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The LUMCON Library collection was originally housed in Ellender Memorial Library, located at Nicholls State University in Thibodaux, Louisiana. After completion of the DeFelice Marine Center in 1986, the collection was moved to its present location. Since that time, the Library has become an active resource center for LUMCON faculty and staff as well as Consortium member institutions, visiting researchers, students, and the public.
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- 4,600 monographs
- 5,800 bound volumes
- 200 journal titles
- 26 current journal subscriptions
- 850 maps
- 35 atlases
- 3,600 government documents
- 1,500 reprints
In addition, the library houses a complete collection of research products generated by DeFelice Marine Center personnel since LUMCON’s inception.
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We would like to thank the following individuals for their guidance and input when creating the Dispersants Bibliography:
- Victoria Broje, Per Daling, Alun Lewis, and Francois-Xavier Merlin offered valuable assistance in the early phases of this project. Per Daling’s support was especially noteworthy, by providing conference proceedings that otherwise could not be obtained.
- Deborah Ansell, ITOPF’s librarian, contributed by sharing her sizeable list of library holdings on dispersant publications with us, and filling in gaps where existing citation information was incomplete.
- Likewise, Julie Anne Richardson, librarian for Environment Canada, compiled a publication listing on dispersants housed in her collection, which provided us with additional citations for our project.
- Qianxin Lin at Louisiana State University provided API conference proceedings for us to use in transcribing abstracts.
- Nancy Kinner at the Coastal Response Research Center provided encouragement, focus, and connected us with some of the aforementioned people.
- Finally, Don Davis and Karen Reeder Emory at OSRADP deserve special mention for all of their help and direction during the span of this project.
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Preliminary experiments, using the subtropical/tropical coastal and estuarine seagrasses Thalassia testudinum, Halodule wrightii, and Syringodium filiforme, were carried out to examine the effects of dispersants. Experiments exposed seagrasses in vitro to concentrations of Louisiana crude oil ranging from 7.5 to 500 milliliters (mL) in 105 mL seawater at exposure times of 5 to 100 hours (seagrass not in contact with oil slick). In other experiments, the seagrasses were exposed to the dispersant Corexit 9527, which was combined with the oil in a ratio of 1 part dispersant to 10 parts oil with the dispersant concentrations ranging from 0.75 to 50 mL in 105 mL seawater (dispersant plus oil forming a cloud of the substance in contact with seagrasses). The oil or oil with dispersant treatment was removed from the seagrasses after the designated exposure periods. Thereafter, the seagrasses were monitored for 14 days. Blade length was measured as a factor of growth. Thalassia showed the greatest tolerance to dispersant plus oil of the three species tested. It was not substantially affected by any oil concentration alone; however, when exposed to oil and dispersant, growth significantly decreased with concentrations of 125 mL oil and 12. 5 mL dispersant in 105 mL seawater at longer periods of exposure (100 hours), and also at much decreased exposure times (5 hours) for 500 mL oil and 50 mL dispersant in 105 mL sea water. Syringodium and Halodule were generally less tolerant than Thalassia, particularly to oil. For example, at 75 mL oil/105 mL sea water and an exposure of 100 hours, growth decreased significantly and mortality increased to 53 percent. Growth and mortality of Syringodium and Halodule were further affected by the addition of dispersant
This is the first study of a range of concentrations of dispersed oil on several species of seagrasses dominant throughout the Atlantic subtropical Greater Caribbean basin. Out-of-door laboratory tanks included 100 l. natural seawater apical meristem and short groups. rhizome and tissue of each species (15 specimens per treatment). Treatments included dispersed oil, oil alone, dispersant alone, and control. Times of exposure ranged from 5 to 100 h. Concentrations of dispersants ranged from 7.5 to 50 ml in 100 l. seawater. Louisiana crude and Murban oils were tested. Results showed Halodule wrightii and Syringodium filiforme had an LD50 at 75 ml dispersed oil in 100 l. seawater for 100 h exposure, whereas Thalassia was more tolerant with an LD50 at 125 ml in 100 l. seawater for 100 h. Dispersant alone had a significant effect on Halodule and Syringodium, but not on Thalassia. Louisiana crude oil had a slightly lesser effect than Murban. Difference between seagrass species was greater than between oils
