Study MMS 98-0039. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. 88 p.

Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 1998. VI. Light, nutrient, and phytoplankton pigment characteristics. B. Pigment and nutrient distributions. In: Murray SP, editor. An observational study of the Mississippi-Atchafalaya coastal plume. Final report. OCS Study MMS 98-0040. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 208-230.

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Justić D, Dortch Q, Wiseman WJ Jr, Sen Gupta BK. 1998. Mississippi River nutrient changes and consequences to hypoxia on the Louisiana shelf. In: Malek-Wiley RR, editor. Clean enough? A conference on Mississippi River water quality (19-20 September 1997). Metairie (LA): Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation. p. 37-39.

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Wiseman WJ Jr. 1998. Excess nutrients from the Mississippi River degrade water quality in the Gulf of Mexico. In: Illinois Agricultural Pesticides Conference: 1998 proceedings. Urbana (IL): Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agricultural Consumer and Environmental Service, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. p. 94-102.

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Wiseman WJ Jr, Dortch Q. 1998. Consequences of the 1993 Mississippi River flood in the Gulf of Mexico. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management. 14(2):161-177. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1099-1646(199803/04)14:2<161::AID-RRR495>3.0.CO;2-J

Robichaux RJ, Dortch Q, Wrenn JH. 1998. Occurrence of Gymnodinium sanguineum in Louisiana and Texas coastal waters, 1989-94. In: Zimmerman R, editor. Characteristics and causes of Texas marine strandings. NOAA Technical Report NMFS 143. Seattle (WA): US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Scientific Publications Office. p. 19-25.

Sammarco PW. 1998. The LUMCON/LAMP Program: opportunities in coastal, estuarine, and marine science. LAMP Journal. 1:3.

Secor DH, Chesney EJ. 1998. Summary of a workshop: Otolith microconstituent analysis of Atlantic bluefin tuna. Collective Volume of Scientific Papers, International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas. 48:51-58.

Snell TL, Foltz DW, Sammarco PW. 1998. Variation in morphology vs conservation of a mitochondrial gene in Montastraea cavernosa (Cnidaria, Scleractinia). Gulf of Mexico Science. 16(2):188-195. doi:10.18785/goms.1602.08

Steidinger KA, Stockwell DA, Truby EW, Wardle WJ, Dortch Q, van Dolah FM. 1998. Phytoplankton blooms off Louisiana and Texas, May-June 1994. In: Zimmerman R, editor. Characteristics and causes of Texas marine strandings. NOAA Technical Report NMFS 143. Seattle (WA): US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Scientific Publications Office. p. 13-18.

Turner RE, Qureshi N, Rabalais NN, Dortch Q, Justić D, Shaw RF, Cope J. 1998. Fluctuating silicate:nitrate ratios and coastal plankton food webs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 95(22):13048-13051. doi:10.1073/pnas.95.22.13048

Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 1998. VI. Light, nutrient, and phytoplankton pigment characteristics. A. Light conditions within and near the Louisiana coastal current. In: Murray SP, editor. An observational study of the Mississippi-Atchafalaya coastal plume. Final report. OCS Study MMS 98-0040. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 199-208.

Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 1998. IX. Hypoxia. B. Bottom water respiration rates in the hypoxia zone within the Louisiana coastal current. In: Murray SP, editor. An observational study of the Mississippi-Atchafalaya coastal plume. Final report. OCS Study MMS 98-0040. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 354-364.

Urban-Rich J, Hansell DA, Roman MR. 1998. Analysis of copepod fecal pellet carbon using a high temperature combustion method. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 171:199-208. doi:10.3354/meps171199

Walker ND, Rabalais NN, Zimmerman RJ, Mountford K. 1998. Hypoxic zones – the looming interface between land pollution and the sea. In: Speir J, editor. Sustainable fisheries for the 21st century? A critical examination of issues associated with implementing the Sustainable Fisheries Act. New Orleans (LA): Tulane Institute for Environmental Law and Policy. p. 231-243.

Yin K, Harrison PJ, Dortch Q. 1998. Lack of ammonium inhibition of nitrate uptake for a diatom grown under low light conditions. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 228(1):151-165. doi:10.1016/S0022-0981(98)00025-2


Antonelli PL, Sammarco PW. 1999. Evolution of multiple complementary (secondary) metabolites, their synergism, and their stability in colonial organisms. Open Systems & Information Dynamics. 6(1):29-46. doi:10.1023/A:1009618700520

Antonelli PL, Sammarco PW. 1999. Evolution via random walk on adaptive landscapes. Open Systems & Information Dynamics. 6(1):47-68. doi:10.1023/A:1009624217358

Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (including Rabalais NN). 1999. Gulf of Mexico hypoxia: land-sea interactions. Task Force Report No. 134. Ames (IA): Council for Agricultural Science and Technology. 44 p.

Day JW Jr, Shaffer GP, Britsch LD, Reed DJ, Hawes SR, Cahoon DR. 1999. Pattern and process of land loss in the Louisiana coastal zone: an analysis of spatial and temporal patterns of wetland habitat change. In: Rozas LP, Nyman JA, Proffitt CE, Rabalais NN, Reed DJ, Turner RE, editors. Recent research in coastal Louisiana: natural system function and response to human influence; a symposium convened by the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, February 3-5, 1998, Lafayette, Louisiana. Baton Rouge (LA): Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. p. 193-202.

Dortch Q, Parsons ML, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 1999. What is the threat of harmful algal blooms in Louisiana coastal waters? In: Rozas LP, Nyman JA, Proffitt CE, Rabalais NN, Reed DJ, Turner RE, editors. Recent research in coastal Louisiana: natural system function and response to human influence; a symposium convened by the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, February 3-5, 1998, Lafayette, Louisiana. Baton Rouge (LA): Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. p. 134-144.

Downing JA, McClain M, Twilley RR, Melack JM, Elser J, Rabalais NN, Lewis WM, Turner RE, Corredor J, Soto D, et al. 1999. The impact of accelerating land-use change on the N-cycle of tropical aquatic ecosystems: current conditions and projected changes. Biogeochemistry. 46(1-3):109-148. doi:10.1023/A:1006156213761

Kemp GP, Day JW Jr, Reed DJ, Cahoon DR, Wang M. 1999. Sedimentation, consolidation and surface elevation change in two salt marshes of the Mississippi River deltaic plain: geotechnical aspects of wetland loss. In: Rozas LP, Nyman JA, Proffitt CE, Rabalais NN, Reed DJ, Turner RE, editors. Recent research in coastal Louisiana: natural system function and response to human influence; a symposium convened by the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, February 3-5, 1998, Lafayette, Louisiana. Baton Rouge (LA): Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. p. 15-34.

Lohrenz SE, Fahnenstiel GL, Redalje DG, Lang GA, Dagg MJ, Whitledge TE, Dortch Q. 1999. Nutrients, irradiance, and mixing as factors regulating primary production in coastal waters impacted by the Mississippi River plume. Continental Shelf Research. 19(9):1113-1141. doi:10.1016/S0278-4343(99)00012-6

National Research Council (US). Ocean Studies Board (including Rabalais NN). 1999. Science for decisionmaking: coastal and marine geology at the U.S. Geological Survey. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. 124 p. doi:10.17226/9665

Noji TT, Rey F, Miller LA, Børsheim KY, Urban-Rich J. 1999. Fate of biogenic carbon in the upper 200 m of the central Greenland Sea. Deep Sea Research. Part II, Topical Studies in Oceanography. 46(6-7):1497-1509. doi:10.1016/S0967-0645(99)00032-6

Parsons ML, Dortch Q, Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 1999. Salinity history of coastal marshes reconstructed from diatom remains. Estuaries. 22(4):1078-1089. doi:10.2307/1353085

Parsons ML, Dortch Q, Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 1999. The use of diatom remains as a proxy of historical salinity changes in Airplane Lake, Louisiana. In: Rozas LP, Nyman JA, Proffitt CE, Rabalais NN, Reed DJ, Turner RE, editors. Recent research in coastal Louisiana: natural system function and response to human influence; a symposium convened by the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, February 3-5, 1998, Lafayette, Louisiana. Baton Rouge (LA): Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. p. 65-78.

Parsons ML, Scholin CA, Miller PE, Doucette GJ, Powell CL, Fryxell GA, Dortch Q, Soniat TM. 1999. Pseudo-nitzschia species (Bacillariophyceae) in Louisiana coastal waters: molecular probe field trials, genetic variability, and domoic acid analyses. Journal of Phycology. 35(6):1368-1378. doi:10.1046/j.1529-8817.1999.3561368.x

Rabalais NN. 1999. Changes in Mississippi River nutrient fluxes for the northern Gulf of Mexico ecosystem. LOICZ Newsletter. 13:1-4.

Rabalais NN. 1999. Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. Tulane Environmental Law Journal. 12(2):321-329.

Rabalais NN, Carney RS, Escobar-Briones EG. 1999. Overview of continental shelf benthic communities of the Gulf of Mexico. In: Kumpf H, Steidinger K, Sherman K, editors. The Gulf of Mexico large marine ecosystem: assessment, sustainability, and management. Malden (MA): Blackwell Science. p. 171-195.

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Justić D, Dortch Q, Wiseman WL Jr. 1999. Characterization of hypoxia: topic I report for the Integrated Assessment of Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. Silver Spring (MD): US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Coastal Ocean Program. 167 p.

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Wiseman WL Jr. 1999. Hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico: linkage with the Mississippi River. In: Kumpf H, Steidinger K, Sherman K, editors. The Gulf of Mexico large marine ecosystem: assessment, sustainability, and management. Malden (MA): Blackwell Science. p. 297-322.

Rozas LP, Nyman JA, Proffitt CE, Rabalais NN, Reed DJ, Turner RE, editors. 1999. Recent research in coastal Louisiana: natural system function and response to human influence; a symposium convened by the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, February 3-5, 1998, Lafayette, Louisiana. Baton Rouge (LA): Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. 304 p.

Sammarco PW. 1999. Akira Okubo: the man inside the man. Oceanography. 12(1):21-22.

Sammarco PW, Risk MJ, Schwarcz HP, Heikoop JM. 1999. Cross-continental shelf trends in coral δ15N on the Great Barrier Reef: further consideration of the reef nutrient paradox. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 180:131-138. doi:10.3354/meps180131

Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 1999. Suspended particulate and dissolved nutrient loadings to Gulf of Mexico estuaries. In: Bianchi TS, Pennock JR, Twilley RR, editors. Biogeochemical dynamics of estuarine ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico. New York: John Wiley & Sons. p. 89-107.

Turner RE, Dortch Q, Rabalais NN. 1999. Effects of the 1997 Bonnet Carre’ opening on nutrients and phytoplankton in Lake Pontchartrain. Metairie (LA): Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation. 121 p.

Urban-Rich J. 1999. Release of dissolved organic carbon from copepod fecal pellets in the Greenland Sea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 232(1):107-124. doi:10.1016/S0022-0981(98)00104-X

Urban-Rich J, Nordby E, Andreassen IJ, Wassman P, Høisæter T. 1999. Contribution by mezooplankton fecal pellets to the carbon flux on Nordvestkbanken, north Norwegian shelf in 1994. Sarsia. 84(3-4):253-264. doi:10.1080/00364827.1999.10420430

Wassmann P, Hansen L, Andreassen IJ, Riser CW, Urban-Rich J, Båmstedt U. 1999. Distribution and sedimentation of faecal pellets on the Nordvestbanken shelf, northern Norway, in 1994. Sarsia. 84(3-4):239-253. doi:10.1080/00364827.1999.10420429

Wiseman WJ Jr, Rabalais NN, Dagg MJ, Whitledge TE, editors. 1999. Nutrient enhanced coastal ocean productivity in the northern Gulf of Mexico: understanding the effects of nutrients on a coastal ecosystem. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Decision Analysis Series No. 14. Silver Spring (MD): US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service. 156 p.

Woodall DW, Gambrell R, DeLaune RD, Henry CB Jr, Roberts PO, Rabalais NN. 1999. Determining the fate of oil and gas produced water in an open water estuarine system using salinity as a conservative tracer. In: Proceedings: seventeenth annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, December 1997. OCS Study MMS-99-0043. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 634-645.


Bonvillain S, Rice D, Conover JW, Dortch Q. 2000. Effects of oil and gas development: a current awareness bibliography. OCS Study MMS 2000-083. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. 72 p.

Chesney EJ, Baltz DM, Glenn TR. 2000. Louisiana estuarine and coastal fisheries and habitats: perspectives from a fish’s eye view. Ecological Applications. 10(2):350-366. doi:10.1890/1051-0761(2000)010[0350:LEACFA]2.0.CO;2

Dagg MJ, Ortner PB, Torres J, editors. 2000. GLOBEC in the Gulf of Mexico: large rivers and marine populations; report of a U.S. GLOBEC workshop, January 13-15, 1999. U.S. Global Ecosystems Dynamics Report Number 19. Solomons (MD): US GLOBEC, Scientific Steering Committee Coordinating Office, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory. 31 p.

Finelli CM. 2000. Velocity and concentration distributions in turbulent odor plumes in the presence of vegetation mimics: a flume study. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 207:297-309. doi:10.3354/meps207297

Finelli CM, Pentcheff ND, Zimmer RK, Wethey DS. 2000. Physical constraints on ecological processes: a field test of odor-mediated foraging. Ecology. 81(3):784-797. doi:10.1890/0012-9658(2000)081[0784:PCOEPA]2.0.CO;2

Fisher TR, Correll D, Costanza R, Hollibaugh JT, Hopkinson CS Jr, Howarth RW, Rabalais NN, Richey JE, Vörösmarty C, Wiegert R. 2000. Synthesizing drainage basin inputs to coastal systems. In: Hobbie JE, editor. Estuarine science: a synthetic approach to research and practice. Washington, DC: Island Press. p. 81–101.

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Chesney EJ, Baltz DM. 2001. The effects of hypoxia on the northern Gulf of Mexico coastal ecosystem: a fisheries perspective. In: Rabalais NN, Turner RE, editors. Coastal hypoxia: consequences for living resources and ecosystems. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union. p. 321-354. doi:10.1029/CE058p0321

Dortch Q. 2001. Harmful algal blooms. In: Encyclopedia of life sciences. West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons. doi:10.1038/npg.els.0002334

Dortch Q, Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Qureshi NA. 2001. Impacts of changing Si/N ratios and phytoplankton species composition. In: Rabalais NN, Turner RE, editors. Coastal hypoxia: consequences for living resources and ecosystems. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union. p. 37–48. doi:10.1029/CE058p0038

Dortch, Q, Peterson TD, Achee S, Furr KL. 2001. Phytoplankton, cyanobacterial blooms, and N2 fixation in years with and without Mississippi River diversions. In: Turner RE, Dortch Q, Rabalais NN, editors. Nitrogen loading into Lake Pontchartrain. Metairie (LA): Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation. p. 1-26.

Hasek BE, Rabalais NN. 2001. A comparison of molt states of blue crab megalopae, Callinectes sapidus (Rathbun), sampled with artificial collectors and plankton nets. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 265:15–27. doi:10.1016/S0022-0981(01)00323-9

Hasek BE, Rabalais NN. 2001. Settlement patterns of brachyuran megalopae in a Louisiana estuary. Estuaries. 24(6):796–807. doi:10.2307/1353171

Justić, D, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 2001. Future perspectives for hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In: Rabalais NN, Turner RE, editors. Coastal hypoxia: consequences for living resources and Ecosystems. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union. p. 435–449. doi:10.1029/CE058p0435

Liu H, Laws EA, Villareal TA, Buskey EJ. 2001. Nutrient‐limited growth of Aureoumbra lagunensis (Pelagophyceae), with implications for its capability to outgrow other phytoplankton species in phosphate‐limited environments. Journal of Phycology. 37(4):500-508. doi:10.1046/j.1529-8817.2001.037004500.x

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National Sea Grant College Program (including Dortch Q). 2001. Prevention, control, and mitigation of harmful algal blooms: a research plan. Silver Spring (MD): National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 28 p.

Paerl HW, Boynton WR, Dennis RL, Driscoll CT, Greening H, Kremer JN, Rabalais NN, Seitzinger SP. 2001. Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen in coastal waters: biogeochemical and ecological implications. In: Rabalais NN, Turner RE, editors. Coastal hypoxia: consequences for living resources and ecosystems. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union. p. 11-52 doi:10.1029/CE057p0011

Pan Y, Parsons ML, Busman M, Moeller PD, Dortch Q, Powell CL, Doucette GJ. 2001. Pseudo-nitzschia sp. cf. pseudodelicatissima – a confirmed producer of domoic acid from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 220:83-92. doi:10.3354/meps220083

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Powers SP, Harper DE Jr, Rabalais NN. 2001. Effect of hypoxia/anoxia on the supply and settlement of benthic invertebrate larvae. In: Rabalais NN, Turner RE, editors. Coastal hypoxia: consequences for living resources and ecosystems. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union. p. 185–210. doi:10.1029/CE058p0185

Qureshi NA, Rabalais NN. 2001. Distribution of zooplankton on a seasonally hypoxic continental shelf. In: Rabalais NN, Turner RE, editors. Coastal hypoxia: consequences for living resources and ecosystems. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union. p. 61-76. doi:10.1029/CE058p0061

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Rabalais NN, Harper DE Jr, Turner RE. 2001. Responses of nekton and demersal and benthic fauna to decreasing oxygen concentrations. In: Rabalais NN, Turner RE, editors. Coastal hypoxia: consequences for living resources and ecosystems. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union. p. 115–128. doi:10.1029/CE058p0115

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Rabalais NN, Smith LE, Harper DE Jr, Justić D. 2001. Effects of seasonal hypoxia on continental shelf benthos. In: Rabalais NN, Turner RE, editors. Coastal hypoxia: consequences for living resources and ecosystems. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union. p. 211–240. doi:10.1029/CE058p0211

Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 2001. Hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico: description, causes and change. In: Rabalais NN, Turner RE, editors. Coastal hypoxia: consequences for living resources and ecosystems. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union. p. 1-36. doi:10.1029/CE058p0001

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, editors. 2001. Coastal hypoxia: consequences for living resources and ecosystems. Coastal and Estuarine Studies, Volume 58. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union. doi:10.1029/CE058

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Wiseman WJ Jr. 2001. Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Environmental Quality. 30(2):320-329. doi:10.2134/jeq2001.302320x

Turner RE, Dortch Q, Rabalais NN, editors. 2001. Nitrogen loading into Lake Pontchartrain. Metairie (LA): Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation.

Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 2001. Summary: Commonality and the future. In: Rabalais NN, Turner RE, editors. Coastal hypoxia: consequences for living resources and ecosystems. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union. p. 451–454. doi:10.1029/CE058p0451

Turner RE, Rabalais NN, Atilla N, Normandeau C, Fry B, Lee JM, Milan CS, Oswald TA, Swenson EM. 2001. A paleo-reconstruction of water quality in the Charlotte harbor estuary, Florida. Report to: Surface Water Improvement and Management (SWIM) Section, Southwest Florida Water Management District. Tampa, Florida (publishing information not known).

Turner RE, Stanley DW, Brock DA, Pennock JR, Rabalais NN. 2001. A comparison of independent n-loading estimates for U.S. estuaries. In: Valigura RA, Alexander RB, Castro MA, Meyers TP, Paerl HW, Stacey PE, Turner RE, editors. Nitrogen loading in coastal water bodies: an atmospheric perspective. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union. p. 107-118. doi:10.1029/CE057p0107

Urban-Rich J, Dagg MJ, Peterson J. 2001. Copepod grazing on phytoplankton in the Pacific sector of the Antarctic polar front. Deep Sea Research. Part II, Topical Studies in Oceanography. 48(19-20):4223–4246. doi:10.1016/S0967-0645(01)00087-X

Woodall DW, Gambrell RP, Rabalais NN, DeLaune RD. 2001. Developing a method to track oil and gas produced water discharges in estuarine systems using salinity as a conservative tracer. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 42(11):1118-1127. doi:10.1016/S0025-326X(01)00100-X


Bassim KM, Sammarco PW, Snell T. 2002. Effects of temperature on success of (self and non-self) fertilization and embryogenesis in Diploria strigosa (Cnidaria, Scleractinia). Marine Biology. 140(3):479–488. doi:10.1007/s00227-001-0722-4

Boesch DF, Boynton WR, Day JW Jr, Dortch Q, Flemer DA, Morris JT, Paerl HW, Rabalais NN, Reed DJ, St. Pé K, et al. 2002. Mississippi delta diversions and eutrophication: risks or opportunities? (unpublished). 11 p.

Childs CR, Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Proctor LM. 2002. Sediment denitrification in the Gulf of Mexico zone of hypoxia. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 240:285–290. doi:10.3354/meps240285

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Hymel MK, Baltz DM, Chesney EJ, Tarr MA, Kolak AS. 2002. Swimming performance of juvenile Florida pompano exposed to ethylene glycol. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 131(6):1152–1163. doi:10.1577/1548-8659(2002)131<1152:SPOJFP>2.0.CO;2

Justić D, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 2002. Implications of global climate change for coastal and estuarine hypoxia: hypothesis, observations and models for the northern Gulf of Mexico. In: Thurston RV, editor. Fish physiology, toxicology, and water quality: proceedings of the sixth International Symposium, La Paz, B.C.S. Mexico January 22-26, 2001. Research Triangle Park (NC): National Exposure Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency. p. 323-344.

