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  • 4,600 monographs
  • 5,800 bound volumes
  • 200 journal titles
  • 26 current journal subscriptions
  • 850 maps
  • 35 atlases
  • 3,600 government documents
  • 1,500 reprints

In addition, the library houses a complete collection of research products generated by DeFelice Marine Center personnel since LUMCON’s inception.

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We would like to thank the following individuals for their guidance and input when creating the Dispersants Bibliography:

    • Victoria Broje, Per Daling, Alun Lewis, and Francois-Xavier Merlin offered valuable assistance in the early phases of this project. Per Daling’s support was especially noteworthy, by providing conference proceedings that otherwise could not be obtained.
    • Deborah Ansell, ITOPF’s librarian, contributed by sharing her sizeable list of library holdings on dispersant publications with us, and filling in gaps where existing citation information was incomplete.
    • Likewise, Julie Anne Richardson, librarian for Environment Canada, compiled a publication listing on dispersants housed in her collection, which provided us with additional citations for our project.
    • Qianxin Lin at Louisiana State University provided API conference proceedings for us to use in transcribing abstracts.
    • Nancy Kinner at the Coastal Response Research Center provided encouragement, focus, and connected us with some of the aforementioned people.
    • Finally, Don Davis and Karen Reeder Emory at OSRADP deserve special mention for all of their help and direction during the span of this project.

The LUMCON Library is a member of the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC), the Southeast Affiliate of IAMSLIC Libraries (SAIL), and the Louisiana Library Network and Information Consortium (LOUIS).   Additionally, the Library has access to OCLC Cataloging/Interlibrary loan services.