The findings are presented of experiments conducted to investigate the effects of different dispersants on 3 species of seagrass: Thalassia testudinum, Syringodium filiforme and Halodule wrightii. OFC-D-609 was found to be the most toxic to T. testudinum, followed by Conco K(K); the least toxic dispersants were Cold Clean 500, Jansolv-60 and Finasol OSR-7. It is recommended that dispersed oil field testing be carried out on seagrass and other habitats in tropical and in subtropical locations in order to ensure both the tolerance range and the critical range for the dispersed oil likely to be used
Three seagrasses found throughout the Greater Caribbean tropical/subtropical region as major critical habitat organisms were tested in the laboratory for toxicity limits to three dispersants commonly stockpiled in the region. At concentrations in the recommended dosage level, that is, below 1 ml dispersant with 10 ml oil in 100 000 ml seawater, even for 100 h no large mortality occurred (15–18 barrels per acre as calculated by Exxon, 1985). At an order of magnitude higher, especially for longer time periods, the more sensitive seagrasses Syringodium filiforme and then Halodule wrightii succumbed. The dispersants had widely differing effects, with Corexit 9527 and Arcochem D609 having far less toxic effect than Conco K(K) at the same exposure time and concentration. There was comparatively little difference between effects of oils (Louisiana crude versus Murban). Types and brands of dispersants should be referred to specifically in oil spill contingency plans since such widely varying ecological toxicity occurs among various dispersants. Use of the word ‘dispersant’ as a policy tool should be used with caution, realizing that dispersants vary widely in toxicity effects. Further testing of seagrasses in other ocean basins and those dispersants to be used there is highly recommended
One of the most critical habitats throughout the Atlantic subtropics and tropics is seagrasses. Seagrasses function as fisheries nursery habitats, food, and erosion control. If seagrasses are removed, hundreds of fisheries organisms disappear. We carried out toxicity testing on important seagrasses in the Gulf of Mexico, Florida, and the Greater Caribbean. Seven dispersants were tested for 100 hours on three seagrasses. Methods had previously been established. Results showed dispersant mortality effects differed among seagrasses and among dispersants. We recommend oil spill cleanup plans, and, specifically, spell out exact dispersants and concentrations to be used in areas containing seagrasses
Tropical and subtropical critical habitats are generally more fragile and slower to recover than temperate ones in which the environmental standards and guidelines are made. Fishery nurseries are found immediately adjacent to shore in seagrass in the tropics, unlike temperate zones where fisheries are most frequently offshore and much of the adult fish catch is in this coastal region (the exceptions are a few highly migrating fish such as tuna). Studies have dealt with oil effects on corals and mangroves; fewer have dealt with seagrass. Very few studies have looked at dispersed oil on any of these habitats. The single dispersant used for mangroves and corals and the primary dispersant in seagrass studies was Corexit 9527, which showed no mortality on subtropical and tropical habitat species between 1 to 50 ppm (1:20 dispersant-to-oil dilution) for short (4 to 6 h) time periods. Higher concentrations of dispersed oil tested on seagrasses showed ranked sensitivity. Other dispersants have only been tested on seagrasses. Ranked sensitivity from nontoxic to very toxic appeared as in animal testing. The time of exposure and concentration of dispersants are important to increasing toxicity effects. Four species of corals were tested to Corexit 9527 1 to 50 ppm. Little difference in response was yet apparent. For mangroves, only the Western Atlantic red mangrove has been reported for the single dispersant Corexit 9527. (This manuscript was prepared in June 1987 when some outgoing experimental mangrove data were not yet published.) The Indo-Pacific basin critical habitat species and Arabian Red Sea species need similar testing for “safe limits.” Field testing of various dispersants is necessary. Regulators and planners must stop using the generic “dispersants” in oil spill contingency planning and name the a nontoxic substance tested in their ecosystems since some dispersants are toxic and others are not. We must establish a network to disseminate recent work
