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The LUMCON Library collection was originally housed in Ellender Memorial Library, located at Nicholls State University in Thibodaux, Louisiana. After completion of the DeFelice Marine Center in 1986, the collection was moved to its present location. Since that time, the Library has become an active resource center for LUMCON faculty and staff as well as Consortium member institutions, visiting researchers, students, and the public.

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The collection and development of library materials reflects LUMCON’s research programs. The collection has approximately:

  • 4,600 monographs
  • 5,800 bound volumes
  • 200 journal titles
  • 26 current journal subscriptions
  • 850 maps
  • 35 atlases
  • 3,600 government documents
  • 1,500 reprints

In addition, the library houses a complete collection of research products generated by DeFelice Marine Center personnel since LUMCON’s inception.

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We would like to thank the following individuals for their guidance and input when creating the Dispersants Bibliography:

    • Victoria Broje, Per Daling, Alun Lewis, and Francois-Xavier Merlin offered valuable assistance in the early phases of this project. Per Daling’s support was especially noteworthy, by providing conference proceedings that otherwise could not be obtained.
    • Deborah Ansell, ITOPF’s librarian, contributed by sharing her sizeable list of library holdings on dispersant publications with us, and filling in gaps where existing citation information was incomplete.
    • Likewise, Julie Anne Richardson, librarian for Environment Canada, compiled a publication listing on dispersants housed in her collection, which provided us with additional citations for our project.
    • Qianxin Lin at Louisiana State University provided API conference proceedings for us to use in transcribing abstracts.
    • Nancy Kinner at the Coastal Response Research Center provided encouragement, focus, and connected us with some of the aforementioned people.
    • Finally, Don Davis and Karen Reeder Emory at OSRADP deserve special mention for all of their help and direction during the span of this project.

The LUMCON Library is a member of the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC), the Southeast Affiliate of IAMSLIC Libraries (SAIL), and the Louisiana Library Network and Information Consortium (LOUIS).   Additionally, the Library has access to OCLC Cataloging/Interlibrary loan services.