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Stone, T. 2004. The UK approach to dispersants and an update on recent dispersant trials in the UK. In Oil Spill Symposium 2004: New Dimension in Oil Spill Response after the Prestige ― Compensation and Response Technology, Tokyo: Petroleum Association of Japan. 13p.. URL
Stone, T. 2004. The operational use of dispersants in the United Kingdom. In Oil Spill Symposium 2004: New Dimension in Oil Spill Response after the Prestige ― Compensation and Response Technology, Tokyo: Petroleum Association of Japan. 13p. URL
Stong, B.A. 2000. Pre-planning for effective dispersant operations. In Where the World of Offshore Technology Meets: OTC 2000: Offshore Technology Conference, Dallas, Tx: Offshore Technology Conference. pp. 207-213.
Stora, G. 1972. Contribution to the study of the idea of median lethal concentration (LC50) applied to some marine invertebrates. I. Methodological study. Téthys, 4 (3): 597-644. ISSN: 0040-4012.
Strand, J.A.; Templeton, W.L.; Lichatowich, J.A.; Apts, C.W. 1971. Development of toxicity test procedures for marine phytoplankton. In Proceedings of Joint Conference on Prevention and Control of Oil Spills: June 15-17, 1971, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 279-286.
Recommended bioassay procedures are presented that can be routinely applied to evaluate the relative toxicity of oil, chemical dispersants, and oil-dispersant mixtures to 1) naturally occurring populations of phytoplankton, and 2)representative marine phytoplankters grown in pure culture. The methods presented, in general, represent 1) application of techniques routinely employed in the measurement of marine primary productivity, and 2) application of the Inhibitory Toxicity Test, a tentative method devised by the American Society for Testing and Materials to evaluate acute toxicity of industrial wastes to diatoms
© 1971 with permission from API
Straughan, D. 1971. The influence of oil and detergents on recolonization in the upper intertidal zone. In Proceedings of Joint Conference on Prevention and Control of Oil Spills: June 15-17, 1971, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 437-440.
Recolonization of asbestos fouling plates treated variously with oil and detergents (BP 1100, BP 1002, Poly-complex all, Corexit 7664, Corexit 8666) is dependent on the season of the year. The presence of oil favors C. fissus settlement but retards algal settlement
© 1971 with permission from API
Strömgren, T. 1987. Effect of oil and dispersants on the growth of mussels. Marine Environmental Research, 21 (4): 239-246. ISSN: 0141-1136. doi:10.1016/0141-1136(87)90048-1.
Mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) were exposed to North Sea crude oil, microencapsulated oil and dispersants, singly and in combination, and growth rates measured at 24-48 h intervals. Exposure to microencapsulated pure oil (2·0–2·1 mg litre-1) and to microencapsulated mixtures of oil (2·2−2·5 mg litre-1) plus 5% of the different dispersants (FINASOL OSR 5, COREXIT 9527, DISPOLENE 36 S) gave approximately the same reduction in growth rate (80-90%) within 170 h. Oil chemically dispersed with DISPOLENE 36 S and a pure oil mechanically dispersed in water were significantly less toxic. In high concentrations (2 mg litre-1) all dispersants are toxic, DISPOLENE 36 S significantly more than the others. Mussels exposed for 170 h to microencapsulated oil and to microencapsulated oil/dispersant mixtures recovered to control growth within 300 h in clean seawater, while in those given pure oil-in-water suspension, the recovery was slower. It is concluded that the toxicity of oil is mainly related to size and concentration of oil particles, while the effect of 5% dispersants added is negligible
Reprinted from Marine Environmental Research, Volume 21, T. Strömgren, Copyright 1987, with permission from Elsevier
Struzik, E. 1982. Spilling oil in Arctic to study cleaning up (Baffin Island). Canadian Geographic, 101 (6): 24-29. ISSN: 0706-2168.
Strøm-Kristiansen, T.; Daling, P.S.; Brandvik, P.J. 1995. NOFO Exercise 1995: Dispersant and Underwater Release Experiment. Surface Oil Sampling and Analysis, Trondheim, Norway: SINTEF. 60p.
Strøm-Kristiansen, T.; Daling, P.S.; Brandvik, P.J.; Jensen, H. 1996. Mechanical recovery of chemically treated oil slicks. In Proceedings, Nineteenth Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program Technical Seminar: June 12-14, 1996, Sandman Hotel, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Ottawa, Ont: Environment Canada, Technical Services Branch. pp. 407-421.
Strøm-Kristiansen, T.; Lewis, A.; Daling, P.S.; Nordvik, A.B. 1995. Demulsification by use of heat and emulsion breaker. In Proceedings, Eighteenth Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program Technical Seminar, June 14-16, 1995, West Edmonton Mall Hotel, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Ottawa, Ont: Environment Canada. pp. 367-384.
Strøm-Kristiansen, T. et al. 1994. Weathering Properties and Chemical Dispersibility of Crude Oils Transported in U.S. Waters, Washington, D.C: Marine Spill Response Corporation, Research and Development Program. 210p.
Sturm, R.N. 1973. Biodegradability of nonionic surfactants: screening test for predicting rate and ultimate biodegradation. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 50 (5): 158-167. ISSN: 0003-021X. doi:10.1007/BF02640470.
Authors established a method for determining rates and degrees of ultimate biodegradation of anionic surfactants. Using simple equipment, the method was used to assess biodegradability of a wide variety of agents without the need of developing specific analytical methods for each type of surfactant. The method can also be used to measure degradation rates in anaerobic and low-temperature conditions
Such, C.; Bocard, C.; Quinquis, J.J. 1988. A mobile plant prototype for the restoration of polluted beaches by washing oily sand. Bulletin de Liaison des Laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussées, 156 89-95. ISSN: 0458-5860.
Suidan, M.T.; Sorial, G.T. 2005. Analysis of Dispersant Effectiveness of Heavy Fuel Oils and Weathered Crude Oils at Two Different Temperatures Using the Baffled Flask, Cincinnati, Oh: University of Cincinnati, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. 28p.. URL
Sullivan, C.E. 1971. A comparative study of the effects of emulsifiers BP1002 and BP1100 on three mud and sand species. In Oil Pollution Research Unit. Annual Report for 1971, Pembroke, Wales, U.K: Field Studies Council, Orielton Field Centre. pp. 14-21.