Justić D, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 2002. Modeling the impacts of decadal changes in riverine nutrient fluxes on coastal eutrophication near the Mississippi River Delta. Ecological Modelling. 152(1):33-46. doi:10.1016/S0304-3800(01)00472-0

Liu H, Imai K, Suzuki K, Nojiri Y, Tsurushima N, Saino T. 2002. Seasonal variability of picophytoplankton and bacteria in the western subarctic Pacific Ocean at Station KNOT. Deep Sea Research. Part II, Topical Studies in Oceanography. 49(24-25):5409-5420. doi:10.1016/S0967-0645(02)00199-6

Liu H, Suzuki K, Saino T. 2002. Phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing in the subarctic Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea during summer 1999. Deep Sea Research. Part I, Oceanographic Research Papers. 49(2):363–375. doi:10.1016/S0967-0637(01)00056-5

Liu H, Suzuki K, Minami C, Saino T, Watanabe M. 2002. Picoplankton community structure in the subarctic Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea during summer 1999. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 237:1–14. doi:10.3354/meps237001

Nakamoto S, Prasanna-Kumar S, Oberhuber JM, Sammarco PW, Muneyama K, Sato T, Kumar A, Frouin R. 2002. Upper ocean circulation modulation by phytoplankton concentration in the equatorial Pacific and the Indian Ocean. In: Pasaribu BP, Kaswadji R, Nurjaya IW, Gaol JL, editors. Proceedings: the sixth Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC), Bali, 3-6 September 2002: remote sensing and ocean science for marine resources exploration and environment. Bogor (ID): PORSEC 2002 Secretariat. p. 39-44.

Parsons ML, Dortch Q, Turner RE. 2002. Sedimentological evidence of an increase in Pseudo-nitzschia (Bacillariophyceae) abundance in response to coastal eutrophication. Limnology and Oceanography. 47(2):551–558. doi:10.4319/lo.2002.47.2.0551

Rabalais NN. 2002. The effects of seasonally severe hypoxia on continental shelf fauna. In: Thurston RV, editor. Fish physiology, toxicology, and water quality: proceedings of the sixth International Symposium, La Paz, B.C.S. Mexico January 22-26, 2001. Research Triangle Park (NC): National Exposure Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency. p. 95-106.

Rabalais NN. 2002. Nitrogen in aquatic ecosystems. Ambio. 31(2):102–112. doi:10.1579/0044-7447-31.2.102

Rabalais NN, Nixon SW. 2002. Preface: Nutrient over-enrichment of the coastal zone. Estuaries. 25(4):639. doi:10.1007/BF02804896

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Dortch Q, Justić D, Bierman VJ Jr, Wiseman WJ Jr. 2002. Nutrient-enhanced productivity in the northern Gulf of Mexico: past, present and future. Hydrobiologia. 475/476:39–63. doi:10.1007/978-94-017-2464-7_4

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Scavia D. 2002. Beyond science into policy: Gulf of Mexico hypoxia and the Mississippi River. BioScience. 52(2):129–142. doi:10.1641/0006-3568(2002)052[0129:BSIPGO]2.0.CO;2

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Wiseman WJ Jr. 2002. Gulf of Mexico hypoxia, a.k.a. “the dead zone.” Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. 33:235–263. doi:10.1146/annurev.ecolsys.33.010802.150513

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Suzuki K, Liu H, Saino T, Obata H, Takano M, Okamura K, Sohrin Y, Fujishima Y. 2002. East–west gradients in the photosynthetic potential of phytoplankton and iron concentration in the subarctic Pacific Ocean during early summer. Limnology and Oceanography. 47(6):1581–1594. doi:10.4319/lo.2002.47.6.1581

Suzuki K, Minami C, Liu H, Saino T. 2002. Temporal and spatial patterns of chemotaxonomic algal pigments in the subarctic Pacific and the Bering Sea during summer 1999. Deep Sea Research. Part II, Topical Studies in Oceanography. 49(24-25):5685–5704. doi:10.1016/S0967-0645(02)00218-7

Turner RE, Dortch Q, Justić D, Swenson EM. 2002. Nitrogen loading into an urban estuary: Lake Pontchartrain (Louisiana, U.S.A.). Hydrobiologia. 487:137–152. doi:10.1023/A:1022994210268

Weingartner TJ, Coyle KO, Finney BP, Hopcroft RR, Whitledge TE, Brodeur RD, Dagg MJ, Farley EV, Haidvogel DB, Haldorson LJ, et al. 2002. The northeast Pacific GLOBEC program: coastal Gulf of Alaska. Oceanography. 15(2):48-63. doi:10.5670/oceanog.2002.21


Atilla N, Wetzel MA, Fleeger JW. 2003. Abundance and colonization potential of artificial hard substrate-associated meiofauna. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 287(2):273–287. doi:10.1016/S0022-0981(02)00569-5

Baltz DM, Thomas RG, Chesney EJ. 2003. Spotted seatrout habitat affinities in Louisiana. In: Bortone SA, editor. Biology of the spotted seatrout. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press. p. 147-175. doi:10.1201/9781420040791.ch10

Bassim KM, Sammarco PW. 2003. Effects of temperature and ammonium on larval development and survivorship in a scleractinian coral (Diploria strigosa). Marine Biology. 142(2):241–252. doi:10.1007/s00227-002-0953-z

Bierman VJ Jr, Hinz SC, Wiseman WJ Jr, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 2003. Forecasting hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico: responses to nutrient loadings from the Mississippi River Basin. In: Valette-Silver N, Scavia D, editors. Ecological forecasting: new tools for coastal and ecosystem management. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCOOS 1. Silver Spring (MD): National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. p. 111-115.

Dagg MJ, Breed GA. 2003. Biological effects of Mississippi River nitrogen on the northern Gulf of Mexico—A review and synthesis. Journal of Marine Systems. 43(3):133–152. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2003.09.002

Dagg MJ, Urban-Rich J, Peterson JO. 2003. The potential contribution of fecal pellets from large copepods to the flux of biogenic silica and particulate organic carbon in the Antarctic Polar Front region near 170°W. Deep Sea Research. Part II, Topical Studies in Oceanography. 50(3-4):675-691. doi:10.1016/S0967-0645(02)00590-8

European Commission DG Research – Environment Directorate, and U.S. National Science Foundation (including Dortch Q). 2003. The EU-US Scientific Initiative on Harmful Algal Blooms: report from a workshop jointly funded by the European Commission DG Research – Environment Directorate and the U.S. National Science Foundation, 5-8 September 2002 – Trieste, Italy. Brussels (BE): Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 57 p.

Finelli CM, Wethey DS. 2003. Behavior of oyster (Crassostrea virginica) larvae in flume boundary layer flows. Marine Biology. 143(4):703-711. doi:10.1007/s00227-003-1110-z

Justić D, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 2003. Simulated responses of the Gulf of Mexico hypoxia to variations in climate and anthropogenic nutrient loading. Journal of Marine Systems. 42(3-4):115–126. doi:10.1016/S0924-7963(03)00070-8

Justić D, Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 2003. Climatic influences on riverine nitrate flux: implications for coastal marine eutrophication and hypoxia. Estuaries. 26(1):1–11. doi:10.1007/BF02691688

Kelaher BP, Levinton JS, Oomen J, Allen BJ, Wong WH. 2003. Changes in benthos following the clean-up of a severely metal polluted cove in the Hudson River estuary: environmental restoration or ecological disturbance? Estuaries. 26(6):1505–1516. doi:10.1007/BF02803659

Liu H, Buskey E. 2003. Effects of media N:P ratio on extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) production of the brown tide-forming alga, Aureoumbra lagunensis. Plankton Biology and Ecology. 50(2):55–60.

Liu H, Dagg MJ. 2003. Interactions between nutrients, phytoplankton growth, and micro– and mesozooplankton grazing in the plume of the Mississippi River. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 258:31–42. doi:10.3354/meps258031

National Research Council (US). Committee on Oil in the Sea: Inputs, Fates, and Effects (including Rabalais NN). 2003. Oil in the sea III: inputs, fates, and effects. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. 265 p. doi:10.17226/10388

Powell RT, Alexander MR. 2003. Trace metal contamination in sediments of Barataria Bay, Louisiana. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 71(2):308–314. doi:10.1007/s00128-003-0165-3

Powell RT, Wilson-Finelli A. 2003. Importance of organic Fe complexing ligands in the Mississippi River plume. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 58(4):757–764. doi:10.1016/S0272-7714(03)00182-3

Powell RT, Wilson-Finelli A. 2003. Photochemical degradation of organic iron complexing ligands. Aquatic Sciences. 65(4):367–374. doi:10.1007/s00027-003-0679-0

Rabalais NN. 2003. Oil in the sea. Issues in Science and Technology. 20(1):74–78.

Rabalais NN. 2003. We all live upstream (and downstream). Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 58(3):52A-53A.

Sammarco PW, Atchison AD. 2003. Coral communities and recruitment on offshore drilling platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico: summary. In: Proceedings: twenty-second annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, January 2003. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 6-7.

Sammarco PW, Atchison AD, Boland GS. 2003. Drilling platforms as environmental assets: developing an assessment protocol using adult and juvenile corals. In: Proceedings: twenty-second annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, January 2003. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 183-200.

Sato R, Tanaka Y, Ishimaru T. 2003. Species-specific house productivity of appendicularians. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 259:163-172. doi:10.3354/meps259163

Scavia D, Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Justić D, Wiseman WJ Jr. 2003. Predicting the response of Gulf of Mexico hypoxia to variations in Mississippi River nitrogen load. Limnology and Oceanography. 48(3):951–956. doi:10.4319/lo.2003.48.3.0951

Stake JL, Sammarco PW. 2003. Effects of pressure on swimming behavior in planula larvae of the coral Porites astreoides (Cnidaria, Scleractinia). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 288(2):181–201. doi:10.1016/S0022-0981(03)00018-2

Turner RE, Overton EB, Rabalais NN, Sen Gupta BK. 2003. Historical reconstruction of the contaminant loading and biological responses in the central Gulf of Mexico shelf sediments. OCS Study MMS 2003-063. New Orleans, (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. 140 p.

Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 2003. Linking landscape and water quality in the Mississippi River basin for 200 years. BioScience. 53(6):563–572. doi:10.1641/0006-3568(2003)053[0563:LLAWQI]2.0.CO;2

Turner RE, Rabalais NN, Justić D, Dortch Q. 2003. Future aquatic nutrient limitations. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 46(8):1032–1034. doi:10.1016/S0025-326X(03)00049-3

Turner RE, Rabalais NN, Justić D, Dortch Q. 2003. Global patterns of dissolved N, P and Si in large rivers. Biogeochemistry. 64(3):297–317. doi:10.1023/A:1024960007569

Walker SH, Dindo JJ, Kastler JA, Spranger MS, Tinnin RK, Brook RD. 2003. Center for ocean sciences education excellence central Gulf of Mexico (COSEE: CGOM). In: Oceans 2003: celebrating the past … teaming toward the future: September 22-26, 2003, San Diego, California, Town and Country Hotel and Convention Center. Piscataway (NJ): IEEE. p. 1800-1816. doi:10.1109/OCEANS.2003.178159

Woodall DW, Gambrell RP, Rabalais NN, DeLaune RD. 2003. Comparing methods and sediment contaminant indicators for produced water fates in a Louisiana estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 46(6):731–740. doi:10.1016/S0025-326X(03)00048-1


Chan KY, Gao QF, Yip KM, Wong WH, Shin PKS, Cheung SG. 2004. Lipid content and fatty acid composition in the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis (L.). Journal of Food Lipids. 11(2):123-130. doi:10.1111/j.1745-4522.2004.tb00265.x

Dagg MJ, Benner R, Lohrenz S, Lawrence D. 2004. Transformation of dissolved and particulate materials on continental shelves influenced by large rivers: plume processes. Continental Shelf Research. 24(7-8):833-858. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2004.02.003

Fleury BG, Coll JC, Sammarco PW, Tentori E, Duquesne SW. 2004. Complementary (secondary) metabolites in an octocoral competing with a scleractinian coral: effects of varying nutrient regimes. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 303(1):115-131. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2003.11.006

Green RE, Sosik HM. 2004. Analysis of apparent optical properties and ocean color models using measurements of seawater constituents in New England continental shelf surface waters. Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans. 109(3):C03026. doi:10.1029/2003JC001977

Justić D, Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 2004. Perspectives for coastal marine hypoxia in a warmer world. In: Rupp GL, White MD, editors. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Fish Physiology, Toxicology and Water Quality, Tallinn, Estonia, May 12–15, 2003. EPA/600/R-04/049. Athens (GA): US Environmental Protection Agency, Ecosystems Research Division. p. 57–72.

Lawrence D, Dagg MJ, Liu H, Cummings SR, Ortner PB, Kelble C. 2004. Wind events and benthic-pelagic coupling in a shallow subtropical bay in Florida. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 266:1–13. doi:10.3354/meps266001

Liu H, Dagg MJ, Campbell L, Urban-Rich J. 2004. Picophytoplankton and bacterioplankton in the Mississippi River plume and its adjacent waters in the Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries. 27(1):147–156. doi:10.1007/BF02803568

Liu H, Suzuki K, Saito H. 2004. Community structure and dynamics of phytoplankton in the western subarctic Pacific Ocean: a synthesis. Journal of Oceanography. 60(1):119–137. doi:10.1023/B:JOCE.0000038322.79644.36

Pennock JR, Greene RM, Fisher W, Villareal TA, Simons JD, Dortch Q, Moncreiff CA, Steidinger KA, Orsi T, Stumpf RP, et al. 2004. HABSOS: an integrated case study for the Gulf of Mexico: final report. Dauphin Island (AL): Dauphin Island Sea Lab. 43 p.

Rabalais NN. 2004. Hipoxia en el Golfo de México. In: Caso M, Pisanty I, Excurra E, editors. Diagnóstico ambiental del Golfo de México volume II. Mexico City (MX): Instituto Nacional de Ecología. p. 771-788.

Rabalais NN. 2004. Eutrophication. In: Robinson AR, McCarthy J, Rothschild BJ, editors. The sea: ideas and observations on progress in the study of the seas. Volume 13: the global coastal ocean: multiscale interdisciplinary processes. Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press. p. 819–865.

Rabalais NN, editor. 2004. A workshop of developers, deliverers, and users of technologies for monitoring coastal environments: state of technology in the development and application of dissolved oxygen sensors, Savannah, Georgia, January 12-14, 2004. UMCES Technical Report Series TS-444-04-CBL. Solomons (MD): University of Maryland Center of Environmental Science, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory. 18 p.

Rabalais NN, Atilla N, Normandeau C, Turner RE. 2004. Ecosystem history of Mississippi River-influenced continental shelf revealed through preserved phytoplankton pigments. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 49(7-8):537-547. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2004.03.017

Riley KL, Holladay CG, Chesney EJ, Tiersch TR. 2004. Cryopreservation of sperm of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus). Aquaculture. 238(1-4):183-194. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2004.04.025

Sammarco PW, Atchison AD, Boland GS. 2004. Expansion of coral communities within the northern Gulf of Mexico via offshore oil and gas platforms. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 280:129-143. doi:10.3354/meps280129

Soniat TM, Finelli CM, Ruiz JT. 2004. Vertical structure and predator refuge mediate oyster reef development and community dynamics. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 310(2):163-182. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2004.04.007

Stanzel C, Finelli CM. 2004. The effects of temperature and salinity on ventilation behavior of two species of ghost shrimp (Thalassinidea) from the northern Gulf of Mexico: a laboratory study. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 312(1):19-41. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2004.06.001

Strychar KB, Coates M, Sammarco PW. 2004. Loss of Symbiodinium from bleached Australian scleractinian corals (Acropora hyacinthus, Favites complanata and Porites solida). Marine and Freshwater Research. 55(2):135-144. doi:10.1071/MF03080

Strychar KB, Coates M, Sammarco PW, Piva TJ. 2004. Bleaching as a pathogenic response in scleractinian corals, evidenced by high concentrations of apoptotic and necrotic zooxanthellae. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 304(1):91–121. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2003.11.023

Strychar KB, Sammarco PW, Piva TJ. 2004. Apoptotic and necrotic stages of Symbiodinium (Dinophyceae) cell death activity: bleaching of soft and scleractinian corals. Phycologia. 43(6):768–777. doi:10.2216/i0031-8884-43-6-768.1

Turner RE, Dortch Q, Rabalais NN. 2004. Inorganic nitrogen transformations at high loading rates in an oligohaline estuary. Biogeochemistry. 68(3):411–422. doi:10.1023/B:BIOG.0000031039.56794.29

Turner RE, Milan CS, Rabalais NN. 2004. A retrospective analysis of trace metals, C, N and diatom remnants in sediments from the Mississippi River delta shelf. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 49(7-8):548–556. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2004.03.013

Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 2004. Suspended sediment, C, N, P, and Si yields from the Mississippi River Basin. Hydrobiologia. 511:79–89. doi:10.1023/B:HYDR.0000014031.12067.1a

Wiseman WJ Jr, Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Justić D. 2004. Hypoxia and the physics of the Louisiana coastal current. In: Nihoul JCJ, Zavialov PO, Micklin PP, editors. Dying and dead seas: climatic versus anthropic causes. Dordrecht (NL): Kluwer Academic Publishers. p. 359–372. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-0967-6

Wong WH, Levinton JS. 2004. Culture of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis fed both phytoplankton and zooplankton: a microcosm experiment. Aquaculture Research. 35(10):965–969. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2004.01107.x

Yuan J, Miller RL, Powell RT, Dagg MJ. 2004. Storm-induced injection of the Mississippi River plume into the open Gulf of Mexico. Geophysical Research Letters. 31(9):L09312. doi:10.1029/2003GL019335


Acosta A, Sammarco PW, Duarte LF. 2005. New fission processes in the zoanthid Palythoa caribaeorum: description and quantitative aspects. Bulletin of Marine Science. 76(1):1–26.

Atchison AD, Sammarco PW, Brazeau DA. 2005. Genetic affinities between corals on the Flower Garden Banks vs. oil/gas platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico: implications for dispersal. In: Proceedings: twenty-third annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, January 2005. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 438-445.

Atilla N, Fleeger JW, Finelli CM. 2005. Effects of habitat complexity and hydrodynamics on the abundance and diversity of small invertebrates colonizing artificial substrates. Journal of Marine Research. 63(6):1151–1172. doi:10.1357/002224005775247580

Baltz DM, Chesney EJ. 2005. Evaluating sublethal effects of exposure to petroleum additives on fishes associated with offshore platforms. OCS Study MMS 2005-054. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. 76 p.

Baltz DM, Chesney EJ, Tarr MA, Kolok AS, Bradley MJ. 2005. Toxicity and sublethal effects of methanol on swimming performance of juvenile Florida pompano. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 134(3):730-740. doi:10.1577/T04-136.1

Boland GS, Sammarco PW. 2005. Observations of the antipatharian “black coral” Plumapathes pennacea (Pallas, 1766) (Cnidaria: Anrhozoa), northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of Mexico Science. 23(1):127-132. doi:10.18785/goms.2301.11

Brazeau DA, Sammarco PW, Gleason DF. 2005. A multi-locus genetic assignment technique to assess sources of Agaricia agaricites larvae on coral reefs. Marine Biology. 147(5):1141-1148. doi:10.1007/s00227-005-0022-5

Chesney EJ. 2005. Copepods as live prey: a review of factors that influence the feeding success of marine fish larvae. In: Lee CS, O’Bryen P, Marcus N, editors. Copepods in aquaculture. Ames (IA): Blackwell Publishing. p. 133–50. doi:10.1002/9780470277522.ch11

Conover JW, Duhon S. 2005. Effects of oil and gas development: a current awareness bibliography, 2000–2004. OCS study MMS 2005-019. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. 245 p.

Dagg MJ, Bianchi TS, Breed GA, Cai W-J, Duan S, Liu H, McKee BA, Powell RT, Stewart CM. 2005. Biogeochemical characteristics of the lower Mississippi River, USA, during June 2003. Estuaries. 28(5):664-674. doi:10.1007/BF02732905

Dagg MJ, Brown SL. 2005. The potential contribution of fecal pellets from the larvacean Oikopleura dioica to vertical flux of carbon in a river dominated coastal margin. In: Gorsky G, Youngbluth MJ, Deibel D, editors. Response of marine ecosystems to global change: ecological impact of appendicularians. Paris: Contemporary Publishing International. p. 293–307.

