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The LUMCON Library collection was originally housed in Ellender Memorial Library, located at Nicholls State University in Thibodaux, Louisiana. After completion of the DeFelice Marine Center in 1986, the collection was moved to its present location. Since that time, the Library has become an active resource center for LUMCON faculty and staff as well as Consortium member institutions, visiting researchers, students, and the public.

The library contains a computer lab and several study spaces available to visiting students, scientists, or groups (such as attendees of a writing retreat).

The collection and development of library materials reflects LUMCON’s research programs. The collection has approximately:

  • 4,600 monographs
  • 5,800 bound volumes
  • 200 journal titles
  • 26 current journal subscriptions
  • 850 maps
  • 35 atlases
  • 3,600 government documents
  • 1,500 reprints

In addition, the library houses a complete collection of research products generated by DeFelice Marine Center personnel since LUMCON’s inception.


  1. The LUMCON Library is staffed Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM. All visitors are welcome during these hours.
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The LUMCON Library is available as an internship site for graduate-level students who have completed at least two semesters toward a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science. Applications will be accepted on a continuing basis and internships may be completed during any semester. Prior library experience or an undergraduate degree in science is desirable, but not necessary. Credits will be awarded based on the number of person-hours completed (40 person-hours per credit hour).

The internship will consist of both field experience, encompassing many operations of a special library, and a special project in technical services. The Librarian will give the intern an overview of reference services, technical services, library administration, and budgeting, and will guide the intern through special projects. The LUMCON Library uses SIRSI/Dynix’s Symphony Integrated Library System as well as OCLC for Cataloging/Interlibrary Loan services.

Contact the Librarian for more information or to apply for an internship.


We would like to thank the following individuals for their guidance and input when creating the Dispersants Bibliography:

    • Victoria Broje, Per Daling, Alun Lewis, and Francois-Xavier Merlin offered valuable assistance in the early phases of this project. Per Daling’s support was especially noteworthy, by providing conference proceedings that otherwise could not be obtained.
    • Deborah Ansell, ITOPF’s librarian, contributed by sharing her sizeable list of library holdings on dispersant publications with us, and filling in gaps where existing citation information was incomplete.
    • Likewise, Julie Anne Richardson, librarian for Environment Canada, compiled a publication listing on dispersants housed in her collection, which provided us with additional citations for our project.
    • Qianxin Lin at Louisiana State University provided API conference proceedings for us to use in transcribing abstracts.
    • Nancy Kinner at the Coastal Response Research Center provided encouragement, focus, and connected us with some of the aforementioned people.
    • Finally, Don Davis and Karen Reeder Emory at OSRADP deserve special mention for all of their help and direction during the span of this project.

The LUMCON Library is a member of the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC), the Southeast Affiliate of IAMSLIC Libraries (SAIL), and the Louisiana Library Network and Information Consortium (LOUIS).   Additionally, the Library has access to OCLC Cataloging/Interlibrary loan services.