Sullivan, D.; Farlow, J.; Sahatjian, K.A. 1993. Evaluation of three oil spill laboratory dispersant effectiveness tests. In Proceedings: 1993 International Oil Spill Conference (Prevention, Preparedness, Response): March 29-April 1, 1993, Tampa, Florida, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 515-520.
Chemical dispersants can be used to reduce the interfacial tension of floating oil slicks so that the oils disperse more rapidly into the water column and thus pose less of a threat to shorelines, birds, and marine mammals. The laboratory test currently specified in federal regulations to measure dispersant effectiveness is not especially easy or inexpensive, and generates a rather large quantity of oily waste water. This paper describes the results of an effort by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to identify a more suitable laboratory dispersant effectiveness test. EPA evaluated three laboratory methods: the Revised Standard Dispersant Effectiveness Test currently used (and required by regulation) in the United States, the swirling flask test (developed by Environment Canada), and the IFP-dilution test (used in France and other European countries). Six test oils and three dispersants were evaluated; dispersants were applied to the oil at an average 1:10 ratio (dispersant to oil) for each of the three laboratory methods. Screening efforts were used to focus on the most appropriate oil/dispersant combination for detailed study. A screening criterion was established that required a combination that gave at least 20 percent effectiveness results. The selected combination turned out to be Prudhoe Bay crude oil (an EPA-American Petroleum Institute Standard Reference Oil) and the dispersant Corexit 9527. This combination was also most likely to be encountered in U.S. coastal waters. The EPA evaluation concluded that the three tests gave similar precision results, but that the swirling flask test was fastest, cheapest, simplest, and required least operator skill. Further, EPA is considering conducting the dispersant effectiveness test itself, rather than having data submitted by a dispersant manufacturer, and establishing an acceptability criterion (45 percent efficiency) which would have to be met before a dispersant could be placed on the Product Schedule of the National Contingency Plan (NCP). Also under consideration by EPA is a sequential testing procedure for a dispersant being placed on the schedule, whereby successful effectiveness testing would be required before toxicity testing would begin
© 1993 with permission from API
Sulzberger, C. 2000. Spill behaviour of Maui B crude oil (Offshore Taranaki, New Zealand) under simulated wind and wave conditions. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program Technical Seminar, June 14 to 16, 2000, Coast Plaza Suite Hotel, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Ottawa, Ont: Environment Canada. pp. 1031-1040.
To better understand the properties of spilled Maui B crude oil within the context of New Zealand’s Offshore Oil Spill Contingency plans, several treatment options were explored as potential countermeasures. Among the treatment options considered were two types of chemical dispersants, one organic solvent, and two cleanup aids
Sutterlin, A.; Sutterlin, N.; Rand, S. 1971. The Influence of Synthetic Surfactants on the Functional Properties of the Olfactory Epithelium of Atlantic Salmon, St. Andrews, NB: Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Biological Station. 8p.
Sveum, P. 1987. Fate and effects of dispersed and non-dispersed oil on Arctic mud flats. In Poceedings of the Tenth Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program Technical Seminar, June 9-11, 1987, Edmonton, Alberta, Ottawa, Ont: Environment Canada. pp. 149-167. ISBN: 0662154630.
The focus of experiments were to evaluate how three dispersants affected the biodegradation and physical removal of oil, and microfauna and flora found in sediments of oil-contaminated mud flats on Spitsbergen. The microflora that responded to oil pollution in increased microbial numbers also increased in numbers after the addition of the dispersant OSR5. Despite a large increase in bacteria in sediments treated with OSR5, increases were larger when the oil was treated with Corexit 7664. The number of nematodes in sediment decreased after oil contamination, and also with additional exposure to dispersants. However, the relative percentage of bacterial feeding nematodes increased in all contaminated plots. There was a correlation between relative toxicity of oil and dispersant and the metabolically active fraction of bacteria. The biological degradation of the aliphatic hydrocarbons was most extensive in the plots treated with dispersants. Dispersants enhanced biodegradation. Corexit 7664, which resulted in the largest increase in metabolically active bacterial cell number, also enhanced biodegradation of the aliphatics. The effectiveness of dispersants in removing oil from sediments suggests that a potential exists for the development of low toxic nutrient containing chemicals that enhance both physical removal and biodegradation of oil
Swannell, R.P.J.; Daniel, F. 1999. Effect of dispersants on oil biodegradation under simulated marine conditions. In Beyond 2000, Balancing Perspectives: Proceedings: 1999 International Oil Spill Conference: March 8-11, 1999, Seattle, Washington, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 169-176. URL
A study was undertaken on the dispersion, microbial colonisation and biodegradation of chemically-dispersed weathered Forties crude oil under simulated marine conditions in laboratory microcosms. The measurements of droplet size, number and microbial colonisation were made using new techniques developed by the project team. Rapid growth of indigenous micro-organisms capable of degrading both crude oil and dispersants was observed in the presence of chemically-dispersed oil. These organisms colonised the dispersed oil and biodegraded the aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. These processes were stimulated by the addition of inorganic nutrients. Some colonised droplets agglomerated into neutrally-buoyant "clusters" (l00 µm- 2 mm diameter) consisting of oil, bacteria, protozoa, and nematodes. After substantial hydrocarbon biodegradation these clusters sank to the bottom of the microcosms. No biodegradation or cluster formation was noted in "killed" controls in which biological activity had been inhibited. Different dispersants promoted microbial growth to differing extents. These results suggest that the addition of dispersants can increase the rate of oil biodegradation under natural conditions by promoting the growth of indigenous hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria, as well as increasing the surface area of oil available for microbial colonisation
