First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
Email Address (required)
Phone Number
Address (academic year) Street City State Zip Code
Address (permanent) Street City State Zip Code
Academic Information
Year of Study in Spring 2025 FreshmanSophomoreJunior
References Please provide contact information for two faculty members you have asked to provide letters of recommendation.
Faculty Recommendation #1 Name Institution Email Phone
Faculty Recommendation #2 Name Institution Email Phone
Area of Interest Preferences To place you in the lab that conducts research programs that interest you, please select your top three (3) areas of interest. You do not have to rank any of the topics if you are still undecided about your areas of interest. Use your Statement of Interest to tell us more about your current academic and professional goals. To review a short description of each research area visit the STEM Prep Program program page.
First Choice Select OneNo PreferenceBiogeochemistryHabitat Forming SpeciesDissolved Organic Matter CyclingMicrobial EcologySea Level RiseMarsh and estuarine biodiversityPhytoplankton EcologyEcosystem EcologyWetland ScienceDisturbance EcologyBioimaging and Fluid mechanicsBehavioral Ecology
Second Choice Select OneNo PreferenceBiogeochemistryHabitat Forming SpeciesDissolved Organic Matter CyclingMicrobial EcologySea Level RiseMarsh and estuarine biodiversityPhytoplankton EcologyEcosystem EcologyWetland ScienceDisturbance EcologyBioimaging and Fluid mechanicsBehavioral Ecology
Third Choice Select OneNo PreferenceBiogeochemistryHabitat Forming SpeciesDissolved Organic Matter CyclingMicrobial EcologySea Level RiseMarsh and estuarine biodiversityPhytoplankton EcologyEcosystem EcologyWetland ScienceDisturbance EcologyBioimaging and Fluid mechanicsBehavioral Ecology
NOTE: LUMCON is committed to offering research opportunities for all students. By providing answers to the questions below you help LUMCON identify the demographics of the students that apply to our summer programs. This information is helpful in the design, implementation, recruitment, and funding of future programs at LUMCON. You are NOT REQUIRED to provide answers.
Gender (select One) MaleFemaleI describe my gender differently
Citizenship Status (select one) U.S. CitizenU.S. Permanent ResidentOther non-U.S. Citizen
Ethnicity (select one) I prefer not to answerHispanic or Latino – A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.Not Hispanic or Latino
Race (select all that apply) I prefer not to answerAmerican Indian or Alaskan Native – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North, South, or Central America, and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.Asian – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.Black or African American – A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander– A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa or other Pacific Islands.White – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, Middle East, or North Africa.Other
Disability Status (select all that apply) I prefer not to answerHearing ImpairmentVisual ImpairmentMobility/Orthopedic ImpairmentOther (please explain in your Statement of Interest)None
Family Education History Are you a first generation college student (neither parent received a four-year college degree)? YesNo
How did you learn about the LUMCON STEM Prep Program? (check all that apply) LUMCON websiteCollege faculty or departmentEmail ListservFacebook or other social mediaFlyerPresentation by a LUMCON Representative
Did you apply to any other summer programs this year? YesNo
ATTACHMENTS Files must be in one of the following formats (.pdf, .doc, or .docx).
1. One page statement of interest.
2. Resume
3. Current college transcript (unofficial or official copies are accepted)
4. Two letters of reference: Make sure you download the cover page from the Application Process Page. Have these emailed from faculty directly to
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