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Özelsel S. 1981. The acute toxicity of several dispersants on Palaemonetes pugio (Crustacea, Decapoda). Revue Internationale d'Oceanographie Médicale, 63-64 103-117. ISSN: 0035-3493.
The acute toxicity of the dispersants Gold Crew, Nokomis-3, Atlantic-Pacific and Corexit 7664 on the Grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio have been investigated, and the LC50 values have been determined using the Litchfield-Wilcoxon (1949) and Log concentration versus percent of survival methods. Experiments have been conducted at 17° C and 27° C for comparative purposes. Results have shown that there is a definite increase in toxicity with increasing temperature, that Corexit 7664 is of very low toxicity, that present dispersants are quite low in toxicity when compared with earlier ones and that the test animal P. pugio is quite resistant as supported by Welsh (1975)
© CSA, 1982
Özelsel S. 1983. The combined effects of some dispersants and PHC derivatives on Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck. Revue Internationale d'Oceanographie Médicale, 72 37-43. ISSN: 0035-3493.
The effects of certain PHC derivates, dispersants and their combinations have been investigated on the mussel M. galloprovincialis Lamarck with the purpose of actually determining how PHC derivatives and certain dispersants react. The results have been presented as graphs
© CSA, 1984
Özelsel, S. 1987. Comparison between the effects of concentrate dispersant Corexit 9527 and conventional dispersant 7664 and their combinations with marine diesel fuel on the mediolittoral species Monodonta turbinata Born. Biologia Gallo-Hellenica, 12 259-264. ISSN: 0750-7321.
O’Brien, S.M. 1992. An Examination of the Complexities of Dispersant-Use Policy During the Exxon Valdez Spill, and in Post-Valdez Chesapeake Bay Contingency Planning, Thesis (M.S.), University of Maryland at College Park. 99 leaves.
O’Sullivan, A.J. 1971. Some aspects of the Hamilton Trader oil spill. Water Pollution by Oil, London: The Institute of Petroleum. pp. 307-316. ISBN: 0852930232.
An account is given of the Hamilton Trader oil spill off the NW coast of England, its movements, appearance of the oil at sea, biological effects and the action taken to disperse or remove the oil (Corexit 7664). As a result of the incident, the 1st in the area since the Ministry of Housing and Local Government and the Home Office issued their 1968 joint circular, initiating schemes for dealing with oil pollution, various recommendations are made for the future. Improvements are needed in early warning and communication, reconnaissance and slick tracking, liaison between local authorities and other organizations, in sampling and identification and in the allocation of responsibility for dispersal
© CSA, 1972
Pace, C.B.; Clark, J.R. 1993. Evaluation of a Toxicity Test Method Used for Dispersant Screening in California, Washington, D.C: Marine Spill Response Corporation. 34p.
Pacific States/British Columbia Task Force on Oil Spills. 1995. Alternative Response Technologies: in situ Burning and Dispersants: Project Report and Recommendations, Portland, Or: States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force. 22p. URL
Paddison, B.A. 1982. Oilspill Dispersant Study, Calgary, Alta: Esso Resources Canada Ltd. (no page information available).
Paddock, A. 1989. Field experience with dispersants for oil spills on land. Oil Dispersants: New Ecological Approaches, Philadelphia, Pa: American Society for Testing and Materials. pp. 73-77. ISBN: 0803111940.
When oil spills onto coastal water of the United States or leaks reach the inland waters, an elaborate set of U.S. federal and state regulations comes into effect under the National Contingency Plan (NCP). Ironically, when an oil discharge is confined to land alone, very few regulations exist. Although spills on land are quite frequent, they do not arouse the news media or even local regulators, and the oil is often left in place. Dispersants, up to now not widely used, offer an economical and environmentally preferred option compared to other actions that might be taken. Although the use of dispersants for oil spills on land has never been regulated under the NCP, spillers have been reluctant to use them on land as a result of the possible rainfall runoff into controlled waters. Under the NCP (Subpart H) revised as of 20 Nov. 1985, however, the attributes of a dispersant on land can now be considered along with the existing techniques of burning, plowing under, or hauling away. Dispersants specifically formulated for use on contaminated soil have been on the market for over ten years. The first criterion for such a dispersant is that it must be compatible and effective with freshwater. Many of the most common dispersants on the market are for use on saltwater only. Other dispersant characteristics to be considered are emulsion stability and rapid biodegradability. Results of actual field experience on a wide variety of soil types, land uses, and topographies indicate that dispersant use on land can be effective
© ASTM International. Used with permission of ASTM International
Page, C.; Sumner, P.; Autenrieth, R.; Bonner, J.; McDonald, T. 1999. Materials balance on a chemically-dispersed oil and a whole oil exposed to an experimental beach front. In Proceedings: Twenty-Second Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program Technical Seminar, June 2 to 4, 1999, Westin Hotel, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Ottawa, Ont: Environment Canada. pp. 645-658. URL
A nearshore mesocosm experiment was set up to observe the fate of whole oil and chemically-dispersed oil. The dispersed treatment tank did not show signs of oil sorption, and little to no floating oil noted. Analysis of oil mass values between both tests indicated smaller amounts of oiled sediments in the dispersant test. The chemical dispersant was effective in reducing oil contamination in the nearshore environment
Page, C.A.; Authenrieth, R.L.; Bonner, J.S.; McDonald, T.J. 2001. Behavior of chemically dispersed oil in a wetland environment. In 2001 International Oil Spill Conference: Global Strategies for Prevention, Preparedness, Response, and Restoration: March 26-29, 2001, Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 821-823. URL
An experiment was conducted at a wetland research facility, investigating the behavior of chemically dispersed oil (CDO) using an oil spill dispersant. The research site is located on the San Jacinto River near Houston, Texas. The experimental treatments included oiled control, “high dose” CDO (1:10 dispersant-to-oil ratio, DOR), “low-dose” CDO (1:20 DOR), as well as an unoiled control. Fourteen 5 m x 5 m plots were used for the experiment, four plots for each oiled treatment and two plots for the unoiled control. The treatments were assigned to plots using a randomized complete-block design. Twenty-one liters of Arabian medium crude oil was applied systematically to each plot. For the CDO treatments, the premixed dispersant-plus-oil solution was first added to containers of river water (either 1:10:200 or 0.5:10:200 dispersant-oil-water ratios), and the resulting solution was applied systematically to the respective plots. This method of CDO application was designed to simulate the movement of a dispersed-oil plume into a wetland environment. Sediment samples were taken over a 99-day period, using a 5-cm diameter-coring device. The GC-MS results for both target saturate and target aromatic hydrocarbons were normalized to 17α, 21ß-(H)hopane to separate biotic and abiotic removal mechanisms and to minimize spatial heterogeneity. Target compound analyses indicated no significant differences in the biodegradation rates for the three oil treatments. There were, however, significant differences in the amount of oil initially flushed (physical removal) from the plots of both CDO treatments as compared to the oiled-control treatments
© 2001 with permission from API
Page, C.A.; Bonner, J.; Fuller, C.; Sterling, M. 2002. Dispersant effectiveness in a simulated shallow embayment. In Twenty-Fifth Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program (AMOP) Technical Seminar, Nineteenth Technical Seminar on Chemical Spills (TSOCS) and Fourth Biotechnology Solutions for Spills (BIOSS): June 11 to 13, 2002, Westin Calgary Hotel, Calgary, Alberta, Canada: Proceedings, Ottawa, Ont: Environment Canada. pp. 721-733. URL
A dispersant effectiveness experiment was carried out at a wave-tank facility in Corpus Christi, TX. A known volume of weathered Arabian medium crude oil was applied to the water surface and the dispersant was systematically applied in an aerosolized form (1:10 dispersant/oil ratio). In a 24-hour period, samples were collected at 0, 0.5, 2, 4, and 24 h. A mass balance on the oil was used to quantify dispersant effectiveness. After 4 h, more than two-thirds of the oil was determined to be in the water column. After 24 h, a large portion of the dispersed oil had resurfaced
Page, C.A.; Bonner, J.S.; McDonald, T.J.; Autenrieth, R.L. 2002. Behavior of a chemically dispersed oil in a wetland environment. Water Research, 36 (15): 3821-3833. ISSN: 0043-1354. doi:10.1016/S0043-1354(02)00079-9.