© 1999 with permission from API
Swannell, R.P.J. et al. 1997. Influence of physical and chemical dispersion on the biodegradation of oil under simulated marine conditions. In Proceedings: Twentieth Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program Technical Seminar, June 11-13, 1997, Coast Plaza Hotel, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Ottawa, Ont: Environment Canada. pp. 617-641.
Swedmark M.; Braaten, B.; Emanuelsson, E.; Granmo Å. 1971. Biological effects of surface active agents on marine animals. Marine Biology, 9 (3): 183-201. ISSN: 0025-3162. doi:10.1007/BF00351378.
Using a continuous flow system, marine fishes, crustaceans and bivalves were exposed to surface active agents in concentrations of 100 to 0.5 ppm. LC50 values were determined in 96 hour exposures. Fish were more susceptible (0.8 to 6.5 ppm) than bivalves (5 to over 100 ppm) while crustaceans were most resistant (25 to over 100 ppm). The most active species of the three groups were more sensitive to exposure than sedentary species. Developmental stages of species were also more sensitive to exposure than were adults. The ability to recover to exposure was decreased with increased concentrations and exposure times. Stages of reaction to and sublethal effects of exposure to surface active agents are also described in this report
Swedmark M.; Granmo Å.; Kollberg S. 1973. Effects of oil dispersants and oil emulsions on marine animals. Water Research, 7 (11): 1649-1672. ISSN: 0043-1354. doi:10.1016/0043-1354(73)90134-6.
The toxicities to marine animals of nine oil dispersants, three oil emulsions with Corexit and of a disperson of Oman crude oil, have been studied in continuous flow aquarium systems at 96 h exposures followed by a recovery period in clean sea water. New types of dispersants were found to be less toxic than older types and oil emulsions more toxic than dispersants alone or crude oil alone. Fishes and bivalves were found most sensitive. Crustaceans were the most resistant to dispersants but very susceptible to oil emulsions. The tolerance of different species was found to be related to their mode of life, more active species being more susceptible. Delayed mortality of bivalves increased their susceptibility if the recovery period was included. Effects on locomotor behavior of fishes and crustaceans, breathing rate of fish, valve closure of bivalves and byssal thread formation of common mussels have been demonstrated for both dispersants and oil emulsions. The general sequence of such effects was: increased activity; successively impaired activity; immobilization; and death. Recovery is good for fish and crustaceans but poor for bivalves due to the delayed effects. Ecological consequences of dispersants and oil pollution in the marine environment are discussed
Reprinted from Water Research, Volume 7, M. Swedmark, A. Granmo, S. Kollberg, Copyright 1973, with permission from Elsevier.
Swedmark, M. 1974. Toxicity testing at Kristinberg Zoological Station. Ecological Aspects of Toxicity Testing of Oils and Dispersants, New York: Wiley. pp. 41-51. ISBN: 0470071907.
The purposes of the toxicity testing done at the station are (1) to determine the relative toxicities of the different materials in standard form required by industry and government bodies, and (2) to provide predictions of the ecological consequences of pollution in marine environments. The investigations are undertaken as comparative studies of toxic materials on a wide spectrum of marine animals. represented by fish, crustaceans and bivalves. The studies involve both adult animals and developmental stages. This is of great importance as the resistance of animals varies considerably during their life-cycle, the early phases generally being the most sensitive. The acute or lethal toxicity is determined in short-term tests (96 hrs).During the tests not merely mortality and survival times are recorded but also continuous observations on effects on various biological functions which are important for the survival of the animals in their natural environment. It is from such observations that conclusions of the ecological consequences of pollution of the animal communities can be made. Chronic effects on the same biological functions are studied in long-term tests, running for several months in low concentrations corresponding to those which may occur in coastal waters. A physiological approach is also attempted by the study of the action of surface active agents on respiration, osmoregulation and accumulation in tissues and organs
© CSA, 1975
Swiss, J.J. 1984. Aggressive program targets Arctic spills. Canadian Petroleum, 25 (5): 23-25. ISSN: 0008-4735.
Swiss, J.J.; Vanderkooy, N. 1988. Beaufort Sea Dispersant Trial, Ottawa, Ont: Environmental Studies Research Funds. 44p. ISBN: 0920783996. URL
Swiss, J.J.; Gill, S.D. 1984. Planning, development and execution of the 1983 East Coast dispersant trials. In Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Arctic Marine Oilspill Program Technical Seminar: June 12-14, 1984, Edmonton, Alberta, Ottawa, Ont: Environmental Protection Service, Environmental Emergency. pp. 443-453.
Swiss, J.J.; Vanderkooy, N.; Gill, S.D.; Goodman, R.H. 1987. Beaufort Sea dispersant trial. In Proceedings: 1987 Oil Spill Conference (Prevention, Behavior, Control, Cleanup), April 6-9, 1987, Baltimore, Maryland, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 634.