Finelli CM, Ebert-May D, Hodder J. 2005. Collaborative learning: a jigsaw. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 3(4):220–221. doi:10.1890/1540-9295(2005)003[0220:CLAJ]2.0.CO;2

Justić D, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 2005. Coupling between climate variability and coastal eutrophication: evidence and outlook for the northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Sea Research. 54(1):25-35. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2005.02.008

Kolian S, Sammarco PW. 2005. Mariculture and other uses for offshore oil and gas platforms: rationale for retaining infrastructure. Technical Report No. 1. Baton Rouge (LA): Eco-Rigs. 61 p.

Kremer HH, Le Tissier MDA, Burbridge PR, Talaue-McManus L, Rabalais NN, Parslow J, Crossland CJ, Young B, editors. 2005. Land-ocean interactions in the coastal zone: science plan and implementation strategy. Stockolm (SE): IGBP Secretariat. 60 p.

Liu H, Dagg MJ, Strom S. 2005. Grazing by the calanoid copepod Neocalanus cristatus on the microbial food web in the coastal Gulf of Alaska. Journal of Plankton Research. 27(7):647-662. doi:10.1093/plankt/fbi039

Liu H, Dagg MJ, Wu C-J, Chiang K-P. 2005. Mesozooplankton consumption of microplankton in the Mississippi River plume, with special emphasis on planktonic ciliates. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 286:133–144. doi:10.3354/meps286133

Platon E, Sen Gupta BK, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 2005. Effect of seasonal hypoxia on the benthic foraminiferal community of the Louisiana inner continental shelf: the 20th century record. Marine Micropaleontology. 54(3-4):263–283. doi:10.1016/j.marmicro.2004.12.004

Rabalais NN. 2005. Consequences of Mississippi River diversion for Louisiana coastal restoration. National Wetlands Newsletter. 27(4):21-24.

Rabalais NN. 2005. Relative contribution of produced water discharge in the development of hypoxia. OCS Study MMS 2005-044. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. 56 p.

Rabalais NN. 2005. The potential for nutrient overenrichment to diminish marine biodiversity. In: Norse EA, Crowder LB, editors. Marine conservation biology: the science of maintaining the sea’s biodiversity. Washington, DC: Island Press. p. 109–122.

Salomons W, Kremer HH, Turner RK, Andreeva EN, Arthurton RS, Behrendt H, Burbridge P, Chen C-TA, Crossland CJ, Gandrass J, et al. (including Rabalais NN). 2005. The catchment to coast continuum. In: Crossland CJ, Kremer HH, Lindeboom H, Crossland JIM, Le Tissier MDA, editors. Coastal fluxes in the anthropocene. Berlin: Springer. p. 145-200. doi:10.1007/3-540-27851-6

Sammarco PW, Atchison AD, Boland GS. 2005. Distribution of corals colonizing oil and gas platforms in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico: a preliminary report. In: Proceedings: twenty-third annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, January 2005. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 429-437.

Stead MA, Baltz DM, Chesney EJ, Tarr MA, Kolok AS, Marx BD. 2005. Swimming performance of juvenile Florida pompano after sublethal exposure to ethylene glycol and methanol: synergistic effects. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 134(6):1438-1447. doi:10.1577/T04-178.1

Strychar KB, Coates M, Sammarco PW, Piva TJ, Scott PT. 2005. Loss of Symbiodinium from bleached Australian soft corals Sarcophyton ehrenbergi, Sinularia sp., and Xenia sp. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 320(2):159–177. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2004.12.039

Sutor MM, Cowles TJ, Peterson WT, Pierce SD. 2005. Acoustic observations of finescale zooplankton distributions in the Oregon upwelling region. Deep Sea Research. Part II, Topical Studies in Oceanography. 52(1-2):109-121. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2004.09.029

Sutor MM, Cowles TJ, Peterson WT, Lamb J. 2005. Comparison of acoustic and net sampling systems to determine patterns in zooplankton distribution. Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans. 110(10):C10S16. doi:10.1029/2004JC002681

Suzuki K, Hinuma A, Saito H, Kiyosawa H, Liu H, Saino T, Tsuda A. 2005. Response of phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria in the northwest subarctic Pacific to in situ iron fertilization as estimated by HPLC pigment analysis and flow cytometry. Progress in Oceanography. 64(2-4):167–187. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2005.02.007

Thessen AE, Dortch Q, Parsons ML, Morrison WL. 2005. Effect of salinity on Pseudo-nitzschia species (Bacillariophyceae) growth and distribution. Journal of Phycology. 41(1):21–29. doi:10.1111/j.1529-8817.2005.04077.x

Turner RE, Rabalais NN, Swenson EM, Kasprzak M, Romaire T. 2005. Summer hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico and its prediction from 1978 to 1995. Marine Environmental Research. 59(1):65-77. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2003.09.002

Wong WH, Levinton J. 2005. Consumption rates of two rotifer species by zebra mussels Dreissena polymorpha. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology. 38(3):149-157. doi:10.1080/13638490500174699

Yuan J, Dagg MJ, Del Castillo CE. 2005. In-pixel variations of chl a fluorescence in the northern Gulf of Mexico and their implications for calibrating remotely sensed chl a and other products. Continental Shelf Research. 25(15):1894-1904. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2005.06.003


Atchison AD, Sammarco PW, Brazeau DA. 2006. Genetic similarities of coral populations between the Flower Garden Banks and oil/gas platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In: Suzuki Y, Nakamori T, editors. Proceedings: 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, Okinawa, Japan, 2004. Okinawa (JP): International Society for Reef Studies, Japanese Coral Reef Society. p. 414-419.

Dagg MJ. 2006. Some background on Neocalanus feeding. In: Miller CB, Ikeda T, editors. Report of the 2005 Workshop on Oceanic Ecodynamics Comparison in the Subarctic Pacific, May 23-24, 2005, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A. Sidney, BC: North Pacific Marine Science Organization. p. 57-61.

Dagg MJ, Liu H, Thomas AC. 2006. Effects of mesoscale phytoplankton variability on the copepods Neocalanus flemingeri and N. plumchrus in the coastal Gulf of Alaska. Deep-Sea Research. Part I, Oceanographic Research Papers. 53(2):321-332. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2005.09.013

Finelli CM, Helmuth BST, Pentcheff ND, Wethey DS. 2006. Water flow influences oxygen transport and photosynthetic efficiency in corals. Coral Reefs. 25(1):47-57. doi:10.1007/s00338-005-0055-8

Fleury BG, Coll JC, Sammarco PW. 2006. Complementary (secondary) metabolites in a soft coral: sex-specific variability, inter-clonal variability, and competition. Marine Ecology. 27(3):204-218. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0485.2006.00106.x

Green RE, Bianchi TS, Dagg MJ, Walker ND, Breed GA. 2006. An organic carbon budget for the Mississippi River turbidity plume and plume contributions to air-sea CO2 fluxes and bottom-water hypoxia. Estuaries. 29(4):579-597. doi:10.1007/BF02784284

Kolian SR, Sammarco PW. 2006. Job creation and marine aquaculture: direct generation of 18,000 jobs. Baton Rouge (LA): Eco-Rigs. 4 p.

Maida M, Sammarco PW, Coll JC. 2006. A diffusion chamber for assessing efficacy of natural anti-fouling defenses in marine organisms. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 337(1):59-64. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2006.06.008

Maier Brown AF, Dortch Q, Van Dolah FM, Leighfield TA, Morrison WL, Thessen AE, Steidinger KA, Richardson B, Moncreiff CA, Pennock JR. 2006. Effect of salinity on the distribution, growth, and toxicity of Karenia spp. Harmful Algae. 5(2):199-212. doi:10.1016/j.hal.2005.07.004

Mason RP, Benoit JM, Powell RT. 2006. 8th International Estuarine Biogeochemistry Symposium: Introduction. Marine Chemistry. 102(1-2):1. doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2006.03.006

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Parsons ML, Dortch Q, Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 2006. Reconstructing the development of eutrophication in Louisiana salt marshes. Limnology and Oceanography. 51(1 Pt 2):534-544. doi:10.4319/lo.2006.51.1_part_2.0534

Rabalais NN. 2006. El agotamiento del oxígeno en la porción adyacente al río Misisipi en el golfo de México. Gayana. 70 Suppl 1:73-78.

Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 2006. Oxygen depletion in the Gulf of Mexico adjacent to the Mississippi River. In: Jørgensen BB, Murray JW, Neretin LN, editors. Past and present marine water column anoxia. NATO Science Series: IV-Earth and Environmental Sciences. Dordrecht (NL): Springer. p. 225-245. doi:10.1007/1-4020-4297-3_09

Rinker KR, Powell RT. 2006. Dissolved organic phosphorus in the Mississippi River plume during spring and fall 2002. Marine Chemistry. 102(1-2):170-179. doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2005.09.013

Sammarco PW, Atchison AD, Boland GS. 2006. Geographic expansion and limits of corals in the NW Gulf of Mexico: colonization of offshore oil and gas platforms. In: Suzuki Y, Nakamori T, editors. Proceedings: 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, Okinawa, Japan, 2004. Okinawa (JP): International Society for Reef Studies, Japanese Coral Reef Society. p. 453-459.

Sammarco PW, Wheaton J. 2006. Coral reefs as indicators of long-term ecosystem change at the regional and global scales. Environmental Bioindicators. 1(1):12-14. doi:10.1080/15555270600605402

Sammarco PW, Winter A, Stewart C. 2006. Coefficient of variation of sea surface temperature (SST) as an indicator of coral bleaching. Marine Biology. 149(6):1337-1344. doi:10.1007/s00227-006-0318-0

Switzer TS, Chesney EJ Baltz DM. 2006. Exploring temporal and spatial variability in nekton community structure in the northern Gulf of Mexico: unraveling the potential influence of hypoxia. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute. 57:699-716.

Sylvan JB, Dortch Q, Nelson DM, Maier Brown AF, Morrison WL, Ammerman JW. 2006. Phosphorus limits phytoplankton growth on the Louisiana shelf during the period of hypoxia formation. Environmental Science & Technology. 40(24):7548-7553. doi:10.1021/es061417t

Turner RE, Rabalais NN, Fry B, Atilla N, Milan CS, Lee JM, Normandeau C, Oswald TA, Swenson EM, Tomasko DA. 2006. Paleo‐indicators and water quality change in the Charlotte Harbor Estuary (Florida). Limnology and Oceanography. 51(1 Pt 2):518-533. doi:10.4319/lo.2006.51.1_part_2.0518

Turner RE, Rabalais NN, Justić D. 2006. Predicting summer hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico: riverine N, P, and Si loading. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 52(2):139-148. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2005.08.012

Walker ND, Rabalais NN. 2006. Relationships among satellite chlorophyll a, river inputs, and hypoxia on the Louisiana continental shelf, Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts. 29(6):1081-1093. doi:10.1007/BF02781811

Weirich CR, Groat DR, Reigh RC, Chesney EJ, Malone RF. 2006. Effect of feeding strategies on production characteristics and body composition of Florida pompano reared in marine recirculating systems. North American Journal of Aquaculture. 68(4):330–338. doi:10.1577/A05-082.1

Working Group for Post-Hurricane Planning for the Louisiana Coast (including Rabalais NN). 2006. A new framework for planning the future of coastal Louisiana after the hurricanes of 2005. Cambridge (MD): University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Integration and Application Network. 48 p.

Wysocki LA, Bianchi TS, Powell RT, Reuss N. 2006. Spatial variability in the coupling of organic carbon, nutrients, and phytoplankton pigments in surface waters and sediments of the Mississippi River plume. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 69(1-2):47-63. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2006.03.022


Bank MS, Chesney EJ, Shine JP, Maage A, Senn DB. 2007. Mercury bioaccumulation and trophic transfer in sympatric snapper species from the Gulf of Mexico. Ecological Applications. 17(7):2100-2110. doi:10.1890/06-1422.1

Dagg MJ, Ammerman JW, Amon RMW, Gardner WS, Green RE, Lohrenz SE. 2007. A review of water column processes influencing hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts. 30:735-752. doi:10.1007/BF02841331

Rabalais NN. 2007. Mississippi-Atchafalaya river plume, LA: predictable large scale hypoxia from the nation’s largest drainage basin due to nutrient loads. In: Effects of nutrient enrichment in the nation’s estuaries: a decade of change. Silver Spring (MD): US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science. p. 109-110.

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Sen Gupta BK, Boesch DF, Chapman P, Murrell MC. 2007. Hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico: does the science support the plan to reduce, mitigate, and control hypoxia? Estuaries and Coasts. 30(5):753-772. doi:10.1007/BF02841332

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Sen Gupta BK, Platon E, Parsons ML. 2007. Sediments tell the history of eutrophication and hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Ecological Applications. 17 Suppl 5:S129-S143. doi:10.1890/06-0644.1

Roberts BJ, Mulholland PJ. 2007. In-stream biotic control on nutrient biogeochemistry in a forested stream, West Fork of Walker Branch. Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences. 112(4):G04002. doi:10.1029/2007JG000422

Sammarco PW, Hallock P, Lang JC, LeGore RS. 2007. Roundtable discussion groups summary papers. Environmental bio-indicators in coral reef ecosystems: the need to align research, monitoring, and environmental regulation. Environmental Bioindicators. 2(1):35-46. doi:10.1080/15555270701263200

Turner RE, Rabalais NN, Alexander RB, McIsaac G, Howarth RW. 2007. Characterization of nutrient, organic carbon, and sediment loads and concentrations from the Mississippi River into the northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts. 30(5):773-790. doi:10.1007/BF02841333

Turner RE, Rabalais NN, Scavia D, McIsaac GF. 2007. Corn belt landscapes and hypoxia of the Gulf of Mexico. In: Nassauer JI, Santelmann MV, Scavia D, editors. From the corn belt to the Gulf: ecological and societal implications of alternative agricultural futures. Baltimore (MD): Resources for the Future Press. p. 10-27. doi:10.4324/9781936331406

Yuan J, Hayden L, Dagg MJ. 2007. Comment on “Reduction of primary production and changing of nutrient ratio in the East China Sea: effect of the Three Gorges Dam?” by Gwo-Ching Gong et al. Geophysical Research Letters. 34(14):L14609. doi:10.1029/2006GL029036


Atchison AD, Sammarco PW, Brazeau DA. 2008. Genetic connectivity in corals on the Flower Garden Banks and surrounding oil/gas platforms, Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 365(1):1-12. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2008.07.002

Chesney EJ. 2008. Foraging behavior of bay anchovy larvae, Anchoa mitchilli. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 362(2):117-124. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2008.06.011

Dagg MJ, Bianchi TS, McKee B, Powell RT. 2008. Fates of dissolved and particulate materials from the Mississippi River immediately after discharge into the northern Gulf of Mexico, USA, during a period of low wind stress. Continental Shelf Research. 28(12):1443-1450. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2006.12.009

Dagg MJ Dai M, Harrison PJ, Rabouille C. 2008. Coastal ecosystem responses to changing nutrient inputs from large temperate and subtropical rivers-Introduction. Continental Shelf Research. 28(12):v-vi. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2008.07.001

Dagg MJ, Sato R, Liu H, Bianchi TS, Green R, Powell RT. 2008. Microbial food web contributions to bottom water hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Continental Shelf Research. 28(9):1127-1137. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2008.02.013

Dagg MJ, Uye S-I, Valdés L, Harris R. 2008. Human and climate forcing of zooplankton populations: Introduction. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 65(3):277-278. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsn040

Glibert PM, Azanza RV, Burford MA, Furuya K, Abal E, Al-Azri A, Al-Yamani F, Andersen P-A, Anderson DM, Beardall J, et al. (including Rabalais NN). 2008. Ocean urea fertilization for carbon credits poses high ecological risks. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 56(6):1049-1056. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2008.03.010

Green RE, Breed GA, Dagg MJ, Lohrenz SE. 2008. Modeling the response of primary production and sedimentation to variable nitrate loading in the Mississippi River plume. Continental Shelf Research. 28(12):1451-1465. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2007.02.008

Hill WR, Fanta SE, Roberts BJ. 2008. 13C dynamics in benthic algae: effects of light, phosphorus, and biomass development. Limnology and Oceanography. 53(4):1217-1226. doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.4.1217

Kelly-Gerreyn BA, Rabalais NN, Middelburg JJ, Roy S, Liu K-K, Thomas H, Zhang J. 2008. Continental margins: linking ecosystems. Eos, Transitions American Geophysical Union. 89(7):64. doi:10.1029/2008EO070006

Kolian SR, Sammarco PW. 2008. Removal of offshore oil and gas platforms: rationale for retaining infrastructure to develop offshore renewable resources in the Gulf of Mexico. Baton Rouge (LA): EcoRigs Non-Profit. 10 p.

Liu H, Dagg MJ, Napp JM, Sato R. 2008. Mesozooplankton grazing in the coastal Gulf of Alaska: Neocalanus spp. vs. other mesozooplankton. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 65(3):351-360. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsm175

Lohrenz SE, Redalje DG, Cai W-J, Acker J, Dagg MJ. 2008. A retrospective analysis of nutrients and phytoplankton productivity in the Mississippi River plume. Continental Shelf Research. 28(12):1466-1475. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2007.06.019

McClanahan TR, Buddemeier RW, Horgh-Guldberg O, Sammarco PW. 2008. Projecting the current trajectory for coral reefs. In: Polunin NVC, editor. Aquatic ecosystems: trends and global prospects. New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 242-262. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511751790.022

National Research Council (US). Committee on the Mississippi River and the Clean Water Act (including Rabalais NN). 2008. Mississippi River water quality and the Clean Water Act: progress, challenges, and opportunities. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. 239 p. doi:10.17226/12051

Rabalais NN. 2008. Hypoxia: Gulf of Mexico. In: Trimble SW, Stewart BA, Howell TA editors. Encyclopedia of water science, 2nd edition. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press. p. 524-528. doi:10.1201/NOE0849396274

Rabouille C, Conley DJ, Dai MH, Cai W-J, Chen CTA, Lansard B, Green R, Yin K, Harrison P, Dagg MJ. 2008. Comparison of hypoxia among four river-dominated ocean margins: the Changjiang (Yangtze), Mississippi, Pearl, and Rhône rivers. Continental Shelf Research. 28(12):1527-1537. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2008.01.020

Riley KL, Chesney EJ Tiersch TR. 2008. Field collection, handling and refrigerated storage of sperm of red snapper and gray snapper. North American Journal of Aquaculture. 70(3):356-364. doi:10.1577/A07-061.1

Sammarco PW. 2008. Crises on coral reefs and in coral reef science in the 21st century: the need for a new peer-review system. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics. 8(2):109-119. doi:10.3354/esep00093

Sammarco PW. 2008. Journal visibility, self-citation, and reference limits: influences on impact factor and author performance review. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics. 8(2):121-125. doi:10.3354/esep00095

Sammarco PW, Brazueau DA, Atchison AD, Boland GS, Lirette A. 2008. Coral distribution, abundance, and genetic affinities on oil/gas platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico: a preliminary look at the big picture. In: Proceedings: twenty-fourth Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, January 2007. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 334-347.

Sato R, Ishibashi Y, Tanaka Y, Ishimaru T, Dagg MJ. 2008. Productivity and grazing impact of Oikopleura dioica (Tunicata, Appendicularia) in Tokyo Bay. Journal of Plankton Research. 30(3):299-309. doi:10.1093/plankt/fbn00110.1093/plankt/fbn001

Stewart GS, Cáceres C, Beisner BE, LaFeir L, Roberts BJ, Stedmon C. 2008. Update from the ASLO Early Career Committee. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin. 17(2):52-53. doi:10.1002/lob.200817252a

Strychar KB, Sammarco PW. 2008. Adaptation/exaptation in the host coral Favites complanata (Ehrenberg, 1834; Scleractinia, Faviidae) to increased seawater temperatures. In: Riegl B, Dodge RE. editors. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 7-11 July 2008. Dania Beach (FL): National Coral Reef Institute. p. 1339-1343.

Sutor MM, Dagg MJ. 2008. The effects of vertical sampling resolution on estimates of plankton biomass and rate calculations in stratified water columns. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 78(1):107-121. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2007.11.023

Turner RE, Rabalais NN, Justić D. 2008. Gulf of Mexico hypoxia: alternate states and a legacy. Environmental Science & Technology. 42(7):2323-2327. doi:10.1021/es071617k

Wolanski E, Newton A, Rabalais NN, Legrand C. 2008. Coastal zone management. In: Jørgensen SE, Fath BD, editors. Encyclopedia of ecology. Amsterdam: Elsevier BV. p. 640-637. doi:10.1016/B978-008045405-4.00046-X


Baustian MM, Craig JK, Rabalais NN. 2009. Effects of summer 2003 hypoxia on macrobenthos and Atlantic croaker foraging selectivity in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 381 Suppl 1:S31-S37. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2009.07.007

Baustian MM, Rabalais NN. 2009. Seasonal composition of benthic macroinfauna exposed to hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts. 32(5):975-983. doi:10.1007/s12237-009-9187-3

Boesch DF, Boynton WR, Crowder LB, Diaz RJ, Howarth RW, Mee LD, Nixon SW, Rabalais NN, Rosenberg R, Sanders JG, et al. 2009. Nutrient enrichment drives Gulf of Mexico hypoxia. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 90(14):117-118. doi:10.1029/2009EO140001

Cahoon DR, Reed DJ, Kolker AS, Brinson MM, Stevenson JC, Riggs S, Christian R, Reyes E, Voss C, Kunz D. 2009. Coastal wetland sustainability. In: Coastal sensitivity to sea level rise: a focus on the Mid-Atlantic Region. Synthesis and Assessment Product 4.1. Washington, DC: US Environmental Protection Agency. p. 189-237.