An experiment was conducted at a wetland research facility, investigating the behavior and effects of chemically dispersed oil (CDO) using an oil-spill dispersant. The research site is located on the San Jacinto River near Houston, TX. The replicated treatments included oiled control, "high-dose" CDO (1:10 dispersant-to-oil ratio (DOR)), "low-dose" CDO (1:20 DOR), as well as an unoiled control. Known amounts of oil or dispersed oil were added to the respective plots. Sediment samples were taken over a 99-day period using a 5-cm-diameter coring device. The GC/MS results for both "total target saturate hydrocarbons" and "total target aromatic hydrocarbons" were plotted over time and data were modeled using nonlinear regression. The overall (including abiotic and biotic) petroleum loss rates for the dispersed-oil treatments were not statistically different when compared to the oiled control. However, the initial concentrations for the dispersed-oil treatments were statically lower (95% confidence) than for the oiled control. From this, it can be inferred that the dispersed oil was more prone to flush off the sediments, as was visually observed. Biodegradation rates were also determined for all treatments; it was concluded that there were no differences when comparing each dispersed-oil treatment to the oiled control. The sediments from each plot were also analyzed for microbial population numbers (most-probable-number) and acute toxicity (Microtox® 100% Test). Statistical analyses for both sets of data found no significant differences for the dispersed-oil treatments when compared to the oiled control
Reprinted from Water Research, Volume 36, C.A. Page, J.S. Bonner, T.J. McDonald, R.L. Autenrieth, Copyright 2002, with permission from Elsevier
Page, C.A. et al. 2000. Behavior of a chemically-dispersed oil and a whole oil on a near-shore environment. Water Research, 34 (9): 2507-2516. ISSN: 0043-1354. doi:10.1016/S0043-1354(99)00398-X.
To investigate the use of dispersants as an oil spill chemical countermeasure in the surf-zone, a simulated oil spill was conducted at the Shoreline Environmental Research Facility (SERF), formerly known as the Coastal OilSpill Simulation System (COSS), a wave tank facility in Corpus Christi, Texas. Sand was added to each tank to establish a beach with a prescribed slope of 10 degrees. Natural seawater flowed continually through the system to emulate alongshore currents. The replicated experimental treatments included pre-mixed oil plus dispersant (three tanks), oil only (three tanks), and unoiled controls (two tanks). Known amounts of either whole oil or dispersed oil were added to the respective tanks. Both the sediment and water column were periodically sampled during the 10-day experiment, and a materials balance on the oil was determined for both oil treatments. The environmental compartments where oil accumulated were sediments, water column, and non-aqueous-phase layer. The discharge from the tanks was presumed to be the primary sink, as water was drawn from the tanks at a known and constant flow rate. Tidal cycles were simulated by varying the computer-controlled influent rate. The oil mass (measured as total petroleum hydrocarbons) for each compartment/sink was calculated using data from four time points. At the experiment’s conclusion, approximately 49% of the applied oil for the oiled treatment remained in the tanks sorbed to sediments or other surfaces. The rest of the oil was removed via the effluent. In the chemically-dispersed oil treatment, all of the oil was flushed from the tanks; no oil (
Reprinted from Water Research, Volume 34, C.A. Page, J.S. Bonner, P.L. Sumner, T.J. McDonald, R.L. Autenrieth and C.B. Fuller, Copyright 2000, with permission from Elsevier
Page, C.A. et al. 2000. Materials balance on an oil washed from a sandy substrate using shoreline cleaners. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program Technical Seminar, June 14 to 16, 2000, Coast Plaza Suite Hotel, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Ottawa, Ont: Environment Canada. pp. 697-708.
Page, D.S. et al. 1984. Tidal area dispersant project: fate of dispersed and undispersed oil in two nearshore test spills. Oil Spill Chemical Dispersants: Research, Experience and Recommendations. A Symposium Sponsored by ASTM Committee F-20 on Hazardous Substances and Oil Spill Response, West Palm Beach, Florida, October 12-13, 1982, Philadelphia, Pa: American Society for Testing and Materials. pp. 280-298. ISBN: 0803104006.
In 1981, an oil spill field experiment in Maine assessed the effects to the benthos of dispersant used in nearshore oil spills. Three test plots, each 60 by 100 m, were set up, each with an upper and a lower intertidal sampling area. There were also five subtidal sampling stations in water depths from 5 to 20 m. One plot was exposed to 945 L (250 gal) of Murban crude oil released on an ebbing tide within containment booms and cleaned up by conventional mechanical methods 24 h later. A second plot was exposed to 945 L of Murban crude oil premixed with 94 L (25 gal) of a widely available self-mix nonionic dispersant. The dispersant-treated oil was discharged over a 2-h period around high water slack tide. During discharge, mixing gates augmented natural energy to provide a worst-case scenario for exposure of the benthos to the complete dispersal of a nearshore oil spill. During and after discharge, dispersed oil in water was monitored fluorimetrically. Total integrated exposure of dispersed oil to the bottom at both upper and lower sampling areas was 30 to 40 ppm·h. Discrete water samples were also taken for other analyses. Dispersed oil in water reaching the bottom had lost most of the hydrocarbons more volatile than n-C17 compared with dispersed oil in water sampled at the same time near the surface. Petroleum retention by intertidal sediments and bivalves measured one week after the spill was less in areas exposed to dispersed oil than in areas exposed to untreated oil
© ASTM International. Used with permission of ASTM International
Page, D.S. et al. 1985. Compositional changes in dispersed crude oil in the water column during a nearshore test spill. In Proceedings: 1985 Oil Spill Conference, (Prevention, Behavior, Control, Cleanup), February 25-28, 1985, Los Angeles, California, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 521-530.
As part of the American Petroleum Institute sponsored tidal area dispersant project involving two test spills of Murban crude oil in Long Cove, Searsport, Maine in August, 1981, water samples were collected. This paper deals with the analytical results for the analyses of water samples collected for analysis of non-volatile hydrocarbons by: infrared spectrophotometric quantitation of total CCl4 extractables, and gravimetric analysis of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon fractions followed by capillary gas chromatography. In the dispersant-treated oil discharge area, there were two primary water sampling locations during the discharge phase of the experiment: an upper intertidal area (maximum depth + 2 meters) and a lower intertidal area (maximum depth + 3.5 meters), the gas chromatographic data for the water samples were treated numerically to obtain parameters whose values reflect the extent of dispersed oil weathering. For the aliphatics, the peak area ratio for n C14/n C18 was calculated for each sample. For the aromatics, the ratio for the peak area sum of the mono, di, and trimethyl naphthalenes to that for the mono, di, tri, and tetramethyl dibenzothiophenes was determined for each sample. At both sampling locations, dispersed oil in water sampled 10 cm off the bottom consistently had a smaller fraction of lower boiling aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons than water sampled at the same place and the same time ½ meter below the surface. In addition, the data show that there is a 12-50 fold decrease in hydrocarbon concentration on going from near surface to near bottom at any given time, even in water as shallow as 2 meters. The data indicate that the primary mechanism for hydrocarbon loss involves volatilization of hydrocarbon fractions. Analysis of water samples taken from submerged plumes of dispersed oil outside the sampling areas demonstrated slower loss of low boiling components consistent with the importance of atmospheric exchange in the weathering process. In the chemical dispersal of an oil spill, it may be the most advantageous to use mixing methods that minimize vertical mixing in order to maintain a high concentration of emulsified oil in the upper ½ meter water layer. This will maximize the extent of loss of lower boiling hydrocarbon components into the atmosphere and thus minimize the toxicity of any dispersed oil fractions that diffuse downward and interact with benthic communities
© 1985 with permission from API
Page, D.S. et al. 1983. Long-term fate of dispersed and undispersed crude oil in two nearshore test spills. In Proceedings: 1983 Oil Spill Conference (Prevention, Behavior, Control, Cleanup), February 28 - March 3, 1983, San Antonio, Texas, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 465-471.