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Rachor, E. 1984. Experimental investigations about effects of crude oil and dispersed crude oil in tidal flat environments. XIII. Macrofauna. Senckenbergiana Maritima, 16 (1-6): 225-234. ISSN: 0080-889X.
Railsback, S.F.; Robilliard, G.A.; Mortenson, J.R. 1987. Strategy for monitoring the short-term distribution of dispersed oils. In Proceedings: 1987 Oil Spill Conference (Prevention, Behavior, Control, Cleanup), April 6-9, 1987, Baltimore, Maryland, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 321-324.
An experimental program for monitoring the short-term distribution and concentration of chemically dispersed oil slicks has been developed for Clean Bay, the San Francisco area oil spill cleanup cooperative. The methods used in the program are experimental and still under development. The objectives of the program are to (1) document the surface area and volume of water affected by dispersed oil, (2) estimate the effectiveness of the dispersant, (3) determine the peak oil-dispersant concentration, and (4) determine the range of oil-dispersant concentrations in the affected water. Additional objectives that may be attained if field conditions are acceptable are to (5) estimate the rate at which oil disperses downward, and (6) estimate what fraction of the light-molecular-weight hydrocarbons are evaporated after application of the dispersant. The program includes oil concentration measurements made with a field fluorometer and by laboratory analysis. The program is flexibly designed so that it can be adapted to a variety of field conditions
© 1987 with permission from API
Ralph, P.J.; Burchett, M.D. 1998. Impact of petrochemicals on the photosynthesis of Halophila ovalis using chlorophyll fluorescence. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 36 (6): 429-436. ISSN: 0025-326X. doi:10.1016/S0025-326X(97)00207-5.
Laboratory-cultured Halophila ovalis showed tolerance to petrochemical exposure up to 1% (w/v) solution of Bass Strait crude oil, an oil dispersant (Corexit 9527) and a mixture of crude oil and dispersant. Quantum yield, as measured by chlorophyll fluorescence, was the most sensitive measure of the photosynthetic processes affected by petrochemicals. The results indicated clearly that chlorophyll fluorescence was effective at monitoring the onset and development of stress and recovery of H. ovalis when exposed to crude oil, dispersant and a mixture of the two compounds. Photosynthetic pigment content generally confirmed the chlorophyll fluorescence response; however, several anomalies occurred
Reprinted from Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 36, P.J. Ralph, M.D. Burchett, Copyright 1998, with permission from Elsevier
Ramachandran, S.D.; Hodson, P.V.; Khan, C.W.; Lee, K. 2003. PAH uptake by juvenile rainbow trout exposed to dispersed crude oil. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program (AMOP) Technical Seminar, June 10-12, 2003, Victoria (British Columbia) Canada, Ottawa, Ont: Environment Canada. pp. 743-754.
Ramachandran, S.D.; Hodson, P.V.; Khan, C.W.; Lee, K. 2004. Oil dispersant increases PAH uptake by fish exposed to crude oil. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 59 (3): 300-308. ISSN: 0147-6513. doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2003.08.018.
The use of oil dispersants is a controversial countermeasure in the effort to minimize the impact of oil spills. The risk of ecological effects will depend on whether oil dispersion increases or decreases the exposure of aquatic species to the toxic components of oil. To evaluate whether fish would be exposed to more polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) in dispersed oil relative to equivalent amounts of the water-accommodated fraction (WAF), measurements were made of CYP1A induction in trout exposed to the dispersant (Corexit 9500), WAFs, and the chemically enhanced WAF (dispersant; CEWAF) of three crude oils. The crude oils comprised the higher viscosity Mesa and Terra Nova and the less viscous Scotian Light. Total petroleum hydrocarbon and PAH concentrations in the test media were determined to relate the observed CYP1A induction in trout to dissolved fractions of the crude oil. CYP1A induction was 6- to 1100-fold higher in CEWAF treatments than in WAF treatments, with Terra Nova having the greatest increase, followed by Mesa and Scotian Light. Mesa had the highest induction potential with the lowest EC50 values for both WAF and CEWAF. The dispersant Corexit was not an inducer and it did not appear to affect the permeability of the gill surface to known inducers such as β-napthoflavone. These experiments suggest that the use of oil dispersants will increase the exposure of fish to hydrocarbons in crude oil
Reprinted from Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Volume 59, S.D. Ramachandran, P.V. Hodson, C.W. Khan, K. Lee, Copyright 2004, with permission from Elsevier
Ramachandran, S.D.; Khan, C.W.; Hodson, P.V.; Lee, K.; King, T. 2004. Role of droplets in promoting uptake of PAHs by fish exposed to chemically dispersed crude oil. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program (AMOP) Technical Seminar: June 8-10, 2004, Edmonton (Alberta) Canada, Ottawa, Ont: Environment Canada. pp. 765-772.
Fish were exposed to WAF of crude, chemically enhanced WAF, as well as other material and their gills were examined by epifluorescence microscopy to identify whether uptake of hydrocarbons was from oil droplets and/or dissolved fractions. Chemical analyses of gills and livers from were also used to measure the presence of whole oil components, which might suggest uptake directly from oil droplets. Results show that hydrocarbons were taken up from both dissolved fractions and from oil droplets contacting the gills. Lipid contact in gill tissues was high. Small oil droplets in suspension had significantly increased the surface to volume ratio for PAH to partition from the oil into the water
Ramachandran, S.D. et al. 2006. Influence of salinity and fish species on PAH uptake from dispersed crude oil. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 52 (10): 1182-1189. ISSN: 0025-326X. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2006.02.009.
The use of chemical oil dispersants to minimize spill impacts causes a transient increase in hydrocarbon concentrations in water, which increases the risk to aquatic species if toxic components become more bioavailable. The risk of effects depends on the extent to which dispersants enhance the exposure to toxic components, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Increased salinities can reduce the solubility of PAH and the efficiency of oil dispersants. This study measured changes in the induction of CYP1A enzymes of fish to demonstrate the effect of salinity on PAH availability. Freshwater rainbow trout and euryhaline mummichog were exposed to water accommodated fractions (WAF), and chemically-enhanced water accommodated fractions (CEWAF) at 0‰, 15‰, and 30‰ salinity. For both species, PAH exposure decreased as salinity increased whereas dispersant effectiveness decreased only at the highest salinity. Hence, risks to fish of PAH from dispersed oil will be greatest in coastal waters where salinities are low
Reprinted from Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 52, S.D. Ramachandran, M.J. Sweezey, P.V. Hodson, M. Boudreau, S.C. Courtenay, K. Lee, T. King and J. Dixon, Copyright 2006, with permission from Elsevier
Ramm, G. 1984. Experimental investigations about effects of crude oil and dispersed crude oil in tidal flat environments. V. Reactions of marine microphytobenthos towards contaminations of crude oil and dispersants. Senckenbergiana Maritima, 16 (1-6): 69-75. ISSN: 0080-889X.
In field and laboratory experiments, Finasol OSR 5 caused drastically different reactions in microphytobenthic organisms. When the dispersant was sprayed on top of an existing slick, the oil acted as a layer of protection, sparing a certain number of individuals. However, other types of application caused higher levels of lethality
Ranwell, D.S. 1968. Lichen mortality due to “Torrey Canyon” oil and decontamination measures. The Lichenologist, 4 (1): 55-56. ISSN: 0024-2829.
Ranwell, D.S. 1968. Extent of damage to coastal habitats due to the Torrey Canyon incident. The Biological Effects of Oil Pollution on Littoral Communities: Proceedings of a Symposium held at the Orielton Field Centre, Pembroke, Wales, on 17th, 18th and 19th February 1968. Field Studies, 2(Suppl.), London: Field Studies Council. pp. 39-47.
The damage wrought by the Torrey Canyon and subsequent treatment with 1.5 million gallons of emulsifiers is described. Contamination extended beyond treated areas, due to tidal action, and throughout the extent of the water column and sediments on the seafloor. However, the greatest damage was found in areas or rocky shorelines, where 100 species of intertidal algae, lichens, and flowering plants were killed from exposure to oil pollutant, emulsifier, or both
Reed, M.; Ekrol, N.; Rye, H.; Turner, L. 1999. Oil Spill Contingency and Response (OSCAR) analysis in support of environmental impact assessment offshore Namibia. Spill Science and Technology Bulletin, 5 (1): 29-38. ISSN: 1353-2561. doi:10.1016/S1353-2561(98)00050-4.