The island of Jamaica experiences six small- to medium-sized oil spills per year. Major ports for petroleum entry are close to mangrove, seagrass and coral resources. Mangrove and coral habitats form important nurseries for fish and shrimp populations. The coral reefs and white sand beaches of the north and west coasts are the basis of the tourism industry, which generates $406 million U.S. dollars per year, and accounts for 55 percent of the island's foreign exchange earnings. Thus, protecting these resources from the effects of spilled oil is of priority to the government. Mechanical means are clearly not the solution in a variety of spills. Also, no maps exist to guide the on-scene coordinator (OSC) in oil spill management. To initiate a study of dispersed oil and formulate a command map, habitat-dispersed oil toxicity testing on three species of seagrasses, three indicator species of coral, and three mangroves has been conducted in Jamaica. Ten dispersants and their dispersed oil toxicity in these habitats will be ranked. In general, the coral toxicity parallels the seagrass response to the dispersants. Responses of the coral to intermediate toxicity dispersants differed widely. Black, white, and red mangroves also were tested. This is the first time comprehensive among-dispersant and among-species dispersant testing has been carried out in the tropics
Jamaica’s shoreline is at the intersection of five major petroleum tanker shipping routes, and is a cargo transshipment point for the Caribbean. The natural coastline resources are valuable economically, with two-thirds of exchange dollars coming through tourism associated with beaches, clear water, coral reefs, and nearshore fishing. The most thorough examination of the feasibility of using dispersants ever carried out in a developing nation has been undertaken. Dispersant toxicity of various species of critical matrix organisms has been carried out with an array of 12 dispersants. Corals, fish, seagrasses, and mangroves were tested. Toxic dispersants and three very low toxicity compounds were identified at concentrations ten times those likely to occur and ten times longer exposures. Thus, a safety factor was built in. A sensitivity map of the coastline was constructed. Simulations of “near-miss” tanker accidents were done manually with disperse and non-disperse options. A policy study of European and North American dispersant use was undertaken by the Office of Disaster Preparedness, the Coast Guard and the Oil Spill Committee. A draft policy was prepared for nontoxic dispersant use. The recommendations for use of nontoxic dispersants-with primarily coral reef and fish sensitivity as paramount concerns-are Cold Clean, Corexit 9550 and Finasol OSR7. Several European nations also have approved lists with Corexit 9550 (or allied products) and Finasol OSR-7. A computer simulation of all potential occurrences is the future goal
A summary is presented of a review of arctic offshore oilspill countermeasures which was prepared by Environment Canada as one of the 33 projects comprising the government/oil industry-funded Beaufort Sea Environmental Program, initiated in 1974 to assess the potential impact of exploratory drilling for oil from drillships in the southeastern Beaufort Sea in 1976. Preliminary findings also are included from a study utilizing ice-movement data to predict the fate of oil from an underwater oil and gas blowout in the Beaufort Sea ice transition zone between the stationary landfast ice and moving polar pack. From field work on ice porosity in 1976, it is surmised that most oil discharged under multi-year ice will likely migrate to the ice surface within one year during the summer and early fall months. An outline is given of arctic offshore oil spill countermeasures projects which have been initiated to develop efficient methods of combusting oil on ice; to evaluate the effectiveness, fate and effects of dispersants in cold sea water; to develop effective dispersant deployment methods in ice-infested waters; and to generate innovative ideas for containing oil from underwater blowouts
Flagellate communities contained in polyethylene bags 20 m deep and 1 m wide were exposed to oil (.5 l) and observed for effects of the pollutant. 100 ml of Corexit 9527 was added to oil and observed for effects compared to control and oiled bags. Dramatic effects were noticed in planktonic community structure, with colorless flagellates and coccoid Chlorophyceae dominating after exposure to the oil/dispersant mixture