In August 1986, in conjunction with the Canadian Offshore Aerial Application Task Force (COAATF) and the Beaufort Sea Oil Spill Cooperative, Dome Petroleum Limited conducted the Beaufort Sea Dispersant Trial, with the following objectives: To determine the field effectiveness of aerially applied dispersants under Arctic conditions; To determine and test the operational parameters of “multi-hit” dispersant application; To define the logistics and cost requirements of a full-scale dispersant operation in the Arctic; To obtain a long-term (two days) record of oil slicks at sea, to determine their fate. The trial was conducted at an offshore location approximately 40 km northwest of Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories, Canada. Four slicks were created, each containing 2.5 m3 (15 bbl) of Alberta Sweet mixed blend (ASMB) crude oil. One slick was left as an unsprayed control and the other three were treated with various amounts of British Petroleum’s Enersperse 700 and Exxon’s CRX-8. Effectiveness was determined by using computer-enhanced infrared and ultraviolet detectors mounted in a remote-sensing aircraft and measuring the amount of oil left on the surface of the water after each spray pass. Results of the trial are presently being analyzed. However, initial conclusions can be drawn from preliminary data analyses as follows: Successful completion of this trial had demonstrated that it is possible to conduct a full-scale, multi-hit dispersant operation using helicopters and slung buckets at remote locations in the Arctic; Single application of dispersant at dispersant/oil ratios of approximately 1:10 seem to be as effective as multi-hit applications, provided that the dispersant is given time (several hours) to work; There was an obvious difference in the initial effectiveness of the two dispersants. However, after several hours, the amounts of oil dispersed by the two products were essentially the same; Aged ASMB crude oil can be chemically dispersed even at relatively low temperatures (6º C) typical of the Beaufort Sea in summer
© 1987 with permission from API
Swiss, J.J.; Vanderkooy, N.; Gill, S.D.; Goodman, R.H.; Brown, H.M. 1987. Beaufort Sea oil dispersant trial. In Proceedings of the Tenth Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program Technical Seminar, June 9-11, 1987, Edmonton, Alberta, Ottawa, Ont: Environment Canada. pp. 307-328. ISBN: 0662154630.
Tanaka, Y. 1976. Effects of the surfactants on the cleavage and further development of sea urchin embryos 1. The inhibition of micromere formation at the fourth cleavage. Development Growth & Differentiation, 18 (2): 113-122. ISSN: 0012-1592. doi:10.1111/j.1440-169X.1976.00113.x.
Tanaka, Y. 1979. Effects of the surfactants on the cleavage and further development of sea urchin embryos II. Disturbance in the arrangement of cortical vesicles and change in cortical appearance. Development Growth & Differentiation, 21 (4): 331-342. ISSN: 0012-1592. doi:10.1111/j.1440-169X.1979.00331.x.
Tarren, C.; Campbell, R. 1974. Effects on microorganisms in the soil of detergents used to combat oil pollution at The Lizard, Cornwall. Cornish Studies, 2 23-26. ISSN: 1352-271X.
Tarzwell, C.M. 1971. Toxicity of oil and oil dispersant mixtures to aquatic life. Water Pollution by Oil, London: The Institute of Petroleum. pp. 263-272. ISBN: 0852930232.
The use and over-water transport of crude oils and petroleum products is increasing each year. Oil wells are increasingly being developed at locations far removed from centres of the greatest use of petroleum products, often in hazardous areas such as the continental shelves. These changes in location and transportation result in more opportunities for oil spills and losses. The number of oil spills is increasing and good housekeeping, drastic safety requirements, and effective recovery and clean-up methods must be implemented if serious pollution of the aquatic environment is to be avoided. Chemicals used for the dispersion of oil spills are much more toxic than the oil. The dispersant-oil mixtures are more toxic than the dispersant alone, and many-fold more toxic than the crude oil. In instances where it is necessary to disperse oil spills by the use of chemicals, the least toxic and most effective dispersants should be used. Relative toxicities of the various dispersants should be determined by means of standardized short-term static bioassays. Field investigations and short-term toxicity studies have demonstrated that crude and refined petroleum oils and by-products are detrimental in a number of ways to aquatic organisms and their environment. While many surveys and studies have been made to determine the location, nature, and extent of damage and the acute toxicity of crude and other petroleum oils in the aquatic environment, data are entirely lacking on the concentrations of these materials in the aquatic environment which are not harmful with long-term or continuous exposure. Although water quality standards are not feasible for oil spills, they are applicable for areas having continuous discharges of petroleum wastes. Longterm studies should be carried out to determine concentrations of petroleum oils which are not harmful to the aquatic life under conditions of long-term or continuous exposure. Studies should also be made to determine the uptake and concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons by marine organisms and to evaluate the extent of their incorporation into tissue and possible harmful effects
© CSA, 1972
Tarzwell, C.M. 1969. Standard methods for determination of relative toxicity of oil dispersants and mixtures of dispersants and various oils to aquatic life. In Proceedings of API/FWPCA Joint Conference on Prevention and Control of Oil Spills, New York: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 179-186.
It is the policy of the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration of the U.S. Department of the Interior that the relative toxicity of all chemical dispersants, both alone and in combination with oil, will be determined prior to their use for the dispersion of oil spills, and the cleaning of beaches and shore installations. Data on the relative toxicity of these materials alone--and when mixed with oil--provide the basis for the effective selection of those materials least toxic to aquatic life and for recommending or prohibiting their use. The Department takes the position that it is the responsibility of the manufacturer of such products to provide for their product alone and in oil mixture accurate tolerance limit values based on standard short-term bioassays with designated test organisms. The standard bioassay procedure used will be the one recommended by the FWPCA. This procedure is solely for the purpose of providing data which will indicate relative toxicity of dispersants and oil dispersant mixtures. These standard tests do not indicate the long-term toxicity of these materials to aquatic organisms, safe levels for the aquatic biota or for humans, nor do they constitute an endorsement of any material by the FWPCA
© 1969 with permission from API
Tarzwell, C.M. 1970. Comments on standard methods for the determination of the relative toxicity of oil dispersants and various oils to aquatic organisms. In Proceedings. Industry-Government Seminar on Oil Spill Treating Agents, April 8-9, 1970, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute, Committee for Air and Water Conservation. pp. 80-85.