The work reported here encompasses analyses of specific potential spill scenarios for oil exploration activity planned offshore of Namibia. The analyses are carried out with the SINTEF Oil Spill Contingency and Response (OSCAR) 3-dimensional model system. A spill scenario using 150 m3 of marine diesel demonstrates the rapidity with which such a spill will dissipate naturally, even in light winds. Vertical and horizontal mixing bring subsurface hydrocarbon concentrations to background levels within a few days. A hypothetical 10 day blowout scenario releasing 11,000 bbl per day of light crude oil is investigated in terms of the potential for delivering oil to selected bird and marine mammal areas along the Namibian coast. Worst case scenarios are selected to investigate the potential mitigating effects of planned oil spill response actions. Mechanical recovery significantly reduces, and in some cases eliminates, potential environmental consequences of these worst case scenarios. Dispersant application from fixed wing aircraft further reduces the potential surface effects. The analysis supplies an objective basis for net environmental analysis of the planned response strategies
Reprinted from Spill Science and Technology Bulletin, Volume 5, M. Reed, N. Ekrol, H. Rye, L. Turner, Copyright 1999, with permission from Elsevier
Reed, M. et al. 1997. Development of a dispersant use plan for a coastal oil terminal. In Proceedings: 1997 International Oil Spill Conference: Improving Environmental Protection: Progress, Challenges, Responsibilities: April 7-10, 1997, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 643-654. URL
The decision of whether to use dispersants in a given oil spill situation must be made extremely rapidly. The information basis for the decision must take into account the potential environmental consequences of alternative response strategies, and the response chosen must be practical to use. The OSCAR (Oil Spill Contingency and Response) model was used to simulate a series of 24 oil spill scenarios to quantify the environmental effects of alternate spill response strategies under various environmental conditions. OSCAR was use to create color-coded maps of a coastal fjord area surrounding a Norwegian oil terminal; with these maps the expected effectiveness of a dispersant application is immediately available to the responsible decision maker. The legislative framework and development process behind the plan are described, and examples of the maps are given
© 1997 with permission from API
Reed, M. et al. 2001. Modelling of dispersant application to oil spills in shallow coastal areas. In Fifth International Marine Environmental Modelling Seminar Proceedings, Trondheim, Norway: SINTEF Applied Chemistry. pp. 379-400.
Reed, M. et al. 2004. Modelling of dispersant application to oil spills in shallow coastal waters. Environmental Modelling and Software, 19 (7-8): 681-690. ISSN: 1364-8152. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2003.08.014.
Application of dispersants in shallow water remains an issue of debate within the spill response community. An experimental oil spill to evaluate potential environmental impacts and benefits of applying dispersants to spills in shallow water has therefore been under consideration. One site being considered was Matagorda Bay, on the Texas coast. Coupled three-dimensional oil spill and hydrodynamic models were used to assist in the design of such an experiment. The purpose of the modeling work was to map hydrocarbon concentration contours in the water column and on the seafloor as a function of time following dispersant application. These results could assist in determining the potential environmental impact of the experiment, as well as guiding the water column sampling activities during the experiment itself. Eight potential experimental oil spill scenarios, each of 10 bbl in volume, were evaluated: 4 release points, each under two alternate wind conditions. All scenarios included application of chemical dispersants to the slick shortly after release. Slick lifetimes were under 5 h. Due to the shallow depths, some fraction (2-7%) of the released hydrocarbons became associated with bottom sediments. The algorithms used for the oil droplet - sediment interactions are theoretical, and have not been verified or tested against experimental data, so the mass balances computed here must be considered tentative. Currents computed by the hydrodynamic model are consistent with previous observations: the circulation is largely tidally driven, especially near the ship channel entrance. In the center of the bay, the circulation appears relatively weak. The use of water column drifters with surface markers during the experiment would augment model results in assisting activities to monitor concentrations. These simulations suggest that the eventual behavior of an oil droplet cloud in the middle of the bay will be relatively insensitive to release point or time in the tidal cycle. A limited analysis was run to evaluate model sensitivity to the oil-sediment sorption coefficient. Increasing this coefficient by a factor of 10 results in an approximately linear increase in the fraction of oil in the sediments. Sensitivity of estimated time-to-zero-volume for the 0.1-ppm concentration contour demonstrated that the model prediction of 3.5 days was associated with an uncertainty of ±12 h for a release of 10 barrels. This time estimate is also a function of the oil-sediment interaction rate, since more oil in the sediments means less oil in the water column
Reprinted from Environmental Modelling and Software, Volume 19, M. Reed, P. Daling, A. Lewis, M.K. Ditlevsen, B. Brørs, J. Clark D. Aurand, Copyright 2004, with permission from Elsevier
Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC). 1998. Guidelines for the use of dispersants for combating oil pollution at sea in the Mediterranean region. In Regional Information System (RIS). Part D:Section 2, Malta: REMPEC. 49p.. URL
Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment. 1987. Codes of Practice for the Use of Oil Spill Dispersants in the ROPME Sea Area, Kuwait - 1987, Safat, Kuwait: ROPME. 34p.
Rehwoldt, R.; Lasko, L.; Shaw, C.; Wirhowski, E. 1974. Toxicity study of two oil spill reagents toward Hudson river fish species. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 11 (2): 159-162. ISSN: 0007-4861. doi:10.1007/BF01684597.
Studies on the toxicity of No. 2 and No. 4 oils to representative fish species from the Hudson river and the effect of a dispersant (linear alkylate sulphonate), and a collecting agent (Herder) on this toxicity showed that the toxicity of the dispersant far exceeds that of the oils to all species of fish tested, while the collecting agent was not toxic to the species tested even under unreasonable concentration ranges. It is concluded that for treatment of spills of No. 2 and No. 4 heating oils, a collecting agent is far less toxic than a dispersant to the aquatic environment
© CSA, 1974
Reiff, B. 1975. Biodegradation and aquatic toxicity of surfactants: a laboratory monitoring method. Sublethal Effects of Toxic Chemicals on Aquatic Animals: Proceedings of the Swedish-Netherland Symposium, Wageningen, The Netherlands, September 2-5, 1975, New York: Elsevier Scientific. pp. 53-59. ISBN: 0444413995.
A 'river die-away' test to monitor the biodegradation of a nonionic surfactant, Dobanol 45-7, has shown that the detergent compound disappeared relatively rapidly at 15 °C even though the water was obtained from a minimally polluted source. No activated sludge or adapted microorganisms were added to the system. Chemical analysis indicated that surfactant concentrations expected to be toxic to rainbow trout (Salmo gairneri) apparently persisted for 3 wks or more whereas the actual medium was non-toxic in
© CSA, 1976
Renard, E.P.; Clayton, Jr., J.R. 1993. Statistical assessment: measurement methods for estimating performance of dispersants. In Proceedings, Sixteenth Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program Technical Seminar: June 7-9, 1993, Westin Hotel, Calgary, Alberta, Ottawa, Ont: Technology Development Branch. pp. 973-1010.
Crude oil and/or refined oil products accidentally released into coastal or oceanic waters will result in the formation of surface slicks that create hazards to sea life. Such releases can be mitigated by the use of chemical dispersants under appropriate conditions. Assessing the effect of the application of dispersants requires reliable performance evaluation technologies and measurements so that performance results can be duplicated. Experiments were conducted with four methods to evaluate the performance of dispersant agents in support of EPA's Releases Control Branch, Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory. The work is an element of the research program that supports the EPA work group concerned with Subpart J (Dispersant Effectiveness and Toxicity) of the National Contingency Plan (NCP). Tests were performed with five types of oil and three types of commercially available dispersants. Statistical analyses of the test results on the effects of experimental variables (test method, oil type, dispersant type, and analytical wavelength in UV-visible spectrophotometric measurements) are presented and discussed
© CSA, 1993
Renard, E.P.; Clayton, Jr., J.R.; Inlow, M.; Hom, W.; Lee, S.E. 1995. Statistical evaluations of results of testing methods to evaluate performance of chemical dispersants for oil spills. The Use of Chemicals in Oil Spill Response, Philadelphia, Pa: American Society for Testing and Materials. pp. 55-91. ISBN: 0803119992.