The environmental fate of dispersed non-viscous crude oils has been investigated using a tritiated and a nonlabelled Ekofisk crude oil. Half a litre of the respective oils were poured onto the water surface of two large plastic enclosures sea water at 60° latitude north of Bergen, Norway during the month of June 1980. The resulting slicks were treated with a nonlabelled detergent Corexit 9527 24 h after the initial addition of the oil. Two replicate ecosystems without the added detergent served as control. A high concentration of polar petroleum-derived components exceeding the concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons several times has been found in the oil/dispersant enclosures, which together with transformation products of the dispersant Corexit 9527 have proved fairly toxic to several marine biota. Photo-oxidation of the oil/dispersant mixture has been invoked as a primary mechanism to explain the formation of polar substances being leached into the water column
Tests on dispersant effectiveness in cold water have been performed, for a number of years, using nonbreaking, regular waves in the Esso wave basin. Oil concentration measurements in the water column have been used to study the kinematics of oil dispersion under regular waves. Data analysis procedures are designed to determine, based on the concentration measurements, the rate of oil dispersion in both horizontal and vertical directions into the water column. Oil dispersion rates are used in a two-dimensional, kinematic, finite difference model to simulate the diffusion and advection of oil in water. The model predicts the amount of oil that dispersed and later resurfaced from the measured concentration history. Based on the model results, a material balance of the oil is obtained. Effectiveness of the dispersant is assessed by the amount of oil remaining after each test. Results of the data analysis provide an insight into the oil dispersion mechanism and a method of improving the accuracy of the numerical model. Effectiveness of different dispersants and different application methods may be compared using this methodology
The lethal concentrations of solvents (9 samples) and nonionic surfactants (16 samples) used as oil-spill emulsifiers were determined for 2 spp of marine phytoplankton by culture experiments with the following results. Of the test organisms used, Skeletonema costatum was 10 times or more sensitive than Nitzschia closterium to most of the samples. The toxicity of petroleum solvents was dependent on their aromatic content. The surfactants with hydrophobic groups such as alkyl phenol and secondary alcohol were highly toxic. The ester type surfactants were less toxic than the ether type ones. It was also ascertained that there is some relation between the toxicity and the HLB of non-ionic surfactants
Toxicic effects of mixtures of several oil products and oil-spill emulsifiers on the growth of a Skeletonema costatum was compared to effects of individual oil products and oil-spill emulsifiers. Results found that the toxicity of all the mixtures tested was much higher than that of individual oil-spill emulsifiers, but was similar to or slightly higher than that of the corresponding individual oil products
The lethal concentrations of 84 commercially produced oil-spill emulsifiers for marine phytoplankton were determined by culture experiments. The samples of oil-spill emulsifiers were collected in Aug. of 1971 (54 domestic and foreign products), 1973 (12 domestic products), 1974 (14 domestic products) and 1975 (4 foreign products). Among 3 spp of phytoplankton used as test organisms, Skeletonema costatum was the most sensitive, Nitzschia closterium moderately sensitive, and Chlamydomonas sp the least sensitive to the toxicity of oil-spill emulsifiers. The toxicity of oil-spill emulsifiers was reduced year after year due to the improvements in their components. The most recently produced oil-spill emulsifiers did not inhibit the growth of S. costatum at a concentration of 100ppm; moreover, some of them allowed the growth of this alga even at a concentration of 10,000ppm
Fish (trout and goldfish) were placed in treatment solutions of different water hardnesses containing ethoxylate (EO) detergents. Survival times were recorded, 14C-labelled EO was used to assess absorption. The toxicity of ethoxylates to fish acclimatised and treated in different water hardnesses, and the effect of cations on ethoxylate toxicity were also investigated, EO is slightly less toxic in hard water than in soft water. The hardness of the treatment solution has no marked influence on the amount of EO absorbed by the fish. Evidence suggests that there is little relationship between the composition of cations constituting a particular hardness and the toxicity of EO. Acclimatisation in different water hardnesses does not affect the susceptibility of fish to nonionic ethoxylate detergents