Conley DJ, Björck S, Bonsdorff E, Carstensen J, Destouni G, Gustafsson BG, Hietanen S, Kortekaas M, Kuosa H, Markus Meier HE, et al. (including Rabalais NN). 2009. Hypoxia-related processes in the Baltic Sea. Environmental Science & Technology. 43(10):3412-3420. doi:10.1021/es802762a

Conley DJ, Bonsdorff E, Carstensen J, Destouni G, Gustafsson BG, Hansson LA, Rabalais NN, Voss M, Zillén L. 2009. Tackling hypoxia in the Baltic Sea: is engineering a solution? Environmental Science & Technology. 43(10):3407-3411. doi:10.1021/es802763310.1021/es8027633

Dagg MJ, Liu H, Strom S. 2009. High feeding rates on large particles by Neocalanus flemingeri and N. plumchrus, and consequences for phytoplankton community structure in the HNLC subarctic Pacific Ocean. Deep Sea Research. Part I, Oceanographic Research Papers. 56(5):716-726. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2008.12.012

Díaz RJ, Rosenberg R, Rabalais NN, Levin LA. 2009. Editorial. Dead zone dilemma. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 58(12):1767-1768. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2009.09.030

Gooday AJ, Jorissen F, Levin LA, Middelburg JJ, Naqvi SWA, Rabalais NN, Scranton M, Zhang J. 2009. Historical records of coastal eutrophication-induced hypoxia. Biogeosciences. 6(8):1707-1745. doi:10.5194/bg-6-1707-2009

Heileman S, Rabalais NN. 2009. Gulf of Mexico LME. In: Sherman K, Hempel G, editors. The UNEP Large Marine Ecosystem report: a perspective on changing conditions in LMEs of the world’s regional seas. Nairobi (KE): United Nations Environment Programme. p. 673-687.

Hill WR, Fanta SE, Roberts BJ. 2009. Quantifying phosphorus and light effects in stream algae. Limnology and Oceanography. 54(1):368-380. doi:10.4319/lo.2009.54.1.0368

Kolker AS, Goodbred SL, Hameed S, Cochran JK. 2009. High-resolution records of the response of coastal wetland systems to long-term and short-term sea-level variability. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 84(4):493-508. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2009.06.030

Levin LA, Ekau W, Gooday AJ, Jorissen F, Middelburg JJ, Naqvi SWA, Neira C, Rabalais NN, Zhang J. 2009. Effects of natural and human-induced hypoxia on coastal benthos. Biogeosciences. 6(10):2063-2098. doi:10.5194/bg-6-2063-2009

Liu B, Schaider LA, Mason RP, Bank MS, Rabalais NN, Swarzenski PW, Shine JP, Hollweg T, Senn DB. 2009. Disturbance impacts on mercury dynamics in northern Gulf of Mexico sediments. Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences. 114(2):G00C07. doi:10.1029/2008JG000752

Mulholland PJ, Roberts BJ, Hill WR, Smith JG. 2009. Stream ecosystem responses to the 2007 spring freeze in the southeastern United States: unexpected effects of climate change. Global Change Biology. 15(7):1767-1776. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01864.x

National Research Council (US). Committee on Evolution of the National Oceanographic Research Fleet (including Rabalais NN). 2009. Science at sea: meeting future oceanographic goals with a robust academic research fleet. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. 107 p. doi:10.17226/12775

National Research Council (US). Committee on the Mississippi River and the Clean Water Act: Scientific, Modeling, and Technical Aspects of Nutrient Pollutant Load Allocation and Implementation (including Rabalais NN). 2009. Nutrient control actions for improving water quality in the Mississippi River basin and northern Gulf of Mexico. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. 79 p. doi:10.17226/12544

National Sea Grant Program (US). Committee to Review Sea Grant Research (including Rabalais NN). 2009. Sea Grant research. A report of the National Sea Grant Advisory Board. Silver Spring (MD): National Sea Grant Program. 71 p.

Qian SS, Craig JK, Baustian MM, Rabalais NN. 2009. A Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach for analyzing observational data from marine ecological studies. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 58(12):1916-1921. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2009.09.029

Rabalais NN. 2009. Hypoxia. In: Encyclopedia of ocean sciences, volume 3. San Diego (CA): Academic Press. p. 200-211.

Rabalais NN, Gilbert D. 2009. Distribution and consequences of hypoxia. In: Urban ER Jr, Sundby B, Malanotte-Razzoli P, Melillo JM, editors. Watersheds, bays, and bounded seas: the science and management of semi-enclosed marine systems. Washington, DC: Island Press. p. 209-225.

Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Díaz RJ, Justić D. 2009. Global change and eutrophication of coastal waters. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 66(7):1528-1537. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsp047

Ren L, Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Morrison WL, Mendenhall W. 2009. Nutrient limitation on phytoplankton growth in the upper Barataria Basin, Louisiana: microcosm bioassays. Estuaries and Coasts. 32(5):958-975. doi:10.1007/s12237-009-9174-8

Sammarco PW. 2009. Comments on Climate change/global warming in a changing world: from indicators to action—an introduction to the special issue on biological effects of climate change. Environmental Bioindicators. 4(1):4-8. doi:10.1080/15555270902915194

Sammarco PW, Atchison AD, Brazeau DA, Boland GS, Lirette A. 2009. Coral distribution, abundance and genetics in the northern Gulf of Mexico: role of the Flower Garden Banks and oil/gas platforms. In: Proceedings: twenty-fifth Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, January 2009. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 175-178.

Sammarco PW, Boland GS, Sinclair J, Lirette A, Tung YF. 2009. Rigs-to-reefs structures and coral community development in the northern Gulf of Mexico: a first view. In: Proceedings: twenty-fifth Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, January 2009. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 179-181.

Sammarco PW, Strychar KB. 2009. Effects of climate change/global warming on coral reefs: adaptation/exaptation in corals, evolution in zooxanthellae, and biogeographic shifts. Environmental Bioindicators. 4(1):9-45. doi:10.1080/15555270902905377

Schaeffer BA, Kamykowski D, Sinclair GA, McKay L, Milligan EJ. 2009. Diel vertical migration thresholds of Karenia brevis (Dinophyceae). Harmful Algae. 8(5):692-698. doi:10.1016/j.hal.2009.01.002

Schaeffer BA, Kamykowski D, McKay L, Sinclair GA, Milligan E. 2009. Lipid class, carotenoid, and toxin dynamics of Karenia brevis (Dinophyceae) during diel vertical migration. Journal of Phycology. 45(1):154-163. doi:10.1111/j.1529-8817.2008.00627.x

Sinclair GA, Kamykowski D, Glibert PM. 2009. Growth, uptake, and assimilation of ammonium, nitrate, and urea, by three strains of Karenia brevis grown under low light. Harmful Algae. 8(5):770-780. doi:10.1016/j.hal.2009.02.006

Snelgrove PVR, Rabalais NN. 2009. Governance and management of ecosystem services in semi-emclosed marine systems. In: Urban ER Jr, Sundby B, Malanotte-Razzoli P, Melillo JM, editors. Watersheds, bays, and bounded seas: the science and management of semi-enclosed marine systems. Washington, DC: Island Press. p. 49-76.

Strychar KB, Sammarco PW. 2009. Exaptation in corals to high seawater temperatures: low concentrations of apoptotic and necrotic cells in host coral tissue under bleaching conditions. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 369(1):31-42. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2008.10.021

Switzer TS, Chesney EJ, Baltz DM. 2009. Habitat selection by flatfishes in the northern Gulf of Mexico: implications for susceptibility to hypoxia. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 381 Suppl 1:S51-S64. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2009.07.011

van de Koppel J, Tett P, Maqvi W, Oguz T, Perillo GME, Rabalais NN, d’Alcalà MR, Su J, Zhang J. 2009. Threshold effects in semi-enclosed marine systems. In: Urban ER Jr, Sundby B, Malanotte-Razzoli P, Melillo JM, editors. Watersheds, bays, and bounded seas: the science and management of semi-enclosed marine systems. Washington, DC: Island Press. p. 31-47.


Bianchi TS, Allison MA, Chapman P, Cowan JH Jr, Dagg MJ, Day Jr. JW, Dimarco SF, Powell RT. 2010. New approaches to the Gulf hypoxia problem. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 91(19):173. doi:10.1029/2010EO190006

Daly K, Chan F, Rabalais NN. 2010. Low oxygen regions in the oceans. Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Program News. 3(2):6-9.

Fanta SE, Hill WR, Smith TB, Roberts BJ. 2010. Applying the light: nutrient hypothesis on stream periphyton. Freshwater Biology. 55(5):931-940. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2009.02309.x

Fischer AJ, Chesney EJ, Cowan JH Jr. 2010. Validation of first annulus formation in red snapper otoliths with the use of an alizarin complexone fluorescent marker. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 89(3-4):313–317. doi:10.1007/s10641-010-9682-1

Garcia AC, Bargu S, Dash P, Rabalais NN, Sutor M, Morrison WL, and Walker ND. 2010. Evaluating the potential risk of microcystins to blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) fisheries and human health in a eutrophic estuary. Harmful Algae. 9(2):134-143. doi:10.1016/j.hal.2009.08.011

Gilbert D, Rabalais NN, Diaz RJ, Zhang J. 2010. Evidence for greater oxygen decline rates in the coastal ocean than in the open ocean. Biogeosciences. 7(7):2283–2296. doi:10.5194/bg-7-2283-2010

Gothreaux CT, Reigh RC, Williams MB, Chesney EJ. 2010. Amino acid availability of soybean meal for Florida pompano. North American Journal of Aquaculture. 72(4):309-313. doi:10.1577/A09-079.1

Grippo MA, Fleeger JW, Rabalais NN, Condrey R, Carman KR. 2010. Contribution of phytoplankton and benthic microalgae to inner shelf sediments of the north-central Gulf of Mexico. Continental Shelf Research. 30(5):456-466. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2009.12.015

Jordan TE, Sala OE, Stafford SG, Bubier JL, Crittenden JC, Cutter SL, Kay AC, Libecap GD, Moore JC, Rabalais NN, et al. 2010. Forum. Recommendations for interdisciplinary study of tipping points in natural and social systems. Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union. 91(16):143-144. doi:10.1029/2010EO160005

Kelble CR, Ortner PB, Hitchcock GL, Dagg MJ, Boyer JN. 2010. Temporal and spatial variability of mesozooplankton in a shallow sub-tropical bay: influence of top-down control. Estuaries and Coasts. 33(3):723-737. doi:10.1007/s12237-010-9270-9

Kolker AS, Kirwan ML, Goodbred SL, Cochran JK. 2010. Global climate changes recorded in coastal wetland sediments: empirical observations linked to theoretical predictions. Geophysical Research Letters. 37(14):L14706. doi:10.1029/2010GL043874

Liu K-K, Rabalais NN, Middelburg JJ. 2010. A guide to future research on continental marine biogeochemistry. In: Liu K-K, Atkinson L, Quiñones R, Talaue-McManus L, editors. Carbon and nutrient fluxes in continental margins: a global synthesis. Berlin: Springer Verlag. p. 625-626.

McKinnell SM, Batten S, Bograd SJ, Boldt JL, Bond N, Chiba S, Dagg MJ, Foreman MGG, Hunt GL Jr, Irvine JR, et al. 2010. North Pacific synthesis. In: McKinnell SM, Dagg MJ, editors. Marine ecosystems of the north Pacific Ocean, 2003-2008. Sidney (CA): North Pacific Marine Science Organization. p. 1-55.

McKinnell SM, Dagg MJ, editors. 2010. Marine ecosystems of the north Pacific Ocean, 2003-2008. PICES Special Publication 4. Sidney (CA): North Pacific Marine Science Organization: 393 p.

National Research Council (US). Committee on the Review of Water and Environmental Research Systems (WATERS) Network (including Rabalais NN). 2010. Review of the WATERS network science plan. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. 69 p. doi:10.17226/12898

National Research Council (US). Committee on Clean Water Act Implementation Across the Mississippi River Basin (including Rabalais NN). 2010. Improving water quality in the Mississippi River basin and northern Gulf of Mexico: strategies and priorities. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. 24 p. doi:10.17226/13029

Quiñones-Rivera ZJ, Wissel B, Rabalais NN, Justić D. 2010. Effects of biological and physical factors on seasonal oxygen dynamics in a stratified, eutrophic coastal ecosystem. Limnology and Oceanography. 55(1):289–304. doi:10.4319/lo.2010.55.1.0289

Rabalais NN. 2010. Eutrophication of estuarine and coastal ecosystems. In: Mitchell R, Gu J-D, editors. Environmental microbiology, 2nd edition. Hoboken (NJ): John Wiley & Sons. p. 115-135. doi:10.1002/9780470495117.ch5

Rabalais NN. 2010. Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium: relatively new kid on the block. Gulf of Mexico Science. 28(1-2):102-108. doi:10.18785/goms.2801.12

Rabalais NN, Díaz RJ, Levin LA, Turner RE, Gilbert D, Zhang J. 2010. Dynamics and distribution of natural and human-caused hypoxia. Biogeosciences. 7(2):585-619. doi:10.5194/bg-7-585-2010

Sammarco PW. 2010. The Association of Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean (AMLC): new thoughts, new directions. Revista de Biología Tropical. 58 Suppl 3:xi-xii.

Sammarco PW. 2010. The need for a new peer review system in coral reef science: time for a change? Reef Encounter: Newsletter of the International Society for Reef Studies. 38:10-11.

Sammarco PW. 2010. Petroleum hydrocarbons in Terrebonne Bay, Louisiana after the BP-Deep Horizon spill: sampling using new adsorbent technology. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 67 p.

Sammarco PW, Porter SA, Cairns SD. 2010. A new coral species introduced into the Atlantic Ocean – Tubastraea micranthus (Ehrenberg 1834) (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Scleractinia): an invasive threat? Aquatic Invasions. 5(2):131-140. doi:10.3391/ai.2010.5.2.02

Senn DB, Chesney EJ, Blum JD, Bank MS, Maage A, Shine JP 2010. Stable isotope (N, C, Hg) study of methylmercury sources and trophic transfer in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Science and Technology. 44(5):1630-1637. doi:10.1021/es902361j

Stafford SG, Bartels DM, Begay-Campbell S, Bubier JL, Crittenden JC, Cutter SL, Delaney JR, Jordan TE, Kay AC, Libecap GD, et al. (including Rabalais NN). 2010. Now is the time for action: transitions and tipping points in complex environmental systems. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development. 52(1):38-45. doi:10.1080/00139150903481882

Winter A, Sammarco PW. 2010. Lunar banding in the scleractinian coral Montastraea faveolata: fine-scale structure and influence of temperature. Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences. 115(4):G04007. doi:10.1029/2009JG001264

Wong WH, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 2010. Abundance and ecological significance of the clam Rangia cuneata (Sowerby, 1831) in the upper Barataria Estuary (Louisiana, USA). Hydrobiologia. 651:305-315. doi:10.1007/s10750-010-0310-z

Zhang Z, Gilbert D, Gooday AJ, Levin LA, Naqvi SWA, Middelburg JJ, Scranton M, Ekau W, Peña A, Dewitte B, et al. (including Rabalais NN). 2010. Natural and human-induced hypoxia and consequences for coastal areas: synthesis and future development. Biogeosciences. 7(5):1443-1467. doi:10.5194/bg-7-1443-2010



Baustian MM, Rabalais NN, Morrison WL, Turner RE. 2011. Seasonal microphytobenthos on the hypoxic northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 436:51-66. doi:10.3354/meps09262

Bianchi TS, Cook RL, Perdue EM, Kolic PE, Green N, Zhang Y, Smith RW, Kolker AS, Ameen A, King G, et al. 2011. Impacts of diverted freshwater on dissolved organic matter and microbial communities in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, U.S.A. Marine Environmental Research. 72(5):248-257. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2011.09.007

Bianchi TS, Wysocki LA, Schreiner KM, Filley TR, Corbett DR, Kolker AS. 2011. Sources of terrestrial organic carbon in the Mississippi plume region: evidence for the importance of coastal marsh inputs. Aquatic Geochemistry. 17(4-5):431-456. doi:10.1007/s10498-010-9110-3

Brazeau DA, Sammarco PW, Atchison AD. 2011. Micro-scale genetic heterogeneity and structure in coral recruitment: fine-scale patchiness. Aquatic Biology. 12:55-67. doi:10.3354/ab00313

Haslsun JA, Strychar KB, Buck GW, Sammarco PW. 2011. Coral bleaching susceptibility is decreased following short-term (1-3 year) prior temperature exposure and evolutionary history. Journal of Marine Biology. 2011:406812. doi:10:1155/2011/406812

Hill WR, Roberts BJ, Francoeur SN, Fanta SE. 2011. Resource synergy in stream periphyton communities. Journal of Ecology. 99(2):454-463. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2745.2010.01785.x

Kolian SR, Porter S, Sammarco PW. 2011. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis of the removal of retired offshore oil and gas platforms. Baton Rouge (LA): EcoRigs Non-Profit. 28 p.

Kolker AS. 2011. Final report: Analysis 
of sediment cores
Bay diversion receiving
 area. Chauvin (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 11 p.

Kolker AS, Allison MA, Hameed S. 2011. An evaluation of subsidence rates and sea‐level variability in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Geophysical Research Letters. 38(21):L21404. doi:10.1029/2011GL049458

Lincoln RA, Shine JP, Chesney EJ, Vorhees DJ, Grandjean P, Senn DB. 2011. Fish consumption and mercury exposure among Louisiana recreational anglers. Environmental Health Perspectives. 119(2):245-251. doi:10.1289/ehp.1002609

Lutz BD, Bernhardt ES, Roberts BJ, Mulholland PJ. 2011. Examining the coupling of carbon and nitrogen cycles in Appalachian streams: the role of dissolved organic nitrogen. Ecology. 92(3):720-732. doi:10.1890/10-0899.1

Rabalais NN. 2011. Twelfth Annual Roger Revelle Commemorative Lecture: Troubled waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Oceanography. 24(2):200-211. doi:10.5670/oceanog.2011.44

Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 2011. Management case study: Mississippi River. In: Kramer H, Pinkney J, editors. Treatise on estuarine and coastal science, volume 11: management of estuaries and coasts. Waltham (MA): Academic Press. p. 77-101. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-374711-2.01105-0

Schaeffer BA, Sinclair GA, Lehrter JC, Murrell MC, Kurtz JC, Gould RW, Yates DF. 2011. An analysis of diffuse light attenuation in the northern Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone using the SeaWiFS satellite data record. Remote Sensing of Environment. 115(12):3748-3757. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2011.09.013


Buck KR, Rabalais NN, Bernhard JM, Barry JP. 2012. Living assemblages from the “dead zone” and naturally occurring hypoxic zones. In: Altenbach AV, Bernard JM, Seckbach J, editors. Anoxia: evidence for eukaryote survival and paleontological strategies. Cellular origin, life in extreme habitats and astrobiology, volume 21. Dordrecht (NL): Springer. p. 343-352. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-1896-8_18

Díaz R, Rabalais NN, Breitburg DL. 2012. Agriculture’s impact on aquaculture: hypoxia and eutrophication in marine waters. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 44 p. doi:10.1787/9789264088726-20-en

Doney SC, Ruckelshaus M, Duffy JE, Barry JP, Chan F, English CA, Galindo HM, Grebmeier JM, Hollowed AB, Knowlton N, et al. (including Rabalais NN). 2012. Climate change impacts on marine ecosystems. Annual Review of Marine Science. 4:11-37. doi:10.1146/annurev-marine-041911-111611

Dunn J, Sammarco PW, LaFleur G Jr. 2012. Effects of phosphate on growth and skeletal density in the scleractinian coral Acropora muricata: a controlled experimental approach. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 411:34-44. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2011.10.013

Fulweiler RW, Rabalais NN, Heiskanen AS. 2012. The eutrophication commandments. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 64(10):1997-1999. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.07.025

Kolker AS, Miner MD, Weathers HD. 2012. Depositional dynamics in a river diversion receiving basin: the case of the West Bay Mississippi River diversion. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 106:1-12. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2012.04.005

Land LE, Kolker AS, Gambrell RP. 2012. Biotic and abiotic controls on sediment aggregation and consolidation: implications for geochemical fluxes and coastal restoration. Marine Environmental Research. 79:100-110. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2012.05.012

Lutz BD, Bernhardt ES, Roberts BJ, Cory RM, Mulholland PJ. 2012. Distinguishing dynamics of dissolved organic matter components in a forested stream using kinetic enrichments. Limnology and Oceanography. 57(1):76-89. doi:10.4319/lo.2012.57.1.0076

National Research Council (US). Committee on the Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Mississippi Canyon-252 Oil Spill on Ecosystem Services in the Gulf of Mexico (including Rabalais NN). 2012. Approaches for ecosystem services valuation for the Gulf of Mexico after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: interim report. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. 162 p. doi:10.17226/13141

Sammarco PW, Atchison AD, Boland GS, Sinclair J, Lirette A. 2012. Geographic expansion of hermatypic and ahermatypic corals in the Gulf of Mexico, and implications for dispersal and recruitment. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 436-437:36-49. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2012.08.009

Sammarco PW, Atchison AD, Brazeau DA, Boland GS, Sinclair J, Lirette A, Tung YF. 2012. Distribution, abundance, recruitment, and genetic affinities of corals on platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. In: Proceedings: twenty-sixth Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, March 2011. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 265-273.