The fate and effects of two nearshore discharges of Murban crude oil at Long Cove, Searsport, Maine in August 1981 were studied following a one-year, pre-spill baseline study of the test areas. An upper and a lower intertidal sampling area within a 60 x 100 meter test plot were exposed to dispersed oil in water resulting from the discharge of 250 gallons of oil pre-mixed with 25 gallons of Corexit 9527 dispersant. Release of treated oil was around high-water slack tide on the surface of the water, with added mixing energy provided by mixing gates deployed by small boats. The maximum water depth over the test areas was 3.5 meters. Untreated crude oil (250 gallons) was released on an ebbing tide within a separate, boomed-off 60 x 100 meter test plot. A third test plot served as an oil-free reference plot. Water samples taken near the surface and near the bottom during and after discharge showed that chemically dispersed oil loses lower boiling hydrocarbons in both the aliphatic and aromatic fractions below n-C17 as the droplets diffuse downward. Data are given for sediment samples taken from the test plots 11 months pre-spill and 10 months post-spill. Hydrocarbon analyses of the sediment samples show little incorporation of dispersed oil into the sediments of the treated oil plot relative to the sediments exposed to undispersed oil
© 1981 with permission from API
Papineau, C. 1983. The sublethal effect of dispersants and oil emulsion on the gill ATPase of Palaemon serratus. Oceanis, 9 (3): 217. ISSN: 0182-0745.
Papineau, C.; Le Gal, Y. 1983. Sublethal effects of dispersants and petroleum emulsions on ATPase in the gills of Palaemon serratus. Revue Internationale d'Océanographie Médicale, 70-71 39-47. ISSN: 0035-3493.
The sublethal effect of dispersants, oil and mixtures of oil and dispersants on the shrimp P. serratus can be estimated at the level of the gill ATPase activity. The exposure of shrimps to sublethal concentration of pollutant results in an inhibition of the gill Na+ K+ Mg++ ATPase and a modification of the kinetic properties of the system. This result suggests that an alteration of the membrane binding of the enzyme induces a modification of the enzyme function. The sublethal test designed from the inhibition of the enzyme activity allows the estimation of the safe concentration
© CSA, 1984
Papineau, C.; Cheze, G. 1984. Histopathological modifications of gills of the shrimp Palaemon serratus subjected to the effect of petroleum dispersants and emulsions. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 25 (1): 75-81. ISSN: 0007-9723.
The sublethal effect of dispersants and mixtures of oil and dispersants on the gills of P. serratus can be detected by light microscopy. The observation by light microscopy revealed cellular damage of gills: deterioration of the membrane and difficulties of blood circulation
© CSA, 1985
Parker, H.D. 1979. Observations on the Aerial Application of Dispersant Using DC-6B Aircraft, Gulf of Campeche, Mexico, Stevenage, U.K: Warren Spring Laboratory, Department of Industry. 7p.. ISBN: 0856242047.
Parker, H.D.; Nichols, J.A. 1980. Aircraft applications of oil slick dispersants at sea. In VI International Agricultural Aviation Congress: Theme: "Advances in Agricultural Aviation 1980", Turin, Italy, 22-26 September, 1980, Bedford, UK: International Centre for the Application of Pesticides. pp. 21-27.
Parkes, B.J. 1985. The dispersant option. In Spillcon One: Proceedings of Australian National Oil Spill Conference, Sydney, 12-14 November 1985, Melbourne, Vic: Australian Institute of Petroleum. 12p..
Parsons, T.R. et al. 1984. An experimental marine ecosystem response to crude oil and Corexit 9527: Part 2—Biological effects. Marine Environmental Research, 13 (4): 265-275. ISSN: 0141-1136. doi:10.1016/0141-1136(84)90033-3.
Three experimental ecosystems were employed to test the effect of Corexit 9527, with and without Prudhoe Bay crude oil, on the ecology of a temperate pelagic ecosystem. The results indicated that Corexit 9527 alone enhanced biological productivity without changing the structure of the ecosystem. The mixture of Corexit and crude oil caused a major change in the ecology of the ecosystem which resulted in large numbers of bacteria and zooflagellates, but a depression of all other zooplankton phyla
Reprinted from Marine Environmental Research, Volume 13, T.R. Parsons, P.J. Harrison, J.C. Acreman, H.M. Dovey, P.A. Thompson, C.M. Lalli, K. Lee, L. Guanguo, C. Xiaolin, Copyright 1984, with permission from Elsevier
Pastorok, R.A. 1985. Fate and Effects of Oil Dispersants and Chemically Dispersed Oil in the Marine Environment, Washington, D.C: U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. 114p.
Patterson, S.J.; Scott, C.C.; Tucker, K.B.E. 1970. Nonionic detergent degradation: III. Initial mechanism of the degradation. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 47 (2): 37-41. ISSN: 0003-021X. doi:10.1007/BF02541454.
Pauwels, S.J.; Clark, J.R. 1993. Overview of international oil spill dispersant toxicity testing requirements. In Proceedings: 1993 International Oil Spill Conference (Prevention, Preparedness, Response): March 29-April 1, 1993, Tampa, Florida, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 803-804.
Dispersant toxicity testing protocols from around the world were reviewed. The following sources were used to update published information on international testing requirements: 1) The 1989 international review by the National Research Council on dispersant toxicity testing programs; 2) Exxon oil spill response coordinators in various countries; 3) Other documents, protocols, and scientific papers dealing with dispersant toxicity testing requirements; 4) Pollution control agencies or related government entities in various countries
© 1993 with permission from API
Pavia, R.; Smith, R.W. 1984. Development and implementation of guidelines for dispersant use: regional response teams. Oil Spill Chemical Dispersants: Research, Experience and Recommendations. A Symposium Sponsored by ASTM Committee F-20 on Hazardous Substances and Oil Spill Response, West Palm Beach, Florida, October 12-13, 1982, Philadelphia, Pa: American Society for Testing and Materials. pp. 378-389. ISBN: 0803104006.
Since 1978, dispersant use guidelines have been developed and implemented for regional response teams (RRTs) in standard federal Regions IX and X, to enhance the RRT 's ability to respond rapidly to requests to use dispersants. The guidelines define the data necessary to give approval. These data include physical, chemical, and biological parameters associated with spilled oil and dispersants. A decision to use dispersants is based on balancing the economic, social, and natural resource costs associated with oil spills. Damages expected from spills not treated with dispersants are compared to damages expected if the oil is treated. The objective of the guidelines is to help minimize the damage to natural resources. Specific criteria were developed by the RRTs as minimum standards for documentation of dispersant application, including the recording of dispersant type and application rates, visual observation of dispersant effectiveness, and monitoring environmental impacts. This paper summarizes the progress of two RRTs in responding to requests for dispersant use, developing dispersant guidelines, and recommending minimum standards for documentation. Physical, chemical, and biological factors used in the decision process are also reviewed. Finally, the paper discusses the importance of resource protection and monitoring
© ASTM International. Used with permission of ASTM International
Pavia, R.; Onstad, L.A. 1985. Plans for integrating dispersant use in California. In Proceedings: 1985 Oil Spill Conference, (Prevention, Behavior, Control, Cleanup), February 25-28, 1985, Los Angeles, California, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 85-88.
Since the early 1970s both the effectiveness and efficiency of oil spill dispersants have been improved while the toxicity of these chemicals has been reduced. Although a large body of research has been published in the last five years which supports these claims, there has been little experience with the use of dispersants in the United States. The lack of experience has been created, in part, by a cumbersome dispersant approval process and the reluctance of spill responders to invest in dispersants and related application equipment. The Region IX Regional Response Team has identified four prerequisites for effective use of dispersants: informed decision-makers; a functional decision-making process; coordinated contingency plans; and effective, region-specific application capabilities. This paper explores the approach taken by government and industry to fulfill these prerequisites. The goal of these efforts, which include sponsoring workshops, implementing a dispersant application test program, and requiring specific dispersant contingency planning efforts, is to fully integrate dispersants into the oil spill control efforts of the region
© 1985 with permission from API
Payne, J.F. 1982. Metabolism of complex mixtures of oil spill surfactant compounds by a representative teleost (Salmo gairdneri), crustacean (Cancer irroratus), and mollusc (Chlamys islandicus). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 28 (3): 277-280. ISSN: 0007-4861. doi:10.1007/BF01608507.