Crude and/or refined oil products accidentally released into coastal or oceanic waters will result in the formation of surface slicks that create hazards to sea life. Such releases can be mitigated by the use of chemical dispersants under appropriate conditions. However, the potential performance of these agents for dispersing oil in marine situations must be known prior to their use at spill sites. Therefore, reliable methods for evaluating and quantifying performance measurements for dispersants are necessary so that dispersant performance can be better estimated. An important component in any testing method for candidate dispersants (as well as other spill treating chemicals) is the precision associated with repeated measurements made with the method. This paper presents a statistical evaluation of results from tests that were conducted to evaluate the performance of different dispersants with a number of laboratory test methods. The overall test design for the study included three test methods, two to five test oils (depending on the method evaluated), three commercially available dispersants, and analytical measurements at three spectrophotometric wavelengths. The evaluation was conducted in support of the research program of EPA's Releases Control Branch, Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory to support the EPA work group concerned with Subpart J (Dispersant Effectiveness and Toxicity) of the National Contingency Plan (NCP). A major goal of the parent study on which this work is based has been to estimate the variability or precision for repeated measurements with test methods and provide the best estimate of this precision for the proposed revision of Subpart J of the NCP for dispersant performance testing
© ASTM International. Used with permission of ASTM International
Renzoni, A. 1973. Influence of crude oil, derivatives, and dispersants on larvae. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 4 (1): 9-13. ISSN: 0025-326X. doi:10.1016/0025-326X(73)90023-4.
Crude oils, oil derivatives and especially mixtures of oil and dispersant are harmful to larvae of some marine bivalve molluscs, but high concentrations are needed to cause death. Such high concentrations are unlikely to be reached in the open sea but are possible inshore or in estuaries which are the site of commercial shell-fisheries. The fact that spermatozoa are particularly sensitive to these compounds may have important consequences for the breeding success of contaminated bivalve populations
Reprinted from Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 4, A. Renzoni, Copyright 1973, with permission from Elsevier.
Resby, J.L.; Brandvik, P.J.; Daling, P.S.; Guyomarch, J.; Eide, I. 2007. Effects of Time on the Effectiveness of Dispersants– Final Report, Trondheim, Norway: SINTEF. 116p.. URL
Rewick, R.T.; Gates, J.; Smith, J.H. 1980. Simple test of dispersant effectiveness based on interfacial tension measurements. Fuel, 59 (4): 263-265. ISSN: 0016-2361. doi:10.1016/0016-2361(80)90146-5.
Results from this study suggest that the effectiveness of a dispersant in dispersing No. 2 fuel oil (for description, 1974 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 23, p. 220) in seawater is related to the dispersant's critical micelle concentration (c.m.c.) as measured by interfacial tension. For three water-base, nonionic dispersants, we found that the more effective the product, the lower the c.m.c. value. As a test to rank the effectiveness of oil-spill products, the procedures described here offer cost and time advantages over other testing methods (less than 4 hours are required to evaluate one dispersant and one oil) and require less laboratory space and a simple, commercially available apparatus
Reprinted from Fuel, Volume 59, R.T. Rewick, J. Gates, J.H. Smith, Copyright 1980, with permission from Elsevier
Rewick, R.T.; Sabo, K.A.; Gates, J.; Smith, J.H.; McCarthy, Jr., L.T. 1981. Evaluation of oil spill dispersant testing requirements. In Proceedings: 1981 Oil Spill Conference (Prevention, Behavior, Control, Cleanup), March 2-5, 1981, Atlanta, Georgia, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 5-10.
We have evaluated a number of laboratory tests of dispersant effectiveness using commercial oil spill products and No. 2 and No. 6 fuel oils. The tests--the EPA, Mackay/Steelman, Russian, French, Warren Spring, and an interfacial tension method developed at SRI--are reviewed in terms of type, scale, method of applying mixing energy, and the time required to conduct a project evaluation. The experimental results, compared in terms of the precision of the test data and the effectiveness ranking order of the six nonionic dispersants, demonstrate that the relative effectiveness found for the dispersants varies appreciably as a function of the testing method. Reasons for the variations are discussed and recommendations are presented on how to achieve dispersant testing data that are more representative of real-world conditions. Of the six testing methods evaluated, the EPA, Mackay/Steelman, and the interfacial tension methods are the most amendable to improvement
© 1981 with permission from API
Rewick, R.T.; Sabo, K.A.; Smith, J.H. 1983. The drop-weight interfacial tension method for predicting dispersant performance. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, Product Research and Development, 22 (4): 683-688. ISSN: 0196-4321. doi:10.1021/i300012a032.
The drop-weight test is an improved interfacial tension method for predicting the relative effectiveness of oil-spill dispersant products. The test is based on the relationship between the weight of a drop of oil detached from a capillary beneath a dispersant-in-seawater solution and the lowering of the interfacial tension between oil and water. A modified test procedure, based on measuring the time for a drop detachment rather than the weight, significantly reduces the test time and simplifies the apparatus. Another modification permits the determination of relative diffusion rates of dispersants through an oil column. Seventeen water-based dispersant products were evaluated with light Arabian crude oil and, in some cases, with no. 6 fuel oil using the modified procedures. The results were interpreted in terms of data reliability and compared with information obtained by the Standard EPA Dispersant Effectiveness Test (the EPA test) (McCarthy et al., 1973)
Reprinted with permission from Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, Product Research and Development, Volume 22, R.T. Rewick, K.A. Sabo, J.H. Smith. Copyright 1983, American Chemical Society
Rewick, R.T.; Sabo, K.A.; Smith, J.H. 1984. Drop-weight interfacial tension method for predicting dispersant performance. Oil Spill Chemical Dispersants: Research, Experience and Recommendations. A Symposium Sponsored by ASTM Committee F-20 on Hazardous Substances and Oil Spill Response, West Palm Beach, Florida, October 12-13, 1982, Philadelphia, Pa: American Society for Testing and Materials. pp. 94-107. ISBN: 0803104006.
The drop-weight test is an improved interfacial tension method for predicting the relative effectiveness of oil spill dispersant products. The test is based on the relationship between the weight of a drop of oil detached from a capillary beneath a dispersant-in-seawater solution and the lowering of the interfacial tension between oil and water. A modified test procedure, based on measuring the time for a drop detachment rather than the weight, significantly reduces the test time and simplifies the apparatus. Another modification permits the determination of diffusion rates of dispersants through an oil column. Seventeen water-based dispersant products were evaluated with light Arabian crude oil and, in some cases, with No. 6 fuel oil using the modified procedures. The results were interpreted in terms of data reliability and compared with information obtained by a standard test
© ASTM International. Used with permission of ASTM International
Rhoton, S.L. 1999. Acute Toxicity of the Oil Dispersant Corexit 9500, and Fresh and Weathered Alaska North Slope Crude Oil to the Alaskan Tanner Crab (C. Bairdi), Two Standard Test Species, and V. fischeri (MICROTOX Assay), Thesis (M.S.), University of Alaska Fairbanks. 187 leaves.
Rhoton, S.L.; Perkins, R.A.; Braddock, J.F.; Behr-Andres, C. 2001. A cold-weather species’ response to chemically dispersed fresh and weathered Alaska North Slope crude oil. In 2001 International Oil Spill Conference: Global Strategies for Prevention, Preparedness, Response, and Restoration: March 26-29, 2001, Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 1231-1236. URL
The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) joined the Chemical Response to Oil Spills: Ecological Effects Research Forum (CROSERF) in 1997. In 1998 and 1999, UAF tested the toxicity of: (1) an oil dispersant COREXIT®9500; (2) the water-accommodated fraction (WAF) of Alaska North Slope (ANS) crude oil as well as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-standard, Prudhoe Bay crude oil (EPA); and (3) the chemically-enhanced water-accommodated fraction (CE-WAF) of ANS as well as EPA. Tests also were performed with ANS samples that had been artificially weathered to remove most of the volatile components (weathered ANS). Species tested were a juvenile mysid, Mysidopsis bahia, and the larvae of an estuarine fish, Menidia beryllina. Parallel testing with bacteria using the Microtox® test was performed and results compared. Overall, UAF’s procedures and results were consistent with that of other CROSERF labs. These procedures use 25˚C water. In 1998 and 1999, UAF tested the larvae of a crab native to Alaska, the Tanner crab, Chionoecetes bairdi. The crab larvae were tested with COREXIT®9500, ANS, and weathered ANS. During gestation the gravid crabs were kept in fresh seawater at temperatures of 6 to 8ºC, and larval testing also was done at those temperatures. The results of the fresh oil test showed that, for both the WAF and CE-WAF, the crab larvae sensitivity was similar to that of M. beryllina during a spiked exposure, but the crab larvae proved to be more sensitive during a continuous exposure. For weathered ANS, the result was highly dependent on the analysis and reporting techniques. A heavy loading of weathered oil was required to produce a low concentration of WAF because of the relative insolubility of the weathered oil
© 2001 with permission from API
Rhoton, S.L. et al. 1999. Toxicity of dispersants and dispersed oil to an Alaskan marine organism. In Beyond 2000, Balancing Perspectives: Proceedings: 1999 International Oil Spill Conference: March 8-11, 1999, Seattle, Washington, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 1035-1038. URL