Sammarco PW, Brazeau DA, Sinclair J. 2012. Genetic connectivity in scleractinian corals across the northern Gulf of Mexico: oil/gas platforms, and relationship to the Flower Garden Banks. PLoS ONE. 7:e30144. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030144

Sammarco PW, Porter SA, Sinclair J, Genazzio M. 2012. Invasion of a new Indo-Pacific coral — Tubastraea micranthus — in the Gulf of Mexico via oil/gas platforms: first results. In: Proceedings: twenty-sixth Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, March 2011. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. p. 274-279.

Strychar KB, Sammarco PW. 2012. Effects of heat stress on phytopigments of zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium spp.) symbiotic with the corals Acropora hyacinthus, Porites solida, and Favites complanata. International Journal of Biology. 4(1):3-19. doi:10.5539/ijb.v4n1p3

Turner RE, Kling CL, Rabalais NN. 2012. Lifeless liquid. International Innovation. 2012;(October):65-67.

Turner RE, Rabalais NN, Justić D. 2012. Predicting summer hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico: redux. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 64(2):319-324. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2011.11.008


Baustian MM, Rabalais NN, Morrison WL, Turner RE. 2013. Microphytobenthos along the Louisiana continental shelf during mid-summer hypoxia. Continental Shelf Research. 52:108–118. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2012.10.014

Cochran KJ, Kolker AS, Hirschberg DJ, Renfro AA, Goodbred S Jr, Beck AJ. 2013. Sulfur cycling in salt marshes of Jamaica Bay, Gateway National Recreation Area: possible links to marsh loss. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NER/NRTR—2013/730. Fort Collins (CO): US Department of the Interior, National Park Service. 72 p.

Esposito CR, Georgiou IY, Kolker AS. 2013. Hydrodynamic and geomorphic controls on mouth bar evolution. Geophysical Research Letters. 40(8):1540-1545. doi:1510.1002/grl.50333

Herndon M, Sammarco PW, Nicholson A, Pascal J, Wiseman B, Wagenbrenner D. 2013. A call for a twenty-first century solution in oil spill response. Toluca Lake (CA): Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization. 38 p.

Kolian SR, Porter S, Sammarco PW, Cake EW Jr. 2013. Depuration of Macondo (MC-252) oil found in heterotrophic scleractinian corals (Tubastrea coccinea and Tubastrea micranthus) on offshore oil/gas platforms in the Gulf. Gulf and Caribbean Research. 25(1):99-103. doi:10.18785/gcr.2501.06

Kolker AS, Cable JE, Johannesson KH, Allison MA, Inniss LV. 2013. Pathways and processes associated with the transport of groundwater in deltaic systems. Journal of Hydrology. 498:319-334. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.06.014

Kwon SY, Blum YJD, Chirby MA, Chesney EJ. 2013. Application of mercury isotopes for tracing trophic transfer and internal distribution of mercury in marine fish feeding experiments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 32(10):2322–2330. doi:10.1002/etc.2313

Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (including Chesney EJ). 2013. Fish friendly practices for recreational angling: a conservationist’s guide to correctly handling and releasing fish in the states waters of Louisiana. Baton Rouge (LA): Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. 2 p.

National Research Council (US). Committee on the Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Mississippi Canyon-252 Oil Spill on Ecosystem Services in the Gulf of Mexico (including Rabalais NN). 2013. An ecosystem services approach to assessing the impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. 246 p. doi:10.17226/18387

Obenour DR, Scavia D, Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Michalak AM. 2013. Retrospective analysis of midsummer hypoxic area and volume in the northern Gulf of Mexico, 1985-2011. Environmental Science and Technology. 47(17):9808-9815. doi:10.1021/es400983g

Pedigo S, Herndon M, Sammarco PW. 2013. Bioremediation techniques, category definitions, and modes of action in marine and freshwater environments. Pine Mountain Club (CA): Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization. 6 p.

Rosenheim BE, Roe KM, Roberts BJ, Kolker AS, Allison MA, Johannesson KH. 2013. River discharge influences on particulate organic carbon age structure in the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River System. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 27(1):154-166. doi:10.1029/2012GB004339

Ruckelshaus M, Doney SC, Galindo HM, Barry JP, Chan F, Duffy JE, English CA, Gaines SD, Grebmeier JM, Hollowed AB, et al. (including Rabalais NN). 2013. Securing ocean benefits for society in the face of climate change. Marine Policy. 40:154–159. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2013.01.009

Sammarco PW. 2013. Corals on oil and gas platforms near the Flower Garden Banks: population characteristics, recruitment, and genetic affinity. OCS Study BOEM 2013-216. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. 110 p.

Sammarco PW. 2013. Deepwater coral distribution and abundance on active offshore oil and gas platforms and decommissioned rigs-to-reefs platforms. OCS Study BOEM 2013-217. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. 44 p.

Sammarco PW, Kolian SR, Warby RAF, Bouldin JL, Subra WA, Porter SA. 2013. Distribution and concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons associated with the BP/Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Gulf of Mexico. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 73(1):129-143. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.05.029

Sammarco PW, Porter SA, Sinclair J, Genazzio M. 2013. Depth distribution of a new invasive coral (Gulf of Mexico) — Tubastraea micranthus, comparisons with T. coccinea, and implications for control. Management of Biological Invasions. 4(4):291–303. doi:10.3391/mbi.2013.4.4.04

Sammarco PW, Strychar KB. 2013. Responses to high seawater temperatures in zooxanthellate octocorals. PLoS ONE. 8(2):e54989. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054989

Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 2013. Nitrogen and phosphorus phytoplankton growth limitation, northern Gulf of Mexico. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 68(2):159–169. doi:10.3354/ame01607

Wolanski E, Newton A, Rabalais NN, Legrand C. 2013. Coastal zone management. In: Reference module in earth systems and environmental science. New York: Elsevier. p. 1-7. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.00537-6


Allison MA, Kolker AS, Meselhe EA. 2014. Water and sediment dynamics through the wetlands and coastal water bodies of large deltaic river plains. In: Bianchi TS, Allison MA, Cai W-J, editors. Biogeochemical dynamics at major river-coastal interfaces: linkages with global change. New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 21-54.

Antonelli PL, Rutz S, Sammarco PW, Strychar KB. 2014. A coral bleaching model. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications. 16:65-73. doi:10.1016/j.nonrwa.2013.09.006

Cooper EL, Hirabayashi K, Strychar KB, Sammarco PW. 2014. Corals and their potential applications to integrative medicine. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2014:184959. doi:10.1155/2014/184959

Dagg MJ, Jackson GA, Checkley DM Jr. 2014. The distribution and vertical flux of fecal pellets from large zooplankton in Monterey Bay and coastal California. Deep Sea Research. Part I, Oceanographic Research Papers. 94:72-86. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2014.09.001

Hennessey SM, Sammarco PW. 2014. Competition for space in two invasive Indo-Pacific corals—Tubastraea micranthus and Tubastraea coccinea: laboratory experimentation. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 459:144-150. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2014.05.021

Hitchcock G, Lenes J, Benner R, Daly K, Murrell M, Roberts BJ, Walsh J. 2014. Respiration. In: Benway HW, Coble PG, editors. Report of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico Carbon Cycle Synthesis Workshop, U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg, Fl, March 27-28, 2013. Washington, DC: Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Program and North American Carbon Program. p. 39-43.

Hooper-Bui LM, Rabalais NN, Engel AS, Turner RE, McClenachan G, Roberts BJ, Overton EB, Justić D, Strudivant SK, Brown K, Conover JP. 2014. Overview of research into the coastal effects of the Macondo blowout from the Coastal Waters Consortium: a GoMRI consortium. International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings. 2014;(1):604-617. doi:10.7901/2169-3358-2014.1.604

Joye SB, Montoya JP, Murawski SA, Özgökmen TM, Wade TL, Montuoro R, Roberts BJ, Hollander DJ, Jeffrey WH, Chanton JP. 2014. A rapid response study of the Hercules gas well blowout. Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union. 95(38):341-342. doi:10.1002/2014EO380002

Kling CL, Panagopoulos Y, Rabotyagov SS, Valcu AM, Gassman PW, Campbell TD, White MJ, Arnold JG, Srinivasan R, Jha MK, et al. (including Rabalais NN). 2014. LUMINATE: linking agricultural land use, local water quality and Gulf of Mexico hypoxia. European Review of Agricultural Economics. 41(3):431-459. doi:10.1093/erae/jbu009

Kolker AS. 2014. Time and tide. BioScience. 64(1):69-70. doi:10.1093/biosci/bit010

Kolker AS, Li C, Walker ND, Pilley C, Ameen AD, Boxer G, Ramatchandirane C, Ullah M, Williams KA. 2014. The impacts of the great Mississippi/Atchafalaya River flood on the oceanography of the Atchafalaya Shelf. Continental Shelf Research. 86:17-33. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2014.04.023

Marton JM, Roberts BJ. 2014. Spatial variability of phosphorus sorption dynamics in Louisiana salt marshes. Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences. 119(3):451–465. doi:10.1002/2013JG002486

Rabalais NN. 2014. Viewpoint: Assessing early looks at biological responses to the Macondo event. BioScience. 64(9):757-759. doi:10.1093/biosci/biu132

Rabalais NN, Cai W-J, Carstensen J, Conley DJ, Fry B, Hu X, Quiñones-Rivera Z, Rosenberg R, Slomp CP, Turner RE, et al. 2014. Eutrophication-driven deoxygenation in the coastal ocean. Oceanography. 27(1):123-133. doi:10.5670/oceanog.2014.21

Rabotyagov SS, Campbell TD, White MJ, Arnold JG, Atwood J, Norfleet ML, Kling CL, Gassman PW, Valcu A, Richardson J, et al. (including Rabalais NN). 2014. Cost-effective targeting of conservation investments to reduce the northern Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 111(52):18530-18535. doi:10.1073/pnas.1405837111

Rabotyagov SS, Kling CL, Gassman PW, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 2014. The economics of dead zones: causes, impacts, policy challenges, and a model of the Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy. 8(1):58-79. doi:10.1093/reep/ret024

Sammarco PW. 2014. Coral community development on offshore platforms in the Gulf of Mexico: what we now know. In: Bortone SA, editor. Interrelationships between corals and fisheries. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press. p. 113-126.

Sammarco PW. 2014. Determining the geographical distribution, and genetic affinities of corals on offshore platforms, northern Gulf of Mexico. OCS Study BOEM 2014-11. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. 76 p.

Sammarco PW, Atchison AD, Boland GS. 2014. Coral settlement on oil/gas platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico: preliminary evidence of rarity. Gulf of Mexico Science. 32(1-2):11-23. doi:10.18785/goms.3201.02

Sammarco PW, Kaltofen M, Kolian S, Warby RA, Bouldin J, Subra W, Porter SA. 2014. A response to Wilson et al. A critique of the manuscript: “Distribution and concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons associated with the BP/Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Gulf of Mexico”. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 79(1-2):391-392. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.11.001

Sammarco PW, Lirette A, Tung YF, Genazzio M, Sinclair J. 2014. Coral communities on artificial reefs in the Gulf of Mexico: standing vs. toppled oil platforms. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 71(2):417-426. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst140

Sammarco PW, Porter SA, Sinclair J, Genazzio M. 2014. Population expansion of a new invasive coral species, Tubastraea micranthus, in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 495:161-173. doi:10.3354/meps10576

Troeger V, Sammarco PW, Caruso JH. 2014. Aspergillosus in the common sea fan Gorgonia ventalina: isolation of waterborne hyphae and spores. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 109(3):257-261. doi:10.3354/dao02736

Wang Z, Liu Z, Xu K, Mayer LM, Zhang Z, Kolker AS, Wu W. 2014. Concentrations and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface coastal sediments of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Geochemical Transactions. 15:2. doi:10.1186/1467-4866-15-2

Wilson CA, Hughes ZJ, Fitzgerald D, Hopkinson C, Valentine V, Kolker AS. 2014. Saltmarsh pool and tidal creek morphodynamics: dynamic equilibrium of northern latitude saltmarshes? Geomorphology. 213:99-115. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.01.002


Able KW, López-Duarte PC, Fodrie FJ, Jensen OP, Martin CW, Roberts BJ, Valenti J, O’Connor K, Halbert SC. 2015. Fish assemblages in Louisiana salt marshes: effects of the Macondo oil spill. Estuaries and Coasts. 38(5):1385-1398. doi:10.1007/s12237-014-9890-6

Bush N, Bush E, Blanchard P, Bush N, Conover JP. 2015. Studying the ecological benefits of Spartina grass species and use of a mathematical model (Pick’s Theorem) for historical documentation and future restoration of hypoxic marshlands. Journal of Water Resource and Protection. 7(16):1363-1374. doi:10.4236/jwarp.2015.716110

Cuevas-Uribe R, Chesney EJ, Daly J, Tiersch TR. 2015. Vitrification of sperm from marine fish: effect on motility and membrane integrity. Aquaculture Research. 46(7):1770-1784. doi:10.1111/are.12337

Fry B, Justić D, Riekenberg P, Swenson EM, Turner RE, Wang L, Pride L, Rabalais NN, Kurtz JC, Lehrter JC, et al. 2015. Carbon dynamics on the Louisiana continental shelf and cross-shelf feeding of hypoxia. Estuaries and Coasts. 38(3):703-721. doi:10.1007/s12237-014-9863-9

Gennazzio M, Sammarco PW, Sinclair J, Tung YF. 2015. New invasive species colonizing energy platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico. OCS Study BOEM 2015-005. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. 72 p.

Gillies LE, Thrash CJ, de Radas S, Rabalais NN, Mason OU. 2015. Archaeal enrichment in the hypoxic zone in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Microbiology and Environmental Microbiology Reports. 17(10):3847-2856. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.12853

Gu H, Luo Z, Mertens KN, Price AM, Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 2015. Cyst‐motile stage relationship, morphology, ultrastructure, and molecular phylogeny of the gymnodinioid dinoflagellate Barrufeta resplendens comb. nov., formerly known as Gyrodinium resplendens, isolated from the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Phycology. 51(5):990-999. doi:10.1111/jpy.12342

Jackson GA, Checkley DM Jr, Dagg MJ. 2015. Settling of particles in the upper 100 m of the ocean detected with autonomous profiling floats off California. Deep Sea Research. Part I, Oceanographic Research Papers. 99:75-86. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2015.02.001

Kolian SR, Porter SA, Sammarco PW, Birkholz D, Cake EW Jr, Subra WA. 2015. Oil in the Gulf of Mexico after the capping of the BP/Deepwater Horizon Mississippi Canyon (MC-252) well. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 22(16):12073–12082. doi:10.1007/s11356-015-4421-y

Leonardi N, Kolker AS, Fagherazzi S. 2015. Interplay between river discharge and tides in a delta distributary. Advances in Water Resources. 80:69-78. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.03.005

Liu B, Shaider LA, Mason RP, Shine JP, Rabalais NN, Senn DB. 2015. Controls on methylmercury accumulation in northern Gulf of Mexico sediments. Marine Chemistry. 159:50-59. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2015.03.030

Marton JM, Roberts BJ, Bernhard AE, Giblin AE. 2015. Spatial and temporal variability of nitrification potential and ammonia-oxidizer abundances in Louisiana salt marshes. Estuaries and Coasts. 38(6):1824-1837. doi:10.1007/s12237-015-9943-5

Middleton BA, Johnson D, Roberts BJ. 2015. Hydrologic remediation for the Deepwater Horizon incident drove ancillary primary production increase in coastal swamps. Ecohydrology. 8(5):838-850. doi:10.1002/eco.1625

Parsons ML, Morrison WL, Rabalais NN, Turner RE, Tyre KN. 2015. Phytoplankton and the Macondo oil spill: a comparison of the 2010 phytoplankton assemblage to baseline conditions on the Louisiana shelf. Environmental Pollution. 207:152-160. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2015.09.019

Rabalais NN. 2015. Commentary: Human impacts on fisheries across the land-sea interface. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 112(26):7892-7893. doi:10.1073/pnas.1505815112

Roberts BJ, Doty SM. 2015. Spatial and temporal patterns of benthic respiration and net nutrient fluxes in the Atchafalaya River delta estuary. Estuaries and Coasts. 38(6):1918-1936. doi:10.1007/s12237-015-9965-z

Sammarco PW, Porter SA, Genazzio M, Sinclair J. 2015. Success in competition for space in two invasive coral species in the western Atlantic – Tubastraea micranthus and T. coccinea. PLoS ONE. 10(12):e0144581. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0144581

Switzer TS, Chesney EJ, Baltz DM. 2015. Habitat use by juvenile red snapper in the northern Gulf of Mexico: ontogeny, seasonality, and the effects of hypoxia. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 144(2):300-314. doi:10.1080/00028487.2014.991447


Antonelli PL, Rutz SF, Sammarco PW, Strychar KB. 2016. Evolution of symbiosis in hermatypic corals: a model of the past, present, and future. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications. 32:389-402. doi:10.1016/j.nonrwa.2016.05.004

Bargu S, Baustian MM, Rabalais NN, Del Rio R, Von Korff B, Turner RE. 2016. Influence of the Mississippi River on Pseudo-nitzschia spp. abundance and toxicity in Louisiana coastal waters. Estuaries and Coasts. 39(5):1345-1356. doi:10.1007/s12237-016-0088-y

Bernhard AE, Sheffer R, Giblin AE, Marton JM, Roberts BJ. 2016. Population dynamics and community composition of ammonia oxidizers in salt marshes after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Frontiers in Microbiology. 7:854. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2016.00854

Bush N, Bush E, Green C, Anderson J, Blanchard P, Bush N, Conover JP. 2016. Mitigation of hypoxic ecosystems using hemolymph analysis of Callinectes sapidus and Procambarus clarkii in relation to Spartina grasses. Open Journal of Ecology. 6(8):484-495. doi:10.4236/oje.2016.68046

Chelsky A, Pitt KA, Ferguson AJP, Bennett WW, Teasdale PR, Welsh DT. 2016. Decomposition of jellyfish carrion in situ: short-term impacts on infauna, benthic nutrient fluxes and sediment redox conditions. Science of the Total Environment. 566-567:929-937. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.05.011

Duffy TA, Childress W, Portier R, Chesney EJ. 2016. Responses of bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) larvae under lethal and sublethal scenarios of crude oil exposure. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 134:264-272. doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2016.08.010

Hu X, Cai W-J, Rabalais NN, Xue J. 2016. Coupled oxygen and dissolved inorganic carbon dynamics in coastal ocean and its use as a potential indicator for detecting water column oil degradation. Deep Sea Research. Part II, Topical Studies in Oceanography. 129:311-318. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2014.01.010

Jarrell ER, Kolker AS, Campbell C, Blum MJ. 2016. Brackish marsh plant community responses to regional precipitation and relative sea-level rise. Wetlands. 36(4):607-619. doi:10.1007/s13157-016-0769-0

Kirman ZD, Sericano JL, Wade TL, Bianchi TS, Marcantonio F, Kolker AS. 2016. Composition and depth distribution of hydrocarbons in Barataria Bay marsh sediments after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Environmental Pollution. 214:101-113. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2016.03.071

Luo Z, Krock B, Mertens KN, Price AM, Turner RE, Rabalais NN, Gu H. 2016. Morphology, molecular phylogeny and azaspiracid profile of Azadinium poporum (Dinophyceae) from the Gulf of Mexico. Harmful Algae. 55:56-65. doi:10.1016/j.hal.2016.02.006

Mason OU, Canter EJ, Gillies LE, Paisie TK, Roberts BJ. 2016. Mississippi River plume enriches microbial diversity in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Frontiers in Microbiology. 7:1048. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2016.01048

McClain CR, Barry JP, Eernisse D, Horton T, Judge J, Kakui K, Mah C, Warén A. 2016. Multiple processes generate productivity–diversity relationships in experimental wood-fall communities. Ecology. 97(4):885-898. doi:10.1890/15-1669.1

National Sea Grant Advisory Board (including Rabalais NN). 2016. 2016 State of Sea Grant biennial report to Congress. Silver Spring (MD): National Sea Grant College Program. 44 p.