In reference to sublethal toxicity, one important criterion for the ecotoxicological assessment of any compound is its susceptibility to metabolism by target and non-target organisms. There is presently little information to indicate that aquatic organisms can degrade the active surfactant ingredients found in commercial oil dispersant formulations. A colorimetric method for the detection of free fatty acids was adapted to assay esterase activity with polyethoxylate fatty acid ester substrates. It was possible with this method to demonstrate that a representative teleost, crustacean and mollusc have the capacity for enzymatic hydrolysis of the complex fatty acid ester mixtures found as surfactants in the "new" generation oil spill dispersants
© CSA, 1982
Payne, J.R. 2006. Field Notes and Critical Observations from the OHMSETT Heavy Oil Dispersant Trials, October 13-16, 2003, Anchorage, Ak: Price William Sound Regional Citizens' Advisory Council. 37p.. URL
Payne, J.R.; Allen, A.A. 2004. Use of Natural Oil Seeps for Evaluation of Dispersant Application and Monitoring Techniques, Durham, N.H: University of New Hampshire, Coastal Response Research Center. 49p.. URL
Payne, J.R.; Allen, A.A.; 2005. Use of natural oil seeps for evaluation of dispersant application and monitoring techniques. In 2005 International Oil Spill Conference; Prevention, Preparedness, Response, and Restoration: May 15-19, 2005, Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, Florida, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 241-245. URL
The natural oil seeps off Coal Oil Point (Santa Barbara), California, release an estimated 100-150 bbl of oil per day to the marine environment. This project proposed to conduct a series of dispersant trials using these seeps to intercalibrate NOAA’s Scientific Monitoring of Advanced Response Technologies (SMART) UV/Fluorescence-based protocols with finite measurements of dissolved aromatics and dispersed oil droplets in the water column and to evaluate a unique oil-boom/dispersant-application technology (NeatSweep). Following an elaborate and lengthy permitting process including cooperation from multiple regulatory agencies and organizations, laboratory tests indicated that although fresh produced oil from nearby Platform Holly could be treated (>70% effectiveness) dispersing the weathered 11° API gravity seep oil was totally ineffective (0%). Limited field tests then verified the laboratory findings that the seep oil could not even be dispersed with Corexit 9500, a commonly used dispersant for heavily weathered and viscous oils. Lacking reasonable alternatives, (including the use of intentional spills), the project was halted before full-scale field implementation. This paper documents the development of the research plan, the steps required to obtain the necessary permits, and the results from the limited laboratory and field tests that were completed. The planning and permitting efforts for this project are provided so that others with similar needs or goals might benefit. A brief discussion is provided on the limitations of using natural seep oils for spill response research and on the difficulties with spill-of-opportunity research during actual spill events. The importance of controlled experimental discharges of oil is discussed along with the pros and cons of such deliberate spills
© 2005 with permission from API
Payne, J.R. et al. 1985. Estimating dispersant effectiveness under low temperature-low salinity conditions. In Proceedings: 1985 Oil Spill Conference, (Prevention, Behavior, Control, Cleanup), February 25-28, 1985, Los Angeles, California, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 638.
Four commercially available oil dispersing agents, Corexit 9550, Finasol OSR-7, EC. O ATLANT'TOL AT-7, and OFC D-609, were evaluated for dispersion effectiveness under low temperature-low salinity conditions. Percent dispersion of an EPA-American Petroleum Institute standard reference oil (Prudhoe Bay crude oil) was measured under controlled conditions (temperatures: 1°C and 10°C; salinity: 0 parts per thousand [ppt], 18 ppt, and 33 ppt) using the revised standard EPA protocol. Mean initial (at 10 minutes) and final (at 2 hours) percent dispersion data are presented for each of the tested dispersants. Corexit 9550 was the most effective of the four dispersants tested at a salinity of 0 ppt; mean initial dispersion efficiencies exceeded 50 percent for dispersant: oil ratios of 0.25 at 1°C, but were slightly lower (42 percent) at 10°C. Mean initial percent dispersions of 48 percent and 34 percent were obtained at 0°C for dispersant:oil ratios of 0.1 and 0.03 respectively. OFC D-609 was relatively more effective than Corexit 9550 at 18 ppt, 1°C and 10°C, and at most of the measured dispersant:oil ratios, whereas D-609 and Corexit 9550 were equally effective under 33 ppt conditions. Dispersants AT-7 and OSR-7 were significantly less effective than either Corexit 9550 or D-609 for most of the laboratory test conditions
© 1985 with permission from API
Payne, J.R. et al. 1993. Spill-of-opportunity testing of dispersant effectiveness at the Mega Borg oil spill. In Proceedings: 1993 International Oil Spill Conference (Prevention, Preparedness, Response): March 29-April 1, 1993, Tampa, Florida, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 791-793.
The release of 3.9 million gallons of Angola Planca crude oil from the stricken tanker Mega Borg 57 miles offshore of Galveston, Texas in June 1990 provided a valuable opportunity to document dispersant effectiveness under field conditions. Aerial (C-130 transport) application of Corexit 9527 (968 gallons total in four adjacent passes) onto an identified test portion of the slick was evaluated by concurrent observations from a command-and-control aircraft and surface vessels (with videotape and 35-mm photographic documentation) and ground truth measurements, including continuous 4-meter-depth ultraviolet/fluorescence and a discrete water sampling program. Using the study plan outlined by Payne and colleagues, target and control areas were designated before dispersant application by deployment of smoke bombs and coded three-meter drogues. Postdispersant surface vessel placement and 30 liter water sampling activities from the Texas A&M research vessel HOS Citation were aided by the smoke bombs, the free-drifting drogues, and directions from the command-and-control aircraft. Subsequent FID GC and GC/MS analyses of water sample extracts allowed quantitation of the dispersed oil concentrations under both treated and control areas. Although the spilled oil was extremely light (API gravity 39.0) and subject to significant natural dispersion, the field observations, filmed documentation, and water column data clearly demonstrated an increase in dispersed oil concentrations beneath the treated slick. The distribution of dispersed oil droplets was very heterogeneous and reflected the patchy distribution of oil on the water surface before dispersant application. Maximum concentrations of dispersed hydrocarbons in the center of the treated zone were 22,000 µg/L (22 ppm) for total aliphatics and 5.6 µg/L (5.6 ppb) for total aromatics 60 to 90 minutes after dispersant application. Elevated levels were generally limited to the upper 1 to 3 meters of the water column. Concentrations in the upper 1 to 3 meters of the control zones (Stations 102-107 and 135) were significantly lower, at 1.2 to 3.9 ppm and at 0.8 to 1.7 ppb for total aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, respectively. The 9-meter dispersed aliphatic hydrocarbon concentrations in both the treated and control areas appeared to very similar (2.5-2.7 ppm), suggesting a background, steady-state concentration of very fine, physically-dispersed oil droplets from six days of natural slick dispersion before the test. The data on ratios of aliphatic and aromatic concentrations (2,133:1 and 2,875:1 in the control and treated zones, respectively) showed no evidence significantly enhanced dissolution of lower-and intermediate-molecular-weight aromatics as a result of chemical dispersion. To the best of our knowledge, these water-column-concentration-based data represent the first documented evidence of dispersant effectiveness at a spill of opportunity in United States waters. As in previous dispersant trials under similar conditions, communications during the test applications (between the command-and-control helicopter, the U.S. Coast Guard H-3 helicopter deploying the smoke bombs, the spotter aircraft directing the C-130 for dispersant applications, and both surface sampling and observation vessels) were discontinuous and difficult at best. This is the one area which still requires the most improvement for coordinating future dispersant trials, should they be attempted. Furthermore, because of the significant lead time and logistics required to execute such trials successfully, we do not recommend that they be made a requirement for emergency-response-mode implementation of dispersant applications at oil spills in the future
© 1993 with permission from API
