LUMCON’s Environmental Monitoring Program Featured in Article
A local research center has added a new environmental monitoring station at Port Fourchon. This station joins two others in a network that’s collecting data along the central Louisiana coast.
LUMCON’s DeFelice Marine Center Featured in Times-Picayune Article
On a thin strip of land in Terrebonne Parish, researchers with the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium study the problems facing coastal Louisiana, the Gulf of Mexico and ocean ecosystems. But with its location outside the levee system, the marine lab has become ground zero for the very issues it is tasked with studying.
Land-building in a river delta can help reduce carbon dioxide emissions
LUMCON's Alex Kolker is on a team that recently used new techniques to measure carbon buried by land-forming in a river delta. Their calculations put carbon storage at 150% to 1000% higher than traditional estimates.
LUMCON researchers receive $4.8M grant
The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative recently awarded $4.8 million in funding to sustain the Coastal Waters Consortium, led by Dr. Nancy Rabalais and including Dr. Brian Roberts, for two years.
LUMCON researchers receive $2.1M grant
Dr. Brian Roberts and Dr. Nancy Rabalais are Co-Principal Investigators on a team recently awarded $2,057,684 to study marsh restoration in Louisiana. This project will provide new information describing how restored marshes function.