Peyronnin N, Caffey R, Cowan JH Jr, Justić D, Kolker AS, Laska S, McCorquodale A, Melancon E Jr, Nyman JA, Twilley RR, et al. 2016. Building land in coastal Louisiana: expert recommendations for operating a successful sediment diversion that balances ecosystem and community needs. New Orleans (LA): Restore the Mississippi River Delta. 34 p.

Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 2016. Effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on coastal marshes and associated organisms. Oceanography. 29(3):150-159. doi:10.5670/oceanog.2016.79

Rietl AJ, Overlander ME, Nyman AJ, Jackson CR. 2016. Microbial community composition and extracellular enzyme activities associated with Juncus roemerianus and Spartina alterniflora vegetated sediments in Louisiana saltmarshes. Microbial Ecology. 71(2):290-303. doi:10.1007/s00248-015-0651-2

Sammarco PW, Horn L, Taylor G, Beltz D, Nuttall MF, Hickerson EL, Schmahl GP. 2016. A statistical approach to assessing relief on mesophotic banks: bank comparisons and geographic patterns. Environmental Geosciences. 23(2):95-122. doi:10.1306/eg.01121615013

Sammarco PW, Kolian SR, Warby RAF, Bouldin JL, Subra WA, Porter SA. 2016. Concentrations in human blood of petroleum hydrocarbons associated with the BP/Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Gulf of Mexico. Archives in Toxicology. 90(4):829-837. doi:10.1007/s00204-015-1526-5

Sammarco PW, Nuttall MF, Beltz D, Hickerson EL, Schmahl GP. 2016. Patterns of mesophotic benthic community structure on banks off vs. inside the continental shelf edge, Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of Mexico Science. 33(1):77-92. doi:10.18785/goms.3301.07

Sammarco PW, Nuttall MF, Beltz D, Horn L, Taylor G, Hickerson EL, Schmahl GP. 2016. The positive relationship between relief and species richness in mesophotic communities on offshore banks, including geographic patterns. Environmental Geosciences. 23(4):195-207. doi:10.1306/eg.12071615020

Sammarco PW, Strychar KB. 2016. Ecological and evolutionary considerations regarding corals in a rapidly changing environment. In: Goffredo S, Dubinsky Z, editors. The Cnidaria, past, present, and future: the world of Medusa and her sisters. New York: Springer. p. 553-576.

Smith FA, Payne JL, Heim NA, Balk MA, Finnegan S, Kowalewski M, Lyons SK, McClain CR, McShea DW, Novack-Gottshall PM, et al. 2016. Body size evolution across the Geozoic. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences. 44:523-553. doi:10.1146/annurev-earth-060115-012147

Sweetman AK, Chelsky A, Pitt KA, Andrade H, van Oevelen D, Renaud PE. 2016. Jellyfish decomposition at the seafloor rapidly alters biogeochemical cycling and carbon flow through benthic food-webs. Limnology and Oceanography. 61(4):1449-1461. doi:10.1002/lno.10310

Weber SC, Peterson L, Battles JJ, Roberts BJ, Peterson RN, Hollander DJ, Chanton JP, Joye SB, Montoya JP. 2016. Hercules 265 rapid response: immediate ecosystem impacts of a natural gas blowout incident. Deep Sea Research. Part II, Topical Studies in Oceanography. 129:66-76. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.11.010

Wong WH, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 2016. Size-dependent top-down control on phytoplankton growth by microzooplankton in eutrophic lakes. Hydrobiologia. 763:97-108. doi:10.1007/s10750-015-2365-3


Allison MA, Yuill BT, Meselhe EA, Marsh JK, Kolker AS, Ameen AD. 2017. Observational and numerical particle tracking to examine sediment dynamics in a Mississippi River delta diversion. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 194:97-108. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2017.06.004

Ameen AD, Kolker AS, Taylor CM. 2017. Vegetation and shear strength in a delta-splay mouth bar. Wetlands: the Journal of the Society of the Wetlands Scientists. 37(6):1159-1168. doi:10.1007/s13157-017-0948-7

Amer R, Kolker AS, Muscietta A. 2017. Propensity for erosion and deposition in a deltaic wetland complex: implications for river management and coastal restoration. Remote Sensing of Environment. 199:39-50. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2017.06.030

Anders N, Fernö A, Humborstad OB, Løkkeborg S, Rieucau G, Utne-Palm AC. 2017. Size-dependent social attraction and repulsion explains the decision of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua to enter baited pots. Journal of Fish Biology. 91(6):1569-1581. doi:10.1111/jfb.13453

Briggs KB, Craig JK, Shivarudrappa SK, Richards TM. 2017. Macrobenthos and megabenthos responses to long-term, large-scale hypoxia on the Louisiana continental shelf. Marine Environmental Research. 123:38-52. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2016.11.008

Carey JC, Moran SB, Kelly RP, Kolker AS, Fulweiler RW. 2017. The declining role of organic matter in New England salt marshes. Estuaries and Coasts. 40(3):626–639. doi:10.1007/s12237-015-9971-1

Chouinard-Thuly L, Gierszewski S, Rosenthal GG, Reader SM, Rieucau G, Woo KL, Gerlai R, Tedore C, Ingley SJ, Stowers JR, et al. 2017. Technical and conceptual considerations for using animated stimuli in studies of animal behavior. Current Zoology. 63(1):5-19. doi:10.1093/cz/zow104

Coleman DJ, Kolker AS, Johannesson KH. 2017. Submarine groundwater discharge and alkaline earth element dynamics in a deltaic coastal setting. Hydrology Research. 48(5):1169-1176. doi:10.2166/nh.2016.285

Handegard NO, Tenningen M, Howarth K, Anders N, Rieucau G, Breen M. 2017. Effects on schooling function in mackerel of sub-lethal capture related stressors: crowding and hypoxia. PLoS ONE. 12(12):e0190259. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0190259

Hill TD, Roberts BJ. 2017. Effects of seasonality and environmental gradients on Spartina alterniflora allometry and primary production. Ecology and Evolution. 7(22):9676-9688. doi:10.1002/ece3.3494

Hu X, Li Q, Huang WJ, Chen B, Cai W-J, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 2017. Effects of eutrophication and benthic respiration on water column carbonate chemistry in a traditional hypoxic zone in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Chemistry. 194:33-42. doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2017.04.004

Johnsen E, Rieucau G, Ona E, Skaret G. 2017. Collective structures anchor massive schools of lesser sandeel to the seabed, increasing vulnerability to fishery. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 573:229-236. doi:10.3354/meps12156

Kolian SR, Sammarco PW, Porter SA. 2017. Abundance of corals on offshore oil and gas platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Management. 60(2):357-366. doi:10.1007/s00267-017-0862-z

McCann MJ, Able KW, Christian RR, Fodrie FJ, Jensen OP, Johnson JJ, López‐Duarte PC, Martin CW, Olin JA, Polito MJ, Roberts BJ. 2017. Key taxa in food web responses to stressors: the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 15(3):142-149. doi:10.1002/fee.1474

McClain CR. 2017. Practices and promises of Facebook for science outreach: becoming a “nerd of trust”. PLoS biology. 15(6):e2002020. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.2002020

Mertens KN, Gu H, Takano Y, Price AM, Pospelova V, Bogus K, Versteegh GJ, Marret F, Turner RE, Rabalais NN, et al. 2017. The cyst-theca relationship of the dinoflagellate cyst Trinovantedinium pallidifulvum, with erection of Protoperidinium lousianensis sp. nov. and their phylogenetic position within the Conica group. Palynology. 41(2):183-202. doi:10.1080/01916122.2016.1147219

Peyronnin NS, Caffey RH, Cowan JH Jr, Justić D, Kolker AS, Laska SB, McCorquodale A, Melancon E Jr, Nyman JA, Twilley RR, et al. 2017. Optimizing sediment diversion operations: working group recommendations for integrating complex ecological and social landscape interactions. Water. 9(6):368. doi:10.3390/w9060368

Price AM, Baustian MM, Turner RE, Rabalais NN, Chmura GL. 2017. Melitasphaeridium choanophorum — a living fossil dinoflagellate cyst in the Gulf of Mexico. Palynology. 41(3):351-358. doi:10.1080/01916122.2016.1205676

Reeves DB, Munnelly RT, Chesney EJ, Baltz DM, Marx BD. 2017. Stone crab Menippe spp. populations on Louisiana’s nearshore oil and gas platforms: higher density and size at maturity on a sand shoal. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 146(3):371-383. doi:10.1080/00028487.2017.1281164

Rietl AJ, Nyman JA, Lindau CW, Jackson CR. 2017. Gulf ribbed mussels (Geukensia granosissima) increase methane emissions from a coastal Spartina alterniflora marsh. Estuaries and Coasts. 40(3):832-841. doi:10.1007/s12237-016-0181-2

Rietl AJ, Nyman JA, Lindau CW, Jackson CR. 2017. Wetland methane emissions altered by vegetation disturbance: an interaction between stem clipping and nutrient enrichment. Aquatic Botany. 136:205-211. doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2016.10.008

Sammarco PW. 2017. Deepwater reconnaissance of potentially sensitive biological features surrounding shelf-edge topographic banks in the northern Gulf of Mexico. OCS Study BOEM 2017-024. New Orleans (LA): US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. 109 p.

Sammarco PW, Brazeau DA, McKoin M, Strychar KB. 2017. Tubastraea micranthus, comments on the population genetics of a new invasive coral in the western Atlantic and a possible secondary invasion. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 490:56-63. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2017.02.003

Shields MR, Bianchi TS, Mohrig D, Hutchings JA, Kenney WF, Kolker AS, Curtis JH. 2017. Carbon storage in the Mississippi River delta enhanced by environmental engineering. Nature Geoscience. 10(11):846-851. doi:10.1038/ngeo3044

Shivarudrappa SK, Briggs KB. 2017. Macrobenthos community succession in the northern Gulf of Mexico hypoxic regions: testing the Pearson-Rosenberg model. Journal of Marine Research. 75(1):18-46. doi:10.1357/002224017821219036

Stuart CT, Brault S, Rowe GT, Wei CL, Wagstaff M, McClain CR, Rex MA. 2017. Nestedness and species replacement along bathymetric gradients in the deep sea reflect productivity: a test with polychaete assemblages in the oligotrophic north-west Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Biogeography. 44(3):548-555. doi:10.1111/jbi.12810

Telfeyan K, Breaux A, Kim J, Cable JE, Kolker AS, Grimm DA, Johannesson KH. 2017. Arsenic, vanadium, iron, and manganese biogeochemistry in a deltaic wetland, southern Louisiana, USA. Marine Chemistry. 192:32-48. doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2017.03.010

Thrash JC, Seitz KW, Baker BJ, Temperton B, Gillies LE, Rabalais NN, Henrissat B, Mason OU. 2017. Metabolic roles of uncultivated bacterioplankton lineages in the northern Gulf of Mexico “dead zone”. mBio. 8(5):e01017-17. doi:10.1128/mBio.01017-17

Torres PÁ, Rabalais NN, Gutiérrez JMP, López RMP. 2017. Research and community of practice of the Gulf of Mexico large marine ecosystem. Environmental Development. 22:166-174. doi:10.1016/j.envdev.2017.04.004

Turner RE, Rabalais NN, Justić D. 2017. Trends in summer bottom-water temperatures on the northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf from 1985 to 2015. PLoS ONE. 12(9):e0184350. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0184350

Uyeda JC, Pennell MW, Miller ET, Maia R, McClain CR. 2017. The evolution of energetic scaling across the vertebrate tree of life. The American Naturalist. 190(2):185-199. doi:10.1086/692326

Vastano AR, Able KW, Jensen OP, López-Duarte PC, Martin CW, Roberts BJ. 2017. Age validation and seasonal growth patterns of a subtropical marsh fish: the Gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 100(10):1315-1327. doi:10.1007/s10641-017-0645-7

Walker BD, Druffel ERM, Kolasinski J, Roberts BJ, Xu X, Rosenheim BE. 2017. Stable and radiocarbon isotopic composition of dissolved organic matter in the Gulf of Mexico. Geophysical Research Letters. 44(16):8424-434. doi:10.1002/2017GL074155

Webb TJ, Barry JP, McClain CR. 2017. Abundance–occupancy relationships in deep sea wood fall communities. Ecography. 40(11):1339-1347. doi:10.1111/ecog.02618

Zhuang G-C, Lin Y-S, Bowles MW, Heuer VB, Lever MA, Elvert M, Hinrichs K-U. 2017. Distribution and isotopic composition of trimethylamine, dimethylsulfide and dimethylsulfoniopropionate in marine sediments. Marine Chemistry. 196:35-46. doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2017.07.007


Ameen AD, Kolker AS, Taylor CM. 2018. Morphological responses to competition modulated by abiotic factors in two monoculture-forming wetland plants. Aquatic Botany. 147:61-67. doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2018.03.003

Bargu S, Brenner J, Chu PY, Conover JW, de Mutsert K, Greenhow DR, Justić D, Kolker SA, Lohrenz SE, Montagna PA, et al. (including Roberts BJ). 2018. The impacts of the Mississippi River and its delta on the oceanography, ecology and economy of the Gulf of Mexico large marine ecosystem (publishing information not known). 10 p.

Baustian MM, Bargu S, Morrison WL, Sexton C, Rabalais NN. 2018. The polychaete, Paraprionospio pinnata, is a likely vector of domoic acid to the benthic food web in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Harmful Algae. 79:44-49. doi:10.1016/j.hal.2018.06.002

Bernhardt ES, Heffernan JB, Grimm NB, Stanley EH, Harvey JW, Arroita M, Appling AP, Cohen MJ, McDowell WH, Hall RO Jr, et al. (including Roberts BJ). 2018. The metabolic regimes of flowing waters. Limnology and Oceanography. 63(S1):S99-S118. doi:10.1002/lno.10726

Bernik BM, Eppinga MA, Kolker AS, Blum MJ. 2018. Clonal vegetation patterns mediate shoreline erosion. Geophysical Research Letters. 45(13):6476-6484. doi:10.1029/2018GL077537

Bockus AB, Seibel BA. 2018. Synthetic capacity does not predict elasmobranchs’ ability to maintain trimethylamine oxide without a dietary contribution. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology. 217:35-42. doi:10.1016/j.cbpa.2017.12.008

Breitburg D, Levin LA, Oschlies A, Grégoire M, Chavez FP, Conley DJ, Garçon V, Gilbert D, Gutiérrez D, Isensee K, et al. (including Rabalais NN). 2018. Declining oxygen in the global ocean and coastal waters. Science. 359(6371):eaam7240. doi:10.1126/science.aam7240

Gearty W, McClain CR, Payne JL. 2018. Energetic tradeoffs control the size distribution of aquatic mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115(16):4194-4199. doi:10.1073/pnas.1712629115

Kolker AS, Dausman AM, Allison MA, Brown GL, Chu PY, de Mutsert K, Fitzpatrick CE, Henkel JR, Justić D, Kleiss BA, et al. 2018. Rethinking the river. Eos. 99:EO101169. doi:10.1029/2018EO101169

Kolker AS, Bargu S, Brenner J, Chu PY, Conover JW, de Mutsert K, Fitzpatrick CE, Greenhow DR, Justić D, Lohrenz SE, et al. (including Roberts BJ). 2018. The impacts of the Mississippi River and its delta on the oceanography, ecology and economy of the Gulf of Mexico large marine ecosystem (publishing information not known). 42 p.

Kolker AS, Bargu S, Brenner J, Chu PY, Conover JW, de Mutsert K, Fitzpatrick CE, Greenhow DR, Justić D, Lohrenz SE, et al. (including Roberts BJ). 2018. Research gaps in the understanding of the impacts of the Mississippi River and its delta on the Gulf of Mexico (publishing information not known). 34 p.

Matli VRR, Fang S, Guinness J, Rabalais NN, Craig JK, Obenour DR. 2018. Space-time geostatistical assessment of hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Science & Technology. 52(21):12484-12493. doi:10.1021/acs.est.8b03474

McClain CR, Barry JP, Webb TJ. 2018. Increased energy differentially increases richness and abundance of optimal body sizes in deep‐sea wood falls. Ecology. 99(1):184-195. doi:10.1002/ecy.2055

McClain CR, Conover JP, Conover JW, Roberts BJ, Schutte V. 2018. Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON). Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin. 27(1):11–13. doi:10.1002/lob.10220

McClain CR, Heim NA, Knope ML, Payne JL. 2018. Is biodiversity energy-limited or unbounded? A test in fossil and modern bivalves. Paleobiology. 44(3):385-401.

McClain CR, Nunnally CC, Chapman ASA, Barry JP. 2018. Energetic increases lead to niche packing in deep-sea wood falls. Biology Letters. 14(9):20180294. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2018.0294

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (US). Committee on Long-Term Coastal Zone Dynamics: Interactions and Feedbacks Between Natural and Human Processes Along the U.S. Gulf Coast (including Kolker AS). 2018. Understanding the long-term evolution of the coupled natural-human coastal system: the future of the U.S. Gulf Coast. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. 144 p. doi:10.17226/25108

O’Shaughnessy KA, Forth H, Takeshita R, Chesney EJ. 2018. Toxicity of weathered Deepwater Horizon oil to bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) embryos. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 148:473-479. doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2017.10.052

Price AM, Baustian MM, Turner RE, Rabalais NN, Chmura GL. 2018. Dinoflagellate cysts track eutrophication in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts. 41(5):1322-1336. doi:10.1007/s12237-017-0351-x

Rabalais NN. 2018. Coastal hypoxia: what, when, where, why. The Marine Biologist: Magazine of the Marine Biological Community. 2018;(10):6-8.

Rabalais NN, Smith LM, Turner RE. 2018. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill and Gulf of Mexico shelf hypoxia. Continental Shelf Research. 152(1):98-107. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2017.11.007

Reeves DB, Chesney EJ, Munnelly RT, Baltz DM. 2018. Barnacle settlement and growth at oil and gas platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Ecology Progress Series. doi:10.3354/meps12468

Reeves DB, Chesney EJ, Munnelly RT, Baltz DM. 2018. Sheepshead foraging patterns at oil and gas platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 38(6):1258-1274. doi:10.1002/nafm.10229

Reeves DB, Chesney EJ, Munnelly RT, Baltz DM, Marx BD. 2018. Abundance and distribution of reef-associated fishes around small oil and gas platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico’s hypoxic zone. Estuaries and Coasts. 41(7):1835-1847. doi:10.1007/s12237-017-0349-4

Rietl AJ, Sorrentino MG, Roberts BJ. 2018. Spatial distribution and morphological responses to predation in the salt marsh periwinkle. Ecosphere. 9(6):e02316. doi:10.1002/ecs2.2316

Rieucau G, Kiszka JJ, Castillo JC, Mourier J, Boswell KM, Heithaus MR. 2018. Using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) surveys and image analysis in the study of large surface-associated marine species: A case study on reef sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus shoaling behaviour. Journal of Fish Biology. 93(1):119-127. doi:10.1111/jfb.13645

Schutte CA, Teske A, MacGregor BJ, Salman-Carvalho V, Lavik G, Hach P, de Beer D. 2018. Filamentous giant Beggiatoaceae from Guaymas Basin are capable of both denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA). Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 84(15):e02860-17. doi:10.1128/AEM.02860-17

Schutte CA, Wilson AM, Evans T, Moore WS, Joye SB. 2018. Deep oxygen penetration drives nitrification in intertidal beach sands. Limnology and Oceanography. 63(S1):S193-S208. doi:10.1002/lno.10731

Telfeyan K, Breaux A, Kim J, Kolker AS, Cable JE, Johannesson KH. 2018. Cycling of oxyanion-forming trace elements in groundwaters from a freshwater deltaic marsh. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 204:236-263. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2018.02.024

Thrash JC, Baker BJ, Seitz KW, Temperton B, Campbell LG, Rabalais NN, Henrissat B, Mason OU. 2018. Metagenomic assembly and prokaryotic metagenome-assembled genome sequences from the northern Gulf of Mexico “dead zone”. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 7(9):e01033-18. doi:10.1128/MRA.01033-18

Wang H, Hu X, Rabalais NN, Brands J. 2018. Drivers of oxygen consumption in the northern Gulf of Mexico hypoxic waters – a stable carbon isotope perspective. Geophysical Research Letters. 45(19):10528–10538. doi:10.1029/2018GL078571


Ballard TC, Michalak AN, McIsaac GF, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 2019. Comment on “Legacy nitrogen may prevent achievement of water quality goals in the Gulf of Mexico.” Science. 365(6455):eaau8401. doi:10.1126/science.aar4462pmid:29567808

Bernhard AE, Chelsky A, Giblin AE, Roberts BJ. 2019. Influence of local and regional drivers on spatial and temporal variation of ammonia-oxidizing communities in Gulf of Mexico salt marshes. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 11(6):825-834. doi:10.1111/1758-2229.12802

Boswell KM, Kimball ME, Rieucau G, Martin JG, Jacques DA, Correa D, Allen DA. 2019. Tidal stage mediates periodic asynchrony between predator and prey nekton in salt marsh creeks. Estuaries and Coasts. 42(5):1342-1352. doi:10.1007/s12237-019-00553-x

Bowles MW, Samarkin VA, Hunter KS, Finke N, Teske AP, Girguis PR, Joye SB. 2019. Remarkable capacity for anaerobic oxidation of methane at high methane concentration. Geophysical Research Letters. 46(21):12192-12201. doi:10.1029/2019GL084375

Campbell LG, Thrash JC, Rabalais NN, Mason OU. 2019. Extent of the annual Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone influences microbial community structure. PLoS ONE. 14(4):e0209055. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0209055

Childress WM, Bosworth B, Chesney EJ, Walter RB, Tiersch TR. 2019. On-site capabilities of a mobile laboratory for aquatic germplasm cryopreservation. North American Journal of Aquaculture. 81(4):349-363. doi:10.1002/naaq.10099

Du J, Park K, Shen J, Zhang YJ, Yu X, Ye F, Wang Z, Rabalais NN. 2019. A hydrodynamic model for Galveston Bay and the shelf in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Ocean Science. 15(4):951-966. doi:10.5194/os-15-951-2019

Guillas KC, Kahn AS, Grant N, Archer SK, Dunham A, Leys SP. 2019. Settlement of juvenile glass sponges and other invertebrate cryptofauna on the Hecate Strait glass sponge reefs. Invertebrate Biology. 138(4):e12266. doi:10.1111/ivb.12266

Harris JM, Nelson JA, Rieucau G, Broussard WP 3rd. 2019. Use of drones in fishery science. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 148(4):687-697. doi:10.1002/tafs.10168

Jensen OP, Martin CW, Oken KL, Fodrie FJ, López-Duarte PC, Able KW, Roberts BJ. 2019. Simultaneous estimation of dispersal and survival of the Gulf killifish Fundulus grandis from a batch-tagging experiment. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 624:183-194. doi:10.3354/meps13040

Jiang Z-P, Cai W-J, Chen B, Wang K, Han C, Roberts BJ, Hussain N, Li Q. 2019. Physical and biogeochemical controls on pH dynamics in the northern Gulf of Mexico during summer hypoxia. Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans. 124(8):5979-5998. doi:10.1029/2019JC015140

Jiang Z-P, Cai W-J, Lehrter J, Chen B, Ouyang Z, Le C, Roberts BJ, Hussain N, Scaboo MK, Zhang J, et al. 2019. Spring net community production and its coupling with the CO2 dynamics in the surface water of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Biogeosciences. 16(18):3507-3525. doi:10.5194/bg-16-3507-2019

Joyce RE, Lavender H, Farrar J, Werth JT, Weber CF, D’Andrilli J, Vaitilingom M, Christner BC. 2019. Biological ice-nucleating particles deposited year-round in subtropical precipitation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 85(23):e01567-19.