The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) conducted toxicity assays on Alaskan tanner crab larvae (Chionoecetes bairdi) using the oil dispersant Corexit 9500, Alaska North Slope (ANS) crude oil, and dispersed ANS crude oil. These tests were conducted in Seward, Alaska using filtered saltwater at ambient temperature (6°C) and salinity (35‰). Similar toxicity assays were conducted at UAF on the reference species Mysidopsis bahia and Menidia beryllina under standard testing conditions (25°C and 20‰ salinity). The methods used for these tests were developed by the Chemical Response to Oil Spills: Ecological Research Forum (CROSERF) and involve both continuous and spiked (declining concentration) exposure testing regimes. Toxicity data, expressed as EC50, were calculated using the defined response of “Affected,” as the typical response was decreased phototatic response; death as an endpoint was not often observed. The larvae were evaluated and placed into the following categories: Alive, Affected, Mortally Affected, and Dead. Results suggest that the tanner crab larvae are generally more resistant (EC50 = 355 mg/L) than M. beryllina (LC50 = 205 mg/L) and less resistant than M. bahia (LC50 = 622 mg/L) to dispersant solutions under spiked exposure
© 1999 with permission from API
Riepšaitė, M.; Stankevičius, A. 2005. Toxic effects of some oil dispersants. Environmental Research, Engineering and Management, 2005 (1(31)): 27-33. ISSN: 1392-1649. URL
Unavoidable possibility of oil spills, when they are polluting environment increases because of the increasing growth of oil industry (building of mechanisms for oil extraction, growing number of petrol stations, motor transport, navigation) and rising usability of oil and its products in various ways. It makes a lot of problems: financial damage, impacts on wildlife or loses of aesthetic view. Various clean-up technologies are used for recovering oil spills. Dispersion is one of them. Dispersive measures (dispersants) are the substances that break oil slick into small droplets. Though modern dispersants are less toxic for environment than oil, however, they can cause danger to organisms. These pollutants (the dispersants and the oil) can affect live organisms synergetically with bigger harm if they work separately. So, the necessity of the real assessment of the environmental condition determines near direct (physical and chemical) methods to use such methods that are based on responsive reactions of the organisms to the pollution factors. The influence of oil and the dispersing agents "Simple green", "Hydro Break Plus", "Degradoilas", "BR", and "BEC 400" on organisms in fresh (test - organisms Daphnia magna and Thamnocephalus platyurus) and the Baltic sea (test - organism Artemia salina) water determined using TOXKIT microbiotests. LC50's were calculated to compare the toxicity of these pollutants. The LC50 of petroleum hydrocarbons and the dispersing agents "Simple green", "Hydro Break Plus", "Degradoilas", "BR", and "BEC 400" on water organisms are different though there is no doubt about their toxicity
© CSA, 2005
Riffaldi, R.; Cardelli, R.; Palumbo, S.; LeviMinzi, R.; Saviozzi, A. 2007. Soil biological activities during hydrocarbon degradation of a diesel contaminated soil in the presence of surfactant. Agrochimica, 50 (1-2): 77-88. ISSN: 0002-1857.
Ripley, H.T.; Goodman, R.H. 1984. Application of a forward looking thermal scanner for detecting and monitoring oil spills. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 1-5 October 1984, Paris, France, Ann Arbor, Mi: Environmental Research Institute of Michigan. pp. 1617-1627.
This paper describes the results of using a forward looking thermal infrared scanner mounted to a fixed-wing aircraft during an oil spill dispersant sea trial in 1983
Rittmann, B.E.; Johnson, N.M. 1989. Rapid biological clean-up of soils contaminated with lubricating oil. Water Science and Technology, 21 (4-5 pt. 1): 209-219. ISSN: 0273-1223.
An experimental program assessed which mechanisms control the rapid biodegradation of used lubricating oil which contaminates soils. The ultimate goal is to effect a rapid biodegradation before the contaminants in the oil are leached into the groundwater or carried into surface waters with runoff. Large amounts of lubricating-oil-degrading bacteria could be grown in liquid culture, as long as a dispersant was applied to form and maintain an oil-in-water emulsion. Application of the oil-degrading bacteria significantly increased the initial rate of oil degradation in soil plots. Improved microorganism contact and dispersant effectiveness apparently were responsible for the rapid rates in slurry reactors. The increased rates demonstrated the potential value of adding a large, acclimated inoculum and providing good mixing and dispersion to make the oil more available to the microorganisms
© CSA, 1989
Robbins, M.L.; Varadaraj, R.; Bock, J.; Pace, S.J. 1995. Effect of Stokes’ law settling on measuring oil dispersion effectiveness. In Proceedings: 1995 International Oil Spill Conference (Achieving and Maintaining Preparedness): February 27-March 2, 1995, Long Beach, California, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 191-196. URL
Industry laboratory tests to measure dispersion effectiveness for oil spills on water measure only the volume percentage of oil dispersed and not the dispersed particle size. The effect of particle size on settling behavior is particularly pronounced in tests that use long settling times to superimpose a dispersion stability criterion on the effectiveness rating. The authors have studied the effect of settling time on the volume cumulative particle size distribution measured by the Coulter Multisizer II. Using Stokes’ law settling to analyze the results, we have demonstrated the effects of settling flask geometry and sample volume on measured effectiveness. These arbitrary test variables control the settling path height and vary markedly from test to test. The intrinsic variables that control settling vs. time –- initial particle size distribution, aqueous viscosity, and aqueous and oil densities -– are functions of aqueous, oil, and dispersant compositions; temperature; and dispersion energy. The author’s analysis shows that the effect of settling variables is to cut off the initial cumulative particle size distribution above a certain particle size, thereby fixing measured effectiveness. Stokes’ law provides a measure of this cutoff size. Experimental data have been developed to support this theoretical analysis. This analysis points to the variables that must be considered with different laboratory tests to rank dispersants when settling is part of the test procedure. Even with a single test, ranking may change with settling time given an initially large fraction of large particles and a sufficiently large difference between the densities of water and oil
© 1995 with permission from API
Roberts, J.; Stevens, L. 2002. Dispersant effectiveness testing: the New Zealand experience. In Spillcon 2002: 9th International Oil Spill Conference, Manly, Sydney, Australia, (no publishing information available). 10p.. URL
Roberts, J.; Stevens, L. 2003. Dispersant effectiveness on heavy fuel oil and crude oil in New Zealand. In IOSC 2003 Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Restoration, Perspectives for a Cleaner Environment: April 6-11, 2003, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 509-514. URL
The New Zealand (NZ) Maritime Safety Authority (MSA) recently identified seven crude oils and nine IFO-380 heavy fuel oils used or transported in NZ waters that had a high relative risk of being spilt. To determine the relative effectiveness of dispersants stocked by the MSA (Corexit 9527, Slickgone LTSW, Gamlen OSD LT, and Tergo R40) on the oils, effectiveness was tested using the Warren Spring Laboratory (WSL) LR 448 protocol. All testing was on fresh (unweathered) oil at 15ºC, at a dispersant to oil ratio (DOR) of 1:25. Effective dispersion was considered to be equivalent to a WSL test result of ≥15%, as proposed in the work of Lunel & Davies (1996). Overall, the seven crude oils tested could be dispersed with MSA stocked dispersants; Corexit 9527 and Slickgone LTSW dispersing the greatest volume of oil, while Gamlen OSD LT and Tergo R40 were effective on the widest range of oils. For the nine IFO-380 heavy fuel oils, dispersant effectiveness was generally lower than for crude oils, and two oils could not be dispersed. Corexit 9527 was the most effective dispersant and worked on the widest range of fuel oils. Slickgone LTSW, Gamlen OSL LT, and Tergo R40 were less effective and worked on a smaller range of fuel oils. To assess whether other dispersants not currently stocked by the MSA offered a significantly improved capacity, two high performance products (Corexit 9500 and Slickgone EW) were tested on the same oils, and across a range of temperatures and DORs. Laboratory results showed that Corexit 9500 and Slickgone EW were significantly more effective on both the crude oils and the IFO-380 heavy fuel oils than existing MSA dispersant stocks. While the results of this study provide a good indication of the relative effectiveness of different dispersants, they do not indicate absolute levels of effectiveness, and field experiments are needed to define how laboratory effectiveness translates to effectiveness in the field
© 2003 with permission from API
Robertson, D.R.; Maddox, J.H. 2003. Shoreline surface washing agent test and evaluation protocol for freshwater use in the Great Lakes region. In IOSC 2003 Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Restoration, Perspectives for a Cleaner Environment: April 6-11, 2003, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 319-326. URL