Taylor, J.T. 1992. Biodegradability of an Oil Dispersed with a Dispersant Containing Added Nitrogen, Thesis (M.Sc.), University of Wales. 58 leaves.
Teas, H.J.; Duerr, E.O.; Wilcox, J.R. 1987. Effects of South Louisiana crude oil and dispersants on Rhizophora mangroves. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 18 (3): 122-124. ISSN: 0025-326X. doi:10.1016/0025-326X(87)90132-9.
Application of seawater or dispersant had no immediate impact on saving Rhizophora mangroves in oil-impacted areas. However, application of dispersed oil had no impact on mangrove mortality when compared to untreated controls
Teas, H.J.; Duerr, E.O.; Wilcox, J.R. 1987. Effects of South Louisiana crude oil and dispersants on Rhizophora mangroves. In Proceedings: 1987 Oil Spill Conference (Prevention, Behavior, Control, Cleanup), April 6-9, 1987, Baltimore, Maryland, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. pp. 633.
Rhizophora managrove trees in Florida were treated with un-weathered South Louisiana crude oil by pouring the oil onto the soil and lower parts of the prop roots. Oiled trees in some plots were treated with high pressure sprays of seawater or non-ionic water-based dispersant in seawater the day after oiling to test whether oil damage could be avoided by washing away the oil. Some plots received oil dispersed with glycol ether-based dispersant to simulate the case in which a mangrove forest received oil that had been dispersed offshore. Tree deaths were scored for 30 months. The oil killed a large number of the trees whether or not they were spray washed the next day. However, plots that received oil dispersed with glycol ether-based dispersant did not show significantly more deaths than untreated control plots or those treated only with seawater or non-ionic water-based dispersant in seawater. This indicates that chemical dispersion of crude oil which is approaching mangrove forests should protect such forests from injury
© 1987 with permission from API
Teas, H.J. 1989. Methods for determining the toxicity of oil and dispersants to mangroves. Oil and Dispersant Toxicity Testing: Proceedings of a Workshop on Technical Specifications held in New Orleans, January 17-19, 1989, New Orleans, La: U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office. pp. 109-113.
Teas, H.J. 1986. Studies on the Effects of Oil and Dispersant on Rhizophora Mangroves, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute. (no page information available).
Templeton, W.L.; Walkup, P.C.; Blacklaw, J. 1970. Chemical dispersants for oil spillage cleanup. In Proceedings. Industry-Government Seminar on Oil Spill Treating Agents, April 8-9, 1970, Washington, D.C: American Petroleum Institute, Committee for Air and Water Conservation. pp. 57-68.
Tennyson, E.J. 1990. Recent results from oil spill response research. Oil Spills: Management and Legislative Implications: Proceedings of the Conference, Newport, Rhode Island, May 15-18, 1990, New York: American Society of Civil Engineers. 117-128. ISBN: 0872627888. URL
Terek, B. 2001. Dispersants and their use in sea oil spillage cleanup. Hrvatske Vode, 9 (37): 409-422. ISSN: 1330-1144.
The paper describes use of dispersants in cleanup of sea oil spillage. The basic dispersant action mechanisms are described and possible limitations to their use indicated. Special attention is paid to the environmental aspect and possible harmful environmental effects of the dispersants. It is recommended that the decisions on dispersant use be made quickly but not hastily, and that they be based on informed assessment of the spillage site conditions and state. Further, the basic principles of dispersants application from ships and/or airplanes are described and a number of practical data offered
© CSA, 2002
Texaco Trinidad Inc. Research Laboratory. 1973. Aerial Spraying of Dispersants on Oil Slicks Following the Blow-Out of Trinmar Marine Well 327 in Soldado Field Pointe-à-Pierre, Pointe-à-Pierre, Trinidad: Texaco Trinidad Inc. 5p.
Thélin, I. 1981. Effects in culture of two crude oils and one oil dispersant on zygotes and germlings of Fucus serratus Linnaeus (Fucales, Phaeophyceae). Botanica Marina, 24 (10): 515-519. ISSN: 0006-8055.
North Atlantic seaweed was exposed to Corexit 9527 in concentrations of between 1 and 1000 ppm and at 10 ppm combined with Ekofisk or Statfjord crude oils for up to two weeks. Increased concentrations led to increased mortality, yet mortality decreased with age. No significant effects on morphology were noted
Thomas, D.; Lunel, T. 1993. The Braer incident: dispersion in action. In Proceedings, Sixteenth Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program Technical Seminar: June 7-9, 1993, Westin Hotel, Calgary, Alberta, Ottawa, Ont: Technology Development Branch. pp. 843-859.
Thompson, G. 1985. The dispersant option: environmental considerations. In Spillcon One - Proceedings of Australian National Oil Spill Conference, Sydney, 12-14 November 1985, Melbourne, Vic: Australian Institute of Petroleum. 18p..
Thompson, G.B.; Wu, R.S.S. 1981. Toxicity testing of oil slick dispersants in Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 12 (7): 233-237. ISSN: 0025-326X. doi:10.1016/0025-326X(81)90362-3.
In Hong Kong, the toxicity of oil spill dispersants was assessed in a preliminary screening test, based upon TD50 values in samples of ten fish. Later, an improved test was introduced, based upon new procedures developed in the United Kingdom and modified to suit conditions in Hong Kong. Products approved elsewhere were usually, but not always, approved in Hong Kong. Further work is needed to relate the test results to oil-spill damage in local waters
Reprinted from Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 12, G.B. Thompson, R.S.S. Wu, Copyright 1981, with permission from Elsevier
Thorhaug, A.; Marcus, J. 1986. Dispersed oil effects on three Florida USA seagrasses. Florida Scientist, 49 (Suppl. 1): 17. ISSN: 0098-4590.
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This database consists of citations found in journals, conference proceedings, government reports and gray literature covering over 40 years of published research on oil spill dispersants. Citations were collected from 1960 through June 2008. This bibliography was compiled and edited by John Conover, Associate Librarian at LUMCON, and funded by a grant from the Louisiana Applied and Educational Oil Spill Research and Development Program (OSRADP).