Keogh ME, Kolker AS, Snedden GA, Renfro AA. 2019. Hydrodynamic controls on sediment retention in an emerging diversion fed delta. Geomorphology. 332:100-111. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2019.02.008

Kolian SR, Sammarco PW. 2019. Densities of reef-dependent fish and corals on offshore platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. Bulletin of Marine Science. 95(3):393-407. doi:10.5343/bms.2018.0083

Kolian SR, Godec M, Sammarco PW. 2019. Alternate uses of retired oil and gas platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. Ocean and Coastal Management. 167:52-59.

Kolker AS, McClure UE, Pahl J, Roberts BJ. 2019. Marine science at high tide: the impacts of rising waters on the people and places that study the sea. Environment, Coastal & Offshore: ECO. 2019 (September/October):36-39.

Kölling M, Bouimetarhan I, Bowles MW, Felis T, Goldhammer T, Hinrichs K-U, Schulz M, Zabel M. 2019. Consistent CO2 release by pyrite oxidation on continental shelves prior to glacial terminations. Nature Geoscience. 12(11):929-934. doi:10.1038/s41561-019-0465-9

McClain CR. 2019. Likes, comments, and shares of marine organism imagery on Facebook. PeerJ. 7:e6795. doi:10.7717/peerj.6795

McClain CR, Nunnally CC, Benfield MC. 2019. Persistent and substantial impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on deep-sea megafauna. Royal Society Open Science. 6(9):191164. doi:10.1098/rsos.191164

McClain CR, Nunnally CC, Dixon SR, Rouse GW, Benfield MC. 2019. Alligators in the abyss: the first experimental reptilian food fall in the deep ocean. PLoS ONE. 14(12):e0225345. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0225345

Munnelly RT, Reeves DB, Chesney EJ, Baltz DM. 2019. Summertime hydrography of the nearshore Louisiana continental shelf: effects of riverine outflow, shelf morphology, and the presence of sand shoals on water quality. Continental Shelf Research. 179:18-36. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2019.04.002

Munnelly RT, Reeves DB, Chesney EJ, Baltz DM, Marx BD. 2019. Habitat suitability for oil and gas platform-associated fishes in Louisiana’s nearshore waters. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 608:199-219. doi:10.3354/meps12772

Rabalais NN. 2019. The significance of ocean deoxygenation for estuarine and coastal benthos. In: Laffoley D, Baxter JM, editors. Ocean deoxygenation: everyone’s problem: causes, impacts, consequences and solutions. Gland (CH): International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme. p. 379-399. doi:10.2305/IUCN.CH.2019.13.en

Rabalais NN. 2019. Ocean deoxygenation from eutrophication (human nutrient inputs). In: Laffoley D, Baxter JM, editors. Ocean deoxygenation: everyone’s problem: causes, impacts, consequences and solutions. Gland (CH): International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme. p. 117-135. doi:10.2305/IUCN.CH.2019.13.en

Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 2019. Gulf of Mexico hypoxia: past, present, and future. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin. 28(4):117-124. doi:10.1002/lob.10351

Reeves DB, Chesney EJ, Munnelly RT, Baltz DM, Maiti K. 2019. Trophic ecology of sheepshead and stone crabs at oil and gas platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico’s hypoxic zone. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 148(2):324-338. doi:10.1002/tafs.10135

Robinson EM, Rabalais NN. 2019. The effects of oil on blue crab and periwinkle snail interactions: a mesocosm study. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 517:34-39. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2019.05.012

Romero CM, Engel RE, D’Andrilli J, Miller PR, Wallander R. 2019. Compositional tracking of dissolved organic matter in semiarid wheat-based cropping systems using fluorescence EEMs-PARAFAC and absorbance spectroscopy. Journal of Arid Environments. 167:34-42. doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2019.04.013

Saulsbury J, Moss D, Ivany L, Kowalewski M, Lindberg D, Gillooly J, Heim NA, McClain CR, Payne JL, Roopnarine PD, et al. 2019. Evaluating the influences of temperature, primary production, and evolutionary history on bivalve growth rates. Paleobiology. 45(3):405-420. doi:10.1017/pab.2019.20

Shields MR, Bianchi TS, Kolker AS, Kenney WF, Mohrig D, Osborne TZ, Curtis JH. 2019. Factors controlling storage, sources, and diagenetic state of organic carbon in a prograding subaerial delta: Wax Lake delta, Louisiana. Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences. 124(5):1115-1131. doi:10.1029/2018JG004683

Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 2019. The Gulf of Mexico. In: Sheppard C, editor. World seas: an environmental evaluation, 2nd edition, volume 1: Europe, the Americans and West Africa. San Diego (CA): Academic Press. p. 445-464. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-805068-2.00022-X

Turner RE, Rabalais NN, Overton EB, Meyer BM, McClenachan G, Swenson EM, Besonen M, Parsons ML, Zingre J. 2019. Oiling of the continental shelf and coastal marshes over eight years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Environmental Pollution. 252 (Pt B):1367-1376. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2019.05.134

Wörmer, L, Hoshino T, Bowles MW, Viehweger B, Adhikari RR, Xiao N, Uramoto GI, Könneke M, Lazar CS, Morono Y, et al. 2019. Microbial dormancy in the marine subsurface: global endospore abundance and response to burial. Science Advances. 5(2):eaav1024. doi:10.1126/sciadv.aav1024

Yasuhara M, Rabalais NN, Conley DJ, Gutiérrez D. 2019. Paleo-records of histories of deoxygenation and its ecosystem impact. In: Laffoley D, Baxter JM, editors. Ocean deoxygenation: everyone’s problem: causes, impacts, consequences and solutions. Gland (CH): International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme. p. 213-224. doi:10.2305/IUCN.CH.2019.13.en


Archer SK, Dennison G, Tryon L, Byers S, Dunham A. 2020. Invertebrate settlement and diversity on a glass sponge reef. The Canadian Field-Naturalist. 134(1):1-15. doi:10.22621/cfn.v134i1.2297

Archer SK, Kahn AS, Thiess M, Law L, Leys SP, Johannessen SC, Layman CA, Burke L, Dunham A. 2020. Foundation species abundance influences food web topology on glass sponge reefs. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7:549478. doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.549478

Bockus AB, Labreck CJ, Camberg JL, Collie JS, Seibel BA. 2020. Thermal range and physiological tolerance mechanisms in two shark species from the northwest Atlantic. The Biological Bulletin. 238(2):131-144. doi:10.1086/708718

Conway KW, Dunham A, Burke LA, Archer SK, Shaw J, Kung R. 2020. Sponge reefs on the NE Pacific margin: geomorphic and biological variability. In: Harris PT, Baker EK, editors. Seafloor geomorphology as benthic habitat: GeoHab atlas of seafloor geomorphic features and benthic habitats, 2nd edition. Cambridge (MA): Elsevier. p. 319-336. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-814960-7.00017-8

D’Andrilli J, Fischer SJ, Rosario-Ortiz FL. 2020. Advancing critical applications of high resolution mass spectrometry for DOM assessments: re-engaging with mass spectral principles, limitations, and data analysis. Environmental Science and Technology. 54(19):11654-11656. doi:10.1021/acs.est.0c04557

Danovaro R, Fanelli E, Aguzzi J, Billett D, Carugati L, Corinaldesi C, Dell’Anno A, Gjerde K, Jamieson AJ, Kark S, et al. (including McClain CR). 2020. Ecological variables for developing a global deep-ocean monitoring and conservation strategy. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 4(2):181–192. doi:10.1038/s41559-019-1091-z

Department of Fisheries and Oceans (including Archer SK). 2020. Ground-truthing the latest set of suspected glass sponge reefs in Howe Sound: reef delineation and status assessment. DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Science Response 2020/026. Nanaimo (CA): Canadian Science Advice, Pacific Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 29 p.

Fudge TJ, Christner B, D’Andrilli J, Fegyveresi J, Kurbatov AV, Twickler M. 2020. IDP Ice Core Working Group community recommendations for the NSF ice core facility (publishing information not known). 5 p.

Growth and Planning Panel (including Kolker AS, Roberts BJ). 2020. Grappling with flooding in an era of accelerating sea-level rise. Cocodrie (LA): Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 44 p.

Hawkes JA, D’Andrilli J, Agar JN, Barrow MP, Berg SM, Catalán N, Chen H, Chu RK, Cole RB, Dittmar T, et al. 2020. An international laboratory comparison of dissolved organic matter composition by high resolution mass spectrometry: are we getting the same answer? Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 18(6):235-258. doi:10.1002/lom3.10364

de Jong K, Forland TN, Amorim MCP, Rieucau G, Slabbekoorn H, Sivle LD. 2020. Predicting the effects of anthropogenic noise on fish reproduction. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 30(2):245-268. doi:10.1007/s11160-020-09598-9

Malaska MJ, Bhartia R, Manatt KS, Priscu JC, Abbey WJ, Mellerowicz B, Palmowski J, Paulsen GL, Zacny K, Eshelman EJ, D’Andrilli J. 2020. Subsurface in situ detection of microbes and diverse organic matter hotspots in the Greenland ice sheet. Astrobiology. 20(10):1185-1211. doi:10.1089/ast.2020.2241

Martin CW, McDonald AM, Rieucau G, Roberts BJ. 2020. Previous oil exposure alters Gulf killifish Fundulus grandis oil avoidance behavior. PeerJ. 8:e10587. doi:10.7717/peerj.10587

McClain CR, Webb TJ, Nunnally CC, Dixon SR, Finnegan S, Nelson JA. 2020. Metabolic niches and biodiversity: a test case in the deep sea benthos. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7:216. doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.00216

Nephin J, Jeffery S, Thiess M, Archer SK, Murdock I, Boschen-Rose J, Dudas S. 2020. Methods and results from remotely operated vehicle (ROV) survey PAC2017-030: exploring high and low current areas in the Salish Sea. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences no. 3405. Sidney (CA): Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 39 p.

Nunnally CC, Benfield MC, McClain CR. 2020. Trait-based diversity of deep-sea benthic megafauna communities near the Deepwater Horizon oil spill site. Marine Ecology. 41(5):e12611. doi:10.1111/maec.12611

Osterberg E, Badgeley J, Buizert C, D’Andrilli J, Fudge TJ, Jones TR, Kreutz K, Petrenko V, Pettit E, Winski D. 2020. Ice core research priorities in Greenland (publishing information not known). 13 p.

Rabalais NN, Baustian MM. 2020 Historical shifts in benthic infaunal diversity in the northern Gulf of Mexico since the appearance of seasonally severe hypoxia. Diversity. 12(2):49. doi:10.3390/d12020049

Ren L, Rabalais NN, Turner RE. 2020. Effects of Mississippi River water on phytoplankton growth and composition in the upper Barataria Estuary, Louisiana. Hydrobiologia. 847(8):1831-1850. doi:10.1007/s10750-020-04214-0

Rodriguez-Pinto II, Rieucau G, Handegard NO, Boswell KM. 2020. Environmental context elicits behavioural modification of collective state in schooling fish. Animal Behaviour. 165:107-116. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2020.05.002

Rossi RE, Archer SK, Giri CP, Layman CA. 2020. The role of multiple stressors in a dwarf red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) dieback. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 237:106660. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2020.106660

Sabando MA, Rieucau G, Bradley DE, Caselle JE, Papastamatiou YP. 2020. Habitat‑specific inter and intraspecific behavioral interactions among reef sharks. Oecologia. 193(2):371-376. doi:10.1007/s00442-020-04676-y

Saulsbury J, Moss DK, Ivany LC, Kowalewski M, Lindberg DR, Gillooly JF, Heim NA, McClain CR, Payne JL, Roopnarine PD, et al. 2020. Idiographic and nomothetic approaches to heterogeneity are complementary: response to comments on “Evaluating the influences of temperature, primary production, and evolutionary history on bivalve growth rates”. Paleobiology. 46(2):275-277. doi:10.1017/pab.2020.20

Schutte CA, Marton JM, Bernhard AE, Giblin AE, Roberts BJ. 2020. No evidence for long-term impacts of oil spill contamination on salt marsh soil nitrogen cycling processes. Estuaries and Coasts. 43(4):865-879. doi:10.1007/s12237-020-00699-z

Schutte CA, Samarkin VA, Peters B, Madigan MT, Bowles MW, Morgan-Kiss R, Casciotti K, Joye SB. 2020. Vertical stratification and stability of biogeochemical processes in the deep saline waters of Lake Vanda, Antarctica. Limnology and Oceanography. 65(3):569-581. doi:10.1002/lno.11327

Schwing PT, Montagna PA, Joye SB, Paris CB, Cordes EE, McClain CR, Kilborn JP, Murawski SA. 2020. A synthesis of deep benthic faunal impacts and resilience following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7:560012.

Sert MF, D’Andrilli J, Gründger F, Niemann H, Granskog MA, Pavlov AK, Ferré B, Silyakova A. 2020. Compositional differences in dissolved organic matter between Arctic cold seeps versus non-seep sites at the Svalbard continental margin and the Barents Sea. Frontiers in Earth Science. 8:552731. doi:10.3389/feart.2020.552731

Stevenson A, Archer SK, Schultz JA, Dunham A, Marliave JB, Martone P, Harley CDG. 2020. Warming and acidification threaten glass sponge Aphrocallistes vastus pumping and reef formation. Scientific Reports. 10:8176. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-65220-9

Strychar KB, Sammarco PW. 2020. An overview with discussions on freshwater and marine ecosystems in North America. In: Woo PTK, Iwama GK, editors. Climate change and non-infectious fish disorders. Oxford (UK): CAB International. p. 1-24.

Wang H, Lehrter J, Maiti K, Fennel K, Laurent A, Rabalais NN, Hussain N, Li Q, Chen B, Scaboo KM, et al. 2020. Benthic respiration in hypoxic waters enhances bottom water acidification in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans. 125(10):e2020JC016152. doi:10.1029/2020JC016152

Wilson CA, Hughes ZJ, FitzGerald DM, Kolker AS, Lynch JC, Rosen P. 2020. Saltmarsh sustainability throughout the Holocene in Boston Harbor: a new sea-level curve for the lower Gulf of Maine and implications of recent anthropogenic alteration. Quaternary Science Reviews. 240:106383. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106383



Archer SK, English PA, Campanino FM, Layman CA. 2021. Sponges facilitate primary producers in a Bahamas seagrass system. Marine Biology. 168(11):162. doi:10.1007/s00227-021-03977-x

Austermann J, Paxman G, Osterberg E, D’Andrilli J, Courville Z, Lewis G, Willis M, Overly T, Schaefer J, Young N, et al. 2021. White paper 2: scientific priorities for a northwest Greenland traverse. In: Scaeher JM, Albert M, Courville Z, Briner J, editors. US scientific traverses on the Greenland ice sheet: community planning workshop (publishing information not known). p. 14-22.

Bates AE, Primack RB, Biggar BS, Bird TJ, Clinton ME, Command RJ, Richards C, Shellard M, Geraldi NR, Vergara V, et al. (including Archer SK). 2021. Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as both threats and custodians of the environment. Biological Conservation. 263:109175. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109175

Bernhard AE, Beltz J, Giblin AE, Roberts BJ. 2021. Biogeography of ammonia oxidizers in New England and Gulf of Mexico salt marshes and the potential importance of comammox. ISME Communications. 1(1):9. doi:10.1038/s43705-021-00008-0

Bickley SL, Helms BS, Isenberg D, Feminella JW, Roberts BJ, Griffiths NA. 2021. Lack of long-term effects of coarse woody debris dam restoration on ecosystem function and water quality in coastal plain streams. Freshwater Science. 40(4):593-607. doi:10.1086/717325

Bockus AB, Rawles SD, Sealey WM, Conley ZB, Gaylord TG. 2021. Effects of elevated temperature and dietary additives Thermal Care™, Bio-Mos®, and GroBiotic® A on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) performance. Aquaculture. 544:737084. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.737084

Castelblanco-Martínez DN, Slone DH, Landeo-Yauri SS, Ramos EA, Alvarez-Alemán A, Attademo FL, Beck CA, Bonde RK, Butler SM, Cabrias-Contreras LJ, et al. (including Rieucau G). 2021. Analysis of body condition indices reveals different ecotypes of the Antillean manatee. Scientific Reports. 11:19451. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-98890-0

D’Andrilli J, McConnell JR. 2021. Polar ice core organic matter signatures reveal past atmospheric carbon composition and spatial trends across ancient and modern timescales. Journal of Glaciology. 67(266):1028-1042. doi:10.1017/jog.2021.51

D’Andrilli J, Peipoch M, Payn RA, DeGrandpre MD, Valett HM. 2021. Collaborative achievements and challenges for our 10-yr river research effort. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin. 30(4):127-128. doi:10.1002/lob.10465

Danovaro R, Fanelli E, Aguzzi J, Billett D, Carugati L, Corinaldesi C, Dell’Anno A, Gjerde K, Jamieson AJ, Kark S, et al. (including McClain CR). 2021. Reply to: Ecological variables for deep-ocean monitoring must include microbiota and meiofauna for effective conservation. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 5(1):30–31. doi:10.1038/s41559-020-01337-4

El Aoula R, Mhammdi N, Dezileau L, Mahé G, Kolker AS. 2021. Fluvial sediment transport degradation after dam construction in North Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences. 182:104255. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2021.104255

Gaskins LC, McClain CR. 2021. Visible name changes promote inequity for transgender researchers. PLoS Biology. 19(3):e3001104. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3001104

Grégoire M, Garçon V, Garcia H, Breitburg D, Isensee K, Oschlies A, Telszewski M, Barth A, Bittig HC, Carstensen J, et al. (including Rabalais NN). 2021. A global ocean oxygen database and atlas for assessing and predicting deoxygenation and ocean health in the open and coastal ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8:724913. doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.724913

Hill JM, Hutton B, Steffins K, Rieucau G. 2021. Floating along marsh edges: the impact of invasive water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) on estuarine species assemblages and predation risk. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 544:151618. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2021.151618

Howell KL, Hilário A, Allcock AL, Bailey D, Baker M, Clark MR, Colaço A, Copley J, Cordes EE, Danovaro R, et al. (including McClain CR). 2021. A decade to study deep-sea life. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 5(3):265-267. doi:10.1038/s41559-020-01352-5

Ingels J, Amon D, Bernardino AF, Bhadury P, Bik H, Clark MR, Dahlgren T, Jones DOB, McClain CR, Nunnally CC, et al. 2021. Abyssal plains. In: The second world ocean assessment: world ocean assessment II. New York: United Nations. p. 453-476.