Although opportunities exist to use shoreline surface washing agents for oil spill removal in freshwater environments, this response technique is seldom tried because little is known about its in situ effectiveness and toxicity. In January 2000, the Federal Region V Regional Response Team chartered a Subcommittee of international, federal, state and industry representatives to develop a protocol for evaluating the test use of shoreline surface washing agents in freshwater environments on oil spills of opportunity in the Great Lakes Region. Currently, mechanical and manual recovery is the primary means of oil spill cleanup in freshwater environments which can be costly, labor intensive, and often results in limited oil recovery. Oil recovery inefficiency is related to shoreline composition and complexity that allow oil to cover, fill, and penetrate the substrate. Responders, with limited options, may compromise their efforts by leaving residual oil in the environment or expend a substantial effort sanitizing the shoreline, which can be more detrimental to the environment. The application of shoreline surface washing agents may improve recovery efficiency and ameliorate long term harm to freshwater shorelines if properly applied. Surface washing agents may also reduce labor requirements typically associated with diminishing returns from continued mechanical or manual cleanups required to achieve similar oil removal results. The RRT Subcommittee developed a protocol for conducting small-scale in situ tests on the effectiveness and toxicity of surface washing agents to gain experience and confidence in its utility as a response tool in freshwater environments. The resulting protocol guides the user in assessing physical criteria, constraints and special consideration needed to determine if the use of two surface washing agents is appropriate. The protocol also includes procedures for test preparation and application and provides effectiveness, water quality and toxicity monitoring guidelines, data collection, booming, and oil recovery procedures
© 2003 with permission from API
Robichaux, T.J.; Myrick, H.N. 1972. Chemical enhancement of the biodegradation of crude-oil pollutants. Journal of Petroleum Technology, 24 16-20. ISSN: 0149-2136.
Two processes were found to be important in improving the biodegradation of crude oils in aquatic environments. First, chemical dispersants sprayed on the surface of a spill will increase the rate of decomposition, by allowing microbial diffusion at the surface and providing a growing environment for microorganisms. Further, the type of dispersant can dictate the growth rates for microbial species. Second, seeding the dispersant/oil mixture with microorganisms that specifically target hydrocarbons as a food source can enhance degradation rates
Rocke, T.E.; Yuill, T.M.; Hindsill, R.D. 1984. Oil and related toxicant effects on mallard immune defenses. Environmental Research, 33 (2): 343-352. ISSN: 0013-9351. doi:10.1016/0013-9351(84)90032-X.
A crude oil, a petroleum distillate, and chemically dispersed oil were tested for their effects on resistance to bacterial infection and the immune response in waterfowl. Sublethal oral doses for mallards were determined for South Louisiana crude oil, Bunker C fuel oil, a dispersant—Corexit 9527, and oil/Corexit combinations by gizzard intubation. Resistance to bacterial challenge (Pasteurella multocida) was significantly lowered in mallards receiving 2.5 or 4.0 ml/kg of Bunker C fuel oil, 4.0 ml/kg of South Louisiana crude oil, and 4.0 ml/kg of a 50:1 Bunker C fuel oil/Corexit mixture daily for 28 days. Ingestion of oil or oil/Corexit mixtures had no effect on mallard antibody-producing capability as measured by the direct spleen plaque-forming assay
Reprinted from Environmental Research, Volume 33, T.E. Rocke, T.M. Yuill, R.D. Hindsill, Copyright 1984, with permission from Elsevier
Rogerson, A.; Berger, J. 1981. The toxicity of the dispersant Corexit 9527 and oil-dispersant mixtures to ciliate protozoa. Chemosphere, 10 (1): 33-39. ISSN: 0045-6535. doi:10.1016/0045-6535(81)90157-0.
The toxicity of Corexit 9527 to ciliate protozoa was determined on the basis of growth rate. Chemically dispersed oil was more toxic than either the dispersant or crude oil alone
Reprinted from Chemosphere, Volume 10, A. Rogerson, J. Berger, Copyright 1981, with permission from Elsevier
Romeu, A.A. 1986. Biodegradation of Kuwait Crude Oil in the Presence and Absence of the Dispersant Corexit 9527, Thesis (Ph.D.), Texas A & M University. 134 leaves.
Rosen, M.J.; Goldsmith, H.A. 1972. Systematic Analysis of Surface-Active Agents, New York: Wiley-Interscience. 591p. ISBN: 0471735957.
Rosenthal, H.; Gunkel, W. 1967. Effects of crude oil-emulsifier mixtures on marine fish fry and their food animals. Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen, 16 (4): 315-320. ISSN: 0017-9957. doi:10.1007/BF01610529.
Mixtures of crude oil and Moltoclar in a 4:1 ratio were used in different dilutions in seawater to establish effects on larvae of Clupea harengus L. and Agonus cataphractus L. After 4 days, lethal concentrations were observed in ranges from 2.5 to 5.0 mg/l. Sublethal damages were clearly established down to a concentration of 0.5 mg/l
Ross, C. 1979. Dispersant research and development program. In Proceedings of the Arctic Marine Oilspill Program Technical Seminar: March 7, 8, 9, 1979, Edmonton, Alberta, Ottawa, Ont: Fisheries and Environment Canada, Environmental Emergency Branch. pp. 66-69.
Ross, C.W.; Hilderbrand, P.B.; Allen, A.A. 1978. Logistic requirements for aerial application of oil spill dispersants. Chemical Dispersants for the Control of Oil Spills: A Symposium, Philadelphia, Pa: American Society for Testing and Materials. pp. 66-80. ISBN: 0465900024.
The study has taken a detailed look at selected components involved in establishing the feasibility of aerially applying dispersants on oil spills. The approach has purposely been focused on only those areas affecting operational feasibility. Little attention has been given to other critical areas such as ecology, comparisons with alternative countermeasures, or even a detailed comparison with alternative dispersant platforms. The study attempts to include a wide scope in that it has purposely been based on general assumptions and mathematical formulas and could be used to evaluate other spill configurations, volumes, locations, or even other dispersant platforms. The formulas are used to discuss a scenario to disperse the main oil slick resulting from a blowout. Many other scenarios, oil volumes, periods of operation, etc. could be evaluated using these equations
© ASTM International. Used with permission of ASTM International
Ross, S.L. 1981. The development of countermeasures for oil spills in Canadian Arctic waters. In Petroleum and the Marine Environment: PETROMAR 80, London: Graham & Trotman. pp. 377-399. ISBN: 0860102157.
When in 1973 the Canadian oil industry proposed to explore for oil in the waters of the southern Beaufort Sea, much concern developed over the probabilities of oil blowouts and the possibilities of being able to control them and their effects. It was this concern, primarily, that led to the development of a $12 million environmental impact assessment study to determine the fate and effects of oil blowouts in the area. As part of this study, an investigation was undertaken in 1974 and 1975 to review and analyze the feasibilities of controlling and cleaning up large oil spills in the southern Beaufort Sea. The study found, not unexpectedly, that there were few proven countermeasures available to deal with an oil well blowout or tanker spillage
© CSA, 1982
Ross, S.L.; Belore, R. 1993. Effectiveness of dispersants on thick oil slicks. In Proceedings, Sixteenth Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program Technical Seminar: June 7-9, 1993, Westin Hotel, Calgary, Alberta, Ottawa, Ont: Technology Development Branch. pp. 1011-1022.
Ross, S.L. 1998. The case for using vessel-based systems to apply oil-spill dispersants. In Proceedings: Twenty-First Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program Technical Seminar, June 10 to 12, 1998, West Edmonton Mall Hotel, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Ottawa, Ont: Environment Canada. pp. 201-219. URL
Advantages in using vessel-based application systems over aerial application methods are described in this report. Some benefits of vessel-based application are cost, availability, better spray control, accuracy, and one-pass dosing of thick oil slicks. Other topics discussed in this report include design improvements for vessel-based systems and comparisons of the logistics for vessel-based systems versus aircraft
Ross, S.L. 1998. Summary of major issues related to the effectiveness of dispersants on Alaska North Slope crude oil in Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska. In Dispersant Application in Alaska: A Technical Update, Anchorage Hilton Hotel, Anchorage, Alaska, March 18 and 19, 1998, Cordova, Ak: Prince William Sound Oil Spill Recovery Institute. pp. 35-58.
Ross, S.L.; Buist, I.A.; Young, E.; Rinaldo, L. 1985. The use of emulsion inhibitors to control offshore spills: part I. In Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Arctic Marine Oilspill Program Technical Seminar: Seminar Sponsored by the Environmental Protection Service, Environment Canada, June 18-20, 1985, Edmonton, Alberta, Ottawa, Ont: Technical Services Branch, Environmental Protection Service. pp. 192-211.
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This database consists of citations found in journals, conference proceedings, government reports and gray literature covering over 40 years of published research on oil spill dispersants. Citations were collected from 1960 through June 2008. This bibliography was compiled and edited by John Conover, Associate Librarian at LUMCON, and funded by a grant from the Louisiana Applied and Educational Oil Spill Research and Development Program (OSRADP).