Bioassays on freshwater and saltwater species in larval (Pacific oyster) and young (Coho salmon, steelhead) stages were undertaken to establish toxicity levels for 11 oil dispersants. In addition, dispersing evaluation experiments were also carried out for dissemination to organizations involved in combating oil spills in the Pacific Northwest. Based on the results, dispersants were ranked according to toxic threat to marine organisms and also to dispersing efficiency
This chapter summarizes data on the effect of oil dispersion on the potential of natural microbial population to metabolize petroleum hydrocarbons. The work is a portion of a larger project to assess dispersant treated vs. untreated oil spills in marine environments. The introduction of oil or dispersed oil into seawater did not invoke a significant increase in the size of the heterotrophic population of the seawater, but did result in an enrichment for hydrocarbon utilizers except at very low temperatures. Whereas the percentage changes associated with the enrichment was great, the increases in real numbers of hydrocarbon utilizers was minor and apparently have little effect on hydrocarbon turnover values. The hypothesis by Stevenson (1978) of physiological dormancy in bacteria suspended in water may account for the unexpected minimum responses of the seawater populations to oil and dispersed oil. The hypothesis does not imply no metabolic activity, but rather a state below maximum potential because of nutrient limitation and physical stresses
The dispersant Corexit 9527 was found to enhance bacterial metabolism of Kuwait and South Louisiana crude oils as well as pure hydrocarbons in nonmechanicaly agitated seawater systems. Oxygen depletion, measured by a modification of the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) method, was used to determine the rate of substrate and mixed substrates oxidation by raw seawater populations of bacteria. This method demonstrated significantly increased oxidation of crude oil treated with dispersants. Mineralization studies with 14C labeled hydrocarbon, substantiated the BOD results and also indicated that alkanes were metabolized prior to aromatic compounds in crude oils
A method is described for making dispersant-use decisions based on environmental impact considerations. The method involves predicting the impact of a given spill if treated with dispersants and comparing it with the effects of the same spill if left untreated. The method has been tested and revised in numerous workshops in Canada and the U.S.A. and has been developed in the form of a workbook entitled "Workbook on Dispersant-Use Decision-Making: The Environmental Impact Aspects" (Trudel et al., 1983). This system has been used to train decision-makers, scientists, and managers in the environmental protection aspects of dispersant use and has also served as the basis for the development of a quick, map-based, decision-making system for the Canadian Beaufort Sea
An ecological impact model, designed to estimate the impact of chemically treated and untreated oil spills on seabirds and fish, was developed to aid dispersant-use decision-making. Impact was defined as the proportion of the animal population killed and the length of time required for that population to recover to its prespill condition. Subroutines dealt with the fate of oil, the toxicity of spilled oil, the concentration of organisms at the location of the spill, and the recovery potential of the target population. The model was site-specific. The paper describes briefly the structure and operation of the model, but most of the discussion deals with the modeling of eco-toxicity. The model uses information on oil fate and the sensitivity of organisms to compute the size and location of lethal areas. For fish, the dose of hydrocarbons reaching the organism's tissues is estimated to determine whether this dose is lethal or not. For seabirds, it was assumed that any contact between seabirds and the oil slick would be lethal. Our findings suggest that for some situations, chemically dispersed oil might have a greater area of effect and greater environmental impact than undispersed oil. More important, the area of effect of large oil spills, whether treated or not, may be very small relative to the area over which target populations are distributed. Estimates of the size of the zone of lethal conditions made using the exposure dose-response method developed here were similar to those obtained using other methods such as the critical-peak-exposure concentration method and the integrated exposure (Toxicity Index) method