Keppeler FW, Olin JA, López-Duarte PC, Polito MJ, Hooper-Bùi LM, Taylor SS, Rabalais NN, Fodrie FJ, Roberts BJ, Turner RE, et al. 2021. Body size, trophic position, and the coupling of different energy pathways across a saltmarsh landscape. Limnology and Oceanography Letters. 6(6):360-368. doi:10.1002/lol2.10212

Kiel Reese B, Sobol MS, Bowles MW, Hinrichs K-U. 2021. Redefining the subsurface biosphere: characterization of fungi isolated from energy-limited marine deep subsurface sediment. Frontiers in Fungal Biology. 2:49. doi:10.3389/ffunb.2021.727543

Keogh ME, Törnqvist TE, Kolker AS, Erkens G, Bridgeman JG. 2021. Organic matter accretion, shallow subsidence, and river delta sustainability. Journal of Geophysical Research. Earth Surface. 126(12):e2021JF006231. doi:10.1029/2021JF006231

Lawson MC, Cullen JA, Nunnally CC, Rowe GT, Hala DN. 2021. PAH and PCB body-burdens in epibenthic deep-sea invertebrates from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 162:111825. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111825

McClain CR. 2021. The commonness of rarity in a deep‐sea taxon. Oikos. 130(6):863-878. doi:10.1111/oik.07602

Miner KR, D’Andrilli J, Mackelprang R, Edwards A, Malaska MJ, Waldrop MP, Miller CE. 2021. Emergent biogeochemical risks from Arctic permafrost degradation. Nature Climate Change. 11(10):809-819. doi:10.1038/s41558-021-01162-y

Moyo S, Bennadji H, Laguaite D, Pérez-Umphrey AA, Snider AM, Bonisoli-Alquati A, Olin JA, Stouffer PC, Taylor SS, López-Duarte PC, et al. (including Roberts BJ). 2021. Stable isotope analyses identify trophic niche partitioning between sympatric terrestrial vertebrates in coastal saltmarshes with differing oiling histories. PeerJ. 9:e11392. doi:10.7717/peerj.11392

Munnelly RT, Reeves DB, Chesney EJ, Baltz DM. 2021. Spatial and temporal influences of nearshore hydrography on fish assemblages associated with energy platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts. 44(1):269-285. doi:10.1007/s12237-020-00772-7

Munnelly RT, Windecker CC, Reeves DB, Rieucau G, Portier RJ, Chesney EJ. 2021. Effects of short-duration oil exposure on bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) embryos and larvae: mortality, malformation, and foraging. Aquatic Toxicology. 237:105904. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2021.105904

O’Regan SM, Archer SK, Friesen SK, Hunter KL. 2021. A global assessment of climate change adaptation in marine protected area management plans. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8:1155. doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.711085

Pitcher GC, Aguirre-Velarde A, Breitburg D, Cardich J, Carstensen J, Conley DJ, Dewitte B, Engel A, Espinoza-Morriberón D, Flores G, et al. (including Rabalais NN). 2021. System controls of coastal and open ocean oxygen depletion. Progress in Oceanography. 197:102613. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102613

Rabalais NN. 2021. Elevating dissolved oxygen–reflections on developing and using long-term data. Gulf and Caribbean Research. 32(1):xv-xxviv. doi:10.18785/gcr.3201.09

Rabouille C, Lansard B, Owings SM, Rabalais NN, Bombled B, Metzger E, Richirt J, Eitel EM, Boever AD, Beckler JS, et al. 2021. Early diagenesis in the hypoxic and acidified zone of the northern Gulf of Mexico: is organic matter recycling in sediments disconnected from the water column? Frontiers in Marine Science. 8:604330. doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.604330

Reeves DB, Munnelly R, Riley KL, Baltz DM. 2021. Edward J. Chesney 1950-2021. Gulf and Caribbean Research. 32(1):11. doi:10.18785/gcr.3201.11

Rhode R, Snider N, Midway S, Nelson JA, Wells R, Melancon E Jr, Fleeger JW, Johnson D, Stauffer BA, Ringelman K, et al. (incluiding Kolker AS). 2021. Sediment Diversion Operations Working Group: an overview of food web dynamics in a Louisiana estuary. Final report (publishing information not known). 44 p.

Rogener MK, Hunter KS, Rabalais NN, Roberts BJ, Bracco A, Stewart FJ, Joye SB. 2021. Pelagic denitrification and methane oxidation in oxygen-depleted waters of the Louisiana shelf. Biogeochemistry. 154(2):231-254. doi:10.1007/s10533-021-00778-8

Saba GK, Bockus AB, Shaw CT, Seibel BA. 2021. Combined effects of ocean acidification and elevated temperature on feeding, growth, and physiological processes of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 665:1-18. doi:10.3354/meps13715

Saxton MA, Samarkin VA, Madigan MT, Bowles MW, Sattley WM, Schutte CA, Joye SB. 2021. Sulfate reduction and methanogenesis in the hypersaline deep waters and sediments of a perennially ice‐covered lake. Oceanography and Limnology. 66(5):1804-1818. doi:10.1002/lno.11723

Sloey, TM, Roberts BJ, Flaska SR, Nelson JA. 2021. Critical research gaps for understanding environmental impacts of discharging treated municipal wastewater into assimilation wetlands. Wetlands: the Journal of the Society of the Wetlands Scientists. 41(1):15. doi:10.1007/s13157-021-01396-8

US Ice Drilling Program (including D’Andrilli J). 2021. Long range science plan 2021-2031. Washington, DC: National Science Foundation. 57 p.


Aitali R, Snoussi M, Kolker AS, Oujidi B, Mhammdi N. 2022. Effects of land use/land cover changes on carbon storage in North African coastal wetlands. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 10:364. doi:10.3390/jmse10030364

Bell KLC, Chow JS, Hope A, Quinzin MC, Cantner KA, Amon DJ, Cramp JE, Rotjan RD, Kamalu L, de Vos A., et al. (inlcuding McClain CR). 2022. Low-cost, deep-sea imaging and analysis tools for deep-sea exploration: a collaborative design study. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9:1233. doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.873700

Borton MA, Collins SM, Graham EB, Garayburu-Caruso VA, Goldman AE, de Melo M, Renteria L, Stegen JC and WHONDRS Crowdsourced Consortium (including D’Andrilli, J). 2022. It takes a village: using a crowdsourced approach to investigate organic matter composition in global rivers through the lens of ecological theory. Frontiers in Water. 4:870453. doi:10.3389/frwa.2022.870453

Bryant SRD, McClain CR. 2022. Energetic constraints on body-size niches in a resource-limited marine environment. Biology Letters. 18(8):20220112. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2022.0112

Bryant SRD, McClain CR. 2022. Functional space expansion driven by transitions between energetically advantageous traits in the deep sea. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 289(1987):20221302. doi:10.1098/rspb.2022.1302

Bryant SRD, Nunnally C, Hanks G, McClain CR. 2022. The macrofaunal metropolis in the sediments around the first-ever deep-sea alligator fall. Marine Ecology. 43(3):e12707. doi:10.1111/maec.12707

Cooke R, Gearty W, Chapman ASA, Dunic J, Edgar GJ, Lefcheck JS, Rilov G, McClain CR, Stuart-Smith RD, Lyons SK et al. 2022. Anthropogenic disruptions to longstanding patterns of trophic-size structure in vertebrates. Nature Ecolology & Evolution. 6(6):684-692. doi:10.1038/s41559-022-01726-x

Cooper WT, Chanton JC, D’Andrilli J, Hodgkins SB, Podgorski DC, Stenson AC, Tfaily MM, Wilson RM. 2020. A history of molecular level analysis of natural organic matter by FTICR mass spectrometry and the paradigm shift in organic geochemistry. Mass Spectrometry Reviews. 41(2):215–239. doi:10.1002/mas.21663

D’Andrilli J, Silverman V, Buckley S, Rosario-Ortiz FL. 2022. Inferring ecosystem function from dissolved organic matter optical properties: a critical review. Environmental Science & Technology. 56(16):11146−11161. doi:10.1021/acs.est.2c04240

Dove ADM, Meekan MG, McClain CR. 2022. How and why is the whale shark the world’s largest fish? In: Dove ADM, Pierce SJ, editors. Whale sharks: biology, ecology, and conservation. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press. p. 1-12.

Du Clos KT, Gemmell BJ, Colin SP, Costello JH, Dabiri JO, Sutherland KR. 2022. Distributed propulsion enables fast and efficient swimming modes in physonect siphonophores. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 119(49):e2202494119. doi:10.1073/pnas.2202494119

Fredrickson A, Rieucau G, Fontenot Q, Lackmann A, David SR. 2022. Non‐lethal fin clip model validation for stable isotope analysis of spotted gar and alligator gar. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 151(1):72-80. doi:10.1002/tafs.10331

Grow AK, Schutte CA, Roberts BJ. 2022. Fiddler crab burrowing increases salt marsh greenhouse gas emissions. Biogeochemistry. 158(1):73–90. doi:10.1007/s10533-021-00886-5

Hanson B, Wünsch U, Buckley S, Fischer S, Leresche F, Murphy K, D’Andrilli J, Rosario-Ortiz FL. 2022. DOM molecular weight fractionation and fluorescence quantum yield assessment using a coupled in-line SEC optical property system. ACS EST Water. 2(12):2491-2501. doi:10.1021/acsestwater.2c00318

Jones SF, Schutte CA, Roberts BJ, Thorne KM. 2022. Seasonal impoundment management reduces nutrient cycling but not resilience to surface fire in a tidal wetland. Journal of Environmental Management. 303:114153. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114153

Joye SB, Bowles MW, Ziervogel K. 2022. Marine biogeochemical cycles. In: Stal LJ, Cretoius MS, editors. The marine microbiome. Cham (SW): Springer. p. 623-671. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-90383-1_15

Justić D, Kourafalou V, Mariotti G, He S, Weisberg R, Androulidakis Y, Barker C, Bracco A, Dzwonkowski B, Roberts BJ, et al. 2022. Transport processes in the Gulf of Mexico along the river-estuary-shelf-ocean continuum: a review of research from the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative. Estuaries and Coasts. 45(3):621-657. doi:10.1007/s12237-021-01005-1

Kenney WF, Shields MR, Bianchi TS, Kolker AS, Mohrig D. 2022. Excess 210Pb as an indicator of flood-stage sediments in prograding, Wax Lake Delta, USA. Marine Geology. 453:106914. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2022.106914

Kolker AS, Weathers HD. 2022. Technical report: discharge study at Bayou Tortillon. New Orleans (LA): Restore the Mississippi River Delta. 7 p.

La Peyre MK, Leblanc Buie SC, Rossi RE, Roberts BJ. 2022. Long-term assessments are critical to determining persistence and shoreline protection from oyster reef nature-based coastal defenses. Ecological Engineering. 178:106603. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2022.106603

McClain CR, Bryant SRD, Hanks G, Bowles MW. 2022. Extremophiles in earth’s deep seas: a view toward life in exo-oceans. Astrobiology. 22(8):1009-1028. doi:10.1089/ast.2021.0120

McDonald AM, Martin CA, Rieucau G, Roberts BJ. 2022. Prior exposure to weathered oil influences foraging of an ecologically important saltmarsh resident fish. PeerJ. 9:e12593 doi:10.7717/peerj.12593

Quiñones-Rivera ZJ, Wissel B, Turner RE, Rabalais NN, Justić D, Finlay KP, Milan CS. 2022. Divergent effects of biological and physical processes on dissolved oxygen and dissolved inorganic carbon dynamics on a eutrophied and hypoxic continental shelf. Limnology and Oceanography. 67(11):2603-2616. doi:10.1002/lno.12225

Ramos EA, Landeo‑Yauri S, Castelblanco‑Martínez N, Arreola MR, Quade AH, Rieucau G. 2022. Drone‑based photogrammetry assessments of body size and body condition of Antillean manatees. Mammalian Biology. 102(3):765-779. doi:10.1007/s42991-022-00228-4

Ramos EA, Santoya L, Verde J, Walker Z, Castelblanco-Martínez N, Kiszka JJ, Rieucau G. 2022. Lords of the rings: mud ring feeding by bottlenose dolphins in a Caribbean estuary revealed from sea, air, and space. Marine Mammal Science. 38(1):364-373. doi:10.1111/mms.12854

Roberts BJ, Griffiths NA, Houser JN, Mulholland PJ. 2022. Response of stream metabolism to coarse woody debris additions along a catchment disturbance gradient. Ecosystems. 25(4):828-842. doi:10.1007/s10021-021-00687-9

Rodriguez-Pinto II, Rieucau G, Handegard NO, Kimball ME, Boswell KM. 2022. Anthropogenic marsh impoundments alter collective tendency in schooling fish. Estuaries and Coasts. 45(3):856-865. doi:10.1007/s12237-021-00961-y

Rossi RE, Schutte CA, Logarbo J, Bourgeois C, Roberts BJ. 2022. Gulf ribbed mussels increase plant growth, primary production and soil nitrogen cycling potential in salt marshes. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 689:33-46. doi:10.3354/meps14032

Rowat D, Robinson DP, Dove ADM, Araujo G, Clauss T, Coco C, Deardon P, Grace MK, Green JR, McClain CR, et al. 2022. Outstanding questions in whale shark research and conservation. In: Dove ADM, Pierce SJ, editors. Whale sharks: biology, ecology, and conservation. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press. p. 301-318.

Schutte CA, Samarkin VA, Bowles MW, Peters B, Casciotti KL, Madigan MT, Joye SB. 2022. Abiotic nitrous oxide production from sediments and brine of Don Juan Pond, Wright Valley Antarctica, at Mars analog temperatures (–40°C). Geophysical Research Letters. 49(3):e2021GL094635. doi:10.1029/2021GL094635

Stoner EW, Archer SK, Layman CA. 2022. Increased nutrient availability correlates with increased growth of the benthic jellyfish Cassiopea spp. Food Webs. 31:e00231. doi:10.1016/j.fooweb.2022.e00231

Sweet JA, Bargu S, Morrison WL, Parsons M, Pathare MG, Roberts BJ, Soniat TM, Stauffer BA. 2022. Phytoplankton dynamics in Louisiana estuaries: building a baseline to understand current and future change. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 175:113344. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113344

Zengel S, Weaver J, Mendelssohn IA, Graham SA, Lin Q, Hester MW, Willis JM, Silliman BR, Fleeger JW, Roberts BJ, et al. 2022. Meta-analysis of salt marsh vegetation impacts and recovery: a synthesis following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Ecological Applications. 32(1):e02489. doi:10.1002/eap.2489

FY 2023

Agharroud K, Puddu M, Ivcevic A, Satta A, Kolker AS, Snoussi M. 2023. Climate risk assessment of the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima coastal region (Morocco). Frontiers in Marine Science. 10:1176350. doi:10.3389/fmars.2023.1176350

Binder B, Rieucau G, Locascio J, Taylor CJ, Boswell KM. 2023. Impact of an anthropogenically mediated environmental disturbance on coastal fish community dynamics. PeerJ. 11:e14888. doi:10.7717/peerj.14888

Campanino FM, English PA, Layman CA, Archer SA. 2023. Sponge presence increases the diversity and abundance of fish and invertebrates in a subtropical seagrass bed. Estuaries and Coasts. 46(4):1009-1020. doi:10.1007/s12237-023-01186

Chin YP, McKnight DM, D’Andrilli J, Brooks N, Cawley K, Guerard J, Perdue EM, Stedmon CA, Tratnyek PG, Westerhoff P, et al. 2023. Identification of next-generation International Humic Substances Society reference materials for advancing the understanding of the role of natural organic matter in the Anthropocene. Aquatic Sciences. 85:32. doi:10.1007/s00027-022-00923-x

Hancock GM, Sancho G, Munch SB, Salinas S. 2023. Effects of daily thermal fluctuations on the Atlantic silverside, a fish with temperature‐dependent sex determination. Journal of Fish Biology. 102(5):1261-1266. doi:10.1111/jfb.15372

Howe KL, Seitz KW, Campbell LG, Baker BJ, Thrash JC, Rabalais NN, Rogener MK, Joye SB, Mason OU. 2023. Metagenomics and metatranscriptomics reveal broadly distributed, active, novel methanotrophs in the Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone and in the marine water column. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 99(2):fiac153. doi:10.1093/femsec/fiac153

Keppeler FW, Junker JR, Shaw MJ, Alford SB, Engel AS, Hooper-Bùi LM, Jensen OP, Lamb K, López-Duarte PC, Martin CW et al, including Roberts BJ, Rossi RE. 2023. Can biodiversity of preexisting and created salt marshes match across scales? An assessment from microbes to predators. Ecosphere. 14(3):e4661. doi:10.1002/ecs2.4461

Kolker AS. 2023. Shifting. In: Hofferlin D. Way beyond bigness: the need for a watershed architecture. Novato (CA): Applied Research and Design Books. p. 239-249.

Martin CW, McDonald AM, Valentine JF, Roberts BJ. 2023. Towards relevant ecological experiments and assessments of coastal oil spill effects: insights from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 10:1092097. doi:10.3389/fenvs.2022.1092097

Martin CW, López-Duarte PC, Olin JA, Roberts BJ. 2023. Editorial: Gulf of Mexico estuaries: ecology of the nearshore and coastal ecosystems impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 11:1203443. doi:10.3389/fenvs.2023.1203443

Voight JR, Heck PR, Du Clos KT. 2023. Competition in the deep sea: phylogeny determines destructive impact of wood-boring xylophagaids (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Marine Biodiversity. 53(1):1. doi:10.1007/s12526-022-01306-z

FY 2024

Brooks CN, Field EK. 2024. Microbial community response to hydrocarbon exposure in iron oxide mats: an environmental study. Frontiers in Microbiology. 15:1388973. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2024.1388973

D’Andrilli J, Romero CM, Zito P, Podgorski DC, Payn RA, Sebestyen SD, Zimmerman AR, Rosario-Ortiz FL. 2023. Advancing chemical lability assessments of organic matter using a synthesis of FT-ICR MS data across diverse environments and experiments. Organic Geochemistry. 184:104667. doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2023.104667

Du Clos KT, Gemmell BJ. 2024. Does the settling column method underestimate phytoplankton sinking speeds? Royal Society Open Science. 11(2):231455. doi:10.1098/rsos.231455

Gartelman A, Xu K, Maiti K, Liu H, Moran K, Wilson C, Roberts BJ, Nelson JA. 2024. Sedimentation processes and morphological changes in a dredge pit and surrounding environment on Ship Shoal in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Geology. 470:107128. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2024.107218

Keppler FW, Engel AS, Bui LM, Lopez-Duarte P, Martin C, Olin J, Polito MJ, Rabalais NN, Roberts BJ, Swenson EM, et al. 2024. Coastal wetland restoration through the lens of Odum’s theory of ecosystem development. Restoration Ecology. 32(3):e14072. doi:10.1111/rec.14072

Munnelly RT, Castillo JC, Handegard NO, Kimball ME, Boswell KM, Rieucau G. 2023. Applications and analytical approaches using imaging sonar for quantifying behavioural interactions among aquatic organisms and their environment. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 81(2):207-251. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsad182

Oken KL, Able KW, de Mutsert K, Fodrie FJ, López-Duarte PC, Martin CW, McCann MJ, Olin JA, Polito MJ, Roberts BJ et al. 2023. Fishery closures, more than predator release, increased persistence of nearshore fishes and invertebrates to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Estuaries and Coasts. 46(7): 1907-1922. doi:10.1007/s12237-023-01246-2

Raabe JM, Kurtay G, Fontenot A, Greene S, Martignette AJ, Milbrandt EC, Roberts BJ, Stauffer BA. 2024. Operation and integration of a commercially available nitrate sensor in Gulf of Mexico estuarine monitoring programs. Environmental Technology & Innovation. 35:103676. doi:10.1016/j.eti.2024.103676

Ramos EA, Jones B, Austin M, Collom KA, Eierman L, Melo-Santos G, Castelblanco-Martínez N, Renee Arreola M, Okrucky R, Rieucau G. 2023. Signature whistle use and changes in whistle emission rate in a rehabilitated rough-toothed dolphin. Frontiers in Marine Science. 10: 1278299. doi:10.3389/fmars.2023.1278299

Rodriguez-Pinto II, Rieucau G, Handegard NO, Boswell KM, Theobald JC. 2024. Environmental impacts on visual perception modulates behavioral responses of schooling fish to looming predators. Journal of Experimental Biology. 227(6):jeb246665. doi:10.1242/jeb.246665

Sutherland KR, Damian-Serrano A, Du Clos KT, Gemmell BJ, Colin SP, Costello JH. 2024. Spinning and corkscrewing of oceanic macroplankton revealed through in situ imaging. Science Advances. 10(20):eadm9511. doi:10.1126/sciadv.adm9511

Tack NB, Du Clos KT, Gemmell BJ. 2024. Fish can use coordinated fin motions to recapture their own vortex wake energy. Royal Society Open Science. 11(1):231265. doi:10.1098/rsos.231265