Quarterly Issues
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Ecological, anatomical, and physiological effects of oil and/or gas, Species as biomarkers, PAH uptake and bioaccumulation, etc.
Biochemistry, Biodegradation, Bioremediation, Hydrocarbon degradation, Environmental sampling, Soil contamination, etc.
Technological advancements in facility/equipment design and use, Spill response and recovery equipment, Physical properties of oil and gas, etc.
Environment/Ecosystem Management/Spills
Environmental assessment and management, Oil and/or gas spill description and analysis, etc.
Social and economic ramifications, Politics, Governmental policy and legislation, Organizational policy, General interest, etc.
Giessing, Anders M. B.; Mayer, Lawrence M.; Forbes, Thomas L. 1-hydroxypyrene glucuronide as the major aqueous pyrene metabolite in tissue and gut fluid from the marine deposit-feeding polychaete Nereis diversicolor. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2003; Volume 22 (5): 1107-1114. ISSN: 0730-7268.
Phase I and phase II metabolites were identified in a species of polychaete after exposing the organism to pyrene. It is believed that 1-hydroxypyrene glucuronide, the only phase I metabolite of pyrene in this species, is a useful biomarker for PAH exposure.

Lichtfouse, E.; Eglinton, T.I. 13C and 14C evidence of pollution of a soil by fossil fuel and reconstruction of the composition of the pollutant. Organic Geochemistry, October 1995; Volume 23 (10): 969-973. ISSN: 0146-6380.
Researchers use 13C/12C ratios, the 14C age and relative concentrations to assess the origins of n-alkanes in a polluted soil