A method for making dispersant use decisions on the basis of environmental impact considerations has been developed. It involves formulating and then comparing predications of the impact of a given spill if treated with dispersants or if left untreated in order to determine whether the use of dispersants might reduce the overall effects of the spill. A workbook describing the method has been used in numerous workshops in Canada and the U.S.A. to train environmental managers, and has served as a basis for the development of a quick, map-based, decision-making system for the Canadian Beaufort Sea. A similar system is currently being developed for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
A microcomputer based spill impact assessment system has been developed and applied to the problem of making oil spill impact predictions and real-time dispersant use decisions for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic coast of Florida. The system predicts the effects of chemically-dispersed and untreated spills on 70 important resources, including oil-sensitive habitats (salt marsh, coral reef) ecologically and economically important species, and shorelines and property. Impact is estimated by means of a model that integrates the effects of such variables as spill conditions, oil properties, environmental conditions, oil toxicity and resource vulnerability. When used for decision making on dispersant use, the system computes the risk to all or a selected group of resources for a given spill when the spill is treated with dispersants (assuming complete or partial dispersant effectiveness) and when the spill is left untreated. The system produces a tabular summary of quantitative risk estimated for each resource for each countermeasure strategy. To be effective in making real-time management decisions for spills, the system completes its analysis quickly (in less than one hour for any given spill), is “user-friendly”, and yields detailed information on a resource-specific impact calculations that are essential for real-time verification of predicted spill effects. The system has been developed in cooperation with environmental regulation and resource management agencies in the states of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, and with federal government agencies (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Minerals Management Service, and the U.S. Coast Guard), and has been funded by the Marine Industry Group
This study compared dispersant performance at the U.S. Minerals Management Service facility, Ohmsett, with dispersant performance at sea. In 2003, at-sea dispersant tests were conducted in the United Kingdom with Intermediate Fuel Oils (IFO) of differing viscosities aimed at determining the viscosity of oil that limits chemical dispersion. These tests were repeated at Ohmsett using identical combinations of oils, dispersants and DORs. The at-sea tests showed that the oil viscosity limit for dispersion at relatively low wave energies (winds = 7 to 14 knots) lay in the range between the viscosities of IFO 180 (viscosity = 2075 cP at 16°C) and IFO 380 (viscosity = 7100 cP at 16°C). tests at Ohmsett at a wave paddle frequency of 33.3 cpm were consistent with this finding. These tests also suggested that “limiting viscosity” is not a single value, but is a variable that is influenced by wave energy and dispersant type. Results also showed that Ohmsett tests at a wave paddle frequency of 33.3 cycles per minute (cpm) produced levels of effectiveness somewhat higher than at sea while tests 30 cpm waves produced results that were lower than at sea. Tests in 33.3-cpm waves showed effects of dispersant type on dispersant performance that were consistent with those observed at sea
A decade ago, Alaska became the first region in the United States to implement detailed dispersant use guidelines and to develop a system for making dispersant use decisions rapidly. Currently, within the state, there exists the largest single dispersant response capability in the U.S., and preparations are in place to use this capability when needed. Recognizing that there has been considerable progress in dispersant knowledge over the intervening ten years and that certain stakeholder groups have expressed concerns over the potential effectiveness of dispersants and the environmental risks associated with their use, a group of stakeholder organizations sponsored a conference to review the new information and reassess these issues. The sponsors included the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Alyeska Pipeline Services/SERVS, Prince William Sound Regional Citizens' Advisory Council, Prince William Sound Oil Spill Recovery Institute, and the U.S. Coast Guard. From a technical perspective, the conference focused on four aspects of dispersant use in Prince William Sound (PWS), Alaska: 1) the potential effectiveness of available dispersant products against Alaska North Slope crude oil under the range of environmental conditions that exist in PWS; 2) the potential short- and long-term fate of chemically dispersed oil in the Sound's deep, basin-like fjord system; 3) the state of knowledge concerning environmental risks and trade-offs associated with dispersant use in PWS; and 4) the needs and methods for monitoring the effectiveness and environmental effects of dispersant operations. This paper synthesizes information concerning the major issues as identified and discussed by conference participants