Quarterly Issues
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Ecological, anatomical, and physiological effects of oil and/or gas, Species as biomarkers, PAH uptake and bioaccumulation, etc.
Biochemistry, Biodegradation, Bioremediation, Hydrocarbon degradation, Environmental sampling, Soil contamination, etc.
Technological advancements in facility/equipment design and use, Spill response and recovery equipment, Physical properties of oil and gas, etc.
Environment/Ecosystem Management/Spills
Environmental assessment and management, Oil and/or gas spill description and analysis, etc.
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Giessing, Anders M. B.; Mayer, Lawrence M.; Forbes, Thomas L. 1-hydroxypyrene glucuronide as the major aqueous pyrene metabolite in tissue and gut fluid from the marine deposit-feeding polychaete Nereis diversicolor. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2003; Volume 22 (5): 1107-1114. ISSN: 0730-7268.
Phase I and phase II metabolites were identified in a species of polychaete after exposing the organism to pyrene. It is believed that 1-hydroxypyrene glucuronide, the only phase I metabolite of pyrene in this species, is a useful biomarker for PAH exposure.

Lichtfouse, E.; Eglinton, T.I. 13C and 14C evidence of pollution of a soil by fossil fuel and reconstruction of the composition of the pollutant. Organic Geochemistry, October 1995; Volume 23 (10): 969-973. ISSN: 0146-6380.
Researchers use 13C/12C ratios, the 14C age and relative concentrations to assess the origins of n-alkanes in a polluted soil