Johannesen, J. et al. 3D oil migration modelling of the Jurassic petroleum system of the Stratfjord area, Norwegian North Sea. Petroleum Geoscience, 2002; Volume 8 (1): 37-50. ISSN: 1354-0793.
This modelling study enabled researchers to determine the vertical and lateral migration of hydrocarbons over time, and to conclude that present-day resources are the result of a multi-layered, multi-directional migrating system originating from three separate fields.

Kong, Vincent W. T.; Smethurst, J.; Chiem, B. H.; Stewart, R. C.; Teh, G. H. 3D marine exploration seismic survey in shallow water area, offshore Sabah. Warta Geologi [Newsletter of the Geological Society of Malaysia], 1989; Volume 15

Rowson, Chris. 4C seismic technology makes mark in Caspian Sea. Offshore, 2003; Volume 63 (5): 50. ISSN: 0030-0608.
Continued investments in oil exploration in the Caspian Sea and the surrounding region has resulted in the use of modern exploration methods. Geophysical surveys that consist of (4C) 3D seismic surveys are being used to improve imaging of the subsurface.

Schmidt, Victor A. 2-D seismic vessels for 3-D missions: old 2-D vessels can be used in new, more productive ways, serving vessel owners, oil companies. Sea Technology, September 1994; Volume 35 (9): 15-22. ISSN: 0093-3651.
Schmidt reports on the status of the geophysical exploration industry and examines the 2-D versus 3-D vessel problem

Taylor, Susan. 0.45- to 1.1-æm spectra of Prudhoe crude oil and of beach materials in Prince William Sound, Alaska, [Hanover, NJ]. US Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory: 1992; Volume Special Report (U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory) (92-5): 14 p..

1993 final work plan: Exxon Valdez oil spill restoration, Anchorage, AK. The Trustees: [1993];
A plan of action is outlined regarding remediation of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill

LaBelle, R. P.; Galt, J. A.; Tennyson, E. J.; McGrattan, K. B. 1993 Spill off Tampa Bay, a candidate for burning?. Proceedings: Seventeenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Ottawa. Environment Canada: 1994; Volume 1 635-649.
Authors describe the general behavior and movements of the spilled oil and the sea and weather conditions during and following the August 10, 1993 collision of the Tank Barge Ocean 255 and the Tank Barge Bouchard B-155 with the freighter Balsa 37 in Tampa Bay, Florida. In addition, discussed is the possibility of removing the oil by in-situ burning, and the results of smoke plume model runs

3D seismic yields more oil for Oryx off Texas. Oil and Gas Journal, 8-Nov-93; Volume 91 33. ISSN: 0030-1388.
Reported is confirmation of a 25-30 million bbl oil discovery in the Gulf of Mexico by Oryx Energy, Dallas, employing a 3D seismic survey

1991 Oil Spill Conference Proceedings, March 1991, American Petroleum Institute: 1991; Volume American Petroleum Institute Publications (4529):

1991 oil spill conference papers sought. Ocean Science News, April 10, 1990; Volume 32 (10): 5.

1971 oil pollution compensation fund wound up. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2000; Volume 40 (12): 1068. ISSN: 0025-326X.
A protocol was recently signed for the ending of the IOPC Fund, which is replaced by a Fund agreed on in 1992. The latter Fund allows for higher compensation for parties affected by oil pollution.

Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1991 state/federal natural resource damage assessment and restoration plan for the Exxon Valdez oil spill, Juneau, AK. Trustee Council: 1991;

Anon. 700,000 gallons of oil spilled in Texas. Environmental Protection News, September 8, 1990; Volume 5 (17): 4.

Cedar-Southworth, Donna. 1995 promises good opportunities for offshore operators. MMS Today, Feb-95; Volume 5 (1): 7-Jun.
Hank Bartholomew, Deputy Associate Director for Offshore Operations, discusses some of the high priorities for 1995, including interaction with states on oill spill response, OHMSETT plans, and training and safety programs

Hull, Jennifer Pallanich. 40 rigs at work in water depths over 1,000 feet. Offshore, 2001; Volume 61 (2): 16. ISSN: 0030-0608.
The Minerals Management Service sees the amount of deepwater drilling activity as a good indication for potential economic growth in the Gulf of Mexico region.

Knott, D. 10 years on from Exxon Valdez spill. Oil & Gas Journal, March 22, 1999; Volume 97 (12): 45. ISSN: 0030-1388.
Greenpeace campaigner, Matthew Spencer, told Oil & Gas Journal that 10 years after the Exxon Valdez spill the important issue was whether or not the politicians were doing a better job of regulating the oil industry. Archie Smith, Chief Executive of Oil Spill Response Ltd. of the U.K., said 'the U.S. Oil Pollution Act of 1990 which arose because of the Exxon Valdez spill, increased the industry's understanding of the risks and preparedness for dealing with spills'

Neil, Chris. 2003 shows spot cargoes, tankers to dictate US LNG supplies, not terminal capacities. Oil & Gas Journal, 2004; Volume 102 (12): 70-72. ISSN: 0030-1388.
Data presented in this article shows an increase in LNG spot cargo imports to the US for 2002 and 2003. Analysts predict that this trend will not continue for 2004 and 2005 based on the costs of regasification versus market prices for gas.

U.S. Geological Survey, National Oil and Gas Resource Assessment Team. 1995 National Assessment of United States Oil and Gas Resources: overview of the 1995 National Assessment of Potential Additions to Technically Recoverable Resources of Oil and Gas--Onshore and State Waters of the United States. Denver, CO. USGS Information Services: 1995; Volume Circular 1118 20 p..
This circular is the fourth in a series of systematic assessments of undiscovered oil and gas in the United States

This bibliography is a quarterly compilation of current publications (citations with abstracts) from a wide variety of electronic and print information sources relating to offshore oil and gas development. It is compiled and edited by John Conover, Associate Librarian at LUMCON. Items listed may or may not be available at the LUMCON Library. Items without annotations were unavailable for perusal prior to publication.

All questions about using library facilities, locating library resources, or searching LUMCON catalogs should be directed to the Librarian.