Models were used to establish weathering characteristics of 28 types of oils found in the Gulf of Mexico. The modeling studies found that about 85% of the oils weathered at a sufficiently long enough timeframe to allow dispersant operations within a few days. Maximum theoretical delivery capacities of dispersants were estimated for various aircraft, including C-130s, DC-3s and DC-4s, with operational distances and hours of direct application factored
This paper examined various concerns specific to California, including the dispersibility of local and imported oils, California response resources capabilities in acting against typical spills, limiting effects of the offshore physical environment, and environmental issues, in evaluating dispersant use as a part of a comprehensive response plan. Chemical dispersants offered net environmental benefits, especially when used against fresh spills from tankers. Authors stress that dispersants should be considered in the coastal zone, including nearshore areas, for dispersable spills
This paper describes two comprehensive technical assessments of potential dispersant use in the Gulf of Mexico Program (GOMR) and Pacific Outer Continental Shelf Region (POCSR). The assessments considered both operational and environmental issues. Spill scenarios currently used for spill response planning or environmental impact assessments were analyzed. Dispersability of oils and “time windows” (TWs) for dispersant operations were assessed for GOMR- and POSCR-produced crude oils, as well as for oils imported into California. The TWs were estimated by oil fate modeling. It was found that most of the GOMR-produced oils for which data were available are light and dispersable when fresh. By contrast, only a few of the POSCR produced oils appear to be dispersable. The situation for oils imported into California is more favorable, as over 50% of crude oil volume imported annually is comprised of oils with adequate TWs. Logistic capacities of various dispersant application platforms were analyzed. Net environmental benefit (NEB) of dispersants was determined by analyzing a number of spill scenarios. Impact and NEB were estimated using models of oil fate, trajectory and environmental impact, combined with resource vulnerability databases. In the NEB-GOMR analysis, dispersants offered a clear net environmental benefit in every scenario. The NEB-POSCR analysis yielded similar conclusions, even though the study involved more complex scenarios
This database consists of citations found in journals, conference proceedings, government reports and gray literature covering over 40 years of published research on oil spill dispersants. Citations were collected from 1960 through June 2008. This bibliography was compiled and edited by John Conover, Associate Librarian at LUMCON, and funded by a grant from the Louisiana Applied and Educational Oil Spill Research and Development Program (OSRADP).
Quarterly Issues
- Biology
- Ecological, anatomical, and physiological effects of oil and/or gas, Species as biomarkers, PAH uptake and bioaccumulation, etc.
- Chemistry/Geochemistry/Geology
- Biochemistry, Biodegradation, Bioremediation, Hydrocarbon degradation, Environmental sampling, Soil contamination, etc.
- Engineering/Physics
- Technological advancements in facility/equipment design and use, Spill response and recovery equipment, Physical properties of oil and gas, etc.
- Environment/Ecosystem Management/Spills
- Environmental assessment and management, Oil and/or gas spill description and analysis, etc.
- Socioeconomic/Regulation/General
- Social and economic ramifications, Politics, Governmental policy and legislation, Organizational policy, General interest, etc.
This bibliography is a quarterly compilation of current publications (citations with abstracts) from a wide variety of electronic and print information sources relating to offshore oil and gas development. It is compiled and edited by John Conover, Associate Librarian at LUMCON. Items listed may or may not be available at the LUMCON Library. Items without annotations were unavailable for perusal prior to publication.
All questions about using library facilities, locating library resources, or searching LUMCON catalogs should be directed to the Librarian.