Payne, J.R. et al. 1991. Dispersant trials using the Pac Baroness, a spill-of-opportunity. In Proceedings: 1991 International Oil Spill Conference (Prevention, Behavior, Control, Cleanup), March 4-7, 1991, San Diego, California, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 427-434.
Fuel oil released from the sinking of the PAC Baroness off Point Conception, California, was used as a spill of opportunity to study dispersant application technology and evaluate remote sensing methods used to track the slick. Forty-one gallons of the dispersant Corexit 9527 were applied by helicopter to a l00-m-by–700-m portion of the slick on 29 September 1987. Photographic documentation of the spill’s behavior was completed from a U.S. Coast Guard H-3 helicopter and the U.S. Coast Guard AirEye Falcon Jet was used for side-looking airborne radar (SLAR) coverage from an altitude of 5,000 ft and IR/UV scans from 400 ft. Continuous subsurface UV fluorescence measurements and grab samples of water beneath the slick were obtained from a support vessel before and after dispersant application. The results of the tests were somewhat equivocal, owing to the limited area and very thin nature of the slick combined with 15-to-20 knot crosswinds, which caused breakup of both treated and control areas. Photographs showed a subtle difference between the head of the slick (original subsurface source) and the treated area 200 m downcurrent, but the breakup of the oil due to the crosswind as the slick moved downcurrent precluded differentiation between the treated area and the untreated control area 700 m from the source. The SLAR data were of limited value because of the resolution of technique and the extremely small area treated. The aerial UV scans did suggest a change in the slick behavior in the treated area; however, the ground-truth UV fluorescence measurements and subsequent chemical analyses did not indicated enhanced subsurface concentrations of dispersed oil. Attempts to complete another series of tests on 1 and 2 October 1987 were thwarted by adverse weather conditions and the continuing decline of the amount of oil surfacing from the vessel. Suggestions are presented for improving dispersant trials at future spills of opportunity
© 1991 with permission from API
Peabody, C.H. 1982. Freshwater dispersant study. In Proceedings of the Arctic Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar: Seminar Held June 15-17, 1982, Edmonton, Alberta, Ottawa, Ont: Research and Development Division, Environmental Emergency Branch, Environmental Protection Service. pp. 265-274.
Peabody, C.H.; Sinclair, R.; Lawrence, D.J. 1984. Offshore dispersant trials: trajectory modelling. In Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Arctic Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar: June 14-16, 1984, Edmonton, Alberta, Ottawa, Ont: Environmental Protection Service, Environmental Emergency. pp. 526-548.
Peakall, D.B.; Jeffrey, D.A.; Miller, D.S. 1985. Weight loss of herring gulls exposed to oil and oil emulsion. Ambio, 14 (2): 108-110. ISSN: 0044-7447.
Peakall, D.B.; Gilman, A.P. 1980. The sublethal effects of oil and dispersants on seabirds. In Proceedings of the Arctic Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar: June 3-5, 1980, Edmonton, Alberta, Ottawa, Ont: Research and Development Division, Environmental Emergency Branch, Environmental Protection Service. pp. 182-189.
Peakall, D.B.; Miller, D.S. 1981. The use of combined laboratory and field studies to assess the impact of oil and dispersants on seabirds. Chemical Dispersion of Oil Spills: An International Research Symposium: Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Toronto, Canada, November 17-19, 1980, Toronto, Ont: University of Toronto, Institute for Environmental Studies. pp. 67-69.
Peakall, D.B.; Hallett, D.; Bend, J.R.; Foureman, G.L.; Miller, D.S. 1982. Toxicity of Prudhoe Bay crude oil and its aromatic fractions to nestling herring gulls. Environmental Research, 27 (1): 206-215. ISSN: 0013-9351. doi:10.1016/0013-9351(82)90071-8.
The physiological effects of a single ingested dose of Prudhoe Bay crude oil (PBC), its aromatic fractions, and PBC/Clorexit (sic) emulsion were studied in nestling herring gulls (Larus argentatus). The data showed that the high-molecular-weight aromatic compounds were responsible for retardation of growth and increases in adrenal and nasal gland weight. Little difference was found between PBC and the PBC/Clorexit (sic) emulsion although the latter did have a somewhat more marked effect on plasma sodium levels
Reprinted from Environmental Research, Volume 27, D.B. Peakall, D. Hallett, J.R. Bend, G.L. Foureman, D.S. Miller, Copyright 1982, with permission from Elsevier
Peakall, D.B.; Wells, P.G.; Mackay, D. 1987. A hazard assessment of chemically dispersed oil spills and seabirds. Marine Environmental Research, 22 (2): 91-106. ISSN: 0141-1136. doi:10.1016/0141-1136(87)90030-4.
The effects of dispersants on both the exposure to and toxicity of oil to seabirds are considered in order to assess the hazard. Ideally the dispersant mixes with oil and disperses it into the water column. This process is rapid but generally incomplete. The toxicology of one dispersant (Corexit 9527), for which data are available, shows that the toxicity of oil-Corexit mixtures is similar to that of oil alone. The effect of two feeding regimes, pursuit diving and surface diving, is considered. Calculations indicate that the amount of oil that is likely to be taken up by the bird while moving through the water column is small. It is concluded that there is little evidence of synergistic effects between oil and dispersant. The major oiling of birds occurs at the surface and thus dispersants must be highly effective to reduce the exposure of birds to oil
Reprinted from Marine Environmental Research, Volume 22, D.B. Peakall, P.G. Wells, D. Mackay, Copyright 1987, with permission from Elsevier
Peakall, D.B.; Wells, P.G.; Mackay, D. 1985. A hazard assessment of chemically dispersed oil spills and seabirds - a novel approach. In Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Arctic Marine Oilspill Program Technical Seminar: Seminar Sponsored by the Environmental Protection Service, Environment Canada, June 18-20, 1985, Edmonton, Alberta, Ottawa, Ont: Technical Services Branch, Environmental Protection Service. pp. 78-90.
Pearson, L.A. 1998. Alaska’s dispersant effectiveness and toxicity testing program. In Dispersant Application in Alaska: A Technical Update, Anchorage Hilton Hotel, Anchorage, Alaska, March 18 and 19, 1998, Cordova, Ak: Prince William Sound Oil Spill Recovery Institute. pp. 259-262.
Peeters, E. 1970. The biological problem in the utilization of detergents in actions against hydrocarbons. In Coastal Water Pollution; Pollution of the Sea by Oil Spills, Brussels: NATO Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society. pp. 22.1-22.7.
Pelletier, É.; Siron, R. 1999. Silicone-based polymers as oil spill treatment agents. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 18 (5): 813-818. ISSN: 0730-7268. doi:10.1897/1551-5028(1999)018<0813:SBPAOS>2.3.CO;2.
Authors describe a new type of oil spill treatment formula, made by reacting polyoxyethylenic surfactants, alkyl alcohols, or carboxylic acids with alkylchlorosilanes. The compound reacts with water, causing the chemical to encapsulate and solidify oil slicks. The material can then be removed from the water surface with netting. The material can be re-used by washing the solid material with dichloromethane
Pelletier, É.; Brochu, C.; Desnoyers, J.E.; Vandermeulen, J.H. 1987. Effects of chemical dispersion on long-term weathering of crude oil in cold seawater. In Oceans 87 Proceedings: The Ocean--an International Workplace: Conference, Piscataway, N.J: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Service Center. pp.1620-1623.
Effects of dispersants on crude oil in cold seawater were studied in a mesoscale simulator under ambient air conditions. Oil droplets were dispersed in the water column and were rapidly biodegraded during the cold weather conditions experiment. However, bacterial activity was decreased by at least one order of magnitude in experiments conducted below an ice cover. Undispersed oil formed water-in-oil emulsions that were resistant to weathering processes. During winter, mousses that were trapped in ice were recovered almost unaltered three to four months later
Pelletier, É.; Brochu, C.; Vandermuelen, J.H. 1987. Long-term fate of dispersed oil at low temperatures in an experimental mesoscale tank. In Proceedings of the Tenth Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program Technical Seminar, June 9-11, 1987, Edmonton, Alberta, Ottawa, Ont: Environment Canada. pp. 43-78. ISBN: 0662154630.
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This database consists of citations found in journals, conference proceedings, government reports and gray literature covering over 40 years of published research on oil spill dispersants. Citations were collected from 1960 through June 2008. This bibliography was compiled and edited by John Conover, Associate Librarian at LUMCON, and funded by a grant from the Louisiana Applied and Educational Oil Spill Research and Development Program (OSRADP).