Johannesen, J. et al. 3D oil migration modelling of the Jurassic petroleum system of the Stratfjord area, Norwegian North Sea. Petroleum Geoscience, 2002; Volume 8 (1): 37-50. ISSN: 1354-0793.
This modelling study enabled researchers to determine the vertical and lateral migration of hydrocarbons over time, and to conclude that present-day resources are the result of a multi-layered, multi-directional migrating system originating from three separate fields.

Kong, Vincent W. T.; Smethurst, J.; Chiem, B. H.; Stewart, R. C.; Teh, G. H. 3D marine exploration seismic survey in shallow water area, offshore Sabah. Warta Geologi [Newsletter of the Geological Society of Malaysia], 1989; Volume 15

Rowson, Chris. 4C seismic technology makes mark in Caspian Sea. Offshore, 2003; Volume 63 (5): 50. ISSN: 0030-0608.
Continued investments in oil exploration in the Caspian Sea and the surrounding region has resulted in the use of modern exploration methods. Geophysical surveys that consist of (4C) 3D seismic surveys are being used to improve imaging of the subsurface.

Schmidt, Victor A. 2-D seismic vessels for 3-D missions: old 2-D vessels can be used in new, more productive ways, serving vessel owners, oil companies. Sea Technology, September 1994; Volume 35 (9): 15-22. ISSN: 0093-3651.
Schmidt reports on the status of the geophysical exploration industry and examines the 2-D versus 3-D vessel problem

Taylor, Susan. 0.45- to 1.1-æm spectra of Prudhoe crude oil and of beach materials in Prince William Sound, Alaska, [Hanover, NJ]. US Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory: 1992; Volume Special Report (U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory) (92-5): 14 p..

1993 final work plan: Exxon Valdez oil spill restoration, Anchorage, AK. The Trustees: [1993];
A plan of action is outlined regarding remediation of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill

LaBelle, R. P.; Galt, J. A.; Tennyson, E. J.; McGrattan, K. B. 1993 Spill off Tampa Bay, a candidate for burning?. Proceedings: Seventeenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Ottawa. Environment Canada: 1994; Volume 1 635-649.
Authors describe the general behavior and movements of the spilled oil and the sea and weather conditions during and following the August 10, 1993 collision of the Tank Barge Ocean 255 and the Tank Barge Bouchard B-155 with the freighter Balsa 37 in Tampa Bay, Florida. In addition, discussed is the possibility of removing the oil by in-situ burning, and the results of smoke plume model runs

3D seismic yields more oil for Oryx off Texas. Oil and Gas Journal, 8-Nov-93; Volume 91 33. ISSN: 0030-1388.
Reported is confirmation of a 25-30 million bbl oil discovery in the Gulf of Mexico by Oryx Energy, Dallas, employing a 3D seismic survey

1991 Oil Spill Conference Proceedings, March 1991, American Petroleum Institute: 1991; Volume American Petroleum Institute Publications (4529):

1991 oil spill conference papers sought. Ocean Science News, April 10, 1990; Volume 32 (10): 5.

1971 oil pollution compensation fund wound up. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2000; Volume 40 (12): 1068. ISSN: 0025-326X.
A protocol was recently signed for the ending of the IOPC Fund, which is replaced by a Fund agreed on in 1992. The latter Fund allows for higher compensation for parties affected by oil pollution.

Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1991 state/federal natural resource damage assessment and restoration plan for the Exxon Valdez oil spill, Juneau, AK. Trustee Council: 1991;

Anon. 700,000 gallons of oil spilled in Texas. Environmental Protection News, September 8, 1990; Volume 5 (17): 4.

Cedar-Southworth, Donna. 1995 promises good opportunities for offshore operators. MMS Today, Feb-95; Volume 5 (1): 7-Jun.
Hank Bartholomew, Deputy Associate Director for Offshore Operations, discusses some of the high priorities for 1995, including interaction with states on oill spill response, OHMSETT plans, and training and safety programs

Hull, Jennifer Pallanich. 40 rigs at work in water depths over 1,000 feet. Offshore, 2001; Volume 61 (2): 16. ISSN: 0030-0608.
The Minerals Management Service sees the amount of deepwater drilling activity as a good indication for potential economic growth in the Gulf of Mexico region.

Knott, D. 10 years on from Exxon Valdez spill. Oil & Gas Journal, March 22, 1999; Volume 97 (12): 45. ISSN: 0030-1388.
Greenpeace campaigner, Matthew Spencer, told Oil & Gas Journal that 10 years after the Exxon Valdez spill the important issue was whether or not the politicians were doing a better job of regulating the oil industry. Archie Smith, Chief Executive of Oil Spill Response Ltd. of the U.K., said 'the U.S. Oil Pollution Act of 1990 which arose because of the Exxon Valdez spill, increased the industry's understanding of the risks and preparedness for dealing with spills'

Neil, Chris. 2003 shows spot cargoes, tankers to dictate US LNG supplies, not terminal capacities. Oil & Gas Journal, 2004; Volume 102 (12): 70-72. ISSN: 0030-1388.
Data presented in this article shows an increase in LNG spot cargo imports to the US for 2002 and 2003. Analysts predict that this trend will not continue for 2004 and 2005 based on the costs of regasification versus market prices for gas.

U.S. Geological Survey, National Oil and Gas Resource Assessment Team. 1995 National Assessment of United States Oil and Gas Resources: overview of the 1995 National Assessment of Potential Additions to Technically Recoverable Resources of Oil and Gas--Onshore and State Waters of the United States. Denver, CO. USGS Information Services: 1995; Volume Circular 1118 20 p..
This circular is the fourth in a series of systematic assessments of undiscovered oil and gas in the United States

This bibliography is a quarterly compilation of current publications (citations with abstracts) from a wide variety of electronic and print information sources relating to offshore oil and gas development. It is compiled and edited by John Conover, Associate Librarian at LUMCON. Items listed may or may not be available at the LUMCON Library. Items without annotations were unavailable for perusal prior to publication.

All questions about using library facilities, locating library resources, or searching LUMCON catalogs should be directed to the Librarian.