Quarterly Issues
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Ecological, anatomical, and physiological effects of oil and/or gas, Species as biomarkers, PAH uptake and bioaccumulation, etc.
Biochemistry, Biodegradation, Bioremediation, Hydrocarbon degradation, Environmental sampling, Soil contamination, etc.
Technological advancements in facility/equipment design and use, Spill response and recovery equipment, Physical properties of oil and gas, etc.
Environment/Ecosystem Management/Spills
Environmental assessment and management, Oil and/or gas spill description and analysis, etc.
Social and economic ramifications, Politics, Governmental policy and legislation, Organizational policy, General interest, etc.
Giessing, Anders M. B.; Mayer, Lawrence M.; Forbes, Thomas L. 1-hydroxypyrene glucuronide as the major aqueous pyrene metabolite in tissue and gut fluid from the marine deposit-feeding polychaete Nereis diversicolor. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2003; Volume 22 (5): 1107-1114. ISSN: 0730-7268.
Phase I and phase II metabolites were identified in a species of polychaete after exposing the organism to pyrene. It is believed that 1-hydroxypyrene glucuronide, the only phase I metabolite of pyrene in this species, is a useful biomarker for PAH exposure.

Lichtfouse, E.; Eglinton, T.I. 13C and 14C evidence of pollution of a soil by fossil fuel and reconstruction of the composition of the pollutant. Organic Geochemistry, October 1995; Volume 23 (10): 969-973. ISSN: 0146-6380.
Researchers use 13C/12C ratios, the 14C age and relative concentrations to assess the origins of n-alkanes in a polluted soil

Johannesen, J. et al. 3D oil migration modelling of the Jurassic petroleum system of the Stratfjord area, Norwegian North Sea. Petroleum Geoscience, 2002; Volume 8 (1): 37-50. ISSN: 1354-0793.
This modelling study enabled researchers to determine the vertical and lateral migration of hydrocarbons over time, and to conclude that present-day resources are the result of a multi-layered, multi-directional migrating system originating from three separate fields.

Kong, Vincent W. T.; Smethurst, J.; Chiem, B. H.; Stewart, R. C.; Teh, G. H. 3D marine exploration seismic survey in shallow water area, offshore Sabah. Warta Geologi [Newsletter of the Geological Society of Malaysia], 1989; Volume 15

Rowson, Chris. 4C seismic technology makes mark in Caspian Sea. Offshore, 2003; Volume 63 (5): 50. ISSN: 0030-0608.
Continued investments in oil exploration in the Caspian Sea and the surrounding region has resulted in the use of modern exploration methods. Geophysical surveys that consist of (4C) 3D seismic surveys are being used to improve imaging of the subsurface.

Schmidt, Victor A. 2-D seismic vessels for 3-D missions: old 2-D vessels can be used in new, more productive ways, serving vessel owners, oil companies. Sea Technology, September 1994; Volume 35 (9): 15-22. ISSN: 0093-3651.
Schmidt reports on the status of the geophysical exploration industry and examines the 2-D versus 3-D vessel problem

1993 final work plan: Exxon Valdez oil spill restoration, Anchorage, AK. The Trustees: [1993];
A plan of action is outlined regarding remediation of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill

LaBelle, R. P.; Galt, J. A.; Tennyson, E. J.; McGrattan, K. B. 1993 Spill off Tampa Bay, a candidate for burning?. Proceedings: Seventeenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Ottawa. Environment Canada: 1994; Volume 1 635-649.
Authors describe the general behavior and movements of the spilled oil and the sea and weather conditions during and following the August 10, 1993 collision of the Tank Barge Ocean 255 and the Tank Barge Bouchard B-155 with the freighter Balsa 37 in Tampa Bay, Florida. In addition, discussed is the possibility of removing the oil by in-situ burning, and the results of smoke plume model runs

3D seismic yields more oil for Oryx off Texas. Oil and Gas Journal, 8-Nov-93; Volume 91 33. ISSN: 0030-1388.
Reported is confirmation of a 25-30 million bbl oil discovery in the Gulf of Mexico by Oryx Energy, Dallas, employing a 3D seismic survey

1991 Oil Spill Conference Proceedings, March 1991, American Petroleum Institute: 1991; Volume American Petroleum Institute Publications (4529):

1991 oil spill conference papers sought. Ocean Science News, April 10, 1990; Volume 32 (10): 5.

1971 oil pollution compensation fund wound up. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2000; Volume 40 (12): 1068. ISSN: 0025-326X.
A protocol was recently signed for the ending of the IOPC Fund, which is replaced by a Fund agreed on in 1992. The latter Fund allows for higher compensation for parties affected by oil pollution.

Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1991 state/federal natural resource damage assessment and restoration plan for the Exxon Valdez oil spill, Juneau, AK. Trustee Council: 1991;

Anon. 700,000 gallons of oil spilled in Texas. Environmental Protection News, September 8, 1990; Volume 5 (17): 4.

Cedar-Southworth, Donna. 1995 promises good opportunities for offshore operators. MMS Today, Feb-95; Volume 5 (1): 7-Jun.
Hank Bartholomew, Deputy Associate Director for Offshore Operations, discusses some of the high priorities for 1995, including interaction with states on oill spill response, OHMSETT plans, and training and safety programs

Hull, Jennifer Pallanich. 40 rigs at work in water depths over 1,000 feet. Offshore, 2001; Volume 61 (2): 16. ISSN: 0030-0608.
The Minerals Management Service sees the amount of deepwater drilling activity as a good indication for potential economic growth in the Gulf of Mexico region.

Knott, D. 10 years on from Exxon Valdez spill. Oil & Gas Journal, March 22, 1999; Volume 97 (12): 45. ISSN: 0030-1388.
Greenpeace campaigner, Matthew Spencer, told Oil & Gas Journal that 10 years after the Exxon Valdez spill the important issue was whether or not the politicians were doing a better job of regulating the oil industry. Archie Smith, Chief Executive of Oil Spill Response Ltd. of the U.K., said 'the U.S. Oil Pollution Act of 1990 which arose because of the Exxon Valdez spill, increased the industry's understanding of the risks and preparedness for dealing with spills'

Neil, Chris. 2003 shows spot cargoes, tankers to dictate US LNG supplies, not terminal capacities. Oil & Gas Journal, 2004; Volume 102 (12): 70-72. ISSN: 0030-1388.
Data presented in this article shows an increase in LNG spot cargo imports to the US for 2002 and 2003. Analysts predict that this trend will not continue for 2004 and 2005 based on the costs of regasification versus market prices for gas.

U.S. Geological Survey, National Oil and Gas Resource Assessment Team. 1995 National Assessment of United States Oil and Gas Resources: overview of the 1995 National Assessment of Potential Additions to Technically Recoverable Resources of Oil and Gas--Onshore and State Waters of the United States. Denver, CO. USGS Information Services: 1995; Volume Circular 1118 20 p..
This circular is the fourth in a series of systematic assessments of undiscovered oil and gas in the United States

This bibliography is a quarterly compilation of current publications (citations with abstracts) from a wide variety of electronic and print information sources relating to offshore oil and gas development. It is compiled and edited by John Conover, Associate Librarian at LUMCON. Items listed may or may not be available at the LUMCON Library. Items without annotations were unavailable for perusal prior to publication.

All questions about using library facilities, locating library resources, or searching LUMCON catalogs should be directed to the Librarian.